
Chapter 1

1 SINCE many have desired to have in writing the story of those works, with which we are familiar,

2 According to what was handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of that very word,

3 And since these were seen by me also because I was near and considered them all very carefully, I will therefore write to you everything in its order, most honorable Theophilus,

4 So that you may know the truth of the words, by which you were made a convert.

5 There was in the days of Herod, king of Judaea, a priest whose name was Zacharias, of the order of ministry of the house of Abijah; and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.

6 They were both righteous before God, and walked in all his commandments, and in the righteousness of the Lord without blame.

7 But they had no son, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well on in years.

8 And it happened, while he was ministering in the order of his ministry before God,

9 According to the custom of the priesthood, his turn came to burn incense; so he entered the temple of the Lord.

10 And all the congregation of the people prayed outside, at the time of incense.

11 And the angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias, standing on the right of the altar of incense.

12 And when Zacharias saw him he became dumbfounded, and fear came upon him.

13 And the angel said to him, Fear not, Zacharias; for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John.

14 And you will have joy and gladness; and a great many will rejoice at his birth.

15 For he will be great before the Lord, and he will not drink wine and strong drink; and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, while he is still in the womb of his mother.

16 And many Israelites he will cause to turn to the Lord their God.

17 And he will go before them with the spirit and the power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of parents to their children, and those who are disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous; and he will prepare a true people for the Lord.

18 And Zacharias said to the angel, How will I understand this? for I am an old man, and my wife is well on in years.

19 And the angel answered, saying to him, I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God; and I am sent to speak to you, and to bring you these glad tidings.

20 From henceforth you will be dumb, and not able to speak, till the day these things happen, because you did not believe these my words which are to be fulfilled in their time.

21 Now the people stood waiting for Zacharias, and wondered because he remained so long in the temple.

22 When Zacharias came out, he could not speak with them; and they understood that he had seen a vision in the temple; and he made signs to them with his eyes, but remained dumb.

23 And when the days of his ministry were finished, he went to his house.

24 And it happened after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived, and hid herself for five months; and she said,

25 The Lord has done these things to me in the days that he has been mindful of me, to remove my reproach among men.

26 Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to Galilee, to a city called Nazareth,

27 To a virgin who was acquired for a price for a man named Joseph, of the house of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary.

28 And the angel went in and said to her, Peace be to you, O full of grace; our Lord is with you, O blessed one among women.

29 When she saw him, she was disturbed at his word, and wondered what kind of salutation this could be.

30 And the angel said to her, Fear not, Mary; for you have found grace with God.

31 For behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call his name Jesus.

32 He will be great, and he will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.

33 And he will rule over the house of Jacob for ever; and there will be no limit to his kingdom.

34 Then Mary said to the angel, How can this be, for no man has known me.

35 The angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come, and the power of the Highest will rest upon you; therefore the one who is to be born of you is holy, and he will be called the Son of God.

36 And behold, Elizabeth your kinswoman has also conceived a son in her old age; and yet this is the sixth month with her, who is called barren.

37 For nothing is impossible for God.

38 Mary said, Here I am, a handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. And the angel went away from her.

39 In those days, Mary rose up, and went hurriedly to a mountain, to a city of Judaea.

40 And she entered the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth.

41 And when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

42 And she cried in a loud voice, and said to Mary, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

43 How does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

44 For behold, when the voice of your salutation fell on my ears, the babe in my womb leaped with great joy.

45 And blessed is she who believed; for there will be a fulfillment of the things which were spoken to her from the Lord.

46 And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord,

47 And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.

48 For he has regarded the meekness of his handmaid; for behold, from henceforth, all generations shall envy me.

49 For he who is mighty has done great things to me; holy is his name.

50 And his mercy is for centuries and generations, upon those who fear him.

51 He has brought victory with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their heart.

52 He has put down the mighty from their seats, and he has lifted up the meek.

53 He has filled the hungry with good things; and dismissed the rich empty.

54 He has helped his servant Israel, and has remembered his mercy,

55 Just as he spoke with our forefathers, with Abraham, and with his seed for ever.

56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her own home.

57 Now the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered, and she gave birth to a son.

58 And when her neighbors and relatives heard that God had increased his mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.

59 And it happened on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the boy; and they would have called him Zacharias, after the name of his father.

60 And his mother answered and said to them, Not so; but he should be called John.

61 And they said to her, There is no man in your family, who is called by this name.

62 Then they made signs to his father, what he wanted to call him.

63 And he asked for a tablet and wrote, saying, John is his name. And every one was surprised.

64 And immediately his mouth and his tongue were opened, and he spoke and blessed God.

65 And fear came on all their neighbors; and these things were spoken throughout the mountain of Judaea.

66 And all who heard it reasoned in their hearts, saying, What a boy he will be! And the hand of the Lord was with him.

67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, and said,

68 Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel; for he has visited his people and wrought a salvation for them.

69 And he has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

70 Just as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets who have been for ages,

71 That he would save us from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us.

72 He has shown mercy to our fathers, and he has remembered his holy covenants;

73 And the oaths which he swore to Abraham our father,

74 To grant to us, that we may be saved from the hand of our enemies, and serve before him without fear,

75 In justice and righteousness all our days.

76 And you, boy, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for you will go before the face of the Lord, to prepare his way;

77 To give knowledge of life to his people by the forgiveness of their sins,

78 Through the mercy and kindness of our God; whereby we shall be visited by a ray from above,

79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

80 The boy grew and became strong in spirit; and he was in the desert until the day of his appearance to Israel.

Евангелие от Луки

Глава 1

1 Как1895 уже многие4183 начали2021 составлять392 повествования1335 о40123588 совершенно известных4135 между1722 нами2254 событиях,4229

2 как2531 передали3860 нам22543588 то бывшие1096 с575 самого начала746 очевидцами845 и2532 служителями52573588 Слова,3056

3 то рассудилось1380 и мне,2504 по тщательном199 исследовании3877 всего3956 сначала,509 по порядку2517 описать1125 тебе,4671 достопочтенный2903 Феофил,2321

4 чтобы2443 ты узнал192140123588 твердое основание803 того учения,3056 в котором3739 был наставлен.2727

5 1096 Во17223588 дни2250 Ирода,2264 царя9353588 Иудейского,2449 был священник24095100 из1537 Авиевой7 чреды,2183 именем3686 Захария,2197 и3588 жена1135 его846 из15373588 рода2364 Ааронова,2 имя3686 ей846 Елисавета.1665

6 Оба297 они были22581161 праведны1342 пред17993588 Богом,2316 поступая4198 по1722 всем39563588 заповедям1785 и2532 уставам13453588 Господним2962 беспорочно.273

7 2532 У них846 не3756 было2258 детей,5043 ибо25303588 Елисавета1665 была2258 неплодна,4723 и2532 оба297 были2258846 уже в17223588 летах2250 преклонных.4260

8 Однажды,1096 когда116117223588 он846 в17223588 порядке50103588 своей846 чреды2183 служил2407 пред17253588 Богом,2316

9 по жребию, как25963588 обыкновенно1485 было у3588 священников,2405 досталось29753588 ему войти1525 в15193588 храм34853588 Господень2962 для каждения,2370

10 а2532 все39563588 множество41283588 народа29922258 молилось4336 вне18543588 во время56103588 каждения,2368

11 тогда1161 явился3700 ему846 Ангел32 Господень,2962 стоя2476 по1537 правую сторону11883588 жертвенника23793588 кадильного.2368

12 2532 Захария,2197 увидев1492 его, смутился,5015 и2532 страх5401 напал1968 на1909 него.846

13 3588 Ангел32 же1161 сказал20364314 ему:846 не3361 бойся,5399 Захария,2197 ибо1360 услышана15223588 молитва1162 твоя,4675 и3588 жена1135 твоя4675 Елисавета1665 родит1080 тебе4671 сына,5207 и2532 наречешь25643588 ему846 имя:3686 Иоанн;2491

14 и2532 будет2071 тебе4671 радость5479 и2532 веселие,20 и2532 многие4183 о19093588 рождении1083 его846 возрадуются,5463

15 ибо1063 он будет2071 велик3173 пред17993588 Господом;29622532 не3364 будет пить4095 вина3631 и2532 сикера,4608 и2532 Духа4151 Святого40 исполнится4130 еще2089 от1537 чрева2836 матери3384 своей;846

16 и2532 многих4183 из3588 сынов5207 Израилевых2474 обратит1994 к1909 Господу29623588 Богу2316 их;846

17 и2532846 предъидет4281 пред1799 Ним846 в1722 духе4151 и2532 силе1411 Илии,2243 чтобы возвратить1994 сердца2588 отцов39621909 детям,5043 и2532 непокоривым5451722 образ мыслей5428 праведников,1342 дабы представить2090 Господу2962 народ2992 приготовленный.2680

18 И2532 сказал2036 Захария219743143588 Ангелу:32 по2596 чему5101 я узнаю1097 это?5124 ибо1063 я14731510 стар,4246 и3588 жена1135 моя3450 в17223588 летах2250846 преклонных.4260

19 3588 Ангел32 сказал2036 ему846 в ответ:611 я14731510 Гавриил,1043 предстоящий3936 пред17993588 Богом,2316 и2532 послан649 говорить2980 с4314 тобою4571 и2532 благовестить2097 тебе4671 сие;5023

20 и2532 вот,2400 ты2071 будешь молчать4623 и2532 не3361 будешь иметь возможности1410 говорить2980 до891 того3739 дня,2250 как это5023 сбудется,1096 за473 то, что3739 ты не3756 поверил41003588 словам3056 моим,3450 которые3748 сбудутся4137 в15193588 свое846 время.2540

21 253222583588 Между тем народ2992 ожидал43283588 Захарию2197 и2532 дивился,2296 что17223588 он846 медлит5549 в17223588 храме.3485

22 Он же,1161 выйдя,1831 не3756 мог1410 говорить2980 к ним;846 и2532 они поняли,1921 что3754 он видел3708 видение3701 в17223588 храме;3485 и2532 он8462258 объяснялся1269 с ними846 знаками, и2532 оставался1265 нем.2974

23 А25321096 когда5613 окончились41303588 дни22503588 службы3009 его,846 возвратился565 в15193588 дом3624 свой.846

24 После33261161 сих37783588 дней2250 зачала4815 Елисавета,1665 жена1135 его,846 и2532 таилась40321438 пять4002 месяцев3376 и говорила:3004

25 3754 так3779 сотворил4160 мне34273588 Господь2962 во1722 дни2250 сии, в которые3739 призрел1896 на меня, чтобы снять8513588 с меня3450 поношение3681 между1722 людьми.444

26 В1722 шестой1623 же11613588 месяц33763588 послан был6493588 Ангел32 Гавриил1043 от52593588 Бога2316 в1519 город41723588 Галилейский,10563739 называемый3686 Назарет,3478

27 к4314 деве,3933 обрученной3423 мужу,4353739 именем3686 Иосифу,2501 из1537 дома3624 Давидова;1138 имя36863588 же3588 деве:3933 Мария.3137

28 2532 Ангел,32 войдя1525 к4314 ней,846 сказал:2036 радуйся,5463 благодатная!54873588 Господь2962 с3326 тобою;4675 благословенна2127 ты4771 между1722 женами.1135

29 Она3588 же,1161 увидев1492 его, смутилась1298 от19093588 слов3056 его846 и2532 размышляла,1260 что4217 бы это3778 было149813588 за приветствие.783

30 И2532 сказал20363588 ей846 Ангел:32 не3361 бойся,5399 Мария,3137 ибо1063 ты обрела2147 благодать5485 у38443588 Бога;2316

31 и2532 вот,2400 зачнешь4815 во1722 чреве,1064 и2532 родишь5088 Сына,5207 и2532 наречешь25643588 Ему846 имя:3686 Иисус.2424

32 Он3778 будет2071 велик3173 и2532 наречется2564 Сыном5207 Всевышнего,5310 и2532 даст1325 Ему846 Господь29623588 Бог23163588 престол2362 Давида,1138 отца3962 Его;846

33 и2532 будет царствовать936 над19093588 домом3624 Иакова2384 во15193588веки,1653588 и2532 Царству932 Его846 не3756 будет2071 конца.5056

34 Мария3137 же1161 сказала203643143588 Ангелу:32 как4459 будет2071 это,5124 когда1893 я мужа435 не3756 знаю?435

35 3588 Ангел32 сказал2036 ей846 в ответ:611 Дух4151 Святый40 найдет1904 на1909 тебя,4571 и2532 сила1411 Всевышнего5310 осенит1982 тебя;4671 посему1352 и3588 рождаемое108015374675 Святое40 наречется2564 Сыном5207 Божиим.2316

36 Вот2400 и2532 Елисавета,1665 родственница4773 твоя,4675 называемая2564 неплодною,4723 и2532 она846 зачала4815 сына5207 в1722 старости1094 своей,846 и2532 ей846 уже3778 шестой1623 месяц,33762076

37 ибо3754 у38443588 Бога2316 не3756 останется бессильным101 никакое3956 слово.4487

38 Тогда1161 Мария3137 сказала:2036 се,2400 раба1399 Господня;2962 да будет1096 мне3427 по25963588 слову4487 твоему.4675 И2532 отошел565 от575 нее8463588 Ангел.32

39 Встав450 же1161 Мария3137 во17223588 дни2250 сии,3778 с3326 поспешностью4710 пошла4198 в15193588 нагорную страну,3714 в1519 город4172 Иудин,2448

40 и2532 вошла1525 в15193588 дом3624 Захарии,2197 и2532 приветствовала7823588 Елисавету.1665

41 25321096 Когда56133588 Елисавета1665 услышала1913588 приветствие7833588 Марии,3137 взыграл46403588 младенец1025 во17223588 чреве2836 ее;846 и3588 Елисавета1665 исполнилась4130 Святого40 Духа,4151

42 и2532 воскликнула400 громким3173 голосом,5456 и2532 сказала:2036 благословенна2127 ты4771 между1722 женами,1135 и2532 благословен21273588 плод25903588 чрева2836 твоего!4675

43 И2532 откуда4159 это5124 мне,3427 что2443 пришла20643588 матерь33843588 Господа2962 моего3450 ко4314 мне?3165

44 2400 Ибо1063 когда56133588 голос54563588 приветствия783 твоего4675 дошел1096 до15193588 слуха3775 моего,3450 взыграл464017223588 младенец1025 радостно20 во17223588 чреве2836 моем.3450

45 И2532 блаженна31073588 уверовавшая,4100 потому что3754 совершится207150503588 сказанное2980 ей846 от3844 Господа.2962

46 И2532 сказала2036 Мария:3137 величит31703588 душа5590 моя34503588 Господа,2962

47 и2532 возрадовался213588 дух4151 мой3450 о19093588 Боге,2316 Спасителе4990 моем,3450

48 что3754 призрел1914 Он на19093588 смирение50143588 рабы1399 Своей,8462400 ибо1063 отныне57535883568 будут ублажать3106 меня3165 все39563588 роды;1074

49 что3754 сотворил4160 мне3427 величие31673588 Сильный,1415 и2532 свято403588 имя3686 Его;846

50 и3588 милость1656 Его846 в1519 роды1074 родов1074 к3588 боящимся5399 Его;846

51 явил4160 силу29041722 мышцы1023 Своей;846 рассеял1287 надменных5244 помышлениями1271 сердца2588 их;846

52 низложил2507 сильных1413 с575 престолов,2362 и2532 вознес5312 смиренных;5011

53 алчущих3983 исполнил1705 благ,18 и2532 богатящихся4147 отпустил1821 ни с чем;2756

54 воспринял482 Израиля,2474 отрока3816 Своего,846 воспомянув3415 милость,1656

55 как2531 говорил298043143588 отцам3962 нашим,2257 к Аврааму11 и3588 семени4690 его846 до15193588 века.165

56 Пребыла3306 же1161 Мария3137 с4862 нею846 около5616 трех5140 месяцев,3376 и2532 возвратилась5290 в15193588 дом3624 свой.846

57 3588 Елисавете1665 же1161 настало41303588 время55503588 родить,5088846 и2532 она родила1080 сына.5207

58 И2532 услышали1913588 соседи4040 и3588 родственники4773 ее,846 что3754 возвеличил3170 Господь29623588 милость1656 Свою846 над3326 нею,846 и2532 радовались4796 с нею.846

59 25321096 В17223588 восьмой3590 день2250 пришли2064 обрезать40593588 младенца3813 и2532 хотели назвать2564 его,846 по19093588 имени36863588 отца3962 его,846 Захариею.2197

60 25326113588 На это мать3384 его846 сказала:2036 нет,3780 а235 назвать2564 его Иоанном.2491

61 И2532 сказали20364314 ей:8463754 никого3762 нет2076 в17223588 родстве4772 твоем,4675 кто3739 назывался2564 бы3588 сим5129 именем.3686

62 И1161 спрашивали знаками17703588 у отца3962 его,846 как5101 бы302 он хотел2309 назвать2564 его.846

63 2532 Он потребовал154 дощечку4093 и написал:11253004 Иоанн249120763588 имя3686 ему.846 И2532 все3956 удивились.2296

64 И1161 тотчас3916 разрешились4553588 уста4750 его846 и3588 язык1100 его,846 и2532 он стал говорить,2980 благословляя21273588 Бога.2316

65 И2532 был1096 страх5401 на1909 всех,3956 живущих вокруг4039 них;846 и2532 рассказывали1255 обо всем395635884487 этом5023 по1722 всей36503588 нагорной стране37143588 Иудейской.2449

66 2532 Все39563588 слышавшие191 положили5087 это на17223588 сердце2588 своем846 и говорили:3004 что51016863588 будет2071 младенец3813 сей?5124 И2532 рука5495 Господня2962 была2258 с3326 ним.846

67 И2532 Захария,2197 отец3962 его,846 исполнился4130 Святого40 Духа4151 и2532 пророчествовал,4395 говоря:3004

68 благословен2128 Господь29623588 Бог23163588 Израилев,2474 что3754 посетил19803588 народ2992 Свой846 и2532 сотворил4160 избавление3085 ему,

69 и2532 воздвиг1453 рог2768 спасения4991 нам2254 в17223588 дому3624 Давида,1138 отрока3816 Своего,846

70 как2531 возвестил29801223 устами47503588 бывших3588 от575 века165 святых40 пророков4396 Своих,846

71 что спасет4991 нас от1537 врагов2190 наших2257 и2532 от1537 руки5495 всех39563588 ненавидящих3404 нас;2248

72 сотворит4160 милость1656 с33263588 отцами3962 нашими2257 и2532 помянет3403 святой40 завет1242 Свой,846

73 клятву,3727 которою3739 клялся3660 Он4314 Аврааму,11 отцу3962 нашему,2257 дать1325 нам,2254

74 небоязненно,870 по избавлении4506 от1537 руки54953588 врагов2190 наших,2257

75 служить3000 Ему846 в1722 святости3742 и2532 правде1343 пред1799 Ним,846 во все39563588 дни22503588 жизни2222 нашей.2257

76 И2532 ты,4771 младенец,3813 наречешься2564 пророком4396 Всевышнего,5310 ибо1063 предъидешь4313 пред4253 лицем4383 Господа2962 приготовить2090 пути3598 Ему,846

77 3588 дать1325 уразуметь11083588 народу2992 Его846 спасение4991 в1722 прощении859 грехов266 их,846

78 по1223 благоутробному4698 милосердию1656 Бога2316 нашего,22571722 которым3739 посетил1980 нас2248 Восток395 свыше,15375311

79 просветить20143588 сидящих2521 во1722 тьме4655 и2532 тени4639 смертной,2288 направить27203588 ноги4228 наши2257 на1519 путь3598 мира.1515

80 3588 Младенец3813 же1161 возрастал837 и2532 укреплялся2901 духом,4151 и2532 был2258 в17223588 пустынях2048 до2193 дня2250 явления323 своего84643143588 Израилю.2474


Chapter 1

Евангелие от Луки

Глава 1

1 SINCE many have desired to have in writing the story of those works, with which we are familiar,

1 Как1895 уже многие4183 начали2021 составлять392 повествования1335 о40123588 совершенно известных4135 между1722 нами2254 событиях,4229

2 According to what was handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of that very word,

2 как2531 передали3860 нам22543588 то бывшие1096 с575 самого начала746 очевидцами845 и2532 служителями52573588 Слова,3056

3 And since these were seen by me also because I was near and considered them all very carefully, I will therefore write to you everything in its order, most honorable Theophilus,

3 то рассудилось1380 и мне,2504 по тщательном199 исследовании3877 всего3956 сначала,509 по порядку2517 описать1125 тебе,4671 достопочтенный2903 Феофил,2321

4 So that you may know the truth of the words, by which you were made a convert.

4 чтобы2443 ты узнал192140123588 твердое основание803 того учения,3056 в котором3739 был наставлен.2727

5 There was in the days of Herod, king of Judaea, a priest whose name was Zacharias, of the order of ministry of the house of Abijah; and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.

5 1096 Во17223588 дни2250 Ирода,2264 царя9353588 Иудейского,2449 был священник24095100 из1537 Авиевой7 чреды,2183 именем3686 Захария,2197 и3588 жена1135 его846 из15373588 рода2364 Ааронова,2 имя3686 ей846 Елисавета.1665

6 They were both righteous before God, and walked in all his commandments, and in the righteousness of the Lord without blame.

6 Оба297 они были22581161 праведны1342 пред17993588 Богом,2316 поступая4198 по1722 всем39563588 заповедям1785 и2532 уставам13453588 Господним2962 беспорочно.273

7 But they had no son, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well on in years.

7 2532 У них846 не3756 было2258 детей,5043 ибо25303588 Елисавета1665 была2258 неплодна,4723 и2532 оба297 были2258846 уже в17223588 летах2250 преклонных.4260

8 And it happened, while he was ministering in the order of his ministry before God,

8 Однажды,1096 когда116117223588 он846 в17223588 порядке50103588 своей846 чреды2183 служил2407 пред17253588 Богом,2316

9 According to the custom of the priesthood, his turn came to burn incense; so he entered the temple of the Lord.

9 по жребию, как25963588 обыкновенно1485 было у3588 священников,2405 досталось29753588 ему войти1525 в15193588 храм34853588 Господень2962 для каждения,2370

10 And all the congregation of the people prayed outside, at the time of incense.

10 а2532 все39563588 множество41283588 народа29922258 молилось4336 вне18543588 во время56103588 каждения,2368

11 And the angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias, standing on the right of the altar of incense.

11 тогда1161 явился3700 ему846 Ангел32 Господень,2962 стоя2476 по1537 правую сторону11883588 жертвенника23793588 кадильного.2368

12 And when Zacharias saw him he became dumbfounded, and fear came upon him.

12 2532 Захария,2197 увидев1492 его, смутился,5015 и2532 страх5401 напал1968 на1909 него.846

13 And the angel said to him, Fear not, Zacharias; for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John.

13 3588 Ангел32 же1161 сказал20364314 ему:846 не3361 бойся,5399 Захария,2197 ибо1360 услышана15223588 молитва1162 твоя,4675 и3588 жена1135 твоя4675 Елисавета1665 родит1080 тебе4671 сына,5207 и2532 наречешь25643588 ему846 имя:3686 Иоанн;2491

14 And you will have joy and gladness; and a great many will rejoice at his birth.

14 и2532 будет2071 тебе4671 радость5479 и2532 веселие,20 и2532 многие4183 о19093588 рождении1083 его846 возрадуются,5463

15 For he will be great before the Lord, and he will not drink wine and strong drink; and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, while he is still in the womb of his mother.

15 ибо1063 он будет2071 велик3173 пред17993588 Господом;29622532 не3364 будет пить4095 вина3631 и2532 сикера,4608 и2532 Духа4151 Святого40 исполнится4130 еще2089 от1537 чрева2836 матери3384 своей;846

16 And many Israelites he will cause to turn to the Lord their God.

16 и2532 многих4183 из3588 сынов5207 Израилевых2474 обратит1994 к1909 Господу29623588 Богу2316 их;846

17 And he will go before them with the spirit and the power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of parents to their children, and those who are disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous; and he will prepare a true people for the Lord.

17 и2532846 предъидет4281 пред1799 Ним846 в1722 духе4151 и2532 силе1411 Илии,2243 чтобы возвратить1994 сердца2588 отцов39621909 детям,5043 и2532 непокоривым5451722 образ мыслей5428 праведников,1342 дабы представить2090 Господу2962 народ2992 приготовленный.2680

18 And Zacharias said to the angel, How will I understand this? for I am an old man, and my wife is well on in years.

18 И2532 сказал2036 Захария219743143588 Ангелу:32 по2596 чему5101 я узнаю1097 это?5124 ибо1063 я14731510 стар,4246 и3588 жена1135 моя3450 в17223588 летах2250846 преклонных.4260

19 And the angel answered, saying to him, I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God; and I am sent to speak to you, and to bring you these glad tidings.

19 3588 Ангел32 сказал2036 ему846 в ответ:611 я14731510 Гавриил,1043 предстоящий3936 пред17993588 Богом,2316 и2532 послан649 говорить2980 с4314 тобою4571 и2532 благовестить2097 тебе4671 сие;5023

20 From henceforth you will be dumb, and not able to speak, till the day these things happen, because you did not believe these my words which are to be fulfilled in their time.

20 и2532 вот,2400 ты2071 будешь молчать4623 и2532 не3361 будешь иметь возможности1410 говорить2980 до891 того3739 дня,2250 как это5023 сбудется,1096 за473 то, что3739 ты не3756 поверил41003588 словам3056 моим,3450 которые3748 сбудутся4137 в15193588 свое846 время.2540

21 Now the people stood waiting for Zacharias, and wondered because he remained so long in the temple.

21 253222583588 Между тем народ2992 ожидал43283588 Захарию2197 и2532 дивился,2296 что17223588 он846 медлит5549 в17223588 храме.3485

22 When Zacharias came out, he could not speak with them; and they understood that he had seen a vision in the temple; and he made signs to them with his eyes, but remained dumb.

22 Он же,1161 выйдя,1831 не3756 мог1410 говорить2980 к ним;846 и2532 они поняли,1921 что3754 он видел3708 видение3701 в17223588 храме;3485 и2532 он8462258 объяснялся1269 с ними846 знаками, и2532 оставался1265 нем.2974

23 And when the days of his ministry were finished, he went to his house.

23 А25321096 когда5613 окончились41303588 дни22503588 службы3009 его,846 возвратился565 в15193588 дом3624 свой.846

24 And it happened after those days, his wife Elizabeth conceived, and hid herself for five months; and she said,

24 После33261161 сих37783588 дней2250 зачала4815 Елисавета,1665 жена1135 его,846 и2532 таилась40321438 пять4002 месяцев3376 и говорила:3004

25 The Lord has done these things to me in the days that he has been mindful of me, to remove my reproach among men.

25 3754 так3779 сотворил4160 мне34273588 Господь2962 во1722 дни2250 сии, в которые3739 призрел1896 на меня, чтобы снять8513588 с меня3450 поношение3681 между1722 людьми.444

26 Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to Galilee, to a city called Nazareth,

26 В1722 шестой1623 же11613588 месяц33763588 послан был6493588 Ангел32 Гавриил1043 от52593588 Бога2316 в1519 город41723588 Галилейский,10563739 называемый3686 Назарет,3478

27 To a virgin who was acquired for a price for a man named Joseph, of the house of David; and the name of the virgin was Mary.

27 к4314 деве,3933 обрученной3423 мужу,4353739 именем3686 Иосифу,2501 из1537 дома3624 Давидова;1138 имя36863588 же3588 деве:3933 Мария.3137

28 And the angel went in and said to her, Peace be to you, O full of grace; our Lord is with you, O blessed one among women.

28 2532 Ангел,32 войдя1525 к4314 ней,846 сказал:2036 радуйся,5463 благодатная!54873588 Господь2962 с3326 тобою;4675 благословенна2127 ты4771 между1722 женами.1135

29 When she saw him, she was disturbed at his word, and wondered what kind of salutation this could be.

29 Она3588 же,1161 увидев1492 его, смутилась1298 от19093588 слов3056 его846 и2532 размышляла,1260 что4217 бы это3778 было149813588 за приветствие.783

30 And the angel said to her, Fear not, Mary; for you have found grace with God.

30 И2532 сказал20363588 ей846 Ангел:32 не3361 бойся,5399 Мария,3137 ибо1063 ты обрела2147 благодать5485 у38443588 Бога;2316

31 For behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call his name Jesus.

31 и2532 вот,2400 зачнешь4815 во1722 чреве,1064 и2532 родишь5088 Сына,5207 и2532 наречешь25643588 Ему846 имя:3686 Иисус.2424

32 He will be great, and he will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.

32 Он3778 будет2071 велик3173 и2532 наречется2564 Сыном5207 Всевышнего,5310 и2532 даст1325 Ему846 Господь29623588 Бог23163588 престол2362 Давида,1138 отца3962 Его;846

33 And he will rule over the house of Jacob for ever; and there will be no limit to his kingdom.

33 и2532 будет царствовать936 над19093588 домом3624 Иакова2384 во15193588веки,1653588 и2532 Царству932 Его846 не3756 будет2071 конца.5056

34 Then Mary said to the angel, How can this be, for no man has known me.

34 Мария3137 же1161 сказала203643143588 Ангелу:32 как4459 будет2071 это,5124 когда1893 я мужа435 не3756 знаю?435

35 The angel answered and said to her, The Holy Spirit will come, and the power of the Highest will rest upon you; therefore the one who is to be born of you is holy, and he will be called the Son of God.

35 3588 Ангел32 сказал2036 ей846 в ответ:611 Дух4151 Святый40 найдет1904 на1909 тебя,4571 и2532 сила1411 Всевышнего5310 осенит1982 тебя;4671 посему1352 и3588 рождаемое108015374675 Святое40 наречется2564 Сыном5207 Божиим.2316

36 And behold, Elizabeth your kinswoman has also conceived a son in her old age; and yet this is the sixth month with her, who is called barren.

36 Вот2400 и2532 Елисавета,1665 родственница4773 твоя,4675 называемая2564 неплодною,4723 и2532 она846 зачала4815 сына5207 в1722 старости1094 своей,846 и2532 ей846 уже3778 шестой1623 месяц,33762076

37 For nothing is impossible for God.

37 ибо3754 у38443588 Бога2316 не3756 останется бессильным101 никакое3956 слово.4487

38 Mary said, Here I am, a handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word. And the angel went away from her.

38 Тогда1161 Мария3137 сказала:2036 се,2400 раба1399 Господня;2962 да будет1096 мне3427 по25963588 слову4487 твоему.4675 И2532 отошел565 от575 нее8463588 Ангел.32

39 In those days, Mary rose up, and went hurriedly to a mountain, to a city of Judaea.

39 Встав450 же1161 Мария3137 во17223588 дни2250 сии,3778 с3326 поспешностью4710 пошла4198 в15193588 нагорную страну,3714 в1519 город4172 Иудин,2448

40 And she entered the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elizabeth.

40 и2532 вошла1525 в15193588 дом3624 Захарии,2197 и2532 приветствовала7823588 Елисавету.1665

41 And when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

41 25321096 Когда56133588 Елисавета1665 услышала1913588 приветствие7833588 Марии,3137 взыграл46403588 младенец1025 во17223588 чреве2836 ее;846 и3588 Елисавета1665 исполнилась4130 Святого40 Духа,4151

42 And she cried in a loud voice, and said to Mary, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

42 и2532 воскликнула400 громким3173 голосом,5456 и2532 сказала:2036 благословенна2127 ты4771 между1722 женами,1135 и2532 благословен21273588 плод25903588 чрева2836 твоего!4675

43 How does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

43 И2532 откуда4159 это5124 мне,3427 что2443 пришла20643588 матерь33843588 Господа2962 моего3450 ко4314 мне?3165

44 For behold, when the voice of your salutation fell on my ears, the babe in my womb leaped with great joy.

44 2400 Ибо1063 когда56133588 голос54563588 приветствия783 твоего4675 дошел1096 до15193588 слуха3775 моего,3450 взыграл464017223588 младенец1025 радостно20 во17223588 чреве2836 моем.3450

45 And blessed is she who believed; for there will be a fulfillment of the things which were spoken to her from the Lord.

45 И2532 блаженна31073588 уверовавшая,4100 потому что3754 совершится207150503588 сказанное2980 ей846 от3844 Господа.2962

46 And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord,

46 И2532 сказала2036 Мария:3137 величит31703588 душа5590 моя34503588 Господа,2962

47 And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.

47 и2532 возрадовался213588 дух4151 мой3450 о19093588 Боге,2316 Спасителе4990 моем,3450

48 For he has regarded the meekness of his handmaid; for behold, from henceforth, all generations shall envy me.

48 что3754 призрел1914 Он на19093588 смирение50143588 рабы1399 Своей,8462400 ибо1063 отныне57535883568 будут ублажать3106 меня3165 все39563588 роды;1074

49 For he who is mighty has done great things to me; holy is his name.

49 что3754 сотворил4160 мне3427 величие31673588 Сильный,1415 и2532 свято403588 имя3686 Его;846

50 And his mercy is for centuries and generations, upon those who fear him.

50 и3588 милость1656 Его846 в1519 роды1074 родов1074 к3588 боящимся5399 Его;846

51 He has brought victory with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their heart.

51 явил4160 силу29041722 мышцы1023 Своей;846 рассеял1287 надменных5244 помышлениями1271 сердца2588 их;846

52 He has put down the mighty from their seats, and he has lifted up the meek.

52 низложил2507 сильных1413 с575 престолов,2362 и2532 вознес5312 смиренных;5011

53 He has filled the hungry with good things; and dismissed the rich empty.

53 алчущих3983 исполнил1705 благ,18 и2532 богатящихся4147 отпустил1821 ни с чем;2756

54 He has helped his servant Israel, and has remembered his mercy,

54 воспринял482 Израиля,2474 отрока3816 Своего,846 воспомянув3415 милость,1656

55 Just as he spoke with our forefathers, with Abraham, and with his seed for ever.

55 как2531 говорил298043143588 отцам3962 нашим,2257 к Аврааму11 и3588 семени4690 его846 до15193588 века.165

56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her own home.

56 Пребыла3306 же1161 Мария3137 с4862 нею846 около5616 трех5140 месяцев,3376 и2532 возвратилась5290 в15193588 дом3624 свой.846

57 Now the time came for Elizabeth to be delivered, and she gave birth to a son.

57 3588 Елисавете1665 же1161 настало41303588 время55503588 родить,5088846 и2532 она родила1080 сына.5207

58 And when her neighbors and relatives heard that God had increased his mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.

58 И2532 услышали1913588 соседи4040 и3588 родственники4773 ее,846 что3754 возвеличил3170 Господь29623588 милость1656 Свою846 над3326 нею,846 и2532 радовались4796 с нею.846

59 And it happened on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the boy; and they would have called him Zacharias, after the name of his father.

59 25321096 В17223588 восьмой3590 день2250 пришли2064 обрезать40593588 младенца3813 и2532 хотели назвать2564 его,846 по19093588 имени36863588 отца3962 его,846 Захариею.2197

60 And his mother answered and said to them, Not so; but he should be called John.

60 25326113588 На это мать3384 его846 сказала:2036 нет,3780 а235 назвать2564 его Иоанном.2491

61 And they said to her, There is no man in your family, who is called by this name.

61 И2532 сказали20364314 ей:8463754 никого3762 нет2076 в17223588 родстве4772 твоем,4675 кто3739 назывался2564 бы3588 сим5129 именем.3686

62 Then they made signs to his father, what he wanted to call him.

62 И1161 спрашивали знаками17703588 у отца3962 его,846 как5101 бы302 он хотел2309 назвать2564 его.846

63 And he asked for a tablet and wrote, saying, John is his name. And every one was surprised.

63 2532 Он потребовал154 дощечку4093 и написал:11253004 Иоанн249120763588 имя3686 ему.846 И2532 все3956 удивились.2296

64 And immediately his mouth and his tongue were opened, and he spoke and blessed God.

64 И1161 тотчас3916 разрешились4553588 уста4750 его846 и3588 язык1100 его,846 и2532 он стал говорить,2980 благословляя21273588 Бога.2316

65 And fear came on all their neighbors; and these things were spoken throughout the mountain of Judaea.

65 И2532 был1096 страх5401 на1909 всех,3956 живущих вокруг4039 них;846 и2532 рассказывали1255 обо всем395635884487 этом5023 по1722 всей36503588 нагорной стране37143588 Иудейской.2449

66 And all who heard it reasoned in their hearts, saying, What a boy he will be! And the hand of the Lord was with him.

66 2532 Все39563588 слышавшие191 положили5087 это на17223588 сердце2588 своем846 и говорили:3004 что51016863588 будет2071 младенец3813 сей?5124 И2532 рука5495 Господня2962 была2258 с3326 ним.846

67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, and said,

67 И2532 Захария,2197 отец3962 его,846 исполнился4130 Святого40 Духа4151 и2532 пророчествовал,4395 говоря:3004

68 Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel; for he has visited his people and wrought a salvation for them.

68 благословен2128 Господь29623588 Бог23163588 Израилев,2474 что3754 посетил19803588 народ2992 Свой846 и2532 сотворил4160 избавление3085 ему,

69 And he has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

69 и2532 воздвиг1453 рог2768 спасения4991 нам2254 в17223588 дому3624 Давида,1138 отрока3816 Своего,846

70 Just as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets who have been for ages,

70 как2531 возвестил29801223 устами47503588 бывших3588 от575 века165 святых40 пророков4396 Своих,846

71 That he would save us from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us.

71 что спасет4991 нас от1537 врагов2190 наших2257 и2532 от1537 руки5495 всех39563588 ненавидящих3404 нас;2248

72 He has shown mercy to our fathers, and he has remembered his holy covenants;

72 сотворит4160 милость1656 с33263588 отцами3962 нашими2257 и2532 помянет3403 святой40 завет1242 Свой,846

73 And the oaths which he swore to Abraham our father,

73 клятву,3727 которою3739 клялся3660 Он4314 Аврааму,11 отцу3962 нашему,2257 дать1325 нам,2254

74 To grant to us, that we may be saved from the hand of our enemies, and serve before him without fear,

74 небоязненно,870 по избавлении4506 от1537 руки54953588 врагов2190 наших,2257

75 In justice and righteousness all our days.

75 служить3000 Ему846 в1722 святости3742 и2532 правде1343 пред1799 Ним,846 во все39563588 дни22503588 жизни2222 нашей.2257

76 And you, boy, will be called the prophet of the Highest; for you will go before the face of the Lord, to prepare his way;

76 И2532 ты,4771 младенец,3813 наречешься2564 пророком4396 Всевышнего,5310 ибо1063 предъидешь4313 пред4253 лицем4383 Господа2962 приготовить2090 пути3598 Ему,846

77 To give knowledge of life to his people by the forgiveness of their sins,

77 3588 дать1325 уразуметь11083588 народу2992 Его846 спасение4991 в1722 прощении859 грехов266 их,846

78 Through the mercy and kindness of our God; whereby we shall be visited by a ray from above,

78 по1223 благоутробному4698 милосердию1656 Бога2316 нашего,22571722 которым3739 посетил1980 нас2248 Восток395 свыше,15375311

79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

79 просветить20143588 сидящих2521 во1722 тьме4655 и2532 тени4639 смертной,2288 направить27203588 ноги4228 наши2257 на1519 путь3598 мира.1515

80 The boy grew and became strong in spirit; and he was in the desert until the day of his appearance to Israel.

80 3588 Младенец3813 же1161 возрастал837 и2532 укреплялся2901 духом,4151 и2532 был2258 в17223588 пустынях2048 до2193 дня2250 явления323 своего84643143588 Израилю.2474