
Chapter 1

1 Now after310 the death4194 of Joshua3091 it came1961 to pass, that the children1121 of Israel3478 asked7592 the LORD,3068 saying,559 Who4310 shall go5927 up for us against the Canaanites3669 first,8462 to fight3898 against them?

2 And the LORD3068 said,559 Judah3063 shall go5927 up: behold,2009 I have delivered5414 the land776 into his hand.3027

3 And Judah3063 said559 to Simeon8095 his brother,251 Come5927 up with me into my lot,1486 that we may fight3898 against the Canaanites;3669 and I likewise1571 will go1980 with you into your lot.1486 So Simeon8095 went3212 with him.

4 And Judah3063 went5927 up; and the LORD3068 delivered5414 the Canaanites3669 and the Perizzites6522 into their hand:3027 and they slew5221 of them in Bezek966 ten6235 thousand505 men.376

5 And they found4672 Adonibezek137 in Bezek:966 and they fought3898 against him, and they slew5221 the Canaanites3669 and the Perizzites.6522

6 But Adonibezek137 fled;5127 and they pursued7291 after310 him, and caught270 him, and cut7112 off his thumbs931 3027 and his great toes.931 7272

7 And Adonibezek137 said,559 Three score7657 and ten kings,4428 having their thumbs931 3027 and their great toes931 7272 cut7112 off, gathered3950 their meat under8478 my table:7979 as I have done,6213 so3651 God430 has requited7999 me. And they brought935 him to Jerusalem,3389 and there8033 he died.4191

8 Now the children1121 of Judah3063 had fought3898 against Jerusalem,3389 and had taken3920 it, and smitten5221 it with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and set7971 the city5892 on fire.784

9 And afterward310 the children1121 of Judah3063 went3381 down3381 to fight3898 against the Canaanites,3669 that dwelled3427 in the mountain,2022 and in the south,5045 and in the valley.8219

10 And Judah3063 went3212 against413 the Canaanites3669 that dwelled3427 in Hebron:2275 (now the name8034 of Hebron2275 before6440 was Kirjatharba:7153) and they slew5221 Sheshai,8344 and Ahiman,289 and Talmai.8526

11 And from there8033 he went3212 against413 the inhabitants3427 of Debir:1688 and the name8034 of Debir1688 before6440 was Kirjathsepher:7158

12 And Caleb3612 said,559 He that smites5221 Kirjathsepher,7158 and takes3920 it, to him will I give5414 Achsah5919 my daughter1323 to wife.802

13 And Othniel6274 the son1121 of Kenaz,7073 Caleb's3612 younger6996 brother,251 took3920 it: and he gave5414 him Achsah5919 his daughter1323 to wife.802

14 And it came1961 to pass, when she came935 to him, that she moved5496 him to ask7592 of her father1 a field:7704 and she lighted6795 from off5921 her ass;2543 and Caleb3612 said559 to her, What4100 will you?

15 And she said559 to him, Give3051 me a blessing:1293 for you have given5414 me a south5045 land;776 give5414 me also springs1543 of water.4325 And Caleb3612 gave5414 her the upper5942 springs1543 and the nether8482 springs.1543

16 And the children1121 of the Kenite,7017 Moses'4872 father2859 in law,2859 went5927 up out of the city5892 of palm8558 trees with the children1121 of Judah3063 into the wilderness4057 of Judah,3063 which834 lies in the south5045 of Arad;6166 and they went3212 and dwelled3427 among854 the people.5971

17 And Judah3063 went3212 with Simeon8095 his brother,251 and they slew5221 the Canaanites3669 that inhabited3427 Zephath,6857 and utterly destroyed2763 it. And the name8034 of the city5892 was called7121 Hormah.2767

18 Also Judah3063 took3920 Gaza5804 with the coast1366 thereof, and Askelon831 with the coast1366 thereof, and Ekron6138 with the coast1366 thereof.

19 And the LORD3068 was with Judah;3063 and he drove3423 out the inhabitants of the mountain;2022 but could not drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of the valley,6010 because3588 they had chariots7393 of iron.1270

20 And they gave5414 Hebron2275 to Caleb,3612 as Moses4872 said:1696 and he expelled3423 there8033 the three7969 sons1121 of Anak.6061

21 And the children1121 of Benjamin1144 did not drive3423 out the Jebusites2983 that inhabited3427 Jerusalem;3389 but the Jebusites2983 dwell3427 with the children1121 of Benjamin1144 in Jerusalem3389 to this2088 day.3117

22 And the house1004 of Joseph,3130 they also1571 went5927 up against Bethel:1008 and the LORD3068 was with them.

23 And the house1004 of Joseph3130 sent7971 to descry8446 Bethel.1008 (Now the name8034 of the city5892 before6440 was Luz.3870)

24 And the spies8104 saw7200 a man376 come3318 forth3318 out of the city,5892 and they said559 to him, Show7200 us, we pray4994 you, the entrance3996 into the city,5892 and we will show6213 you mercy.2617

25 And when he showed7200 them the entrance3996 into the city,5892 they smote5221 the city5892 with the edge6310 of the sword;2719 but they let go7971 the man376 and all3605 his family.4940

26 And the man376 went3212 into the land776 of the Hittites,2850 and built1129 a city,5892 and called7121 the name8034 thereof Luz:3870 which1931 is the name8034 thereof to this2088 day.3117

27 Neither3808 did Manasseh4519 drive3423 out the inhabitants of Bethshean1052 and her towns,1323 nor Taanach8590 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Dor1756 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Ibleam2991 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Megiddo4023 and her towns:1323 but the Canaanites3669 would2974 dwell3427 in that land.776

28 And it came1961 to pass, when Israel3478 was strong,2388 that they put7760 the Canaanites3669 to tribute,4522 and did not utterly drive3423 them out.

29 Neither3808 did Ephraim669 drive3423 out the Canaanites3669 that dwelled3427 in Gezer;1507 but the Canaanites3669 dwelled3427 in Gezer1507 among7130 them.

30 Neither3808 did Zebulun2074 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Kitron,7003 nor the inhabitants3427 of Nahalol;5096 but the Canaanites3669 dwelled3427 among7130 them, and became1961 tributaries.4522

31 Neither3808 did Asher836 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Accho,5910 nor the inhabitants3427 of Zidon,6721 nor of Ahlab,303 nor of Achzib,392 nor of Helbah,2462 nor of Aphik,663 nor of Rehob:7340

32 But the Asherites843 dwelled3427 among7130 the Canaanites,3669 the inhabitants3427 of the land:776 for they did not drive3423 them out.

33 Neither3808 did Naphtali5321 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Bethshemesh,1053 nor the inhabitants3427 of Bethanath;1043 but he dwelled3427 among7130 the Canaanites,3669 the inhabitants3427 of the land:776 nevertheless the inhabitants3427 of Bethshemesh1053 and of Bethanath1043 became1961 tributaries4522 to them.

34 And the Amorites567 forced3905 the children1121 of Dan1835 into the mountain:2022 for they would not suffer5414 them to come3381 down3381 to the valley:6010

35 But the Amorites567 would2974 dwell3427 in mount2022 Heres2776 in Aijalon,357 and in Shaalbim:8169 yet the hand3027 of the house1004 of Joseph3130 prevailed,3513 so that they became1961 tributaries.4522

36 And the coast1366 of the Amorites567 was from the going4608 up to Akrabbim,6137 from the rock,5553 and upward.4605



1 約書亞旣沒、以色列族問於耶和華曰、孰可先往、代我攻迦南人。

2 耶和華曰、猶大族可往、我以是地付於其手。

3 猶大族告同儕西面族曰、爾與我同往、至所得之地、攻迦南人、其後我亦與汝偕詣爾所得之地、西面族從焉。

4 猶大族乃往、耶和華以迦南人、比哩洗人、付於其手、在庇泄殺人一萬。

5 卽於其處遇亞多尼庇泄、攻之、迦南人、比哩洗人皆被殺戮。

6 亞多尼庇泄遁、追而擒之、斷其手足之巨擘。

7 亞多尼庇泄曰、昔我斷七十王手足之巨擘、使拾物於我几下、今上帝視我所行、報施於我。猶大族乃攜之至耶路撒冷、死焉。〇

8 猶大族攻耶路撒冷而取其地、擊之以刃、燬之以火、

9 遂往南方、與居陵谷之迦南人戰。

10 攻希伯崙之迦南人、殺示篩、亞希幔、達買、昔希伯崙名基列亞巴。

11 由此而往、攻底必人、昔底必名基烈西弗。

12 迦勒曰、能擊基烈西弗而取之者、必以我女、押撒妻之。

13 迦勒弟基納、有子阿得業取其邑、故妻以女。

14 女將于歸、請於夫曰、容我求父、予我田疇、遂下驢。迦勒曰、爾欲何求。

15 曰、欲爾錫嘏、昔以南隅之地予我、今贈我以泉、遂以上下泉予之。〇

16 基尼族摩西外舅裔也、離棗樹之邑、偕猶大族、適亞臘南之猶大野、與民同居。

17 猶大族與同儕西面族、偕往西法、殺迦南人、翦滅其邑。昔西法名曷馬。

18 猶大取迦薩與其郊、亞實基倫與其郊、以革倫與其郊。

19 猶大族爲耶和華所祐、遂據山地、其不能逐居谷之人者、以有鐵車之故也。

20 以希伯崙子迦勒、踐摩西前言、迦勒逐亞納三子。〇

21 耶布士人處於耶路撒冷、不爲便雅憫族所逐、故得與之偕居、至於今日。〇

22 約瑟族往攻伯特利、耶和華祐之。

23 約瑟族遣人窺察伯特利、昔伯特利名路斯。

24 偵者見人由邑出、謂之曰、是邑何由而入、請爾指示、我將矜恤爾。

25 其人乃告以入邑之所、於是約瑟族擊其邑滅之、惟指示之人全家得釋。

26 往赫人之地建邑、名之曰路斯、迄於今日、其名尚存。〇

27 伯善大納、多耳、以伯連、米吉多、及其鄉里之迦南人、仍居斯土、馬拿西族不加驅逐。

28 以色列族強盛、徵貢於迦南人、不逐之盡。

29 迦南人之處於基色者、與以法蓮族偕居、不爲所逐。

30 迦南人之處於吉倫與拿哈鹿者、與西布倫族偕居、不爲所逐、惟徵其貢。

31 迦南人居於亞砢、西頓、亞臘、亞革悉、黑巴、亞非革、哩合之地、不爲亞設族所逐、與之同居、

32 併於上節

33 迦南人處於伯示麥、伯亞納之地、納大利族不加驅逐、與之同居、惟徵其貢。

34 但之一族爲亞摩哩人所侮、逐之於山、不許下谷。

35 亞摩哩人仍居希烈山、亞雅倫、沙押濱、旋受制於約瑟族、而納其貢。

36 亞摩哩人界自亞克拉濱岡、由磐而上。


Chapter 1



1 Now after310 the death4194 of Joshua3091 it came1961 to pass, that the children1121 of Israel3478 asked7592 the LORD,3068 saying,559 Who4310 shall go5927 up for us against the Canaanites3669 first,8462 to fight3898 against them?

1 約書亞旣沒、以色列族問於耶和華曰、孰可先往、代我攻迦南人。

2 And the LORD3068 said,559 Judah3063 shall go5927 up: behold,2009 I have delivered5414 the land776 into his hand.3027

2 耶和華曰、猶大族可往、我以是地付於其手。

3 And Judah3063 said559 to Simeon8095 his brother,251 Come5927 up with me into my lot,1486 that we may fight3898 against the Canaanites;3669 and I likewise1571 will go1980 with you into your lot.1486 So Simeon8095 went3212 with him.

3 猶大族告同儕西面族曰、爾與我同往、至所得之地、攻迦南人、其後我亦與汝偕詣爾所得之地、西面族從焉。

4 And Judah3063 went5927 up; and the LORD3068 delivered5414 the Canaanites3669 and the Perizzites6522 into their hand:3027 and they slew5221 of them in Bezek966 ten6235 thousand505 men.376

4 猶大族乃往、耶和華以迦南人、比哩洗人、付於其手、在庇泄殺人一萬。

5 And they found4672 Adonibezek137 in Bezek:966 and they fought3898 against him, and they slew5221 the Canaanites3669 and the Perizzites.6522

5 卽於其處遇亞多尼庇泄、攻之、迦南人、比哩洗人皆被殺戮。

6 But Adonibezek137 fled;5127 and they pursued7291 after310 him, and caught270 him, and cut7112 off his thumbs931 3027 and his great toes.931 7272

6 亞多尼庇泄遁、追而擒之、斷其手足之巨擘。

7 And Adonibezek137 said,559 Three score7657 and ten kings,4428 having their thumbs931 3027 and their great toes931 7272 cut7112 off, gathered3950 their meat under8478 my table:7979 as I have done,6213 so3651 God430 has requited7999 me. And they brought935 him to Jerusalem,3389 and there8033 he died.4191

7 亞多尼庇泄曰、昔我斷七十王手足之巨擘、使拾物於我几下、今上帝視我所行、報施於我。猶大族乃攜之至耶路撒冷、死焉。〇

8 Now the children1121 of Judah3063 had fought3898 against Jerusalem,3389 and had taken3920 it, and smitten5221 it with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 and set7971 the city5892 on fire.784

8 猶大族攻耶路撒冷而取其地、擊之以刃、燬之以火、

9 And afterward310 the children1121 of Judah3063 went3381 down3381 to fight3898 against the Canaanites,3669 that dwelled3427 in the mountain,2022 and in the south,5045 and in the valley.8219

9 遂往南方、與居陵谷之迦南人戰。

10 And Judah3063 went3212 against413 the Canaanites3669 that dwelled3427 in Hebron:2275 (now the name8034 of Hebron2275 before6440 was Kirjatharba:7153) and they slew5221 Sheshai,8344 and Ahiman,289 and Talmai.8526

10 攻希伯崙之迦南人、殺示篩、亞希幔、達買、昔希伯崙名基列亞巴。

11 And from there8033 he went3212 against413 the inhabitants3427 of Debir:1688 and the name8034 of Debir1688 before6440 was Kirjathsepher:7158

11 由此而往、攻底必人、昔底必名基烈西弗。

12 And Caleb3612 said,559 He that smites5221 Kirjathsepher,7158 and takes3920 it, to him will I give5414 Achsah5919 my daughter1323 to wife.802

12 迦勒曰、能擊基烈西弗而取之者、必以我女、押撒妻之。

13 And Othniel6274 the son1121 of Kenaz,7073 Caleb's3612 younger6996 brother,251 took3920 it: and he gave5414 him Achsah5919 his daughter1323 to wife.802

13 迦勒弟基納、有子阿得業取其邑、故妻以女。

14 And it came1961 to pass, when she came935 to him, that she moved5496 him to ask7592 of her father1 a field:7704 and she lighted6795 from off5921 her ass;2543 and Caleb3612 said559 to her, What4100 will you?

14 女將于歸、請於夫曰、容我求父、予我田疇、遂下驢。迦勒曰、爾欲何求。

15 And she said559 to him, Give3051 me a blessing:1293 for you have given5414 me a south5045 land;776 give5414 me also springs1543 of water.4325 And Caleb3612 gave5414 her the upper5942 springs1543 and the nether8482 springs.1543

15 曰、欲爾錫嘏、昔以南隅之地予我、今贈我以泉、遂以上下泉予之。〇

16 And the children1121 of the Kenite,7017 Moses'4872 father2859 in law,2859 went5927 up out of the city5892 of palm8558 trees with the children1121 of Judah3063 into the wilderness4057 of Judah,3063 which834 lies in the south5045 of Arad;6166 and they went3212 and dwelled3427 among854 the people.5971

16 基尼族摩西外舅裔也、離棗樹之邑、偕猶大族、適亞臘南之猶大野、與民同居。

17 And Judah3063 went3212 with Simeon8095 his brother,251 and they slew5221 the Canaanites3669 that inhabited3427 Zephath,6857 and utterly destroyed2763 it. And the name8034 of the city5892 was called7121 Hormah.2767

17 猶大族與同儕西面族、偕往西法、殺迦南人、翦滅其邑。昔西法名曷馬。

18 Also Judah3063 took3920 Gaza5804 with the coast1366 thereof, and Askelon831 with the coast1366 thereof, and Ekron6138 with the coast1366 thereof.

18 猶大取迦薩與其郊、亞實基倫與其郊、以革倫與其郊。

19 And the LORD3068 was with Judah;3063 and he drove3423 out the inhabitants of the mountain;2022 but could not drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of the valley,6010 because3588 they had chariots7393 of iron.1270

19 猶大族爲耶和華所祐、遂據山地、其不能逐居谷之人者、以有鐵車之故也。

20 And they gave5414 Hebron2275 to Caleb,3612 as Moses4872 said:1696 and he expelled3423 there8033 the three7969 sons1121 of Anak.6061

20 以希伯崙子迦勒、踐摩西前言、迦勒逐亞納三子。〇

21 And the children1121 of Benjamin1144 did not drive3423 out the Jebusites2983 that inhabited3427 Jerusalem;3389 but the Jebusites2983 dwell3427 with the children1121 of Benjamin1144 in Jerusalem3389 to this2088 day.3117

21 耶布士人處於耶路撒冷、不爲便雅憫族所逐、故得與之偕居、至於今日。〇

22 And the house1004 of Joseph,3130 they also1571 went5927 up against Bethel:1008 and the LORD3068 was with them.

22 約瑟族往攻伯特利、耶和華祐之。

23 And the house1004 of Joseph3130 sent7971 to descry8446 Bethel.1008 (Now the name8034 of the city5892 before6440 was Luz.3870)

23 約瑟族遣人窺察伯特利、昔伯特利名路斯。

24 And the spies8104 saw7200 a man376 come3318 forth3318 out of the city,5892 and they said559 to him, Show7200 us, we pray4994 you, the entrance3996 into the city,5892 and we will show6213 you mercy.2617

24 偵者見人由邑出、謂之曰、是邑何由而入、請爾指示、我將矜恤爾。

25 And when he showed7200 them the entrance3996 into the city,5892 they smote5221 the city5892 with the edge6310 of the sword;2719 but they let go7971 the man376 and all3605 his family.4940

25 其人乃告以入邑之所、於是約瑟族擊其邑滅之、惟指示之人全家得釋。

26 And the man376 went3212 into the land776 of the Hittites,2850 and built1129 a city,5892 and called7121 the name8034 thereof Luz:3870 which1931 is the name8034 thereof to this2088 day.3117

26 往赫人之地建邑、名之曰路斯、迄於今日、其名尚存。〇

27 Neither3808 did Manasseh4519 drive3423 out the inhabitants of Bethshean1052 and her towns,1323 nor Taanach8590 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Dor1756 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Ibleam2991 and her towns,1323 nor the inhabitants3427 of Megiddo4023 and her towns:1323 but the Canaanites3669 would2974 dwell3427 in that land.776

27 伯善大納、多耳、以伯連、米吉多、及其鄉里之迦南人、仍居斯土、馬拿西族不加驅逐。

28 And it came1961 to pass, when Israel3478 was strong,2388 that they put7760 the Canaanites3669 to tribute,4522 and did not utterly drive3423 them out.

28 以色列族強盛、徵貢於迦南人、不逐之盡。

29 Neither3808 did Ephraim669 drive3423 out the Canaanites3669 that dwelled3427 in Gezer;1507 but the Canaanites3669 dwelled3427 in Gezer1507 among7130 them.

29 迦南人之處於基色者、與以法蓮族偕居、不爲所逐。

30 Neither3808 did Zebulun2074 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Kitron,7003 nor the inhabitants3427 of Nahalol;5096 but the Canaanites3669 dwelled3427 among7130 them, and became1961 tributaries.4522

30 迦南人之處於吉倫與拿哈鹿者、與西布倫族偕居、不爲所逐、惟徵其貢。

31 Neither3808 did Asher836 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Accho,5910 nor the inhabitants3427 of Zidon,6721 nor of Ahlab,303 nor of Achzib,392 nor of Helbah,2462 nor of Aphik,663 nor of Rehob:7340

31 迦南人居於亞砢、西頓、亞臘、亞革悉、黑巴、亞非革、哩合之地、不爲亞設族所逐、與之同居、

32 But the Asherites843 dwelled3427 among7130 the Canaanites,3669 the inhabitants3427 of the land:776 for they did not drive3423 them out.

32 併於上節

33 Neither3808 did Naphtali5321 drive3423 out the inhabitants3427 of Bethshemesh,1053 nor the inhabitants3427 of Bethanath;1043 but he dwelled3427 among7130 the Canaanites,3669 the inhabitants3427 of the land:776 nevertheless the inhabitants3427 of Bethshemesh1053 and of Bethanath1043 became1961 tributaries4522 to them.

33 迦南人處於伯示麥、伯亞納之地、納大利族不加驅逐、與之同居、惟徵其貢。

34 And the Amorites567 forced3905 the children1121 of Dan1835 into the mountain:2022 for they would not suffer5414 them to come3381 down3381 to the valley:6010

34 但之一族爲亞摩哩人所侮、逐之於山、不許下谷。

35 But the Amorites567 would2974 dwell3427 in mount2022 Heres2776 in Aijalon,357 and in Shaalbim:8169 yet the hand3027 of the house1004 of Joseph3130 prevailed,3513 so that they became1961 tributaries.4522

35 亞摩哩人仍居希烈山、亞雅倫、沙押濱、旋受制於約瑟族、而納其貢。

36 And the coast1366 of the Amorites567 was from the going4608 up to Akrabbim,6137 from the rock,5553 and upward.4605

36 亞摩哩人界自亞克拉濱岡、由磐而上。