Die Apostelgeschichte des Lukas

Kapitel 1

1 Die erste4413 Rede3056 habe ich zwar2532 getan4160, lieber5599 Theophilus2321, von4012 alledem, das3956 JEsus2424 anfing756, beides, zu tun4160 und5037 zu lehren1321,

2 bis891 an den3739 Tag2250, da er aufgenommen ward353, nachdem er den3739 Aposteln652 (welche er hatte1781 erwählet) durch1223 den Heiligen40 Geist4151 Befehl getan hatte,

3 welchen3739 er846 sich1438 nach3326 seinem Leiden3958 lebendig2198 erzeiget hatte3936 durch1223 mancherlei4183 Erweisung; und2532 ließ sich sehen3700 unter ihnen vierzig5062 Tage2250 lang und2532 redete3004 mit1722 ihnen vom4012 Reich932 Gottes2316.

4 Und2532 als er846 sie versammelt hatte4871, befahl3853 er ihnen, daß sie nicht3361 von575 Jerusalem2414 wichen5563, sondern235 warteten4037 auf die3739 Verheißung1860 des Vaters3962, welche ihr846 habt191 gehöret (sprach er) von mir3450.

5 Denn3754 Johannes2491 hat1722 mit Wasser5204 getauft907; ihr5210 aber1161 sollt mit dem Heiligen40 Geiste4151 getauft907 werden nicht3756 lange4183 nach diesen5025 Tagen2250.

6 Die aber, so zusammenkommen4905 waren, fragten1905 ihn846 und3303 sprachen3004: HErr, wirst600 du3767 auf1722 diese5129 Zeit5550 wieder600 aufrichten das932 Reich Israel2474?

7 Er846 sprach2036 aber1161 zu4314 ihnen: Es gebühret euch5216 nicht3756, zu1722 wissen1097 Zeit5550 oder2228 Stunde2540, welche der3739 Vater3962 seiner2398 Macht1849 vorbehalten hat2076,

8 sondern235 ihr werdet die Kraft1411 des Heiligen40 Geistes4151 empfangen2983, welcher3956 auf euch5209 kommen1904 wird2532; und2532 werdet meine3427 Zeugen3144 sein2071 zu1722 Jerusalem2419 und5037 in1722 ganz Judäa2449 und2532 Samarien4540 und2532 bis2193 an1909 das Ende2078 der Erde1093.

9 Und2532 da er846 solches5023 gesagt2036, ward er846 aufgehoben zusehends, und2532 eine Wolke3507 nahm5274 ihn846 auf1869 vor575 ihren Augen991 weg.

10 Und2532 als1722 sie846 ihm nachsahen2258 gen Himmel3772 fahren, siehe2400, da3936 stunden bei5613 ihnen zwei1417 Männer435 in1519 weißen Kleidern3022,

11 welche auch sagten2036: Ihr846 Männer435 von575 Galiläa1057, was5101 stehet ihr und2532 sehet1689 gen1519 Himmel3772? Dieser3778 JEsus2424, welcher3739 von euch5216 ist2476 aufgenommen353 gen Himmel3588, wird2064 kommen2064, wie3779 ihr ihn gesehen habt2300 gen Himmel3772 fahren4198.

12 Da5119 wandten sie um5290 gen Jerusalem2419 von575 dem Berge3735, der2076 da heißet der Ölberg1638, welcher3739 nahe1451 ist2564 bei1519 Jerusalem2419 und liegt einen Sabbatweg4521 davon.

13 Und2532 als sie hineinkamen1525, stiegen sie auf305 den Söller5253, da3753 denn2532 sich2258 aufhielten Petrus4074 und5037 Jakobus2385, Johannes2491 und2532 Andreas406, Philippus5376 und2532 Thomas2381, Bartholomäus918 und2532 Matthäus3156, Jakobus2385, des1519 Alphäus256 Sohn, und2532 Simon4613 Zelotes2208 und2532 Judas2455, des2532 Jakobus2385 Sohn.

14 Diese3778 alle3956 waren2258 stets4342 beieinander einmütig3661 mit4862 Beten4335 und2532 Flehen1162 samt4862 den Weibern1135 und2532 Maria3137, der Mutter3384 JEsu2424, und2532 seinen846 Brüdern80.

15 Und2532 in1722 den Tagen2250 trat auf450 Petrus4074 unter die Jünger3101 und sprach (es846 war2258 aber die Schar3793 der5025 Namen3686 zuhauf bei1722 hundertundzwanzig1540)

16 Ihr Männer435 und Brüder80, es mußte1163 die5026 Schrift1124 erfüllet4137 werden1096, welche zuvor gesagt4277 hat der Heilige40 Geist4151 durch1223 den3588 Mund4750 Davids1138, von4012 Juda2455, der ein Vorgänger war derer, die3739 JEsum2424 fingen4815.

17 Denn3754 er war2258 mit4862 uns2254 gezählet und2532 hatte2975 dies5026 Amt1248 mit uns überkommen.

18 Dieser3778 hat erworben2932 den846 Acker5564 um1537 den ungerechten93 Lohn3408 und3767 sich erhenkt und2532 ist1632 mitten3319 entzweigeborsten2997, und2532 alle3956 sein1096 Eingeweide4698 ausgeschüttet.

19 Und2532 es846 ist5123 kund1110 worden allen, die1565 zu Jerusalem2419 wohnen2730, also daß5620 derselbige Acker5564 genannt2564 wird1096 auf ihre2398 Sprache1258 Hakeldama184, das3956 ist, ein Blutacker.

20 Denn1063 es846 stehet geschrieben1125 im1722 Psalmbuch976: Ihre846 Behausung1886 müsse wüste2048 werden1096, und2532 sei2077 niemand3361, der846 drinnen wohne2730, und2532 sein1096 Bistum1984 empfange2983 ein anderer2087.

21 So muß nun3767 einer unter diesen5130 Männern435, die3739 bei uns2254 gewesen sind4905 die ganze3956 Zeit5550 über1909, welche der HErr2962 JEsus2424 unter uns2248 ist1831 aus1831 und2532 ein1525 gegangen,

22 von575 der3739 Taufe908 des Johannes2491 an756 bis2193 auf den Tag2250, da er846 von575 uns2257 genommen ist353, ein1520 Zeuge3144 seiner Auferstehung386 mit4862 uns2254 werden1096.

23 Und2532 sie2476 stelleten zwei1417, Joseph2501, genannt2564 Barsabas923, mit dem3739 Zunamen1941 Just2459, und2532 Matthias3159,

24 beteten4336 und2532 sprachen2036: HErr2962, aller3956 Herzen Kündiger2589, zeige an322, welchen1520 du4771 erwählet hast1586 unter1537 diesen5130 zwei1417,

25 daß3739 einer5026 empfange2983 diesen Dienst1248 und2532 Apostelamt651, davon Judas2455 abgewichen ist3845, daß1519 er hinginge4198 an1537 seinen2398 Ort5117.

26 Und2532 sie1325 warfen das Los2819 über1909 sie; und2532 das Los2819 fiel4098 auf Matthias3159. Und2532 er846 ward zugeordnet4785 zu3326 den elf1733 Aposteln652.


Chapter 1

1 THE first book have I written, O Theoph'i- lus, concerning all the things which our Lord Jesus Christ began to do and teach

2 Until the day when he ascended after he, through the Holy Spirit, had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen;

3 The very ones to whom he had also shown himself alive, after he had suffered, with many wonders during the forty days, while appearing to them and talking with them concerning the kingdom of God:

4 And as he ate bread with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father, the one of whom you have heard from me.

5 For John baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.

6 While they were assembled, they asked him, saying, Our LORD, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?

7 He said to them, It is not for you to know the time or times, which the Father has put under his own authority.

8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you shall receive power and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem and in all Judaea also in the province of Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

9 And when he had spoken these things, he ascended while they were looking at him; a cloud * received him and he was hidden from their sight.

10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white robes;

11 And they said to them, Men of Gal'i-lee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who has ascended from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him ascend into heaven.

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount which is called Ol'i-vet, home of Olives, which is near to Jerusalem, about a mile away.

13 And after they had entered into the city, they went up into an upper room, where stayed Peter and John and James and Andrew, and also Philip and Thomas, and Matthew and Bar-thol'o-mew and James the son of Al-phµ'us, and Simon the zealot, and Judas the son of James.

14 These all continued together in prayer with one accord, with the women, and Mary the Mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

15 And in those days Simon Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (there were there a number of men, about a hundred and twenty), and said,

16 Men and brethren, it was proper that the scripture should be fulfilled, that which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to them that seized Jesus.

17 For he was numbered with us and had a lot # in this ministry.

18 He is the one who earned for himself a field with the price of sin; and falling headlong, he burst open in the midst and all his bowels gushed out.

19 And this very thing is known to all who dwell in Jerusalem; so that the field is called in the language of the country, Kha'kal- De'ma which is to say Ko-ri-ath'dem, the field of blood.

20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no one dwell in it; and let his duty be taken by another man.

21 It is necessary, therefore, that one of these men, who have been with us during all the time that our LORD Jesus went in and out among us,

22 Beginning from the baptism of John until the day he ascended from among us, become a partner with us as a witness of his resurrection.

23 So they appointed two: Joseph called Bar'sa-bas who was surnamed Justus, and Mat-thi'as.

24 And as they prayed, they said, O LORD, you know what is in the hearts of all men; show which of these two you choose,

25 That he may receive the lot to the ministry and apostleship, from which Judas has been relieved to go his own way.

26 Then they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Mat-thi'as; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

Die Apostelgeschichte des Lukas

Kapitel 1


Chapter 1

1 Die erste4413 Rede3056 habe ich zwar2532 getan4160, lieber5599 Theophilus2321, von4012 alledem, das3956 JEsus2424 anfing756, beides, zu tun4160 und5037 zu lehren1321,

1 THE first book have I written, O Theoph'i- lus, concerning all the things which our Lord Jesus Christ began to do and teach

2 bis891 an den3739 Tag2250, da er aufgenommen ward353, nachdem er den3739 Aposteln652 (welche er hatte1781 erwählet) durch1223 den Heiligen40 Geist4151 Befehl getan hatte,

2 Until the day when he ascended after he, through the Holy Spirit, had given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen;

3 welchen3739 er846 sich1438 nach3326 seinem Leiden3958 lebendig2198 erzeiget hatte3936 durch1223 mancherlei4183 Erweisung; und2532 ließ sich sehen3700 unter ihnen vierzig5062 Tage2250 lang und2532 redete3004 mit1722 ihnen vom4012 Reich932 Gottes2316.

3 The very ones to whom he had also shown himself alive, after he had suffered, with many wonders during the forty days, while appearing to them and talking with them concerning the kingdom of God:

4 Und2532 als er846 sie versammelt hatte4871, befahl3853 er ihnen, daß sie nicht3361 von575 Jerusalem2414 wichen5563, sondern235 warteten4037 auf die3739 Verheißung1860 des Vaters3962, welche ihr846 habt191 gehöret (sprach er) von mir3450.

4 And as he ate bread with them, he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father, the one of whom you have heard from me.

5 Denn3754 Johannes2491 hat1722 mit Wasser5204 getauft907; ihr5210 aber1161 sollt mit dem Heiligen40 Geiste4151 getauft907 werden nicht3756 lange4183 nach diesen5025 Tagen2250.

5 For John baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence.

6 Die aber, so zusammenkommen4905 waren, fragten1905 ihn846 und3303 sprachen3004: HErr, wirst600 du3767 auf1722 diese5129 Zeit5550 wieder600 aufrichten das932 Reich Israel2474?

6 While they were assembled, they asked him, saying, Our LORD, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?

7 Er846 sprach2036 aber1161 zu4314 ihnen: Es gebühret euch5216 nicht3756, zu1722 wissen1097 Zeit5550 oder2228 Stunde2540, welche der3739 Vater3962 seiner2398 Macht1849 vorbehalten hat2076,

7 He said to them, It is not for you to know the time or times, which the Father has put under his own authority.

8 sondern235 ihr werdet die Kraft1411 des Heiligen40 Geistes4151 empfangen2983, welcher3956 auf euch5209 kommen1904 wird2532; und2532 werdet meine3427 Zeugen3144 sein2071 zu1722 Jerusalem2419 und5037 in1722 ganz Judäa2449 und2532 Samarien4540 und2532 bis2193 an1909 das Ende2078 der Erde1093.

8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you shall receive power and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem and in all Judaea also in the province of Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

9 Und2532 da er846 solches5023 gesagt2036, ward er846 aufgehoben zusehends, und2532 eine Wolke3507 nahm5274 ihn846 auf1869 vor575 ihren Augen991 weg.

9 And when he had spoken these things, he ascended while they were looking at him; a cloud * received him and he was hidden from their sight.

10 Und2532 als1722 sie846 ihm nachsahen2258 gen Himmel3772 fahren, siehe2400, da3936 stunden bei5613 ihnen zwei1417 Männer435 in1519 weißen Kleidern3022,

10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold two men stood by them in white robes;

11 welche auch sagten2036: Ihr846 Männer435 von575 Galiläa1057, was5101 stehet ihr und2532 sehet1689 gen1519 Himmel3772? Dieser3778 JEsus2424, welcher3739 von euch5216 ist2476 aufgenommen353 gen Himmel3588, wird2064 kommen2064, wie3779 ihr ihn gesehen habt2300 gen Himmel3772 fahren4198.

11 And they said to them, Men of Gal'i-lee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus who has ascended from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him ascend into heaven.

12 Da5119 wandten sie um5290 gen Jerusalem2419 von575 dem Berge3735, der2076 da heißet der Ölberg1638, welcher3739 nahe1451 ist2564 bei1519 Jerusalem2419 und liegt einen Sabbatweg4521 davon.

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount which is called Ol'i-vet, home of Olives, which is near to Jerusalem, about a mile away.

13 Und2532 als sie hineinkamen1525, stiegen sie auf305 den Söller5253, da3753 denn2532 sich2258 aufhielten Petrus4074 und5037 Jakobus2385, Johannes2491 und2532 Andreas406, Philippus5376 und2532 Thomas2381, Bartholomäus918 und2532 Matthäus3156, Jakobus2385, des1519 Alphäus256 Sohn, und2532 Simon4613 Zelotes2208 und2532 Judas2455, des2532 Jakobus2385 Sohn.

13 And after they had entered into the city, they went up into an upper room, where stayed Peter and John and James and Andrew, and also Philip and Thomas, and Matthew and Bar-thol'o-mew and James the son of Al-phµ'us, and Simon the zealot, and Judas the son of James.

14 Diese3778 alle3956 waren2258 stets4342 beieinander einmütig3661 mit4862 Beten4335 und2532 Flehen1162 samt4862 den Weibern1135 und2532 Maria3137, der Mutter3384 JEsu2424, und2532 seinen846 Brüdern80.

14 These all continued together in prayer with one accord, with the women, and Mary the Mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.

15 Und2532 in1722 den Tagen2250 trat auf450 Petrus4074 unter die Jünger3101 und sprach (es846 war2258 aber die Schar3793 der5025 Namen3686 zuhauf bei1722 hundertundzwanzig1540)

15 And in those days Simon Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (there were there a number of men, about a hundred and twenty), and said,

16 Ihr Männer435 und Brüder80, es mußte1163 die5026 Schrift1124 erfüllet4137 werden1096, welche zuvor gesagt4277 hat der Heilige40 Geist4151 durch1223 den3588 Mund4750 Davids1138, von4012 Juda2455, der ein Vorgänger war derer, die3739 JEsum2424 fingen4815.

16 Men and brethren, it was proper that the scripture should be fulfilled, that which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to them that seized Jesus.

17 Denn3754 er war2258 mit4862 uns2254 gezählet und2532 hatte2975 dies5026 Amt1248 mit uns überkommen.

17 For he was numbered with us and had a lot # in this ministry.

18 Dieser3778 hat erworben2932 den846 Acker5564 um1537 den ungerechten93 Lohn3408 und3767 sich erhenkt und2532 ist1632 mitten3319 entzweigeborsten2997, und2532 alle3956 sein1096 Eingeweide4698 ausgeschüttet.

18 He is the one who earned for himself a field with the price of sin; and falling headlong, he burst open in the midst and all his bowels gushed out.

19 Und2532 es846 ist5123 kund1110 worden allen, die1565 zu Jerusalem2419 wohnen2730, also daß5620 derselbige Acker5564 genannt2564 wird1096 auf ihre2398 Sprache1258 Hakeldama184, das3956 ist, ein Blutacker.

19 And this very thing is known to all who dwell in Jerusalem; so that the field is called in the language of the country, Kha'kal- De'ma which is to say Ko-ri-ath'dem, the field of blood.

20 Denn1063 es846 stehet geschrieben1125 im1722 Psalmbuch976: Ihre846 Behausung1886 müsse wüste2048 werden1096, und2532 sei2077 niemand3361, der846 drinnen wohne2730, und2532 sein1096 Bistum1984 empfange2983 ein anderer2087.

20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no one dwell in it; and let his duty be taken by another man.

21 So muß nun3767 einer unter diesen5130 Männern435, die3739 bei uns2254 gewesen sind4905 die ganze3956 Zeit5550 über1909, welche der HErr2962 JEsus2424 unter uns2248 ist1831 aus1831 und2532 ein1525 gegangen,

21 It is necessary, therefore, that one of these men, who have been with us during all the time that our LORD Jesus went in and out among us,

22 von575 der3739 Taufe908 des Johannes2491 an756 bis2193 auf den Tag2250, da er846 von575 uns2257 genommen ist353, ein1520 Zeuge3144 seiner Auferstehung386 mit4862 uns2254 werden1096.

22 Beginning from the baptism of John until the day he ascended from among us, become a partner with us as a witness of his resurrection.

23 Und2532 sie2476 stelleten zwei1417, Joseph2501, genannt2564 Barsabas923, mit dem3739 Zunamen1941 Just2459, und2532 Matthias3159,

23 So they appointed two: Joseph called Bar'sa-bas who was surnamed Justus, and Mat-thi'as.

24 beteten4336 und2532 sprachen2036: HErr2962, aller3956 Herzen Kündiger2589, zeige an322, welchen1520 du4771 erwählet hast1586 unter1537 diesen5130 zwei1417,

24 And as they prayed, they said, O LORD, you know what is in the hearts of all men; show which of these two you choose,

25 daß3739 einer5026 empfange2983 diesen Dienst1248 und2532 Apostelamt651, davon Judas2455 abgewichen ist3845, daß1519 er hinginge4198 an1537 seinen2398 Ort5117.

25 That he may receive the lot to the ministry and apostleship, from which Judas has been relieved to go his own way.

26 Und2532 sie1325 warfen das Los2819 über1909 sie; und2532 das Los2819 fiel4098 auf Matthias3159. Und2532 er846 ward zugeordnet4785 zu3326 den elf1733 Aposteln652.

26 Then they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Mat-thi'as; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.