
Chapter 2

1 The word1697 that834 Isaiah3470 the son1121 of Amoz531 saw2372 concerning5921 Judah3063 and Jerusalem.3389

2 And it shall come to pass1961 in the last319 days,3117 that the mountain2022 of the LORD's3068 house1004 shall be1961 established3559 in the top7218 of the mountains,2022 and shall be exalted5375 above the hills;4480 1389 and all3605 nations1471 shall flow5102 unto413 it.

3 And many7227 people5971 shall go1980 and say,559 Come1980 ye, and let us go up5927 to413 the mountain2022 of the LORD,3068 to413 the house1004 of the God430 of Jacob;3290 and he will teach3384 us of his ways,4480 1870 and we will walk1980 in his paths:734 for3588 out of Zion4480 6726 shall go forth3318 the law,8451 and the word1697 of the LORD3068 from Jerusalem.4480 3389

4 And he shall judge8199 among996 the nations,1471 and shall rebuke3198 many7227 people:5971 and they shall beat3807 their swords2719 into plowshares,855 and their spears2595 into pruning hooks:4211 nation1471 shall not3808 lift up5375 sword2719 against413 nation,1471 neither3808 shall they learn3925 war4421 any more.5750

5 O house1004 of Jacob,3290 come1980 ye, and let us walk1980 in the light216 of the LORD.3068

6 Therefore3588 thou hast forsaken5203 thy people5971 the house1004 of Jacob,3290 because3588 they be replenished4390 from the east,4480 6924 and are soothsayers6049 like the Philistines,6430 and they please themselves5606 in the children3206 of strangers.5237

7 Their land776 also is full4390 of silver3701 and gold,2091 neither369 is there any end7097 of their treasures;214 their land776 is also full4390 of horses,5483 neither369 is there any end7097 of their chariots: 4818

8 Their land776 also is full4390 of idols;457 they worship7812 the work4639 of their own hands,3027 that which834 their own fingers676 have made: 6213

9 And the mean man120 boweth down,7817 and the great man376 humbleth8213 himself: therefore forgive5375 them not.408

10 Enter935 into the rock,6697 and hide2934 thee in the dust,6083 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty.1347

11 The lofty1365 looks5869 of man120 shall be humbled,8213 and the haughtiness7312 of men376 shall be bowed down,7817 and the LORD3068 alone905 shall be exalted7682 in that1931 day.3117

12 For3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 shall be upon5921 every3605 one that is proud1343 and lofty,7311 and upon5921 every3605 one that is lifted up;5375 and he shall be brought low: 8213

13 And upon5921 all3605 the cedars730 of Lebanon,3844 that are high7311 and lifted up,5375 and upon5921 all3605 the oaks437 of Bashan,1316

14 And upon5921 all3605 the high7311 mountains,2022 and upon5921 all3605 the hills1389 that are lifted up,5375

15 And upon5921 every3605 high1364 tower,4026 and upon5921 every3605 fenced1219 wall,2346

16 And upon5921 all3605 the ships591 of Tarshish,8659 and upon5921 all3605 pleasant2532 pictures.7914

17 And the loftiness1365 of man120 shall be bowed down,7817 and the haughtiness7312 of men376 shall be made low:8213 and the LORD3068 alone905 shall be exalted7682 in that1931 day.3117

18 And the idols457 he shall utterly3632 abolish.2498

19 And they shall go935 into the holes4631 of the rocks,6697 and into the caves4247 of the earth,6083 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty,1347 when he ariseth6965 to shake terribly6206 the earth.776

20 In that1931 day3117 a man120 shall cast7993 853 his idols457 of silver,3701 and his idols457 of gold,2091 which834 they made6213 each one for himself to worship,7812 to the moles2661 6512 and to the bats;5847

21 To go935 into the clefts5366 of the rocks,6697 and into the tops5585 of the ragged rocks,5553 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty,1347 when he ariseth6965 to shake terribly6206 the earth.776

22 Cease2308 ye from4480 man,120 whose834 breath5397 is in his nostrils:639 for3588 wherein4100 is he1931 to be accounted2803 of?



1 亞麼士子以賽亞、以猶大耶路撒冷之事、得之默示者、筆於書。

2 越至末期、耶和華殿宇之山、必超乎衆山之上、高出於層巒疊嶂間、異邦族類、無不來集。

3 衆民僉曰、雅各之上帝、卽耶和華是莫若登其山、入其殿、受其訓迪、遵從其道、蓋律例自郇城而出、耶和華之命、自耶路撒冷而敷布。

4 列國分爭、主平治之、使以刀爲犁、以戈爲鐮、不相攻伐、不尚武事。

5 爾曹雅各之家、盍與我偕往、遵耶和華光明之道、

6 維昔雅各家、與異邦修睦、惟尚術數、較諸非利士人東方之民、初無或異、故上帝棄之。

7 其地金銀豐裕、財貨充斥、維車維馬、不可勝計。

8 更有偶像林立、皆其手造、彼民也、自尊逮卑、上帝必降抑之、不加赦宥。

9 併於上節

10 耶和華旣彰其震怒、有威可畏、爾曹當入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

11 人卽自高、昂首仰視、必使之屈抑而卑微、蓋是日也、耶和華尊無二上。

12 時日將至、萬有之主耶和華、必折驕矜者之氣、使自高者降而爲卑。

13 凡利巴嫩干霄之柏香木、巴山之橡樹。

14 巖巖之衆山、巍巍之峻嶺。

15 崇高之臺樹、鞏固之城垣、

16 大失之舟楫、可愛之嘉物、俱使之傾覆。

17 驕傲者流、必使爲卑、蓋是日也、耶和華尊無二上。

18 凡諸偶像、盡歸消亡。

19 耶和華有威可畏、勃然而興、地以震動、人必入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

20 是日也、人以所作之金銀偶像、居恒所崇拜者、投於鼹鼠蝙蝠之穴。

21 耶和華有威可畏、勃然而興、地以震動、人必入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

22 斯人也、呼吸之氣、出入於口、安能助人、勿以爲可恃。


Chapter 2



1 The word1697 that834 Isaiah3470 the son1121 of Amoz531 saw2372 concerning5921 Judah3063 and Jerusalem.3389

1 亞麼士子以賽亞、以猶大耶路撒冷之事、得之默示者、筆於書。

2 And it shall come to pass1961 in the last319 days,3117 that the mountain2022 of the LORD's3068 house1004 shall be1961 established3559 in the top7218 of the mountains,2022 and shall be exalted5375 above the hills;4480 1389 and all3605 nations1471 shall flow5102 unto413 it.

2 越至末期、耶和華殿宇之山、必超乎衆山之上、高出於層巒疊嶂間、異邦族類、無不來集。

3 And many7227 people5971 shall go1980 and say,559 Come1980 ye, and let us go up5927 to413 the mountain2022 of the LORD,3068 to413 the house1004 of the God430 of Jacob;3290 and he will teach3384 us of his ways,4480 1870 and we will walk1980 in his paths:734 for3588 out of Zion4480 6726 shall go forth3318 the law,8451 and the word1697 of the LORD3068 from Jerusalem.4480 3389

3 衆民僉曰、雅各之上帝、卽耶和華是莫若登其山、入其殿、受其訓迪、遵從其道、蓋律例自郇城而出、耶和華之命、自耶路撒冷而敷布。

4 And he shall judge8199 among996 the nations,1471 and shall rebuke3198 many7227 people:5971 and they shall beat3807 their swords2719 into plowshares,855 and their spears2595 into pruning hooks:4211 nation1471 shall not3808 lift up5375 sword2719 against413 nation,1471 neither3808 shall they learn3925 war4421 any more.5750

4 列國分爭、主平治之、使以刀爲犁、以戈爲鐮、不相攻伐、不尚武事。

5 O house1004 of Jacob,3290 come1980 ye, and let us walk1980 in the light216 of the LORD.3068

5 爾曹雅各之家、盍與我偕往、遵耶和華光明之道、

6 Therefore3588 thou hast forsaken5203 thy people5971 the house1004 of Jacob,3290 because3588 they be replenished4390 from the east,4480 6924 and are soothsayers6049 like the Philistines,6430 and they please themselves5606 in the children3206 of strangers.5237

6 維昔雅各家、與異邦修睦、惟尚術數、較諸非利士人東方之民、初無或異、故上帝棄之。

7 Their land776 also is full4390 of silver3701 and gold,2091 neither369 is there any end7097 of their treasures;214 their land776 is also full4390 of horses,5483 neither369 is there any end7097 of their chariots: 4818

7 其地金銀豐裕、財貨充斥、維車維馬、不可勝計。

8 Their land776 also is full4390 of idols;457 they worship7812 the work4639 of their own hands,3027 that which834 their own fingers676 have made: 6213

8 更有偶像林立、皆其手造、彼民也、自尊逮卑、上帝必降抑之、不加赦宥。

9 And the mean man120 boweth down,7817 and the great man376 humbleth8213 himself: therefore forgive5375 them not.408

9 併於上節

10 Enter935 into the rock,6697 and hide2934 thee in the dust,6083 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty.1347

10 耶和華旣彰其震怒、有威可畏、爾曹當入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

11 The lofty1365 looks5869 of man120 shall be humbled,8213 and the haughtiness7312 of men376 shall be bowed down,7817 and the LORD3068 alone905 shall be exalted7682 in that1931 day.3117

11 人卽自高、昂首仰視、必使之屈抑而卑微、蓋是日也、耶和華尊無二上。

12 For3588 the day3117 of the LORD3068 of hosts6635 shall be upon5921 every3605 one that is proud1343 and lofty,7311 and upon5921 every3605 one that is lifted up;5375 and he shall be brought low: 8213

12 時日將至、萬有之主耶和華、必折驕矜者之氣、使自高者降而爲卑。

13 And upon5921 all3605 the cedars730 of Lebanon,3844 that are high7311 and lifted up,5375 and upon5921 all3605 the oaks437 of Bashan,1316

13 凡利巴嫩干霄之柏香木、巴山之橡樹。

14 And upon5921 all3605 the high7311 mountains,2022 and upon5921 all3605 the hills1389 that are lifted up,5375

14 巖巖之衆山、巍巍之峻嶺。

15 And upon5921 every3605 high1364 tower,4026 and upon5921 every3605 fenced1219 wall,2346

15 崇高之臺樹、鞏固之城垣、

16 And upon5921 all3605 the ships591 of Tarshish,8659 and upon5921 all3605 pleasant2532 pictures.7914

16 大失之舟楫、可愛之嘉物、俱使之傾覆。

17 And the loftiness1365 of man120 shall be bowed down,7817 and the haughtiness7312 of men376 shall be made low:8213 and the LORD3068 alone905 shall be exalted7682 in that1931 day.3117

17 驕傲者流、必使爲卑、蓋是日也、耶和華尊無二上。

18 And the idols457 he shall utterly3632 abolish.2498

18 凡諸偶像、盡歸消亡。

19 And they shall go935 into the holes4631 of the rocks,6697 and into the caves4247 of the earth,6083 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty,1347 when he ariseth6965 to shake terribly6206 the earth.776

19 耶和華有威可畏、勃然而興、地以震動、人必入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

20 In that1931 day3117 a man120 shall cast7993 853 his idols457 of silver,3701 and his idols457 of gold,2091 which834 they made6213 each one for himself to worship,7812 to the moles2661 6512 and to the bats;5847

20 是日也、人以所作之金銀偶像、居恒所崇拜者、投於鼹鼠蝙蝠之穴。

21 To go935 into the clefts5366 of the rocks,6697 and into the tops5585 of the ragged rocks,5553 for4480 6440 fear6343 of the LORD,3068 and for the glory4480 1926 of his majesty,1347 when he ariseth6965 to shake terribly6206 the earth.776

21 耶和華有威可畏、勃然而興、地以震動、人必入於磐巖、匿於窟穴、以避其災。

22 Cease2308 ye from4480 man,120 whose834 breath5397 is in his nostrils:639 for3588 wherein4100 is he1931 to be accounted2803 of?

22 斯人也、呼吸之氣、出入於口、安能助人、勿以爲可恃。