
Chapter 24

1 AND after five days An-a-ni'as the high priest went down with the elders, together with Ter-tul'lus, the orator, and they en_lbp_informed the governor against Paul.

2 And when he was called forth, Ter-tul'lus began to accuse him, saying, It is through you that we enjoy great tranquility, and owing to your care many excellent things have been done for this people.

3 And we all, everywhere, receive your favors, O most excellent Fe'lix.

4 But while I desire not to weary you with lengthy discussions, nevertheless, I beg you to hear in brief our humble complaint.

5 We have found this man to be a pestilent fellow and a worker of sedition among the Jews throughout the world, for he is the ringleader of the sect of the Naz'a-renes.

6 He sought to defile our temple: therefore when we seized him, we would have judged him according to our law.

7 But the chief captain Lys'ias came, and by force took him away out of our hands and sent him to you,

8 Then he commanded his accusers to come to you. Now when you question him, you can learn for yourself concerning all these things of which we accuse him.

9 The Jews also witnessed against him, declaring that these things were true.

10 Then the governor beckoned to Paul to speak. Paul answered and said, For in as much as I know that you have been a judge for many years to this people, therefore I do the more cheerfully answer in my own defense:

11 So that you may understand, that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.

12 And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, nor have I had an assembly either in their synagogues or in the city:

13 Nor can they prove before you the things of which they accuse me.

14 But this I confess, that in that very teaching which they mention, I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:

15 And I have the same hope in God which they themselves hold, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

16 For this reason, I labor to have always a clear conscience before God and before men.

17 Now after many years, I came to my own people to distribute alms and to present an offering.

18 So these men found me purifying myself in the temple, not in a crowd, nor in a riot, except the riot which was caused by the Jews who had come from Asia Minor,

19 Who ought to have been here with me before you, to make whatever accusations they have against me.

20 Or else let these same people here say, what fault they found in me when I stood before their council.

21 Except it be for this one saying which I cried standing before them, It is for the resurrection of the dead that I am tried before you this day.

22 But because Fe'lix was thoroughly familiar with this teaching, he deferred them, saying, When the chief captain comes down, I will give you a hearing.

23 And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul in comfort, and that none of his acquaintances should be prevented from ministering to him.

24 And after a few days, Fe'lix with his wife Dru-sil'la, who was a Jewess, sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith of Christ.

25 And as he spoke with them concerning righteousness, holiness, and the judgment to come, Fe'lix was filled with fear, and said, You may go, and when I have opportunity I will send for you.

26 Since he was expecting a bribe from Paul, he often sent for him to be brought and conversed with him.

27 And when he had completed two years, another governor succeeded him whose name was Por'ci-us Fes'tus: and Fe'lix, to do the Jews a favor, left Paul a prisoner.



1 越五日、祭司長亞拿尼亞與諸長老、及辯士帖土羅至、訟保羅於方伯前、

2 保羅被召、帖土羅訟之曰、

3 我儕感閣下腓力士恩、隨在時享太平、藉爾前知、我國得以齊治、

4 今不敢少延、第求寬宥、聽我片言、

5 蓋見此人、乃惑民之徒、震動擾亂天下猶太人、爲拿撒勒黨之首、

6 彼欲犯殿、我儕執之、將按我律審之、

7 惟千夫長呂西亞忽至、强甚、奪而曳之去、

8 命訟者就爾、爾訉、可知我所訟諸端、

9 猶太人從而和之曰、此言是也、

10 方伯頷之、使保羅言、乃曰、我知爾聽訟此國有年、所以尤樂自訴也、

11 我自上耶路撒冷崇拜、至今僅十有二日、可問而知、

12 彼未嘗見我在殿辯論、未嘗見我於會堂、邑中、亂衆、

13 今訟我之事、彼無所據、

14 我有一言、可明告爾、卽彼所謂異端者、我奉之、崇事列祖之上帝、自信律法與先知所載、

15 夫我所望、惟上帝令死者復生、無論義不義耳、彼亦共慕此、

16 我對上帝、對世人、常自勵、存不虧之心、

17 我不至猶太有年矣、今來、以施濟祭物、與我國民、

18 有自亞西亞之猶太人、見我於殿、惟我自潔、無衆無譁、

19 如有可告者、當在爾前訟我、

20 斯人素見我立公會前、或有不義、言之可也、

21 我立衆中、曾有一言、呼曰、爲死者復生之理、余今日被審、惟此而已、

22 腓力士聽此、欲詳其情、故遲之曰、千夫長呂西亞至、我將訉爾、

23 遂命百夫長守保羅而緩之、其友就而供之、不禁、

24 數日後、腓力士與其妻猶太之女土西拉至、召保羅、欲聽基督之道、

25 保羅言節義、及將來審判、腓力士懼曰、今且退、有間召爾、

26 蓋腓力士欲得保羅金以釋之、故屢召共語、

27 逾二載、波求非士都代腓力士職、腓力士欲取悅猶太人、仍繫保羅焉、


Chapter 24



1 AND after five days An-a-ni'as the high priest went down with the elders, together with Ter-tul'lus, the orator, and they en_lbp_informed the governor against Paul.

1 越五日、祭司長亞拿尼亞與諸長老、及辯士帖土羅至、訟保羅於方伯前、

2 And when he was called forth, Ter-tul'lus began to accuse him, saying, It is through you that we enjoy great tranquility, and owing to your care many excellent things have been done for this people.

2 保羅被召、帖土羅訟之曰、

3 And we all, everywhere, receive your favors, O most excellent Fe'lix.

3 我儕感閣下腓力士恩、隨在時享太平、藉爾前知、我國得以齊治、

4 But while I desire not to weary you with lengthy discussions, nevertheless, I beg you to hear in brief our humble complaint.

4 今不敢少延、第求寬宥、聽我片言、

5 We have found this man to be a pestilent fellow and a worker of sedition among the Jews throughout the world, for he is the ringleader of the sect of the Naz'a-renes.

5 蓋見此人、乃惑民之徒、震動擾亂天下猶太人、爲拿撒勒黨之首、

6 He sought to defile our temple: therefore when we seized him, we would have judged him according to our law.

6 彼欲犯殿、我儕執之、將按我律審之、

7 But the chief captain Lys'ias came, and by force took him away out of our hands and sent him to you,

7 惟千夫長呂西亞忽至、强甚、奪而曳之去、

8 Then he commanded his accusers to come to you. Now when you question him, you can learn for yourself concerning all these things of which we accuse him.

8 命訟者就爾、爾訉、可知我所訟諸端、

9 The Jews also witnessed against him, declaring that these things were true.

9 猶太人從而和之曰、此言是也、

10 Then the governor beckoned to Paul to speak. Paul answered and said, For in as much as I know that you have been a judge for many years to this people, therefore I do the more cheerfully answer in my own defense:

10 方伯頷之、使保羅言、乃曰、我知爾聽訟此國有年、所以尤樂自訴也、

11 So that you may understand, that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.

11 我自上耶路撒冷崇拜、至今僅十有二日、可問而知、

12 And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, nor have I had an assembly either in their synagogues or in the city:

12 彼未嘗見我在殿辯論、未嘗見我於會堂、邑中、亂衆、

13 Nor can they prove before you the things of which they accuse me.

13 今訟我之事、彼無所據、

14 But this I confess, that in that very teaching which they mention, I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:

14 我有一言、可明告爾、卽彼所謂異端者、我奉之、崇事列祖之上帝、自信律法與先知所載、

15 And I have the same hope in God which they themselves hold, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

15 夫我所望、惟上帝令死者復生、無論義不義耳、彼亦共慕此、

16 For this reason, I labor to have always a clear conscience before God and before men.

16 我對上帝、對世人、常自勵、存不虧之心、

17 Now after many years, I came to my own people to distribute alms and to present an offering.

17 我不至猶太有年矣、今來、以施濟祭物、與我國民、

18 So these men found me purifying myself in the temple, not in a crowd, nor in a riot, except the riot which was caused by the Jews who had come from Asia Minor,

18 有自亞西亞之猶太人、見我於殿、惟我自潔、無衆無譁、

19 Who ought to have been here with me before you, to make whatever accusations they have against me.

19 如有可告者、當在爾前訟我、

20 Or else let these same people here say, what fault they found in me when I stood before their council.

20 斯人素見我立公會前、或有不義、言之可也、

21 Except it be for this one saying which I cried standing before them, It is for the resurrection of the dead that I am tried before you this day.

21 我立衆中、曾有一言、呼曰、爲死者復生之理、余今日被審、惟此而已、

22 But because Fe'lix was thoroughly familiar with this teaching, he deferred them, saying, When the chief captain comes down, I will give you a hearing.

22 腓力士聽此、欲詳其情、故遲之曰、千夫長呂西亞至、我將訉爾、

23 And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul in comfort, and that none of his acquaintances should be prevented from ministering to him.

23 遂命百夫長守保羅而緩之、其友就而供之、不禁、

24 And after a few days, Fe'lix with his wife Dru-sil'la, who was a Jewess, sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith of Christ.

24 數日後、腓力士與其妻猶太之女土西拉至、召保羅、欲聽基督之道、

25 And as he spoke with them concerning righteousness, holiness, and the judgment to come, Fe'lix was filled with fear, and said, You may go, and when I have opportunity I will send for you.

25 保羅言節義、及將來審判、腓力士懼曰、今且退、有間召爾、

26 Since he was expecting a bribe from Paul, he often sent for him to be brought and conversed with him.

26 蓋腓力士欲得保羅金以釋之、故屢召共語、

27 And when he had completed two years, another governor succeeded him whose name was Por'ci-us Fes'tus: and Fe'lix, to do the Jews a favor, left Paul a prisoner.

27 逾二載、波求非士都代腓力士職、腓力士欲取悅猶太人、仍繫保羅焉、
