
Psalm 22

1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Aijeleth365 Shahar,7837 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 My God,410 my God,410 why4100 hast thou forsaken5800 me? why art thou so far7350 from helping4480 3444 me, and from the words1697 of my roaring?7581

2 O my God,430 I cry7121 in the daytime,3119 but thou hearest6030 not;3808 and in the night season,3915 and am not3808 silent.1747

3 But thou859 art holy,6918 O thou that inhabitest3427 the praises8416 of Israel.3478

4 Our fathers1 trusted982 in thee: they trusted,982 and thou didst deliver6403 them.

5 They cried2199 unto413 thee, and were delivered:4422 they trusted982 in thee, and were not3808 confounded.954

6 But I595 am a worm,8438 and no3808 man;376 a reproach2781 of men,120 and despised959 of the people.5971

7 All3605 they that see7200 me laugh3932 me to scorn: they shoot out6362 the lip,8193 they shake5128 the head,7218 saying,

8 He trusted1556 on413 the LORD3068 that he would deliver6403 him: let him deliver5337 him, seeing3588 he delighted2654 in him.

9 But3588 thou859 art he that took1518 me out of the womb:4480 990 thou didst make me hope982 when I was upon5921 my mother's517 breasts.7699

10 I was cast7993 upon5921 thee from the womb:4480 7358 thou859 art my God410 from my mother's517 belly.4480 990

11 Be not408 far7368 from4480 me; for3588 trouble6869 is near;7138 for3588 there is none369 to help.5826

12 Many7227 bulls6499 have compassed5437 me: strong47 bulls of Bashan1316 have beset me round.3803

13 They gaped6475 upon5921 me with their mouths,6310 as a ravening2963 and a roaring7580 lion.738

14 I am poured out8210 like water,4325 and all3605 my bones6106 are out of joint:6504 my heart3820 is1961 like wax;1749 it is melted4549 in the midst8432 of my bowels.4578

15 My strength3581 is dried up3001 like a potsherd;2789 and my tongue3956 cleaveth1692 to my jaws;4455 and thou hast brought8239 me into the dust6083 of death.4194

16 For3588 dogs3611 have compassed5437 me: the assembly5712 of the wicked7489 have enclosed5362 me: they pierced738 my hands3027 and my feet.7272

17 I may tell5608 all3605 my bones:6106 they1992 look5027 and stare7200 upon me.

18 They part2505 my garments899 among them, and cast5307 lots1486 upon5921 my vesture.3830

19 But be not408 thou859 far7368 from me, O LORD:3068 O my strength,360 haste2363 thee to help5833 me.

20 Deliver5337 my soul5315 from the sword;4480 2719 my darling3173 from the power4480 3027 of the dog.3611

21 Save3467 me from the lion's738 mouth:4480 6310 for thou hast heard6030 me from the horns4480 7161 of the unicorns.7214

22 I will declare5608 thy name8034 unto my brethren:251 in the midst8432 of the congregation6951 will I praise1984 thee.

23 Ye that fear3373 the LORD,3068 praise1984 him; all3605 ye the seed2233 of Jacob,3290 glorify3513 him; and fear1481 4480 him, all3605 ye the seed2233 of Israel.3478

24 For3588 he hath not3808 despised959 nor3808 abhorred8262 the affliction6039 of the afflicted;6041 neither3808 hath he hid5641 his face6440 from4480 him; but when he cried7768 unto413 him, he heard.8085

25 My praise8416 shall be of4480 854 thee in the great7227 congregation:6951 I will pay7999 my vows5088 before5048 them that fear3373 him.

26 The meek6035 shall eat398 and be satisfied:7646 they shall praise1984 the LORD3068 that seek1875 him: your heart3824 shall live2421 forever.5703

27 All3605 the ends657 of the world776 shall remember2142 and turn7725 unto413 the LORD:3068 and all3605 the kindreds4940 of the nations1471 shall worship7812 before6440 thee.

28 For3588 the kingdom4410 is the LORD's:3068 and he is the governor4910 among the nations.1471

29 All3605 they that be fat1879 upon earth776 shall eat398 and worship:7812 all3605 they that go down3381 to the dust6083 shall bow3766 before6440 him: and none3808 can keep alive2421 his own soul.5315

30 A seed2233 shall serve5647 him; it shall be accounted5608 to the Lord136 for a generation.1755

31 They shall come,935 and shall declare5046 his righteousness6666 unto a people5971 that shall be born,3205 that3588 he hath done6213 this.



1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。用朝鹿調。)我的神,我的神。為甚麼離棄我?為甚麼遠離不救我?不聽我唉哼的言語?

2 我的神啊,我白日呼求,你卻不聽[but thou hearest not];夜間呼求,並不住聲。

3 但你是聖潔的,是用以色列的讚美為居所[inhabitest][O]

4 我們的祖宗倚靠你;他們倚靠你,你便解救他們。

5 他們哀求你,便蒙解救;他們倚靠你,就不抱愧[confounded]

6 但我是蟲,不是人,被眾人羞辱,被百姓藐視。

7 凡看見我的都嗤笑我;他們撇嘴搖頭,說:

8 他把自己交託耶和華,耶和華可以救他吧。耶和華既喜悅他,可以搭救他吧。

9 但你是叫我出母腹的;我在母懷裏,你就使我有仰望[hope]的心。

10 我自出母胎就被交在你手裏;從我母親生我,你就是我的神。

11 求你不要遠離我。因為急難臨近了,沒有人幫助我。

12 有許多公牛圍繞我,巴珊大力的公牛四面困住我。

13 牠們向我張口,好像抓撕吼叫的獅子。

14 我如水被倒出來;我的骨頭都脫了節;我心在我裏面如蠟熔化[melt]

15 我的精力枯乾,如同瓦片;我的舌頭貼在我腮頰[jaws]上。你將我安置在死地的塵土中。

16 犬類圍著我,惡黨環繞我;他們[pierced]了我的手,我的腳。

17 我的骨頭,我都能數過;他們瞪著眼看我。

18 他們分我的外衣,為我的裏衣擲籤[cast lots]

19 耶和華啊,求你不要遠離我。我的力量[strength]啊,求你快來幫助我。

20 求你救我的命[soul]脫離刀劍;救我所親愛的[darling]脫離犬類的權勢[power]

21 救我脫離獅子的口;你已經聽允[heard]我,使我脫離獨角獸[unicorns]的角。

22 我要將你的名傳與我的弟兄,在會中我要讚美你。

23 你們敬畏耶和華的人要讚美他。雅各的後裔都要榮耀他。以色列的後裔都要懼怕他。

24 因為他沒有藐視憎惡受苦的人;[he]也沒有向他掩面;那受苦之人呼求他[cried unto him]的時候,他就垂聽。

25 我在大會中讚美你的話是從你而來的;我要在敬畏耶和華的人面前還我的願。

26 謙卑的人必吃得飽足;尋求耶和華的人必讚美他;你們的心必[your heart shall]永遠活著。

27 世界[world]的四極都要想念耶和華,並且歸順他;列國的各族[all the kindreds]都要在你面前敬拜。

28 因為國權是耶和華的;他是管理列國的。

29 地上一切豐肥的人必吃喝而敬拜;凡下到塵土中─不能存活自己性命的人─都要在他面前下拜。

30 必有後裔[A seed shall]事奉他;主所行的事必傳與後代。

31 他們必來把他的公義傳給將要生的民,言明這事是他所行的。


Psalm 22



1 To the chief Musician5329 upon5921 Aijeleth365 Shahar,7837 A Psalm4210 of David.1732 My God,410 my God,410 why4100 hast thou forsaken5800 me? why art thou so far7350 from helping4480 3444 me, and from the words1697 of my roaring?7581

1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。用朝鹿調。)我的神,我的神。為甚麼離棄我?為甚麼遠離不救我?不聽我唉哼的言語?

2 O my God,430 I cry7121 in the daytime,3119 but thou hearest6030 not;3808 and in the night season,3915 and am not3808 silent.1747

2 我的神啊,我白日呼求,你卻不聽[but thou hearest not];夜間呼求,並不住聲。

3 But thou859 art holy,6918 O thou that inhabitest3427 the praises8416 of Israel.3478

3 但你是聖潔的,是用以色列的讚美為居所[inhabitest][O]

4 Our fathers1 trusted982 in thee: they trusted,982 and thou didst deliver6403 them.

4 我們的祖宗倚靠你;他們倚靠你,你便解救他們。

5 They cried2199 unto413 thee, and were delivered:4422 they trusted982 in thee, and were not3808 confounded.954

5 他們哀求你,便蒙解救;他們倚靠你,就不抱愧[confounded]

6 But I595 am a worm,8438 and no3808 man;376 a reproach2781 of men,120 and despised959 of the people.5971

6 但我是蟲,不是人,被眾人羞辱,被百姓藐視。

7 All3605 they that see7200 me laugh3932 me to scorn: they shoot out6362 the lip,8193 they shake5128 the head,7218 saying,

7 凡看見我的都嗤笑我;他們撇嘴搖頭,說:

8 He trusted1556 on413 the LORD3068 that he would deliver6403 him: let him deliver5337 him, seeing3588 he delighted2654 in him.

8 他把自己交託耶和華,耶和華可以救他吧。耶和華既喜悅他,可以搭救他吧。

9 But3588 thou859 art he that took1518 me out of the womb:4480 990 thou didst make me hope982 when I was upon5921 my mother's517 breasts.7699

9 但你是叫我出母腹的;我在母懷裏,你就使我有仰望[hope]的心。

10 I was cast7993 upon5921 thee from the womb:4480 7358 thou859 art my God410 from my mother's517 belly.4480 990

10 我自出母胎就被交在你手裏;從我母親生我,你就是我的神。

11 Be not408 far7368 from4480 me; for3588 trouble6869 is near;7138 for3588 there is none369 to help.5826

11 求你不要遠離我。因為急難臨近了,沒有人幫助我。

12 Many7227 bulls6499 have compassed5437 me: strong47 bulls of Bashan1316 have beset me round.3803

12 有許多公牛圍繞我,巴珊大力的公牛四面困住我。

13 They gaped6475 upon5921 me with their mouths,6310 as a ravening2963 and a roaring7580 lion.738

13 牠們向我張口,好像抓撕吼叫的獅子。

14 I am poured out8210 like water,4325 and all3605 my bones6106 are out of joint:6504 my heart3820 is1961 like wax;1749 it is melted4549 in the midst8432 of my bowels.4578

14 我如水被倒出來;我的骨頭都脫了節;我心在我裏面如蠟熔化[melt]

15 My strength3581 is dried up3001 like a potsherd;2789 and my tongue3956 cleaveth1692 to my jaws;4455 and thou hast brought8239 me into the dust6083 of death.4194

15 我的精力枯乾,如同瓦片;我的舌頭貼在我腮頰[jaws]上。你將我安置在死地的塵土中。

16 For3588 dogs3611 have compassed5437 me: the assembly5712 of the wicked7489 have enclosed5362 me: they pierced738 my hands3027 and my feet.7272

16 犬類圍著我,惡黨環繞我;他們[pierced]了我的手,我的腳。

17 I may tell5608 all3605 my bones:6106 they1992 look5027 and stare7200 upon me.

17 我的骨頭,我都能數過;他們瞪著眼看我。

18 They part2505 my garments899 among them, and cast5307 lots1486 upon5921 my vesture.3830

18 他們分我的外衣,為我的裏衣擲籤[cast lots]

19 But be not408 thou859 far7368 from me, O LORD:3068 O my strength,360 haste2363 thee to help5833 me.

19 耶和華啊,求你不要遠離我。我的力量[strength]啊,求你快來幫助我。

20 Deliver5337 my soul5315 from the sword;4480 2719 my darling3173 from the power4480 3027 of the dog.3611

20 求你救我的命[soul]脫離刀劍;救我所親愛的[darling]脫離犬類的權勢[power]

21 Save3467 me from the lion's738 mouth:4480 6310 for thou hast heard6030 me from the horns4480 7161 of the unicorns.7214

21 救我脫離獅子的口;你已經聽允[heard]我,使我脫離獨角獸[unicorns]的角。

22 I will declare5608 thy name8034 unto my brethren:251 in the midst8432 of the congregation6951 will I praise1984 thee.

22 我要將你的名傳與我的弟兄,在會中我要讚美你。

23 Ye that fear3373 the LORD,3068 praise1984 him; all3605 ye the seed2233 of Jacob,3290 glorify3513 him; and fear1481 4480 him, all3605 ye the seed2233 of Israel.3478

23 你們敬畏耶和華的人要讚美他。雅各的後裔都要榮耀他。以色列的後裔都要懼怕他。

24 For3588 he hath not3808 despised959 nor3808 abhorred8262 the affliction6039 of the afflicted;6041 neither3808 hath he hid5641 his face6440 from4480 him; but when he cried7768 unto413 him, he heard.8085

24 因為他沒有藐視憎惡受苦的人;[he]也沒有向他掩面;那受苦之人呼求他[cried unto him]的時候,他就垂聽。

25 My praise8416 shall be of4480 854 thee in the great7227 congregation:6951 I will pay7999 my vows5088 before5048 them that fear3373 him.

25 我在大會中讚美你的話是從你而來的;我要在敬畏耶和華的人面前還我的願。

26 The meek6035 shall eat398 and be satisfied:7646 they shall praise1984 the LORD3068 that seek1875 him: your heart3824 shall live2421 forever.5703

26 謙卑的人必吃得飽足;尋求耶和華的人必讚美他;你們的心必[your heart shall]永遠活著。

27 All3605 the ends657 of the world776 shall remember2142 and turn7725 unto413 the LORD:3068 and all3605 the kindreds4940 of the nations1471 shall worship7812 before6440 thee.

27 世界[world]的四極都要想念耶和華,並且歸順他;列國的各族[all the kindreds]都要在你面前敬拜。

28 For3588 the kingdom4410 is the LORD's:3068 and he is the governor4910 among the nations.1471

28 因為國權是耶和華的;他是管理列國的。

29 All3605 they that be fat1879 upon earth776 shall eat398 and worship:7812 all3605 they that go down3381 to the dust6083 shall bow3766 before6440 him: and none3808 can keep alive2421 his own soul.5315

29 地上一切豐肥的人必吃喝而敬拜;凡下到塵土中─不能存活自己性命的人─都要在他面前下拜。

30 A seed2233 shall serve5647 him; it shall be accounted5608 to the Lord136 for a generation.1755

30 必有後裔[A seed shall]事奉他;主所行的事必傳與後代。

31 They shall come,935 and shall declare5046 his righteousness6666 unto a people5971 that shall be born,3205 that3588 he hath done6213 this.

31 他們必來把他的公義傳給將要生的民,言明這事是他所行的。