
Chapter 44

1 Yet now6258 hear,8085 O Jacob3290 my servant;5650 and Israel,3478 whom I have chosen: 977

2 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 that made6213 thee, and formed3335 thee from the womb,4480 990 which will help5826 thee; Fear3372 not,408 O Jacob,3290 my servant;5650 and thou, Jesurun,3484 whom I have chosen.977

3 For3588 I will pour3332 water4325 upon5921 him that is thirsty,6771 and floods5140 upon5921 the dry ground:3004 I will pour3332 my spirit7307 upon5921 thy seed,2233 and my blessing1293 upon5921 thine offspring: 6631

4 And they shall spring up6779 as among996 the grass,2682 as willows6155 by5921 the water4325 courses.2988

5 One2088 shall say,559 I589 am the LORD's;3068 and another2088 shall call7121 himself by the name8034 of Jacob;3290 and another2088 shall subscribe3789 with his hand3027 unto the LORD,3068 and surname3655 himself by the name8034 of Israel.3478

6 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 the King4428 of Israel,3478 and his redeemer1350 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 I589 am the first,7223 and I589 am the last;314 and beside4480 1107 me there is no369 God.430

7 And who,4310 as I, shall call,7121 and shall declare5046 it, and set it in order6186 for me, since I appointed4480 7760 the ancient5769 people?5971 and the things that are coming,857 and shall come,935 let them show5046 unto them.

8 Fear6342 ye not,408 neither408 be afraid:7297 have not3808 I told8085 thee from that time,4480 227 and have declared5046 it? ye859 are even my witnesses.5707 Is there3426 a God433 beside4480 1107 me? yea, there is no369 God;6697 I know3045 not1077 any.

9 They that make3335 a graven image6459 are all3605 of them vanity;8414 and their delectable things2530 shall not1077 profit;3276 and they1992 are their own witnesses;5707 they see7200 not,1077 nor1077 know;3045 that4616 they may be ashamed.954

10 Who4310 hath formed3335 a god,410 or molten5258 a graven image6459 that is profitable3276 for nothing?1115

11 Behold,2005 all3605 his fellows2270 shall be ashamed:954 and the workmen,2796 they1992 are of men:4480 120 let them all3605 be gathered together,6908 let them stand up;5975 yet they shall fear,6342 and they shall be ashamed954 together.3162

12 The blacksmith2796 1270 with the tongs4621 both worketh6466 in the coals,6352 and fashioneth3335 it with hammers,4717 and worketh6466 it with the strength3581 of his arms:2220 yea,1571 he is hungry,7456 and his strength3581 faileth:369 he drinketh8354 no3808 water,4325 and is faint.3286

13 The carpenter2796 6086 stretcheth out5186 his rule;6957 he marketh it out8388 with a line;8279 he fitteth6213 it with planes,4741 and he marketh it out8388 with the compass,4230 and maketh6213 it after the figure8403 of a man,376 according to the beauty8597 of a man;120 that it may remain3427 in the house.1004

14 He heweth him down3772 cedars,730 and taketh3947 the cypress8645 and the oak,437 which he strengtheneth553 for himself among the trees6086 of the forest:3293 he planteth5193 an ash,766 and the rain1653 doth nourish1431 it.

15 Then shall it be1961 for a man120 to burn:1197 for he will take3947 thereof,4480 and warm2552 himself; yea,637 he kindleth5400 it, and baketh644 bread;3899 yea,637 he maketh6466 a god,410 and worshipeth7812 it; he maketh6213 it a graven image,6459 and falleth down5456 thereto.

16 He burneth8313 part2677 thereof in1119 the fire;784 with5921 part2677 thereof he eateth398 flesh;1320 he roasteth6740 roast,6748 and is satisfied:7646 yea,637 he warmeth2552 himself, and saith,559 Aha,1889 I am warm,2552 I have seen7200 the fire: 217

17 And the residue7611 thereof he maketh6213 a god,410 even his graven image:6459 he falleth down5456 unto it, and worshipeth7812 it, and prayeth6419 unto413 it, and saith,559 Deliver5337 me; for3588 thou859 art my god.410

18 They have not3808 known3045 nor3808 understood:995 for3588 he hath shut2902 their eyes,5869 that they cannot see;4480 7200 and their hearts,3820 that they cannot understand.4480 7919

19 And none3808 considereth7725 in413 his heart,3820 neither3808 is there knowledge1847 nor3808 understanding8394 to say,559 I have burned8313 part2677 of it in1119 the fire;784 yea,637 also I have baked644 bread3899 upon5921 the coals1513 thereof; I have roasted6740 flesh,1320 and eaten398 it: and shall I make6213 the residue3499 thereof an abomination?8441 shall I fall down5456 to the stock944 of a tree?6086

20 He feedeth7462 on ashes:665 a deceived2048 heart3820 hath turned him aside,5186 that he cannot3808 deliver5337 853 his soul,5315 nor3808 say,559 Is there not3808 a lie8267 in my right hand?3225

21 Remember2142 these,428 O Jacob3290 and Israel;3478 for3588 thou859 art my servant:5650 I have formed3335 thee; thou859 art my servant:5650 O Israel,3478 thou shalt not3808 be forgotten5382 of me.

22 I have blotted out,4229 as a thick cloud,5645 thy transgressions,6588 and, as a cloud,6051 thy sins:2403 return7725 unto413 me; for3588 I have redeemed1350 thee.

23 Sing,7442 O ye heavens;8064 for3588 the LORD3068 hath done6213 it: shout,7321 ye lower parts8482 of the earth:776 break forth6476 into singing,7440 ye mountains,2022 O forest,3293 and every3605 tree6086 therein: for3588 the LORD3068 hath redeemed1350 Jacob,3290 and glorified himself6286 in Israel.3478

24 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 thy redeemer,1350 and he that formed3335 thee from the womb,4480 990 I595 am the LORD3068 that maketh6213 all3605 things; that stretcheth forth5186 the heavens8064 alone;905 that spreadeth abroad7554 the earth776 by854 myself;

25 That frustrateth6565 the tokens226 of the liars,907 and maketh diviners mad;1984 7080 that turneth7725 wise2450 men backward,268 and maketh their knowledge foolish;5528 1847

26 That confirmeth6965 the word1697 of his servant,5650 and performeth7999 the counsel6098 of his messengers;4397 that saith559 to Jerusalem,3389 Thou shalt be inhabited;3427 and to the cities5892 of Judah,3063 Ye shall be built,1129 and I will raise up6965 the decayed places2723 thereof:

27 That saith559 to the deep,6683 Be dry,2717 and I will dry up3001 thy rivers: 5104

28 That saith559 of Cyrus,3566 He is my shepherd,7462 and shall perform7999 all3605 my pleasure:2656 even saying559 to Jerusalem,3389 Thou shalt be built;1129 and to the temple,1964 Thy foundation shall be laid.3245



1 雅各家以色列族、我所選之臣僕、今聽我言。

2 我耶和華肇造爾邦、如母育子、雅各家耶書崙民、乃我所選之僕、必加眷佑、可無畏葸、

3 我通水泉、以溉原田、我濬江河、以潤槁壤、我以我神、賦爾子孫、式綏祉福。

4 彼將蕃衍、如澤中之草、溪濱之柳、

5 有曰、我崇事耶和華、有曰、我屬雅各家、有曰、我爲耶和華僕、黥手爲證、有曰、我爲以色列族赤子、稱名爲據。

6 萬有之主、以色列族之君、民之救主耶和華曰、本末初終、惟我是操、我外別無上帝。

7 越在疇昔、我立斯民、未來之事、我皆預言、莫不徵應、孰能與我比儗哉、如有其人、使試言未來事、以爲徵據。

8 爾毋畏葸、在昔我有預言、已告乎爾、爾可爲證。我乃全能上帝、外此我弗知之矣。

9 作偶像者、悉爲虛妄、其所慕者無益、彼明知其不見不聞、當生愧怍。

10 誰鑄無益之偶像、以像上帝哉、

11 豈非人乎、宜其同儔、咸生愧赧、使彼聚會、屹立於此必令其戰慄不勝、慙恧無地。

12 鐵工作斧、炭以煆之、鎚以治之、竭一臂之力、使之成器、若其不飲不食、氣力俱廢。

13 木工用準繩、循規矩、運其利器、作人之形、窮極華美、置之於室、

14 伐柏香木以及橡櫟、此皆木之堅者、亦植杉樹、得雨露之養、

15 人取爲柴、燃之可以煖體、可以烘餅、復作上帝像、俯伏而拜。

16 材木之半、焚之可以備餚、可以炙肉、食之果腹、向火得煖、人樂以觀火。

17 更有餘木、以製偶像、以像上帝、俯伏而拜、禱曰、誠我上帝、爾其救子、

18 維彼不識不知、其目若塗以泥、其心不明、

19 孰能深思其故、奮然儆醒曰、材木之半、焚之可以烘餅炙肉、而供口腹、則其餘材、豈可作像、拜此可憎之榾柮。

20 彼心昏迷、所望成空、若食燼餘而不悟、不知右手所作、悉屬虛妄。

21 雅各家以色列族、我肇厥邦基、爲我臣僕、當憶斯理、我不忘爾。

22 我塗抹爾罪、若驅密雲、予已拯爾、爾當歸誠。

23 我耶和華救雅各家以色列族、以彰己榮、天上地下、俱當歡呼、山崗林木、無不謳歌。

24 耶和華曰、我耶和華創造萬物、張舒穹蒼、奠定寰宇、肇造爾邦、拯救爾民、

25 卜筮之輩、設兆惑人、我使其言不騐、彼自矜巧慧、反形愚拙、我使之然、

26 我所遣之僕、有言耶路撒冷、必有居人、猶大衆邑、必有建造、荒蕪之區、必復其初、我必使應其言、

27 變江河爲陸地、

28 召古列爲我牧伯、以成我志。我使彼言耶路撒冷必得建造、又言聖殿、必得肇基。


Chapter 44



1 Yet now6258 hear,8085 O Jacob3290 my servant;5650 and Israel,3478 whom I have chosen: 977

1 雅各家以色列族、我所選之臣僕、今聽我言。

2 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 that made6213 thee, and formed3335 thee from the womb,4480 990 which will help5826 thee; Fear3372 not,408 O Jacob,3290 my servant;5650 and thou, Jesurun,3484 whom I have chosen.977

2 我耶和華肇造爾邦、如母育子、雅各家耶書崙民、乃我所選之僕、必加眷佑、可無畏葸、

3 For3588 I will pour3332 water4325 upon5921 him that is thirsty,6771 and floods5140 upon5921 the dry ground:3004 I will pour3332 my spirit7307 upon5921 thy seed,2233 and my blessing1293 upon5921 thine offspring: 6631

3 我通水泉、以溉原田、我濬江河、以潤槁壤、我以我神、賦爾子孫、式綏祉福。

4 And they shall spring up6779 as among996 the grass,2682 as willows6155 by5921 the water4325 courses.2988

4 彼將蕃衍、如澤中之草、溪濱之柳、

5 One2088 shall say,559 I589 am the LORD's;3068 and another2088 shall call7121 himself by the name8034 of Jacob;3290 and another2088 shall subscribe3789 with his hand3027 unto the LORD,3068 and surname3655 himself by the name8034 of Israel.3478

5 有曰、我崇事耶和華、有曰、我屬雅各家、有曰、我爲耶和華僕、黥手爲證、有曰、我爲以色列族赤子、稱名爲據。

6 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD3068 the King4428 of Israel,3478 and his redeemer1350 the LORD3068 of hosts;6635 I589 am the first,7223 and I589 am the last;314 and beside4480 1107 me there is no369 God.430

6 萬有之主、以色列族之君、民之救主耶和華曰、本末初終、惟我是操、我外別無上帝。

7 And who,4310 as I, shall call,7121 and shall declare5046 it, and set it in order6186 for me, since I appointed4480 7760 the ancient5769 people?5971 and the things that are coming,857 and shall come,935 let them show5046 unto them.

7 越在疇昔、我立斯民、未來之事、我皆預言、莫不徵應、孰能與我比儗哉、如有其人、使試言未來事、以爲徵據。

8 Fear6342 ye not,408 neither408 be afraid:7297 have not3808 I told8085 thee from that time,4480 227 and have declared5046 it? ye859 are even my witnesses.5707 Is there3426 a God433 beside4480 1107 me? yea, there is no369 God;6697 I know3045 not1077 any.

8 爾毋畏葸、在昔我有預言、已告乎爾、爾可爲證。我乃全能上帝、外此我弗知之矣。

9 They that make3335 a graven image6459 are all3605 of them vanity;8414 and their delectable things2530 shall not1077 profit;3276 and they1992 are their own witnesses;5707 they see7200 not,1077 nor1077 know;3045 that4616 they may be ashamed.954

9 作偶像者、悉爲虛妄、其所慕者無益、彼明知其不見不聞、當生愧怍。

10 Who4310 hath formed3335 a god,410 or molten5258 a graven image6459 that is profitable3276 for nothing?1115

10 誰鑄無益之偶像、以像上帝哉、

11 Behold,2005 all3605 his fellows2270 shall be ashamed:954 and the workmen,2796 they1992 are of men:4480 120 let them all3605 be gathered together,6908 let them stand up;5975 yet they shall fear,6342 and they shall be ashamed954 together.3162

11 豈非人乎、宜其同儔、咸生愧赧、使彼聚會、屹立於此必令其戰慄不勝、慙恧無地。

12 The blacksmith2796 1270 with the tongs4621 both worketh6466 in the coals,6352 and fashioneth3335 it with hammers,4717 and worketh6466 it with the strength3581 of his arms:2220 yea,1571 he is hungry,7456 and his strength3581 faileth:369 he drinketh8354 no3808 water,4325 and is faint.3286

12 鐵工作斧、炭以煆之、鎚以治之、竭一臂之力、使之成器、若其不飲不食、氣力俱廢。

13 The carpenter2796 6086 stretcheth out5186 his rule;6957 he marketh it out8388 with a line;8279 he fitteth6213 it with planes,4741 and he marketh it out8388 with the compass,4230 and maketh6213 it after the figure8403 of a man,376 according to the beauty8597 of a man;120 that it may remain3427 in the house.1004

13 木工用準繩、循規矩、運其利器、作人之形、窮極華美、置之於室、

14 He heweth him down3772 cedars,730 and taketh3947 the cypress8645 and the oak,437 which he strengtheneth553 for himself among the trees6086 of the forest:3293 he planteth5193 an ash,766 and the rain1653 doth nourish1431 it.

14 伐柏香木以及橡櫟、此皆木之堅者、亦植杉樹、得雨露之養、

15 Then shall it be1961 for a man120 to burn:1197 for he will take3947 thereof,4480 and warm2552 himself; yea,637 he kindleth5400 it, and baketh644 bread;3899 yea,637 he maketh6466 a god,410 and worshipeth7812 it; he maketh6213 it a graven image,6459 and falleth down5456 thereto.

15 人取爲柴、燃之可以煖體、可以烘餅、復作上帝像、俯伏而拜。

16 He burneth8313 part2677 thereof in1119 the fire;784 with5921 part2677 thereof he eateth398 flesh;1320 he roasteth6740 roast,6748 and is satisfied:7646 yea,637 he warmeth2552 himself, and saith,559 Aha,1889 I am warm,2552 I have seen7200 the fire: 217

16 材木之半、焚之可以備餚、可以炙肉、食之果腹、向火得煖、人樂以觀火。

17 And the residue7611 thereof he maketh6213 a god,410 even his graven image:6459 he falleth down5456 unto it, and worshipeth7812 it, and prayeth6419 unto413 it, and saith,559 Deliver5337 me; for3588 thou859 art my god.410

17 更有餘木、以製偶像、以像上帝、俯伏而拜、禱曰、誠我上帝、爾其救子、

18 They have not3808 known3045 nor3808 understood:995 for3588 he hath shut2902 their eyes,5869 that they cannot see;4480 7200 and their hearts,3820 that they cannot understand.4480 7919

18 維彼不識不知、其目若塗以泥、其心不明、

19 And none3808 considereth7725 in413 his heart,3820 neither3808 is there knowledge1847 nor3808 understanding8394 to say,559 I have burned8313 part2677 of it in1119 the fire;784 yea,637 also I have baked644 bread3899 upon5921 the coals1513 thereof; I have roasted6740 flesh,1320 and eaten398 it: and shall I make6213 the residue3499 thereof an abomination?8441 shall I fall down5456 to the stock944 of a tree?6086

19 孰能深思其故、奮然儆醒曰、材木之半、焚之可以烘餅炙肉、而供口腹、則其餘材、豈可作像、拜此可憎之榾柮。

20 He feedeth7462 on ashes:665 a deceived2048 heart3820 hath turned him aside,5186 that he cannot3808 deliver5337 853 his soul,5315 nor3808 say,559 Is there not3808 a lie8267 in my right hand?3225

20 彼心昏迷、所望成空、若食燼餘而不悟、不知右手所作、悉屬虛妄。

21 Remember2142 these,428 O Jacob3290 and Israel;3478 for3588 thou859 art my servant:5650 I have formed3335 thee; thou859 art my servant:5650 O Israel,3478 thou shalt not3808 be forgotten5382 of me.

21 雅各家以色列族、我肇厥邦基、爲我臣僕、當憶斯理、我不忘爾。

22 I have blotted out,4229 as a thick cloud,5645 thy transgressions,6588 and, as a cloud,6051 thy sins:2403 return7725 unto413 me; for3588 I have redeemed1350 thee.

22 我塗抹爾罪、若驅密雲、予已拯爾、爾當歸誠。

23 Sing,7442 O ye heavens;8064 for3588 the LORD3068 hath done6213 it: shout,7321 ye lower parts8482 of the earth:776 break forth6476 into singing,7440 ye mountains,2022 O forest,3293 and every3605 tree6086 therein: for3588 the LORD3068 hath redeemed1350 Jacob,3290 and glorified himself6286 in Israel.3478

23 我耶和華救雅各家以色列族、以彰己榮、天上地下、俱當歡呼、山崗林木、無不謳歌。

24 Thus3541 saith559 the LORD,3068 thy redeemer,1350 and he that formed3335 thee from the womb,4480 990 I595 am the LORD3068 that maketh6213 all3605 things; that stretcheth forth5186 the heavens8064 alone;905 that spreadeth abroad7554 the earth776 by854 myself;

24 耶和華曰、我耶和華創造萬物、張舒穹蒼、奠定寰宇、肇造爾邦、拯救爾民、

25 That frustrateth6565 the tokens226 of the liars,907 and maketh diviners mad;1984 7080 that turneth7725 wise2450 men backward,268 and maketh their knowledge foolish;5528 1847

25 卜筮之輩、設兆惑人、我使其言不騐、彼自矜巧慧、反形愚拙、我使之然、

26 That confirmeth6965 the word1697 of his servant,5650 and performeth7999 the counsel6098 of his messengers;4397 that saith559 to Jerusalem,3389 Thou shalt be inhabited;3427 and to the cities5892 of Judah,3063 Ye shall be built,1129 and I will raise up6965 the decayed places2723 thereof:

26 我所遣之僕、有言耶路撒冷、必有居人、猶大衆邑、必有建造、荒蕪之區、必復其初、我必使應其言、

27 That saith559 to the deep,6683 Be dry,2717 and I will dry up3001 thy rivers: 5104

27 變江河爲陸地、

28 That saith559 of Cyrus,3566 He is my shepherd,7462 and shall perform7999 all3605 my pleasure:2656 even saying559 to Jerusalem,3389 Thou shalt be built;1129 and to the temple,1964 Thy foundation shall be laid.3245

28 召古列爲我牧伯、以成我志。我使彼言耶路撒冷必得建造、又言聖殿、必得肇基。