

1 我邑之民、悖逆上主、暴虐同儔、自染於惡、禍必不遠、

2 彼不從命令、不順誨言、彼之上帝耶和華、不是賴是求、

3 其中之牧伯、猛若吼獅、其士師惡若豺狼、夤夜而出、愈肆其暴、盡嚙骨骸、至於詰朝、遺骼無存、

4 其先知驕泰誕妄、其祭司污衊聖所、違背法度、

5 仁義之主耶和華、駐蹕於斯邑、恒秉公義、時伸民寃、無日不然、惟彼惡徒、毫不知恥、

6 我耶和華滅列邦、毁城邑、使屋隅傾圯、逵衢荒寂、無人履之、無人居之、

7 我告斯民曰、爾當寅畏我躬、承我教誨、則不降罰、絶爾居所、然爾惟惡是作、靡有已時、

8 耶和華云、我有定命、和集列邦、憤怒奮發、氣燄殊張、殲滅天下、我旣勃興、降此刑譴、爾當祈求、

9 我必使異邦人、恒宗真道、龥我耶和華之名、比肩服事、

10 自古實河外、我流離之民、將祈禱余、供獻禮物、

11 昔爾緣我聖山、心志驕侈、獲罪於我、越至後日、我必使爾不復若此以取辱、

12 尚有遺民、謙遜爲懷、倚賴我耶和華、我使之居於爾中、

13 以色列之遺民、不行非義、不言誕妄、中心無僞、安分樂業、無震駭之虞、

14 郇邑之民、以色列衆耶路撒冷人、欣喜忭樂、踴躍歡呼、

15 我耶和華去爾災、遠爾敵、我以色列族之主耶和華、駐蹕爾中、後必無害、

16 當斯時也、人告郇邑耶路撒冷人曰、勿畏葸、毋喪膽、

17 我全能之主、爾之上帝耶和華、駐蹕爾中、必救援爾、矜憫爲懷、加以寬宥、我則樂於爲此、歡聾而呼、

18 爾中有人、見郇邑被辱、不能守節期、憂心戚戚、若斯之人、我必撫集之、

19 當是日凡敵爾者我必罰之、爾中步履趦趄者、我必手援之、爲人驅逐者、我必撫恤之、昔爾散於列邦、受人侮慢、厥後余必使人揄揚爾焉、

20 當是時反我必反爾俘囚、撫集爾民、使歸故土、爲衆目覩、天下億兆必譽美爾、我耶和華已言之矣。


Chapter 3

1 OH, the famous city, the saved city; the city of Jonah!

2 She obeyed not the voice; she received not discipline; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

3 Her princes within her are roaring like lions; her judges are like evening wolves; they wait not for the morning.

4 Her prophets are wanton and treacherous persons; her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.

5 But the just LORD is in her midst; he will not do iniquity; every morning he brings his justice to light, he is never late; but the wicked knows no shame.

6 I have destroyed the nations and removed the misery; I have made their streets waste, so that no one walks in them; their cities are desolate, without a man and without the inhabitants.

7 I said, Surely they will worship me, they will accept discipline from me; and she will not fail to see of all that I have decreed concerning her; but they hastened and corrupted all their doings.

8 Therefore wait for me, says the LORD, until the day when I rise up to give testimony; for my judgment is at hand, to gather the nations and to bring the kingdoms near, to pour out my indignation upon them, even all my fierce anger; for in the fire of my zeal shall all the earth be devoured.

9 For then I will restore to the people a pure speech, that they may call upon the name of the LORD to serve him with one consent.

10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia they shall bring me sacrifices.

11 In that day you shall not be ashamed for all your doings wherein you have transgressed against me; for then I will remove from the midst of you the might of your pride, and you shall no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

12 I will also leave in the midst of you an afflicted and humble people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.

13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth; for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall harm them.

14 Sing, O daughter of Zion; sound a trumpet, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

15 The LORD has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemies; the King of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of you; you shall not see evil any more.

16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not; and to Zion, Let not your hands be weak.

17 The LORD your God in the midst of you is a mighty Saviour; he will make you to rejoice with gladness; he will renew you with his love, he will make you joyful with a praise as in the day of a feast.

18 I will remove from you those who spoke reproach against you.

19 Behold, at that time I will humble all that are in the midst of you; and I will save her that has been subjugated, and gather her that was cast far off; and I will make them for fame and for praise in every land where they had been put to shame.

20 At that time I will bring you again, and at that very time I will gather you; for I will make you a name and a praise among all the people of the earth, when I bring back your captivity in the presence of your enemies, says the LORD.




Chapter 3

1 我邑之民、悖逆上主、暴虐同儔、自染於惡、禍必不遠、

1 OH, the famous city, the saved city; the city of Jonah!

2 彼不從命令、不順誨言、彼之上帝耶和華、不是賴是求、

2 She obeyed not the voice; she received not discipline; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.

3 其中之牧伯、猛若吼獅、其士師惡若豺狼、夤夜而出、愈肆其暴、盡嚙骨骸、至於詰朝、遺骼無存、

3 Her princes within her are roaring like lions; her judges are like evening wolves; they wait not for the morning.

4 其先知驕泰誕妄、其祭司污衊聖所、違背法度、

4 Her prophets are wanton and treacherous persons; her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.

5 仁義之主耶和華、駐蹕於斯邑、恒秉公義、時伸民寃、無日不然、惟彼惡徒、毫不知恥、

5 But the just LORD is in her midst; he will not do iniquity; every morning he brings his justice to light, he is never late; but the wicked knows no shame.

6 我耶和華滅列邦、毁城邑、使屋隅傾圯、逵衢荒寂、無人履之、無人居之、

6 I have destroyed the nations and removed the misery; I have made their streets waste, so that no one walks in them; their cities are desolate, without a man and without the inhabitants.

7 我告斯民曰、爾當寅畏我躬、承我教誨、則不降罰、絶爾居所、然爾惟惡是作、靡有已時、

7 I said, Surely they will worship me, they will accept discipline from me; and she will not fail to see of all that I have decreed concerning her; but they hastened and corrupted all their doings.

8 耶和華云、我有定命、和集列邦、憤怒奮發、氣燄殊張、殲滅天下、我旣勃興、降此刑譴、爾當祈求、

8 Therefore wait for me, says the LORD, until the day when I rise up to give testimony; for my judgment is at hand, to gather the nations and to bring the kingdoms near, to pour out my indignation upon them, even all my fierce anger; for in the fire of my zeal shall all the earth be devoured.

9 我必使異邦人、恒宗真道、龥我耶和華之名、比肩服事、

9 For then I will restore to the people a pure speech, that they may call upon the name of the LORD to serve him with one consent.

10 自古實河外、我流離之民、將祈禱余、供獻禮物、

10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia they shall bring me sacrifices.

11 昔爾緣我聖山、心志驕侈、獲罪於我、越至後日、我必使爾不復若此以取辱、

11 In that day you shall not be ashamed for all your doings wherein you have transgressed against me; for then I will remove from the midst of you the might of your pride, and you shall no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

12 尚有遺民、謙遜爲懷、倚賴我耶和華、我使之居於爾中、

12 I will also leave in the midst of you an afflicted and humble people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.

13 以色列之遺民、不行非義、不言誕妄、中心無僞、安分樂業、無震駭之虞、

13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth; for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall harm them.

14 郇邑之民、以色列衆耶路撒冷人、欣喜忭樂、踴躍歡呼、

14 Sing, O daughter of Zion; sound a trumpet, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

15 我耶和華去爾災、遠爾敵、我以色列族之主耶和華、駐蹕爾中、後必無害、

15 The LORD has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemies; the King of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of you; you shall not see evil any more.

16 當斯時也、人告郇邑耶路撒冷人曰、勿畏葸、毋喪膽、

16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear not; and to Zion, Let not your hands be weak.

17 我全能之主、爾之上帝耶和華、駐蹕爾中、必救援爾、矜憫爲懷、加以寬宥、我則樂於爲此、歡聾而呼、

17 The LORD your God in the midst of you is a mighty Saviour; he will make you to rejoice with gladness; he will renew you with his love, he will make you joyful with a praise as in the day of a feast.

18 爾中有人、見郇邑被辱、不能守節期、憂心戚戚、若斯之人、我必撫集之、

18 I will remove from you those who spoke reproach against you.

19 當是日凡敵爾者我必罰之、爾中步履趦趄者、我必手援之、爲人驅逐者、我必撫恤之、昔爾散於列邦、受人侮慢、厥後余必使人揄揚爾焉、

19 Behold, at that time I will humble all that are in the midst of you; and I will save her that has been subjugated, and gather her that was cast far off; and I will make them for fame and for praise in every land where they had been put to shame.

20 當是時反我必反爾俘囚、撫集爾民、使歸故土、爲衆目覩、天下億兆必譽美爾、我耶和華已言之矣。

20 At that time I will bring you again, and at that very time I will gather you; for I will make you a name and a praise among all the people of the earth, when I bring back your captivity in the presence of your enemies, says the LORD.
