
Chapter 18

1 The word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 unto413 me again, saying,559

2 What4100 mean ye, that ye859 use4911 this2088 853 proverb4912 concerning5921 the land127 of Israel,3478 saying,559 The fathers1 have eaten398 sour grapes,1155 and the children's1121 teeth8127 are set on edge?6949

3 As I589 live,2416 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD,3069 ye shall not518 have1961 occasion any more5750 to use4911 this2088 proverb4912 in Israel.3478

4 Behold,2005 all3605 souls5315 are mine; as the soul5315 of the father,1 so also the soul5315 of the son1121 is mine: the soul5315 that sinneth,2398 it1931 shall die.4191

5 But if3588 a man376 be1961 just,6662 and do6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666

6 And hath not3808 eaten398 upon413 the mountains,2022 neither3808 hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols1544 of the house1004 of Israel,3478 neither3808 hath defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 wife,802 neither3808 hath come near7126 to413 a menstruous5079 woman,802

7 And hath not3808 oppressed3238 any,376 but hath restored7725 to the debtor2326 his pledge,2258 hath spoiled1497 none3808 by violence,1500 hath given5414 his bread3899 to the hungry,7457 and hath covered3680 the naked5903 with a garment;899

8 He that hath not3808 given forth5414 upon usury,5392 neither3808 hath taken3947 any increase,8636 that hath withdrawn7725 his hand3027 from iniquity,4480 5766 hath executed6213 true571 judgment4941 between996 man376 and man,376

9 Hath walked1980 in my statutes,2708 and hath kept8104 my judgments,4941 to deal6213 truly;571 he1931 is just,6662 he shall surely live,2421 2421 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

10 If he beget3205 a son1121 that is a robber,6530 a shedder8210 of blood,1818 and that doeth6213 the like251 to any one4480 259 of these4480 428 things,

11 And that1931 doeth6213 not3808 853 any3605 of those428 duties, but3588 even1571 hath eaten398 upon413 the mountains,2022 and defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 wife,802

12 Hath oppressed3238 the poor6041 and needy,34 hath spoiled1497 by violence,1500 hath not3808 restored7725 the pledge,2258 and hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols,1544 hath committed6213 abomination,8441

13 Hath given forth5414 upon usury,5392 and hath taken3947 increase:8636 shall he then live?2421 he shall not3808 live:2421 he hath done6213 853 all3605 these428 abominations;8441 he shall surely die;4191 4191 his blood1818 shall be1961 upon him.

14 Now, lo,2009 if he beget3205 a son,1121 that seeth7200 853 all3605 his father's1 sins2403 which834 he hath done,6213 and considereth,7200 and doeth6213 not3808 such like,

15 That hath not3808 eaten398 upon5921 the mountains,2022 neither3808 hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols1544 of the house1004 of Israel,3478 hath not3808 defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 853 wife,802

16 Neither3808 hath oppressed3238 any,376 hath not3808 withheld2254 the pledge,2258 neither3808 hath spoiled1497 by violence,1500 but hath given5414 his bread3899 to the hungry,7457 and hath covered3680 the naked5903 with a garment,899

17 That hath taken off7725 his hand3027 from the poor,4480 6041 that hath not3808 received3947 usury5392 nor increase,8636 hath executed6213 my judgments,4941 hath walked1980 in my statutes;2708 he1931 shall not3808 die4191 for the iniquity5771 of his father,1 he shall surely live.2421 2421

18 As for his father,1 because3588 he cruelly oppressed,6231 6233 spoiled1497 his brother251 by violence,1499 and did6213 that which834 is not3808 good2896 among8432 his people,5971 lo,2009 even he shall die4191 in his iniquity.5771

19 Yet say559 ye, Why?4069 doth not3808 the son1121 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the father?1 When the son1121 hath done6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 and hath kept8104 853 all3605 my statutes,2708 and hath done6213 them, he shall surely live.2421 2421

20 The soul5315 that sinneth,2398 it1931 shall die.4191 The son1121 shall not3808 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the father,1 neither3808 shall the father1 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the son:1121 the righteousness6666 of the righteous6662 shall be1961 upon5921 him, and the wickedness7564 of the wicked7563 shall be1961 upon5921 him.

21 But if3588 the wicked7563 will turn7725 from all4480 3605 his sins2403 that834 he hath committed,6213 and keep8104 853 all3605 my statutes,2708 and do6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 he shall surely live,2421 2421 he shall not3808 die.4191

22 All3605 his transgressions6588 that834 he hath committed,6213 they shall not3808 be mentioned2142 unto him: in his righteousness6666 that834 he hath done6213 he shall live.2421

23 Have I any pleasure at all2654 2654 that the wicked7563 should die?4194 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD:3069 and not3808 that he should return7725 from his ways,4480 1870 and live?2421

24 But when the righteous6662 turneth away7725 from his righteousness,4480 6666 and committeth6213 iniquity,5766 and doeth6213 according to all3605 the abominations8441 that834 the wicked7563 man doeth,6213 shall he live?2421 All3605 his righteousness6666 that834 he hath done6213 shall not3808 be mentioned:2142 in his trespass4604 that834 he hath trespassed,4603 and in his sin2403 that834 he hath sinned,2398 in them shall he die.4191

25 Yet ye say,559 The way1870 of the Lord136 is not equal.8505 3808 Hear8085 now,4994 O house1004 of Israel;3478 Is not3808 my way1870 equal?8505 are not3808 your ways1870 unequal?3808 8505

26 When a righteous6662 man turneth away7725 from his righteousness,4480 6666 and committeth6213 iniquity,5766 and dieth4191 in5921 them; for his iniquity5766 that834 he hath done6213 shall he die.4191

27 Again, when the wicked7563 man turneth away7725 from his wickedness4480 7564 that834 he hath committed,6213 and doeth6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 he1931 shall save his soul alive.2421 853 5315

28 Because he considereth,7200 and turneth away7725 from all4480 3605 his transgressions6588 that834 he hath committed,6213 he shall surely live,2421 2421 he shall not3808 die.4191

29 Yet saith559 the house1004 of Israel,3478 The way1870 of the Lord136 is not equal.8505 3808 O house1004 of Israel,3478 are not3808 my ways1870 equal?8505 are not3808 your ways1870 unequal?3808 8505

30 Therefore3651 I will judge8199 you, O house1004 of Israel,3478 every one376 according to his ways,1870 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069 Repent,7725 and turn7725 yourselves from all4480 3605 your transgressions;6588 so iniquity5771 shall not3808 be1961 your ruin.4383

31 Cast away7993 from4480 5921 you853 all3605 your transgressions,6588 whereby834 ye have transgressed;6586 and make6213 you a new2319 heart3820 and a new2319 spirit:7307 for why4100 will ye die,4191 O house1004 of Israel?3478

32 For3588 I have no pleasure2654 3808 in the death4194 of him that dieth,4191 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD:3069 wherefore turn7725 yourselves, and live2421 ye.



1 耶和華諭我曰、

2 爾指以色列地常云、父食酸果、子齒覺酸、用此諺語曷故。

3 我耶和華指己而誓、爾在以色列地勿復用此諺語。

4 惟我操世人之權、無論父子、犯者必死。

5 如人爲義行善。

6 不食岡巒之祭品、不敬以色列族所崇偶像、不淫人妻、妻癸水至、不與同寢、

7 不虐遇人、不攘奪人、受人質卽反之、饑者供以食、裸者被以衣、

8 貸人金、不取利、不迫索、與人交、不作惡、恒爲善、

9 遵我禮儀、守我法度、真實無妄、斯爲義人、必保其生。我耶和華已言之矣。

10 如此義人有子、爲盜殺人、上所言之善不作、上所言之惡屢行、食岡巒之祭品、淫人之妻、

11 併於上節

12 虐遇貧乏、強暴是作、不反質、崇敬偶像、多行不義、

13 深堪痛疾、子母是權、迫索是爲、若此者生命豈能保乎、旣作不端、必就死地、不保其生、自取罪戾、

14 如此惡人有子、見父作惡、思改其行、

15 不食岡巒之祭品、不敬以色列族所崇偶像、不淫人妻、

16 不虐遇人、不攘奪人、受人質、卽反之、使饑者得飽、裸者不寒、

17 不挾制貧乏、不取利、不迫索、遵我禮儀、守我法度、若此者、不可因父之罪并加誅殛、必全其生命。

18 然其父殘暴、強據同儕、作惡於民間、則必蹈罪而亡、

19 爾曹曰、子負父罪曷故、如人子爲義、守我法度、則可保生、

20 犯者必死、子不負父罪、父不負子罪、善者必獲善報、惡者必獲惡報。

21 如惡人悛改素行、守我禮儀、孳孳爲義、則可保生、不就死地。

22 其所作之惡、不復追憶、乃因其善、必保其生、

23 主耶和華曰、維彼惡人、自取死亡、豈我所悅、我豈不以悛改得生爲悅乎。

24 如善人去善就惡、行諸不義、我所痛疾者、豈得保生乎、其所行之善、不復追憶、旣犯罪作惡、必使之亡。

25 爾言我耶和華所行、不尚正直、以色列族宜聽我言、我所行者、惟秉大公、爾所爲者、尚存偏頗。

26 善人去善作惡、則必因其所爲、置諸死地。

27 如惡人悛改素行、孳孳爲義、則可得生。

28 因其思慮、悛改厥惡、則保其生、不就死地。

29 以色列族常言、我耶和華所爲、不尚正直、爾以色列族乎、我所行者、惟秉至公、爾所爲者、不能無私。

30 我耶和華必鞫以色列族、視人所爲、降以刑罰、故當悛改、免陷於罪、以致滅亡。

31 以色列族乎、當革爾惡行、新爾心神、奚爲自取其死。

32 人死於罪、我所不悅、故當悛改、保爾生命、我耶和華已言之矣。


Chapter 18



1 The word1697 of the LORD3068 came1961 unto413 me again, saying,559

1 耶和華諭我曰、

2 What4100 mean ye, that ye859 use4911 this2088 853 proverb4912 concerning5921 the land127 of Israel,3478 saying,559 The fathers1 have eaten398 sour grapes,1155 and the children's1121 teeth8127 are set on edge?6949

2 爾指以色列地常云、父食酸果、子齒覺酸、用此諺語曷故。

3 As I589 live,2416 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD,3069 ye shall not518 have1961 occasion any more5750 to use4911 this2088 proverb4912 in Israel.3478

3 我耶和華指己而誓、爾在以色列地勿復用此諺語。

4 Behold,2005 all3605 souls5315 are mine; as the soul5315 of the father,1 so also the soul5315 of the son1121 is mine: the soul5315 that sinneth,2398 it1931 shall die.4191

4 惟我操世人之權、無論父子、犯者必死。

5 But if3588 a man376 be1961 just,6662 and do6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666

5 如人爲義行善。

6 And hath not3808 eaten398 upon413 the mountains,2022 neither3808 hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols1544 of the house1004 of Israel,3478 neither3808 hath defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 wife,802 neither3808 hath come near7126 to413 a menstruous5079 woman,802

6 不食岡巒之祭品、不敬以色列族所崇偶像、不淫人妻、妻癸水至、不與同寢、

7 And hath not3808 oppressed3238 any,376 but hath restored7725 to the debtor2326 his pledge,2258 hath spoiled1497 none3808 by violence,1500 hath given5414 his bread3899 to the hungry,7457 and hath covered3680 the naked5903 with a garment;899

7 不虐遇人、不攘奪人、受人質卽反之、饑者供以食、裸者被以衣、

8 He that hath not3808 given forth5414 upon usury,5392 neither3808 hath taken3947 any increase,8636 that hath withdrawn7725 his hand3027 from iniquity,4480 5766 hath executed6213 true571 judgment4941 between996 man376 and man,376

8 貸人金、不取利、不迫索、與人交、不作惡、恒爲善、

9 Hath walked1980 in my statutes,2708 and hath kept8104 my judgments,4941 to deal6213 truly;571 he1931 is just,6662 he shall surely live,2421 2421 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069

9 遵我禮儀、守我法度、真實無妄、斯爲義人、必保其生。我耶和華已言之矣。

10 If he beget3205 a son1121 that is a robber,6530 a shedder8210 of blood,1818 and that doeth6213 the like251 to any one4480 259 of these4480 428 things,

10 如此義人有子、爲盜殺人、上所言之善不作、上所言之惡屢行、食岡巒之祭品、淫人之妻、

11 And that1931 doeth6213 not3808 853 any3605 of those428 duties, but3588 even1571 hath eaten398 upon413 the mountains,2022 and defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 wife,802

11 併於上節

12 Hath oppressed3238 the poor6041 and needy,34 hath spoiled1497 by violence,1500 hath not3808 restored7725 the pledge,2258 and hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols,1544 hath committed6213 abomination,8441

12 虐遇貧乏、強暴是作、不反質、崇敬偶像、多行不義、

13 Hath given forth5414 upon usury,5392 and hath taken3947 increase:8636 shall he then live?2421 he shall not3808 live:2421 he hath done6213 853 all3605 these428 abominations;8441 he shall surely die;4191 4191 his blood1818 shall be1961 upon him.

13 深堪痛疾、子母是權、迫索是爲、若此者生命豈能保乎、旣作不端、必就死地、不保其生、自取罪戾、

14 Now, lo,2009 if he beget3205 a son,1121 that seeth7200 853 all3605 his father's1 sins2403 which834 he hath done,6213 and considereth,7200 and doeth6213 not3808 such like,

14 如此惡人有子、見父作惡、思改其行、

15 That hath not3808 eaten398 upon5921 the mountains,2022 neither3808 hath lifted up5375 his eyes5869 to413 the idols1544 of the house1004 of Israel,3478 hath not3808 defiled2930 his neighbor's7453 853 wife,802

15 不食岡巒之祭品、不敬以色列族所崇偶像、不淫人妻、

16 Neither3808 hath oppressed3238 any,376 hath not3808 withheld2254 the pledge,2258 neither3808 hath spoiled1497 by violence,1500 but hath given5414 his bread3899 to the hungry,7457 and hath covered3680 the naked5903 with a garment,899

16 不虐遇人、不攘奪人、受人質、卽反之、使饑者得飽、裸者不寒、

17 That hath taken off7725 his hand3027 from the poor,4480 6041 that hath not3808 received3947 usury5392 nor increase,8636 hath executed6213 my judgments,4941 hath walked1980 in my statutes;2708 he1931 shall not3808 die4191 for the iniquity5771 of his father,1 he shall surely live.2421 2421

17 不挾制貧乏、不取利、不迫索、遵我禮儀、守我法度、若此者、不可因父之罪并加誅殛、必全其生命。

18 As for his father,1 because3588 he cruelly oppressed,6231 6233 spoiled1497 his brother251 by violence,1499 and did6213 that which834 is not3808 good2896 among8432 his people,5971 lo,2009 even he shall die4191 in his iniquity.5771

18 然其父殘暴、強據同儕、作惡於民間、則必蹈罪而亡、

19 Yet say559 ye, Why?4069 doth not3808 the son1121 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the father?1 When the son1121 hath done6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 and hath kept8104 853 all3605 my statutes,2708 and hath done6213 them, he shall surely live.2421 2421

19 爾曹曰、子負父罪曷故、如人子爲義、守我法度、則可保生、

20 The soul5315 that sinneth,2398 it1931 shall die.4191 The son1121 shall not3808 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the father,1 neither3808 shall the father1 bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the son:1121 the righteousness6666 of the righteous6662 shall be1961 upon5921 him, and the wickedness7564 of the wicked7563 shall be1961 upon5921 him.

20 犯者必死、子不負父罪、父不負子罪、善者必獲善報、惡者必獲惡報。

21 But if3588 the wicked7563 will turn7725 from all4480 3605 his sins2403 that834 he hath committed,6213 and keep8104 853 all3605 my statutes,2708 and do6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 he shall surely live,2421 2421 he shall not3808 die.4191

21 如惡人悛改素行、守我禮儀、孳孳爲義、則可保生、不就死地。

22 All3605 his transgressions6588 that834 he hath committed,6213 they shall not3808 be mentioned2142 unto him: in his righteousness6666 that834 he hath done6213 he shall live.2421

22 其所作之惡、不復追憶、乃因其善、必保其生、

23 Have I any pleasure at all2654 2654 that the wicked7563 should die?4194 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD:3069 and not3808 that he should return7725 from his ways,4480 1870 and live?2421

23 主耶和華曰、維彼惡人、自取死亡、豈我所悅、我豈不以悛改得生爲悅乎。

24 But when the righteous6662 turneth away7725 from his righteousness,4480 6666 and committeth6213 iniquity,5766 and doeth6213 according to all3605 the abominations8441 that834 the wicked7563 man doeth,6213 shall he live?2421 All3605 his righteousness6666 that834 he hath done6213 shall not3808 be mentioned:2142 in his trespass4604 that834 he hath trespassed,4603 and in his sin2403 that834 he hath sinned,2398 in them shall he die.4191

24 如善人去善就惡、行諸不義、我所痛疾者、豈得保生乎、其所行之善、不復追憶、旣犯罪作惡、必使之亡。

25 Yet ye say,559 The way1870 of the Lord136 is not equal.8505 3808 Hear8085 now,4994 O house1004 of Israel;3478 Is not3808 my way1870 equal?8505 are not3808 your ways1870 unequal?3808 8505

25 爾言我耶和華所行、不尚正直、以色列族宜聽我言、我所行者、惟秉大公、爾所爲者、尚存偏頗。

26 When a righteous6662 man turneth away7725 from his righteousness,4480 6666 and committeth6213 iniquity,5766 and dieth4191 in5921 them; for his iniquity5766 that834 he hath done6213 shall he die.4191

26 善人去善作惡、則必因其所爲、置諸死地。

27 Again, when the wicked7563 man turneth away7725 from his wickedness4480 7564 that834 he hath committed,6213 and doeth6213 that which is lawful4941 and right,6666 he1931 shall save his soul alive.2421 853 5315

27 如惡人悛改素行、孳孳爲義、則可得生。

28 Because he considereth,7200 and turneth away7725 from all4480 3605 his transgressions6588 that834 he hath committed,6213 he shall surely live,2421 2421 he shall not3808 die.4191

28 因其思慮、悛改厥惡、則保其生、不就死地。

29 Yet saith559 the house1004 of Israel,3478 The way1870 of the Lord136 is not equal.8505 3808 O house1004 of Israel,3478 are not3808 my ways1870 equal?8505 are not3808 your ways1870 unequal?3808 8505

29 以色列族常言、我耶和華所爲、不尚正直、爾以色列族乎、我所行者、惟秉至公、爾所爲者、不能無私。

30 Therefore3651 I will judge8199 you, O house1004 of Israel,3478 every one376 according to his ways,1870 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD.3069 Repent,7725 and turn7725 yourselves from all4480 3605 your transgressions;6588 so iniquity5771 shall not3808 be1961 your ruin.4383

30 我耶和華必鞫以色列族、視人所爲、降以刑罰、故當悛改、免陷於罪、以致滅亡。

31 Cast away7993 from4480 5921 you853 all3605 your transgressions,6588 whereby834 ye have transgressed;6586 and make6213 you a new2319 heart3820 and a new2319 spirit:7307 for why4100 will ye die,4191 O house1004 of Israel?3478

31 以色列族乎、當革爾惡行、新爾心神、奚爲自取其死。

32 For3588 I have no pleasure2654 3808 in the death4194 of him that dieth,4191 saith5002 the Lord136 GOD:3069 wherefore turn7725 yourselves, and live2421 ye.

32 人死於罪、我所不悅、故當悛改、保爾生命、我耶和華已言之矣。