
Psalm 109

1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hold2790 not408 thy peace, O God430 of my praise;8416

2 For3588 the mouth6310 of the wicked7563 and the mouth6310 of the deceitful4820 are opened6605 against5921 me: they have spoken1696 against854 me with a lying8267 tongue.3956

3 They compassed me about5437 also with words1697 of hatred;8135 and fought against3898 me without a cause.2600

4 For8478 my love160 they are my adversaries:7853 but I589 give myself unto prayer.8605

5 And they have rewarded7760 5921 me evil7451 for8478 good,2896 and hatred8135 for8478 my love.160

6 Set6485 thou a wicked man7563 over5921 him: and let Satan7854 stand5975 at5921 his right hand.3225

7 When he shall be judged,8199 let him be condemned:3318 7563 and let3318 his prayer8605 become1961 sin.2401

8 Let his days3117 be1961 few;4592 and let another312 take3947 his office.6486

9 Let his children1121 be1961 fatherless,3490 and his wife802 a widow.490

10 Let his children1121 be continually vagabonds,5128 5128 and beg:7592 let them seek1875 their bread also out of their desolate places.4480 2723

11 Let the extortioner5383 catch5367 all3605 that834 he hath; and let the strangers2114 spoil962 his labor.3018

12 Let there be1961 none408 to extend4900 mercy2617 unto him: neither408 let there be1961 any to favor2603 his fatherless children.3490

13 Let his posterity319 be1961 cut off;3772 and in the generation1755 following312 let their name8034 be blotted out.4229

14 Let the iniquity5771 of his fathers1 be remembered2142 with413 the LORD;3068 and let not408 the sin2403 of his mother517 be blotted out.4229

15 Let them be1961 before5048 the LORD3068 continually,8548 that he may cut off3772 the memory2143 of them from the earth.4480 776

16 Because3282 that834 he remembered2142 not3808 to show6213 mercy,2617 but persecuted7291 the poor6041 and needy34 man,376 that he might even slay4191 the broken3512 in heart.3824

17 As he loved157 cursing,7045 so let it come935 unto him: as he delighted2654 not3808 in blessing,1293 so let it be far7368 from4480 him.

18 As he clothed3847 himself with cursing7045 like as with his garment,4055 so let it come935 into his bowels7130 like water,4325 and like oil8081 into his bones.6106

19 Let it be1961 unto him as the garment899 which covereth5844 him, and for a girdle4206 wherewith he is girded2296 continually.8548

20 Let this2063 be the reward6468 of mine adversaries7853 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and of them that speak1696 evil7451 against5921 my soul.5315

21 But do6213 thou859 for854 me, O GOD3069 the Lord,136 for thy name's sake:4616 8034 because3588 thy mercy2617 is good,2896 deliver5337 thou me.

22 For3588 I595 am poor6041 and needy,34 and my heart3820 is wounded2490 within7130 me.

23 I am gone1980 like the shadow6738 when it declineth:5186 I am tossed up and down5287 as the locust.697

24 My knees1290 are weak3782 through fasting;4480 6685 and my flesh1320 faileth3584 of fatness.4480 8081

25 I589 became1961 also a reproach2781 unto them: when they looked upon7200 me they shaked5128 their heads.7218

26 Help5826 me, O LORD3068 my God:430 O save3467 me according to thy mercy: 2617

27 That3588 they may know3045 that this2063 is thy hand;3027 that thou,859 LORD,3068 hast done6213 it.

28 Let them1992 curse,7043 but bless1288 thou:859 when they arise,6965 let them be ashamed;954 but let thy servant5650 rejoice.8055

29 Let mine adversaries7853 be clothed3847 with shame,3639 and let them cover5844 themselves with their own confusion,1322 as with a mantle.4598

30 I will greatly3966 praise3034 the LORD3068 with my mouth;6310 yea, I will praise1984 him among8432 the multitude.7227

31 For3588 he shall stand5975 at the right hand3225 of the poor,34 to save3467 him from those that condemn4480 8199 his soul.5315



1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)我所讚美的神啊,求你不要閉口不言;

2 因為惡人的嘴和詭詐人的口已經張開攻擊我;他們用說謊的舌頭對我說話。

3 他們圍繞我,說怨恨的話,又無故地攻打我。

4 他們與我為敵以報我愛,但我專心祈禱。

5 他們向我以惡報善,以恨報愛。

6 願你派一個惡人轄制他,並使撒但[and let Satan]站在他右邊。

7 他受審判的時候,願他出來擔當罪名。願他的祈禱反成為罪。

8 願他的年日短少。願別人得他的職分。

9 願他的兒女沒有父親[fatherless],他的妻子為寡婦。

10 願他的兒女漂流討乞[beg][also]從他們荒涼之處出來[seek][bread]

11 願強暴的債主牢籠他一切所有的。願外人搶他勞碌得來的。

12 願無人向他延綿施恩;願無人喜愛[favour]無父的兒女[fatherless children]

13 願他的後人斷絕,名字被塗抹,不傳於下代。

14 願他祖宗的罪孽被耶和華記念。願他母親的罪過不被塗抹。

15 願這些罪常在耶和華面前,叫他[he]使他們[them]的名號斷絕於世。

16 因為他不想施恩,卻逼迫困苦窮乏的和傷心的人,要把他們治死。

17 他愛咒罵,咒罵就臨到他;他不喜愛福樂,福樂就與他遠離。

18 他拿咒罵當衣服穿上;這咒罵就如水進他裏面,像油入他的骨頭。

19 願這咒罵當他遮身的衣服,當他常束的腰帶。

20 願這作[Let this be]我對頭和用惡言議論我的人從耶和華那裏所受的報應。

21 主─耶和華啊,求你為你的名恩待我;因你的慈愛美好,求你搭救我。

22 因為我困苦窮乏,內心受傷。

23 我如日影漸漸偏斜而去;我如蝗蟲被抖出來。

24 我因禁食,膝骨軟弱;我身上的肉也漸漸瘦了。

25 我受他們的羞辱,他們看見我便搖頭。

26 耶和華─我的神啊,求你幫助我,照你的慈愛拯救我,

27 使他們知道這是你的手,是你─耶和華所行的事。

28 任憑他們咒罵,唯願你賜福;他們幾時起來就必蒙羞,你的僕人卻要歡喜。

29 願我的對頭披戴羞辱。願他們以自己的羞愧為外袍遮身。

30 我要用口大大讚美[greatly praise]耶和華;我要在眾人中間讚美他;

31 因為他必站在窮乏人的右邊,要救他脫離定他元魂有罪[condemn his soul]的人。


Psalm 109



1 To the chief Musician,5329 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 Hold2790 not408 thy peace, O God430 of my praise;8416

1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)我所讚美的神啊,求你不要閉口不言;

2 For3588 the mouth6310 of the wicked7563 and the mouth6310 of the deceitful4820 are opened6605 against5921 me: they have spoken1696 against854 me with a lying8267 tongue.3956

2 因為惡人的嘴和詭詐人的口已經張開攻擊我;他們用說謊的舌頭對我說話。

3 They compassed me about5437 also with words1697 of hatred;8135 and fought against3898 me without a cause.2600

3 他們圍繞我,說怨恨的話,又無故地攻打我。

4 For8478 my love160 they are my adversaries:7853 but I589 give myself unto prayer.8605

4 他們與我為敵以報我愛,但我專心祈禱。

5 And they have rewarded7760 5921 me evil7451 for8478 good,2896 and hatred8135 for8478 my love.160

5 他們向我以惡報善,以恨報愛。

6 Set6485 thou a wicked man7563 over5921 him: and let Satan7854 stand5975 at5921 his right hand.3225

6 願你派一個惡人轄制他,並使撒但[and let Satan]站在他右邊。

7 When he shall be judged,8199 let him be condemned:3318 7563 and let3318 his prayer8605 become1961 sin.2401

7 他受審判的時候,願他出來擔當罪名。願他的祈禱反成為罪。

8 Let his days3117 be1961 few;4592 and let another312 take3947 his office.6486

8 願他的年日短少。願別人得他的職分。

9 Let his children1121 be1961 fatherless,3490 and his wife802 a widow.490

9 願他的兒女沒有父親[fatherless],他的妻子為寡婦。

10 Let his children1121 be continually vagabonds,5128 5128 and beg:7592 let them seek1875 their bread also out of their desolate places.4480 2723

10 願他的兒女漂流討乞[beg][also]從他們荒涼之處出來[seek][bread]

11 Let the extortioner5383 catch5367 all3605 that834 he hath; and let the strangers2114 spoil962 his labor.3018

11 願強暴的債主牢籠他一切所有的。願外人搶他勞碌得來的。

12 Let there be1961 none408 to extend4900 mercy2617 unto him: neither408 let there be1961 any to favor2603 his fatherless children.3490

12 願無人向他延綿施恩;願無人喜愛[favour]無父的兒女[fatherless children]

13 Let his posterity319 be1961 cut off;3772 and in the generation1755 following312 let their name8034 be blotted out.4229

13 願他的後人斷絕,名字被塗抹,不傳於下代。

14 Let the iniquity5771 of his fathers1 be remembered2142 with413 the LORD;3068 and let not408 the sin2403 of his mother517 be blotted out.4229

14 願他祖宗的罪孽被耶和華記念。願他母親的罪過不被塗抹。

15 Let them be1961 before5048 the LORD3068 continually,8548 that he may cut off3772 the memory2143 of them from the earth.4480 776

15 願這些罪常在耶和華面前,叫他[he]使他們[them]的名號斷絕於世。

16 Because3282 that834 he remembered2142 not3808 to show6213 mercy,2617 but persecuted7291 the poor6041 and needy34 man,376 that he might even slay4191 the broken3512 in heart.3824

16 因為他不想施恩,卻逼迫困苦窮乏的和傷心的人,要把他們治死。

17 As he loved157 cursing,7045 so let it come935 unto him: as he delighted2654 not3808 in blessing,1293 so let it be far7368 from4480 him.

17 他愛咒罵,咒罵就臨到他;他不喜愛福樂,福樂就與他遠離。

18 As he clothed3847 himself with cursing7045 like as with his garment,4055 so let it come935 into his bowels7130 like water,4325 and like oil8081 into his bones.6106

18 他拿咒罵當衣服穿上;這咒罵就如水進他裏面,像油入他的骨頭。

19 Let it be1961 unto him as the garment899 which covereth5844 him, and for a girdle4206 wherewith he is girded2296 continually.8548

19 願這咒罵當他遮身的衣服,當他常束的腰帶。

20 Let this2063 be the reward6468 of mine adversaries7853 from4480 854 the LORD,3068 and of them that speak1696 evil7451 against5921 my soul.5315

20 願這作[Let this be]我對頭和用惡言議論我的人從耶和華那裏所受的報應。

21 But do6213 thou859 for854 me, O GOD3069 the Lord,136 for thy name's sake:4616 8034 because3588 thy mercy2617 is good,2896 deliver5337 thou me.

21 主─耶和華啊,求你為你的名恩待我;因你的慈愛美好,求你搭救我。

22 For3588 I595 am poor6041 and needy,34 and my heart3820 is wounded2490 within7130 me.

22 因為我困苦窮乏,內心受傷。

23 I am gone1980 like the shadow6738 when it declineth:5186 I am tossed up and down5287 as the locust.697

23 我如日影漸漸偏斜而去;我如蝗蟲被抖出來。

24 My knees1290 are weak3782 through fasting;4480 6685 and my flesh1320 faileth3584 of fatness.4480 8081

24 我因禁食,膝骨軟弱;我身上的肉也漸漸瘦了。

25 I589 became1961 also a reproach2781 unto them: when they looked upon7200 me they shaked5128 their heads.7218

25 我受他們的羞辱,他們看見我便搖頭。

26 Help5826 me, O LORD3068 my God:430 O save3467 me according to thy mercy: 2617

26 耶和華─我的神啊,求你幫助我,照你的慈愛拯救我,

27 That3588 they may know3045 that this2063 is thy hand;3027 that thou,859 LORD,3068 hast done6213 it.

27 使他們知道這是你的手,是你─耶和華所行的事。

28 Let them1992 curse,7043 but bless1288 thou:859 when they arise,6965 let them be ashamed;954 but let thy servant5650 rejoice.8055

28 任憑他們咒罵,唯願你賜福;他們幾時起來就必蒙羞,你的僕人卻要歡喜。

29 Let mine adversaries7853 be clothed3847 with shame,3639 and let them cover5844 themselves with their own confusion,1322 as with a mantle.4598

29 願我的對頭披戴羞辱。願他們以自己的羞愧為外袍遮身。

30 I will greatly3966 praise3034 the LORD3068 with my mouth;6310 yea, I will praise1984 him among8432 the multitude.7227

30 我要用口大大讚美[greatly praise]耶和華;我要在眾人中間讚美他;

31 For3588 he shall stand5975 at the right hand3225 of the poor,34 to save3467 him from those that condemn4480 8199 his soul.5315

31 因為他必站在窮乏人的右邊,要救他脫離定他元魂有罪[condemn his soul]的人。