
Chapter 11

1 And2532 it came to pass,1096 when3753 Jesus2424 had made an end5055 of commanding1299 his848 twelve1427 disciples,3101 he departed3327 thence1564 to teach1321 and2532 to preach2784 in1722 their846 cities.4172

2 Now1161 when John2491 had heard191 in1722 the3588 prison1201 the3588 works2041 of Christ,5547 he sent3992 two1417 of his848 disciples,3101

3 And said2036 unto him,846 Art1488 thou4771 he that should come,2064 or2228 do we look4328 for another?2087

4 2532 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 unto them,846 Go4198 and show John again518 2491 those things3739 which ye do hear191 and2532 see: 991

5 The blind5185 receive their sight,308 and2532 the lame5560 walk,4043 the lepers3015 are cleansed,2511 and2532 the deaf2974 hear,191 the dead3498 are raised up,1453 and2532 the poor4434 have the gospel preached to them.2097

6 And2532 blessed3107 is2076 he, whosoever3739 1437 shall not3361 be offended4624 in1722 me.1698

7 And1161 as they5130 departed,4198 Jesus2424 began756 to say3004 unto the3588 multitudes3793 concerning4012 John,2491 What5101 went ye out1831 into1519 the3588 wilderness2048 to see?2300 A reed2563 shaken4531 with5259 the wind?417

8 But235 what5101 went ye out1831 for to see?1492 A man444 clothed294 in1722 soft3120 raiment?2440 behold,2400 they that wear5409 soft3120 clothing are1526 in1722 kings'935 houses.3624

9 But235 what5101 went ye out1831 for to see?1492 A prophet?4396 yea,3483 I say3004 unto you,5213 and2532 more4055 than a prophet.4396

10 For1063 this3778 is2076 he, of4012 whom3739 it is written,1125 Behold,2400 I1473 send649 my3450 messenger32 before4253 thy4675 face,4383 which3739 shall prepare2680 thy4675 way3598 before1715 thee.4675

11 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Among1722 them that are born1084 of women1135 there hath not3756 risen1453 a greater3187 than John2491 the3588 Baptist: 910 notwithstanding1161 he that is least3398 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 is2076 greater3187 than he.846

12 And1161 from575 the3588 days2250 of John2491 the3588 Baptist910 until2193 now737 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 suffereth violence,971 and2532 the violent973 take it by force.726 846

13 For1063 all3956 the3588 prophets4396 and2532 the3588 law3551 prophesied4395 until2193 John.2491

14 And2532 if1487 ye will2309 receive1209 it, this846 is2076 Elijah,2243 which was3195 for to come.2064

15 He that hath2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

16 But1161 whereunto5101 shall I liken3666 this5026 generation?1074 It is2076 like unto3664 children3808 sitting2521 in1722 the markets,58 and2532 calling4377 unto their848 fellows,2083

17 And2532 saying,3004 We have piped832 unto you,5213 and2532 ye have not3756 danced;3738 we have mourned2354 unto you,5213 and2532 ye have not3756 lamented.2875

18 For1063 John2491 came2064 neither3383 eating2068 nor3383 drinking,4095 and2532 they say,3004 He hath2192 a devil.1140

19 The3588 Son5207 of man444 came2064 eating2068 and2532 drinking,4095 and2532 they say,3004 Behold2400 a man444 gluttonous,5314 and2532 a winebibber,3630 a friend5384 of publicans5057 and2532 sinners.268 But2532 wisdom4678 is justified1344 of575 her848 children.5043

20 Then5119 began756 he to upbraid3679 the3588 cities4172 wherein1722 3739 most4118 of his846 mighty works1411 were done,1096 because3754 they repented3340 not: 3756

21 Woe3759 unto thee,4671 Chorazin!5523 woe3759 unto thee,4671 Bethsaida!966 for3754 if1487 the3588 mighty works,1411 which were done1096 in1722 you,5213 had been done1096 in1722 Tyre5184 and2532 Sidon,4605 they would have repented3340 long ago3819 in1722 sackcloth4526 and2532 ashes.4700

22 But4133 I say3004 unto you,5213 It shall be2071 more tolerable414 for Tyre5184 and2532 Sidon4605 at1722 the day2250 of judgment,2920 than2228 for you.5213

23 And2532 thou,4771 Capernaum,2584 which art exalted5312 unto2193 heaven,3772 shalt be brought down2601 to2193 hell: 86 for3754 if1487 the3588 mighty works,1411 which have been done1096 in1722 thee,4671 had been done1096 in1722 Sodom,4670 it would have remained3306 until3360 this day.4594

24 But4133 I say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 it shall be2071 more tolerable414 for the land1093 of Sodom,4670 in1722 the day2250 of judgment,2920 than2228 for thee.4671

25 At1722 that1565 time2540 Jesus2424 answered611 and said,2036 I thank1843 thee,4671 O Father,3962 Lord2962 of heaven3772 and2532 earth,1093 because3754 thou hast hid613 these things5023 from575 the wise4680 and2532 prudent,4908 and2532 hast revealed601 them846 unto babes.3516

26 Even so,3483 Father: 3962 for3754 so3779 it seemed1096 good2107 in thy sight.1715 4675

27 All things3956 are delivered3860 unto me3427 of5259 my3450 Father: 3962 and2532 no man3762 knoweth1921 the3588 Son,5207 but1508 the3588 Father;3962 neither3761 knoweth1921 any man5100 the3588 Father,3962 save1508 the3588 Son,5207 and2532 he to whomsoever3739 1437 the3588 Son5207 will1014 reveal601 him.

28 Come1205 unto4314 me,3165 all3956 ye that labor2872 and2532 are heavy laden,5412 and I2504 will give you rest.373 5209

29 Take142 my3450 yoke2218 upon1909 you,5209 and2532 learn3129 of575 me;1700 for3754 I am1510 meek4235 and2532 lowly5011 in heart: 2588 and2532 ye shall find2147 rest372 unto your5216 souls.5590

30 For1063 my3450 yoke2218 is easy,5543 and2532 my3450 burden5413 is2076 light.1645



1 耶穌吩咐完了十二個門徒,就離開那裏,往各城去傳道,教訓人。

2 約翰既[when John had]在監裏聽見基督所作的事,就打發兩個門徒去,

3 [unto]他說:「那將要來的是你,還是我們等候別人呢?」

4 耶穌回答他們[them]說:「你們去,把所聽見,所看見的事告訴約翰;

5 就是瞎子看見,瘸子行走,長大痲瘋的潔淨,聾子聽見,死人復活,窮人有福音傳給他們。

6 凡不以我為怪[offended in me]的就有福了。』」

7 他們走的時候,耶穌就對眾人講論約翰說:「你們從前出到曠野是要看甚麼呢?要看風吹動的蘆葦嗎?

8 你們出去到底是要看甚麼?要看穿細軟衣服的人嗎?看哪[Behold],那穿細軟衣服的人是在王宮裏。

9 你們出去究竟是要看[for to see]甚麼?是先知嗎[A prophet]?我告訴你們,是的,他比先知更大[more than]了。

10 經上記著說:『看哪[Behold],我要在你面前[before thy face]差遣我的使者,在你前面為你[thy]預備道路。』所說的就是這個人。

11 我實在告訴你們:『凡婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施浸約翰的;然而天國裏最小的比他還大。』

12 從施洗約翰的時候到如今,天國是努力進入的,努力的人就得著了;

13 [For]眾先知和律法說預言直到約翰也是如此[until John]

14 你們若肯領受這話[it],這人就是那應當來的以利亞。

15 有耳可聽的,就應當聽。

16 [But]我可用甚麼比這世代呢?好像孩童坐在街市上呼叫[calling]同伴,

17 [saying]:『我們向你們吹笛,你們不跳舞;我們向你們哀哭,你們不捶胸。』

18 因為[For]約翰來了,也不吃也不喝,人就說:『他是被鬼魔[devil]附著的。』

19 人子來了,也吃也喝,人又說:『看哪[Behold],他是貪食好酒的人,是稅吏和罪人的朋友。』但智慧的兒女,總以智慧為是[But wisdom is justified of her children]。」

20 耶穌在諸城中行了許多異能,那些城的人終不悔改,就在那時候責備他們,說:

21 「哥拉汛哪,你有禍了。伯賽大啊,你有禍了。因為在你們中間所行的異能,若[in]推羅、西頓行了[done],他們早已披麻蒙灰悔改了。

22 但我告訴你們:『當審判的日子,推羅、西頓所受的,比你們還容易受呢。』

23 迦百農啊,你這升到天上的[which at exalted unto heaven],將來必墜落地獄[hell];因為在你那裏所行的異能,若[in]所多瑪行了[done],它還可以存到今日。

24 但我告訴你們:『當審判的日子,所多瑪所受的,比你還容易受呢。』」

25 那時,耶穌回答[answered]說:「父啊,天地的主,我感謝你,因為你將這些事向聰明通達人就藏起來,向嬰孩就顯出來。

26 父啊,是的;因為在你眼中這本為美[it seemed good in thy sight]

27 一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,沒有人知道子;除了子和子所願意指示的,沒有人知道父。

28 你們[ye]凡勞苦擔重擔[that],可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。

29 我心裏柔和謙卑;你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式。這樣,你們心裏就必得享安息。

30 因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」


Chapter 11



1 And2532 it came to pass,1096 when3753 Jesus2424 had made an end5055 of commanding1299 his848 twelve1427 disciples,3101 he departed3327 thence1564 to teach1321 and2532 to preach2784 in1722 their846 cities.4172

1 耶穌吩咐完了十二個門徒,就離開那裏,往各城去傳道,教訓人。

2 Now1161 when John2491 had heard191 in1722 the3588 prison1201 the3588 works2041 of Christ,5547 he sent3992 two1417 of his848 disciples,3101

2 約翰既[when John had]在監裏聽見基督所作的事,就打發兩個門徒去,

3 And said2036 unto him,846 Art1488 thou4771 he that should come,2064 or2228 do we look4328 for another?2087

3 [unto]他說:「那將要來的是你,還是我們等候別人呢?」

4 2532 Jesus2424 answered611 and said2036 unto them,846 Go4198 and show John again518 2491 those things3739 which ye do hear191 and2532 see: 991

4 耶穌回答他們[them]說:「你們去,把所聽見,所看見的事告訴約翰;

5 The blind5185 receive their sight,308 and2532 the lame5560 walk,4043 the lepers3015 are cleansed,2511 and2532 the deaf2974 hear,191 the dead3498 are raised up,1453 and2532 the poor4434 have the gospel preached to them.2097

5 就是瞎子看見,瘸子行走,長大痲瘋的潔淨,聾子聽見,死人復活,窮人有福音傳給他們。

6 And2532 blessed3107 is2076 he, whosoever3739 1437 shall not3361 be offended4624 in1722 me.1698

6 凡不以我為怪[offended in me]的就有福了。』」

7 And1161 as they5130 departed,4198 Jesus2424 began756 to say3004 unto the3588 multitudes3793 concerning4012 John,2491 What5101 went ye out1831 into1519 the3588 wilderness2048 to see?2300 A reed2563 shaken4531 with5259 the wind?417

7 他們走的時候,耶穌就對眾人講論約翰說:「你們從前出到曠野是要看甚麼呢?要看風吹動的蘆葦嗎?

8 But235 what5101 went ye out1831 for to see?1492 A man444 clothed294 in1722 soft3120 raiment?2440 behold,2400 they that wear5409 soft3120 clothing are1526 in1722 kings'935 houses.3624

8 你們出去到底是要看甚麼?要看穿細軟衣服的人嗎?看哪[Behold],那穿細軟衣服的人是在王宮裏。

9 But235 what5101 went ye out1831 for to see?1492 A prophet?4396 yea,3483 I say3004 unto you,5213 and2532 more4055 than a prophet.4396

9 你們出去究竟是要看[for to see]甚麼?是先知嗎[A prophet]?我告訴你們,是的,他比先知更大[more than]了。

10 For1063 this3778 is2076 he, of4012 whom3739 it is written,1125 Behold,2400 I1473 send649 my3450 messenger32 before4253 thy4675 face,4383 which3739 shall prepare2680 thy4675 way3598 before1715 thee.4675

10 經上記著說:『看哪[Behold],我要在你面前[before thy face]差遣我的使者,在你前面為你[thy]預備道路。』所說的就是這個人。

11 Verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 Among1722 them that are born1084 of women1135 there hath not3756 risen1453 a greater3187 than John2491 the3588 Baptist: 910 notwithstanding1161 he that is least3398 in1722 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 is2076 greater3187 than he.846

11 我實在告訴你們:『凡婦人所生的,沒有一個興起來大過施浸約翰的;然而天國裏最小的比他還大。』

12 And1161 from575 the3588 days2250 of John2491 the3588 Baptist910 until2193 now737 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 suffereth violence,971 and2532 the violent973 take it by force.726 846

12 從施洗約翰的時候到如今,天國是努力進入的,努力的人就得著了;

13 For1063 all3956 the3588 prophets4396 and2532 the3588 law3551 prophesied4395 until2193 John.2491

13 [For]眾先知和律法說預言直到約翰也是如此[until John]

14 And2532 if1487 ye will2309 receive1209 it, this846 is2076 Elijah,2243 which was3195 for to come.2064

14 你們若肯領受這話[it],這人就是那應當來的以利亞。

15 He that hath2192 ears3775 to hear,191 let him hear.191

15 有耳可聽的,就應當聽。

16 But1161 whereunto5101 shall I liken3666 this5026 generation?1074 It is2076 like unto3664 children3808 sitting2521 in1722 the markets,58 and2532 calling4377 unto their848 fellows,2083

16 [But]我可用甚麼比這世代呢?好像孩童坐在街市上呼叫[calling]同伴,

17 And2532 saying,3004 We have piped832 unto you,5213 and2532 ye have not3756 danced;3738 we have mourned2354 unto you,5213 and2532 ye have not3756 lamented.2875

17 [saying]:『我們向你們吹笛,你們不跳舞;我們向你們哀哭,你們不捶胸。』

18 For1063 John2491 came2064 neither3383 eating2068 nor3383 drinking,4095 and2532 they say,3004 He hath2192 a devil.1140

18 因為[For]約翰來了,也不吃也不喝,人就說:『他是被鬼魔[devil]附著的。』

19 The3588 Son5207 of man444 came2064 eating2068 and2532 drinking,4095 and2532 they say,3004 Behold2400 a man444 gluttonous,5314 and2532 a winebibber,3630 a friend5384 of publicans5057 and2532 sinners.268 But2532 wisdom4678 is justified1344 of575 her848 children.5043

19 人子來了,也吃也喝,人又說:『看哪[Behold],他是貪食好酒的人,是稅吏和罪人的朋友。』但智慧的兒女,總以智慧為是[But wisdom is justified of her children]。」

20 Then5119 began756 he to upbraid3679 the3588 cities4172 wherein1722 3739 most4118 of his846 mighty works1411 were done,1096 because3754 they repented3340 not: 3756

20 耶穌在諸城中行了許多異能,那些城的人終不悔改,就在那時候責備他們,說:

21 Woe3759 unto thee,4671 Chorazin!5523 woe3759 unto thee,4671 Bethsaida!966 for3754 if1487 the3588 mighty works,1411 which were done1096 in1722 you,5213 had been done1096 in1722 Tyre5184 and2532 Sidon,4605 they would have repented3340 long ago3819 in1722 sackcloth4526 and2532 ashes.4700

21 「哥拉汛哪,你有禍了。伯賽大啊,你有禍了。因為在你們中間所行的異能,若[in]推羅、西頓行了[done],他們早已披麻蒙灰悔改了。

22 But4133 I say3004 unto you,5213 It shall be2071 more tolerable414 for Tyre5184 and2532 Sidon4605 at1722 the day2250 of judgment,2920 than2228 for you.5213

22 但我告訴你們:『當審判的日子,推羅、西頓所受的,比你們還容易受呢。』

23 And2532 thou,4771 Capernaum,2584 which art exalted5312 unto2193 heaven,3772 shalt be brought down2601 to2193 hell: 86 for3754 if1487 the3588 mighty works,1411 which have been done1096 in1722 thee,4671 had been done1096 in1722 Sodom,4670 it would have remained3306 until3360 this day.4594

23 迦百農啊,你這升到天上的[which at exalted unto heaven],將來必墜落地獄[hell];因為在你那裏所行的異能,若[in]所多瑪行了[done],它還可以存到今日。

24 But4133 I say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 it shall be2071 more tolerable414 for the land1093 of Sodom,4670 in1722 the day2250 of judgment,2920 than2228 for thee.4671

24 但我告訴你們:『當審判的日子,所多瑪所受的,比你還容易受呢。』」

25 At1722 that1565 time2540 Jesus2424 answered611 and said,2036 I thank1843 thee,4671 O Father,3962 Lord2962 of heaven3772 and2532 earth,1093 because3754 thou hast hid613 these things5023 from575 the wise4680 and2532 prudent,4908 and2532 hast revealed601 them846 unto babes.3516

25 那時,耶穌回答[answered]說:「父啊,天地的主,我感謝你,因為你將這些事向聰明通達人就藏起來,向嬰孩就顯出來。

26 Even so,3483 Father: 3962 for3754 so3779 it seemed1096 good2107 in thy sight.1715 4675

26 父啊,是的;因為在你眼中這本為美[it seemed good in thy sight]

27 All things3956 are delivered3860 unto me3427 of5259 my3450 Father: 3962 and2532 no man3762 knoweth1921 the3588 Son,5207 but1508 the3588 Father;3962 neither3761 knoweth1921 any man5100 the3588 Father,3962 save1508 the3588 Son,5207 and2532 he to whomsoever3739 1437 the3588 Son5207 will1014 reveal601 him.

27 一切所有的,都是我父交付我的。除了父,沒有人知道子;除了子和子所願意指示的,沒有人知道父。

28 Come1205 unto4314 me,3165 all3956 ye that labor2872 and2532 are heavy laden,5412 and I2504 will give you rest.373 5209

28 你們[ye]凡勞苦擔重擔[that],可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。

29 Take142 my3450 yoke2218 upon1909 you,5209 and2532 learn3129 of575 me;1700 for3754 I am1510 meek4235 and2532 lowly5011 in heart: 2588 and2532 ye shall find2147 rest372 unto your5216 souls.5590

29 我心裏柔和謙卑;你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式。這樣,你們心裏就必得享安息。

30 For1063 my3450 yoke2218 is easy,5543 and2532 my3450 burden5413 is2076 light.1645

30 因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是輕省的。」