1-е Послание Петра

Глава 3

1 Также3668 и вы,3588 жены,1135 повинуйтесь52933588 своим2398 мужьям,435 чтобы244325321487 те из них, которые5100 не покоряются5443588 слову,305612233588 житием391 жен1135 своих без427 слова3056 приобретаемы были,2770

2 когда увидят202935881722 ваше5216 чистое,53 богобоязненное5401 житие.391

3 Да будет2077 украшением2889 вашим3739 не37563588 внешнее1855 плетение1708 волос,2359 не2532 золотые5553 уборы4025 или2228 нарядность1745 в одежде,2440

4 но2353588 сокровенный29273588 сердца2588 человек444 в17223588 нетленной8623588 красоте кроткого4239 и2532 молчаливого2272 духа,4151 что37392076 драгоценно4185 пред17993588 Богом.2316

5 Так37791063 некогда4218 и3588 святые40 жены,1135 уповавшие1679 на19093588 Бога,2316 украшали2885 себя,1438 повинуясь52933588 своим2398 мужьям.435

6 Так5613 Сарра4564 повиновалась52193588 Аврааму,11 называя2564 его846 господином.2962 Вы1096 — дети5043 ее,3739 если делаете добро15 и2532 не3361 смущаетесь5399 ни от какого3367 страха.4423

7 3588 Также3668 и вы, мужья,435 обращайтесь49242596 благоразумно1108 с3588 женами,1134 как5613 с немощнейшим772 сосудом,4632 оказывая632 им честь,5092 как56132532 сонаследницам4789 благодатной5485 жизни,2222 дабы15193588 не3361 было вам5216 препятствия1581 в3588 молитвах.4335

8 35881161 Наконец5056 (будьте) все3956 единомысленны,3675 сострадательны,4835 братолюбивы,5361 милосерды,2155 дружелюбны,5391 смиренномудры;

9 не3361 воздавайте591 злом2556 за473 зло2556 или2228 ругательством3059 за473 ругательство;3059 напротив,51211161 благословляйте,2127 зная,1492 что3754 вы к1519 тому5124 призваны,2564 чтобы2443 наследовать2816 благословение.2127

10 Ибо,1063 кто3588 любит25 жизнь2222 и2532 хочет2309 видеть1492 добрые18 дни,2250 тот удерживай39733588 язык1100 свой846 от575 зла2556 и2532 уста5491 свои8463588 от3361 лукавых1388 речей;2980

11 уклоняйся1578 от575 зла2556 и2532 делай4160 добро;18 ищи2212 мира1515 и2532 стремись1377 к нему,846

12 потому что37543588 очи3788 Господа2962 обращены к1909 праведным1342 и2532 уши3775 Его846 к1519 молитве1162 их,846 но1161 лице4383 Господне2962 против1909 делающих4160 зло,2556 (чтобы истребить их с земли).

13 И2532 кто51013588 сделает вам5209 зло,2559 если14373588 вы будете1096 ревнителями3402 доброго?18

14 Но235 если1487 и2532 страдаете3958 за1223 правду,1343 то вы блаженны;31073588 а1161 страха5401 их846 не3361 бойтесь5399 и не3366 смущайтесь.5015

15 Господа296211613588 Бога2316 святите37 в17223588 сердцах2588 ваших;5216 будьте всегда1041161 готовы20924314627 всякому,3956 требующему154 у вас5209 отчета305640123588 в1722 вашем5213 уповании,1680 дать ответ с3326 кротостью4240 и2532 благоговением.5401

16 Имейте2192 добрую18 совесть,4893 дабы2443 тем, за1722 что3739 злословят2635 вас,5216 как5613 злодеев,2555 были постыжены26173588 порицающие1908 ваше52163588 доброе18 житие391 во1722 Христе.5547

17 Ибо,1063 если1487 угодно23093588 воле23073588 Божией,2316 лучше2909 пострадать3958 за добрые15 дела, нежели2228 за злые;2554

18 потому что3754 и2532 Христос,5547 чтобы2443 привести4317 нас2248 к3588 Богу,2316 однажды530 пострадал3958 за4012 грехи266 наши, праведник1342 за5228 неправедных,94 быв умерщвлен22893303 по плоти,4561 но1161 ожив22273588 духом,4151

19 1722 которым3739 Он и2532 находящимся3588 в1722 темнице5438 духам,4151 сойдя,4198 проповедал,2784

20 некогда4218 непокорным5443753530 ожидавшему1551 их3588 Божию2316 долготерпению,3115 во1722 дни2250 Ноя,3575 во время строения2680 ковчега,2787 в1519 котором3739 немногие,3641 то5123 есть2076 восемь3638 душ,5590 спаслись1295 от1223 воды.5204

21 Так и2532 нас2248 ныне3568 подобное сему3739 образу499 крещение,908 не3756 плотской4561 нечистоты4509 омытие,595 но235 обещание19061519 Богу2316 доброй18 совести,4893 спасает49821223 воскресением386 Иисуса2424 Христа,5547

22 Который,3739 восшед4198 на1519 небо,3772 пребывает2076 одесную172211883588 Бога2316 и2532 Которому846 покорились5293 Ангелы32 и2532 Власти1849 и2532 Силы.1411

1 Peter

Chapter 3

1 LIKEWISE, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands, so that those who obey not the word may be won without difficulty through your good example.

2 When they see that you conduct yourselves with respect and modesty.

3 And do not adorn yourselves with outward adornments such as plaiting your hair, or the wearing of ornaments of gold, or costly apparel:

4 But adorn yourselves by the spiritual man within you, with meek pride which is incorruptible and an ornament which is rich in the sight of God.

5 For so also in the past did the holy women, who trusted in God, adorn their lives and were submissive to their own husbands:

6 Even as Sara was submissive to Abraham and called him my LORD: whose daughters you are by reason of good works, and so long as you are not confused by any kind of false value.

7 Likewise, you husbands, live with your wives with understanding, and hold them with tenderness like delicate vessels, because they also will inherit with you the gift of everlasting life; do this that you may not be hindered in your prayers.

8 Finally, live in harmony, share the suffering of those who suffer, be affectionate one to another, and be kind and gentle:

9 Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing, but instead of these, render blessing; for to this end you have been called, that you may inherit a blessing.

10 Now, therefore, he who desires eternal life and wants to see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

11 Let him refrain from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers, but the countenance of the LORD is against the wicked.

13 And who is he that can harm you if you are zealous followers of that which is good?

14 But, and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed: and be not afraid of those who terrify you, neither be troubled.

15 But sanctify the LORD Christ in your hearts: and be ready to give an answer in meekness and reverence to everyone who seeks from you a word concerning the hope of your faith:

16 Having a good conscience; so that they who speak evil of you, as of evil doers, may be ashamed as men who belittle your good works in Christ.

17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, that you suffer for good deeds, rather than for evil doing.

18 For Christ also once suffered for our sins, a just man for sinners, that he might bring you to God, wherefore while he died in the flesh, he lives in the Spirit.

19 And he preached to the souls imprisoned in Sheol;

20 Those who in the past were disobedient; and in the days of Noah, when the Spirit of God had patience, he commanded an ark to be made in the hope of their repentance, but only eight souls entered into it, and were saved by it floating upon the water.

21 You also are saved in that very manner by baptism, not merely by washing the filth from the body, but by confessing God with a clean conscience, and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

22 Who is taken up to heaven, and is at the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to him.

1-е Послание Петра

Глава 3

1 Peter

Chapter 3

1 Также3668 и вы,3588 жены,1135 повинуйтесь52933588 своим2398 мужьям,435 чтобы244325321487 те из них, которые5100 не покоряются5443588 слову,305612233588 житием391 жен1135 своих без427 слова3056 приобретаемы были,2770

1 LIKEWISE, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands, so that those who obey not the word may be won without difficulty through your good example.

2 когда увидят202935881722 ваше5216 чистое,53 богобоязненное5401 житие.391

2 When they see that you conduct yourselves with respect and modesty.

3 Да будет2077 украшением2889 вашим3739 не37563588 внешнее1855 плетение1708 волос,2359 не2532 золотые5553 уборы4025 или2228 нарядность1745 в одежде,2440

3 And do not adorn yourselves with outward adornments such as plaiting your hair, or the wearing of ornaments of gold, or costly apparel:

4 но2353588 сокровенный29273588 сердца2588 человек444 в17223588 нетленной8623588 красоте кроткого4239 и2532 молчаливого2272 духа,4151 что37392076 драгоценно4185 пред17993588 Богом.2316

4 But adorn yourselves by the spiritual man within you, with meek pride which is incorruptible and an ornament which is rich in the sight of God.

5 Так37791063 некогда4218 и3588 святые40 жены,1135 уповавшие1679 на19093588 Бога,2316 украшали2885 себя,1438 повинуясь52933588 своим2398 мужьям.435

5 For so also in the past did the holy women, who trusted in God, adorn their lives and were submissive to their own husbands:

6 Так5613 Сарра4564 повиновалась52193588 Аврааму,11 называя2564 его846 господином.2962 Вы1096 — дети5043 ее,3739 если делаете добро15 и2532 не3361 смущаетесь5399 ни от какого3367 страха.4423

6 Even as Sara was submissive to Abraham and called him my LORD: whose daughters you are by reason of good works, and so long as you are not confused by any kind of false value.

7 3588 Также3668 и вы, мужья,435 обращайтесь49242596 благоразумно1108 с3588 женами,1134 как5613 с немощнейшим772 сосудом,4632 оказывая632 им честь,5092 как56132532 сонаследницам4789 благодатной5485 жизни,2222 дабы15193588 не3361 было вам5216 препятствия1581 в3588 молитвах.4335

7 Likewise, you husbands, live with your wives with understanding, and hold them with tenderness like delicate vessels, because they also will inherit with you the gift of everlasting life; do this that you may not be hindered in your prayers.

8 35881161 Наконец5056 (будьте) все3956 единомысленны,3675 сострадательны,4835 братолюбивы,5361 милосерды,2155 дружелюбны,5391 смиренномудры;

8 Finally, live in harmony, share the suffering of those who suffer, be affectionate one to another, and be kind and gentle:

9 не3361 воздавайте591 злом2556 за473 зло2556 или2228 ругательством3059 за473 ругательство;3059 напротив,51211161 благословляйте,2127 зная,1492 что3754 вы к1519 тому5124 призваны,2564 чтобы2443 наследовать2816 благословение.2127

9 Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing, but instead of these, render blessing; for to this end you have been called, that you may inherit a blessing.

10 Ибо,1063 кто3588 любит25 жизнь2222 и2532 хочет2309 видеть1492 добрые18 дни,2250 тот удерживай39733588 язык1100 свой846 от575 зла2556 и2532 уста5491 свои8463588 от3361 лукавых1388 речей;2980

10 Now, therefore, he who desires eternal life and wants to see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:

11 уклоняйся1578 от575 зла2556 и2532 делай4160 добро;18 ищи2212 мира1515 и2532 стремись1377 к нему,846

11 Let him refrain from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

12 потому что37543588 очи3788 Господа2962 обращены к1909 праведным1342 и2532 уши3775 Его846 к1519 молитве1162 их,846 но1161 лице4383 Господне2962 против1909 делающих4160 зло,2556 (чтобы истребить их с земли).

12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers, but the countenance of the LORD is against the wicked.

13 И2532 кто51013588 сделает вам5209 зло,2559 если14373588 вы будете1096 ревнителями3402 доброго?18

13 And who is he that can harm you if you are zealous followers of that which is good?

14 Но235 если1487 и2532 страдаете3958 за1223 правду,1343 то вы блаженны;31073588 а1161 страха5401 их846 не3361 бойтесь5399 и не3366 смущайтесь.5015

14 But, and if you suffer for righteousness' sake, you are blessed: and be not afraid of those who terrify you, neither be troubled.

15 Господа296211613588 Бога2316 святите37 в17223588 сердцах2588 ваших;5216 будьте всегда1041161 готовы20924314627 всякому,3956 требующему154 у вас5209 отчета305640123588 в1722 вашем5213 уповании,1680 дать ответ с3326 кротостью4240 и2532 благоговением.5401

15 But sanctify the LORD Christ in your hearts: and be ready to give an answer in meekness and reverence to everyone who seeks from you a word concerning the hope of your faith:

16 Имейте2192 добрую18 совесть,4893 дабы2443 тем, за1722 что3739 злословят2635 вас,5216 как5613 злодеев,2555 были постыжены26173588 порицающие1908 ваше52163588 доброе18 житие391 во1722 Христе.5547

16 Having a good conscience; so that they who speak evil of you, as of evil doers, may be ashamed as men who belittle your good works in Christ.

17 Ибо,1063 если1487 угодно23093588 воле23073588 Божией,2316 лучше2909 пострадать3958 за добрые15 дела, нежели2228 за злые;2554

17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, that you suffer for good deeds, rather than for evil doing.

18 потому что3754 и2532 Христос,5547 чтобы2443 привести4317 нас2248 к3588 Богу,2316 однажды530 пострадал3958 за4012 грехи266 наши, праведник1342 за5228 неправедных,94 быв умерщвлен22893303 по плоти,4561 но1161 ожив22273588 духом,4151

18 For Christ also once suffered for our sins, a just man for sinners, that he might bring you to God, wherefore while he died in the flesh, he lives in the Spirit.

19 1722 которым3739 Он и2532 находящимся3588 в1722 темнице5438 духам,4151 сойдя,4198 проповедал,2784

19 And he preached to the souls imprisoned in Sheol;

20 некогда4218 непокорным5443753530 ожидавшему1551 их3588 Божию2316 долготерпению,3115 во1722 дни2250 Ноя,3575 во время строения2680 ковчега,2787 в1519 котором3739 немногие,3641 то5123 есть2076 восемь3638 душ,5590 спаслись1295 от1223 воды.5204

20 Those who in the past were disobedient; and in the days of Noah, when the Spirit of God had patience, he commanded an ark to be made in the hope of their repentance, but only eight souls entered into it, and were saved by it floating upon the water.

21 Так и2532 нас2248 ныне3568 подобное сему3739 образу499 крещение,908 не3756 плотской4561 нечистоты4509 омытие,595 но235 обещание19061519 Богу2316 доброй18 совести,4893 спасает49821223 воскресением386 Иисуса2424 Христа,5547

21 You also are saved in that very manner by baptism, not merely by washing the filth from the body, but by confessing God with a clean conscience, and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

22 Который,3739 восшед4198 на1519 небо,3772 пребывает2076 одесную172211883588 Бога2316 и2532 Которому846 покорились5293 Ангелы32 и2532 Власти1849 и2532 Силы.1411

22 Who is taken up to heaven, and is at the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject to him.