2 Chronicles

Chapter 28

1 Ahaz271 was twenty6242 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 sixteen8337 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem:3389 but he did6213 not3808 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 like David1732 his father: 1

2 For he walked1980 in the ways1870 of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 and made6213 also1571 molten images4541 for Baalim.1168

3 Moreover he1931 burnt incense6999 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom,2011 and burnt1197 853 his children1121 in the fire,784 after the abominations8441 of the heathen1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had cast out3423 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

4 He sacrificed2076 also and burnt incense6999 in the high places,1116 and on5921 the hills,1389 and under8478 every3605 green7488 tree.6086

5 Wherefore the LORD3068 his God430 delivered5414 him into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Syria;758 and they smote5221 him, and carried away7617 a great1419 multitude of4480 them captives,7633 and brought935 them to Damascus.1834 And he was also1571 delivered5414 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Israel,3478 who smote5221 him with a great1419 slaughter.4347

6 For Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 slew2026 in Judah3063 a hundred3967 and twenty6242 thousand505 in one259 day,3117 which were all3605 valiant men;1121 2428 because they had forsaken5800 853 the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers.1

7 And Zichri,2147 a mighty man1368 of Ephraim,669 slew2026 853 Maaseiah4641 the king's4428 son,1121 and Azrikam5840 the governor5057 of the house,1004 and Elkanah511 that was next4932 to the king.4428

8 And the children1121 of Israel3478 carried away captive7617 of their brethren4480 251 two hundred3967 thousand,505 women,802 sons,1121 and daughters,1323 and took also away962 1571 much7227 spoil7998 from4480 them, and brought935 853 the spoil7998 to Samaria.8111

9 But a prophet5030 of the LORD3068 was1961 there,8033 whose name8034 was Oded:5752 and he went out3318 before6440 the host6635 that came935 to Samaria,8111 and said559 unto them, Behold,2009 because the LORD3068 God430 of your fathers1 was wroth2534 with5921 Judah,3063 he hath delivered5414 them into your hand,3027 and ye have slain2026 them in a rage2197 that reacheth up5060 unto5704 heaven.8064

10 And now6258 ye859 purpose559 to keep under3533 the children1121 of Judah3063 and Jerusalem3389 for bondmen5650 and bondwomen8198 unto you: but are there not3808 with5973 you, even7535 with you,859 sins819 against the LORD3068 your God?430

11 Now6258 hear8085 me therefore, and deliver7725 the captives7633 again, which834 ye have taken captive7617 of your brethren:4480 251 for3588 the fierce2740 wrath639 of the LORD3068 is upon5921 you.

12 Then certain376 of the heads4480 7218 of the children1121 of Ephraim,669 Azariah5838 the son1121 of Johanan,3076 Berechiah1296 the son1121 of Meshillemoth,4919 and Jehizkiah3169 the son1121 of Shallum,7967 and Amasa6021 the son1121 of Hadlai,2311 stood up6965 against5921 them that came935 from4480 the war,6635

13 And said559 unto them, Ye shall not3808 bring in935 853 the captives7633 hither:2008 for whereas3588 we have offended against819 5921 the LORD3068 already, ye859 intend559 to add3254 more to5921 our sins2403 and to5921 our trespass:819 for3588 our trespass819 is great,7227 and there is fierce2740 wrath639 against5921 Israel.3478

14 So the armed men2502 left5800 853 the captives7633 and the spoil961 before6440 the princes8269 and all3605 the congregation.6951

15 And the men376 which834 were expressed5344 by name8034 rose up,6965 and took2388 the captives,7633 and with4480 the spoil7998 clothed3847 all3605 that were naked4636 among them, and arrayed3847 them, and shod5274 them, and gave them to eat398 and to drink,8248 and anointed5480 them, and carried5095 all3605 the feeble3782 of them upon asses,2543 and brought935 them to Jericho,3405 the city of palm trees,5899 to681 their brethren:251 then they returned7725 to Samaria.8111

16 At that1931 time6256 did king4428 Ahaz271 send7971 unto5921 the kings4428 of Assyria804 to help5826 him.

17 For again5750 the Edomites130 had come935 and smitten5221 Judah,3063 and carried away7617 captives.7628

18 The Philistines6430 also had invaded6584 the cities5892 of the low country,8219 and of the south5045 of Judah,3063 and had taken3920 853 Beth-shemesh,1053 and Ajalon,357 and Gederoth,1450 and Shocho7755 with the villages1323 thereof, and Timnah8553 with the villages1323 thereof, Gimzo1579 also and the villages1323 thereof: and they dwelt3427 there.8033

19 For3588 the LORD3068 brought3665 853 Judah3063 low because of5668 Ahaz271 king4428 of Israel;3478 for3588 he made Judah naked,6544 3063 and transgressed4603 sore4604 against the LORD.3068

20 And Tiglath-pileser8407 king4428 of Assyria804 came935 unto5921 him, and distressed6696 him, but strengthened2388 him not.3808

21 For3588 Ahaz271 took away a portion2505 out of853 the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and out of the house1004 of the king,4428 and of the princes,8269 and gave5414 it unto the king4428 of Assyria:804 but he helped5833 him not.3808

22 And in the time6256 of his distress6887 did he trespass4603 yet more3254 against the LORD:3068 this1931 is that king4428 Ahaz.271

23 For he sacrificed2076 unto the gods430 of Damascus,1834 which smote5221 him: and he said,559 Because3588 the gods430 of the kings4428 of Syria758 help5826 them, therefore will I sacrifice2076 to them, that they may help5826 me. But they1992 were1961 the ruin3782 of him, and of all3605 Israel.3478

24 And Ahaz271 gathered together622 853 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 and cut in pieces7112 853 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 and shut up5462 853 the doors1817 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and he made6213 him altars4196 in every3605 corner6438 of Jerusalem.3389

25 And in every3605 several city5892 5892 of Judah3063 he made6213 high places1116 to burn incense6999 unto other312 gods,430 and provoked to anger3707 853 the LORD3068 God430 of his fathers.1

26 Now the rest3499 of his acts1697 and of all3605 his ways,1870 first7223 and last,314 behold,2009 they are written3789 in5921 the book5612 of the kings4428 of Judah3063 and Israel.3478

27 And Ahaz271 slept7901 with5973 his fathers,1 and they buried6912 him in the city,5892 even in Jerusalem:3389 but3588 they brought935 him not3808 into the sepulchers6913 of the kings4428 of Israel:3478 and Hezekiah3169 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478



1 亞哈斯登基的時候年二十歲,在耶路撒冷作王十六年;他卻[but he]不像他祖大衛行耶和華眼中看為正的事;

2 因他[For he]行以色列諸王的道,又鑄造眾巴力[Baalim]的像。

3 並且在欣嫩子谷燒香,用火焚燒他的兒女,行耶和華在以色列人面前所驅逐的異教之民[heathen]那可憎的事。

4[He]眾高邱[high places]、山岡上、各青翠樹下獻祭燒香。

5 所以,耶和華─他的神將他交在敘利亞王手裏。敘利亞王打敗他,擄了他許多的民,帶到大馬士革去。神又將他交在以色列王手裏,以色列王向他大行殺戮。

6 利瑪利的兒子比加在猶大一日殺了十二萬[slew in Judah an hundred and twenty thousand in one day],都是勇士;因為他們離棄了耶和華─他們列祖的神。

7 有一個以法蓮中的勇士,名叫細基利,殺了王的兒子瑪西雅和管理王宮的押斯利甘,並宰相以利加拿。

8 以色列人擄了他們的弟兄,連婦人帶兒女共有二十萬,又掠了許多的財物,帶到撒瑪利亞去了。

9 但那裏有耶和華的一個先知,名叫俄德;[he]出來迎接往撒瑪利亞去的軍兵,對他們說:「看哪[Behold],因為耶和華─你們列祖的神惱怒猶大[Judah],所以將他們交在你們手裏,你們竟怒氣沖天,大行殺戮。

10 如今你們又有意強逼猶大人和耶路撒冷人作你們的奴婢,你們豈不也有得罪耶和華─你們神的事嗎?

11 現在你們當聽我說,要將擄來的弟兄釋放回去,因為耶和華向你們已經大發烈怒。」

12 於是,以法蓮人的幾個族長─就是約哈難的兒子亞撒利雅、米實利末的兒子比利家、沙龍的兒子耶希西家、哈得萊的兒子亞瑪撒─起來攔擋出兵回來的人,

13 對他們說:「你們不可帶進這被擄的人來;我們已[whereas we have]得罪耶和華,你們還想要[ye intend to]加增我們的罪惡過犯;因為我們的罪過甚大,已經有烈怒臨到以色列[Israel]了。」

14 於是帶兵器的人將擄來的人口和掠來的財物都留在眾首領和會眾的面前。

15 以上提名的那些人就站起,使被擄的人前來;其中有赤身的,就從所掠的財物中拿出衣服和鞋來,給他們穿,又給他們吃喝,用膏抹他們;其中有軟弱的,就使他們騎驢,送到棕樹城耶利哥他們弟兄那裏;隨後就回撒瑪利亞去了。

16 那時,亞哈斯王差遣人去見亞述諸王,求他們幫助;

17 因為以東人又來攻擊猶大,擄掠子民。

18 非利士人也來侵佔低地[low country]和猶大南方的城邑,取了伯.示麥、亞雅崙、基低羅,梭哥和屬梭哥的鄉村,亭拿和屬亭納的鄉村,瑾鎖和屬瑾鎖的鄉村,就住在那裏。

19 耶和華因以色列王亞哈斯的緣故使猶大卑微:因他使猶大赤身露體,大大干犯耶和華[For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the LORD]

20 亞述王提革拉.毗尼色上來,卻沒有幫助他,反倒欺凌他。

21 亞哈斯從耶和華殿裏和王宮中,並首領家內所取的財寶給了亞述王,這也無濟於事。

22 這亞哈斯王在急難的時候,越發得罪耶和華。

23 他祭祀攻擊他的大馬士革之眾神,說:「因為敘利亞王的眾神幫助他們,我也獻祭與他,他好幫助我。」但那些神使他和以色列眾人敗亡了。

24 亞哈斯將神殿裏的器皿都聚了來,將神殿裏的器皿都砍碎[cut in pieces the vessels of the house of God]了,且封鎖耶和華殿的門;在耶路撒冷各處的拐角建築祭壇,

25 又在猶大各城建立眾高邱向[high places to]眾別神燒香,惹動耶和華─他列祖神的怒氣。

26 亞哈斯其餘的事和他的行為,自始至終都[behold]寫在猶大和以色列諸王記上。

27 亞哈斯與他列祖同睡,葬在耶路撒冷城裏,沒有送入以色列諸王的墳墓中。他兒子希西家接續他作王。

2 Chronicles

Chapter 28



1 Ahaz271 was twenty6242 years8141 old1121 when he began to reign,4427 and he reigned4427 sixteen8337 6240 years8141 in Jerusalem:3389 but he did6213 not3808 that which was right3477 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 like David1732 his father: 1

1 亞哈斯登基的時候年二十歲,在耶路撒冷作王十六年;他卻[but he]不像他祖大衛行耶和華眼中看為正的事;

2 For he walked1980 in the ways1870 of the kings4428 of Israel,3478 and made6213 also1571 molten images4541 for Baalim.1168

2 因他[For he]行以色列諸王的道,又鑄造眾巴力[Baalim]的像。

3 Moreover he1931 burnt incense6999 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom,2011 and burnt1197 853 his children1121 in the fire,784 after the abominations8441 of the heathen1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had cast out3423 before4480 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478

3 並且在欣嫩子谷燒香,用火焚燒他的兒女,行耶和華在以色列人面前所驅逐的異教之民[heathen]那可憎的事。

4 He sacrificed2076 also and burnt incense6999 in the high places,1116 and on5921 the hills,1389 and under8478 every3605 green7488 tree.6086

4[He]眾高邱[high places]、山岡上、各青翠樹下獻祭燒香。

5 Wherefore the LORD3068 his God430 delivered5414 him into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Syria;758 and they smote5221 him, and carried away7617 a great1419 multitude of4480 them captives,7633 and brought935 them to Damascus.1834 And he was also1571 delivered5414 into the hand3027 of the king4428 of Israel,3478 who smote5221 him with a great1419 slaughter.4347

5 所以,耶和華─他的神將他交在敘利亞王手裏。敘利亞王打敗他,擄了他許多的民,帶到大馬士革去。神又將他交在以色列王手裏,以色列王向他大行殺戮。

6 For Pekah6492 the son1121 of Remaliah7425 slew2026 in Judah3063 a hundred3967 and twenty6242 thousand505 in one259 day,3117 which were all3605 valiant men;1121 2428 because they had forsaken5800 853 the LORD3068 God430 of their fathers.1

6 利瑪利的兒子比加在猶大一日殺了十二萬[slew in Judah an hundred and twenty thousand in one day],都是勇士;因為他們離棄了耶和華─他們列祖的神。

7 And Zichri,2147 a mighty man1368 of Ephraim,669 slew2026 853 Maaseiah4641 the king's4428 son,1121 and Azrikam5840 the governor5057 of the house,1004 and Elkanah511 that was next4932 to the king.4428

7 有一個以法蓮中的勇士,名叫細基利,殺了王的兒子瑪西雅和管理王宮的押斯利甘,並宰相以利加拿。

8 And the children1121 of Israel3478 carried away captive7617 of their brethren4480 251 two hundred3967 thousand,505 women,802 sons,1121 and daughters,1323 and took also away962 1571 much7227 spoil7998 from4480 them, and brought935 853 the spoil7998 to Samaria.8111

8 以色列人擄了他們的弟兄,連婦人帶兒女共有二十萬,又掠了許多的財物,帶到撒瑪利亞去了。

9 But a prophet5030 of the LORD3068 was1961 there,8033 whose name8034 was Oded:5752 and he went out3318 before6440 the host6635 that came935 to Samaria,8111 and said559 unto them, Behold,2009 because the LORD3068 God430 of your fathers1 was wroth2534 with5921 Judah,3063 he hath delivered5414 them into your hand,3027 and ye have slain2026 them in a rage2197 that reacheth up5060 unto5704 heaven.8064

9 但那裏有耶和華的一個先知,名叫俄德;[he]出來迎接往撒瑪利亞去的軍兵,對他們說:「看哪[Behold],因為耶和華─你們列祖的神惱怒猶大[Judah],所以將他們交在你們手裏,你們竟怒氣沖天,大行殺戮。

10 And now6258 ye859 purpose559 to keep under3533 the children1121 of Judah3063 and Jerusalem3389 for bondmen5650 and bondwomen8198 unto you: but are there not3808 with5973 you, even7535 with you,859 sins819 against the LORD3068 your God?430

10 如今你們又有意強逼猶大人和耶路撒冷人作你們的奴婢,你們豈不也有得罪耶和華─你們神的事嗎?

11 Now6258 hear8085 me therefore, and deliver7725 the captives7633 again, which834 ye have taken captive7617 of your brethren:4480 251 for3588 the fierce2740 wrath639 of the LORD3068 is upon5921 you.

11 現在你們當聽我說,要將擄來的弟兄釋放回去,因為耶和華向你們已經大發烈怒。」

12 Then certain376 of the heads4480 7218 of the children1121 of Ephraim,669 Azariah5838 the son1121 of Johanan,3076 Berechiah1296 the son1121 of Meshillemoth,4919 and Jehizkiah3169 the son1121 of Shallum,7967 and Amasa6021 the son1121 of Hadlai,2311 stood up6965 against5921 them that came935 from4480 the war,6635

12 於是,以法蓮人的幾個族長─就是約哈難的兒子亞撒利雅、米實利末的兒子比利家、沙龍的兒子耶希西家、哈得萊的兒子亞瑪撒─起來攔擋出兵回來的人,

13 And said559 unto them, Ye shall not3808 bring in935 853 the captives7633 hither:2008 for whereas3588 we have offended against819 5921 the LORD3068 already, ye859 intend559 to add3254 more to5921 our sins2403 and to5921 our trespass:819 for3588 our trespass819 is great,7227 and there is fierce2740 wrath639 against5921 Israel.3478

13 對他們說:「你們不可帶進這被擄的人來;我們已[whereas we have]得罪耶和華,你們還想要[ye intend to]加增我們的罪惡過犯;因為我們的罪過甚大,已經有烈怒臨到以色列[Israel]了。」

14 So the armed men2502 left5800 853 the captives7633 and the spoil961 before6440 the princes8269 and all3605 the congregation.6951

14 於是帶兵器的人將擄來的人口和掠來的財物都留在眾首領和會眾的面前。

15 And the men376 which834 were expressed5344 by name8034 rose up,6965 and took2388 the captives,7633 and with4480 the spoil7998 clothed3847 all3605 that were naked4636 among them, and arrayed3847 them, and shod5274 them, and gave them to eat398 and to drink,8248 and anointed5480 them, and carried5095 all3605 the feeble3782 of them upon asses,2543 and brought935 them to Jericho,3405 the city of palm trees,5899 to681 their brethren:251 then they returned7725 to Samaria.8111

15 以上提名的那些人就站起,使被擄的人前來;其中有赤身的,就從所掠的財物中拿出衣服和鞋來,給他們穿,又給他們吃喝,用膏抹他們;其中有軟弱的,就使他們騎驢,送到棕樹城耶利哥他們弟兄那裏;隨後就回撒瑪利亞去了。

16 At that1931 time6256 did king4428 Ahaz271 send7971 unto5921 the kings4428 of Assyria804 to help5826 him.

16 那時,亞哈斯王差遣人去見亞述諸王,求他們幫助;

17 For again5750 the Edomites130 had come935 and smitten5221 Judah,3063 and carried away7617 captives.7628

17 因為以東人又來攻擊猶大,擄掠子民。

18 The Philistines6430 also had invaded6584 the cities5892 of the low country,8219 and of the south5045 of Judah,3063 and had taken3920 853 Beth-shemesh,1053 and Ajalon,357 and Gederoth,1450 and Shocho7755 with the villages1323 thereof, and Timnah8553 with the villages1323 thereof, Gimzo1579 also and the villages1323 thereof: and they dwelt3427 there.8033

18 非利士人也來侵佔低地[low country]和猶大南方的城邑,取了伯.示麥、亞雅崙、基低羅,梭哥和屬梭哥的鄉村,亭拿和屬亭納的鄉村,瑾鎖和屬瑾鎖的鄉村,就住在那裏。

19 For3588 the LORD3068 brought3665 853 Judah3063 low because of5668 Ahaz271 king4428 of Israel;3478 for3588 he made Judah naked,6544 3063 and transgressed4603 sore4604 against the LORD.3068

19 耶和華因以色列王亞哈斯的緣故使猶大卑微:因他使猶大赤身露體,大大干犯耶和華[For the LORD brought Judah low because of Ahaz king of Israel; for he made Judah naked, and transgressed sore against the LORD]

20 And Tiglath-pileser8407 king4428 of Assyria804 came935 unto5921 him, and distressed6696 him, but strengthened2388 him not.3808

20 亞述王提革拉.毗尼色上來,卻沒有幫助他,反倒欺凌他。

21 For3588 Ahaz271 took away a portion2505 out of853 the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and out of the house1004 of the king,4428 and of the princes,8269 and gave5414 it unto the king4428 of Assyria:804 but he helped5833 him not.3808

21 亞哈斯從耶和華殿裏和王宮中,並首領家內所取的財寶給了亞述王,這也無濟於事。

22 And in the time6256 of his distress6887 did he trespass4603 yet more3254 against the LORD:3068 this1931 is that king4428 Ahaz.271

22 這亞哈斯王在急難的時候,越發得罪耶和華。

23 For he sacrificed2076 unto the gods430 of Damascus,1834 which smote5221 him: and he said,559 Because3588 the gods430 of the kings4428 of Syria758 help5826 them, therefore will I sacrifice2076 to them, that they may help5826 me. But they1992 were1961 the ruin3782 of him, and of all3605 Israel.3478

23 他祭祀攻擊他的大馬士革之眾神,說:「因為敘利亞王的眾神幫助他們,我也獻祭與他,他好幫助我。」但那些神使他和以色列眾人敗亡了。

24 And Ahaz271 gathered together622 853 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 and cut in pieces7112 853 the vessels3627 of the house1004 of God,430 and shut up5462 853 the doors1817 of the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and he made6213 him altars4196 in every3605 corner6438 of Jerusalem.3389

24 亞哈斯將神殿裏的器皿都聚了來,將神殿裏的器皿都砍碎[cut in pieces the vessels of the house of God]了,且封鎖耶和華殿的門;在耶路撒冷各處的拐角建築祭壇,

25 And in every3605 several city5892 5892 of Judah3063 he made6213 high places1116 to burn incense6999 unto other312 gods,430 and provoked to anger3707 853 the LORD3068 God430 of his fathers.1

25 又在猶大各城建立眾高邱向[high places to]眾別神燒香,惹動耶和華─他列祖神的怒氣。

26 Now the rest3499 of his acts1697 and of all3605 his ways,1870 first7223 and last,314 behold,2009 they are written3789 in5921 the book5612 of the kings4428 of Judah3063 and Israel.3478

26 亞哈斯其餘的事和他的行為,自始至終都[behold]寫在猶大和以色列諸王記上。

27 And Ahaz271 slept7901 with5973 his fathers,1 and they buried6912 him in the city,5892 even in Jerusalem:3389 but3588 they brought935 him not3808 into the sepulchers6913 of the kings4428 of Israel:3478 and Hezekiah3169 his son1121 reigned4427 in his stead.8478

27 亞哈斯與他列祖同睡,葬在耶路撒冷城裏,沒有送入以色列諸王的墳墓中。他兒子希西家接續他作王。