
Chapter 11

1 WHEN he came near to Jerusalem, to wards Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,

2 And he said to them, Go to the village in front of us; and as soon as you enter it, you will find a colt which is tied up, on which no man of the sons of men has ever ridden; untie it and bring it.

3 And if any man should say to you, Why are you doing this? say to him that our Lord needs it; and immediately he will send it here.

4 So they went and found the colt tied by the door, outside, in the street. And as they were untying it,

5 Some of the men who stood there said to them, What are you doing, are you untying the colt?

6 And they said to them as Jesus had instructed them; and they permitted them.

7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and they put their garments on it, and Jesus rode on it.

8 And many spread their garments on the road; and others cut down branches from the trees, and spread them on the road.

9 And those who were in front of him, and those who were behind him, were crying and saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;

10 And blessed is the kingdom of our father David, which comes; Hosanna in the highest.

11 And Jesus entered Jerusalem, into the temple; and he saw everything, and when evening came, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.

12 And the next day, when they went out of Bethany, he became hungry.

13 And he saw a fig tree in the distance, which had leaves on it. So he came to it to see if he could find anything on it; and when he came he found nothing on it except leaves; for it was not yet time for the figs.

14 And he said to it, From now and forever, let no man eat of your fruit. And his disciples heard it.

15 And they came to Jerusalem; and Jesus entered into the temple of God, and began to cast out those who were buying and selling in the temple; and he overturned the trays of the money-changers and the stands of those who sold doves;

16 And he would not allow any man to bring goods into the temple.

17 And he taught them and said to them, Is it not written, My house shall be called the house of prayer for all the peoples? But you have made it a bandits' cave.

18 And the high priests and the scribes heard it, and they sought how to do away with him; for they were afraid of him, because all the people were amazed at his teaching.

19 And when evening came, they went outside of the city.

20 And in the morning, as they were passing, they saw the fig tree withered from its roots.

21 And Simon remembered, and said to him, Master, behold, the fig tree which you cursed has withered.

22 Jesus answered and said to them, If you have faith in God,

23 Truly I say to you, Whoever should say to this mountain, Remove and fall into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will be done, whatever he says will be done to him.

24 Therefore I say to you, Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it, and it will be done for you.

25 And when you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against any man, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your trespasses.

26 But if you will not forgive, even your Father in heaven will not forgive you your trespasses.

27 And they came again to Jerusalem; and while he was walking in the temple, the high priests, and the scribes, and the elders came to him.

28 And they said to him, By what authority do you do these things? and who gave you this authority to do these things?

29 Jesus said to them, I will also ask you a word to tell me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

30 Whence is the baptism of John, from heaven, or from men? Tell me.

31 And they reasoned among themselves and said, If we should say to him, from heaven, he will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

32 And if we should say, from men, there is the fear of the people, for all of them regard John as a true prophet.

33 So they answered and said to Jesus, We do not know. He said to them, I will also not tell you by what authority I do these things.



1 近耶路撒冷、至伯法其及伯大尼、邇橄欖山、耶穌遣門徒二人、

2 曰、爾往前村、入則遇小驢縶焉、從未有人乘者、解而牵之、

3 倘有人問爾何爲、則曰主需之、彼必從而放焉、

4 門徒遂往、果遇小驢、繫於門外歧路間、卽解之、

5 旁立數人問曰、解驢何爲、

6 門徒如耶穌命以對、遂許之、

7 乃牽驢就耶穌、置衣於上、耶穌乘之、

8 多人以衣布道、或伐樹枝、布於途、

9 前後行人呼曰、萬福歟、托主名來者、當見寵也、

10 承我祖大闢之國、托主名臨者、當見寵也、在上者萬福矣、〇

11 耶穌進耶路撒冷、入殿、圜視諸物、旣暮、偕十二門徒出、至伯大尼、〇

12 明日、去伯大尼、耶穌饑、

13 遙見無花果樹、有葉、就視有實否、及至、見葉而已、蓋果期未至也、

14 耶穌謂樹曰、今而後、無食爾果矣、門徒聞之、〇

15 旣至耶路撒冷、耶穌入殿、逐其中貿易者、反兌錢者之几、鬻鴿者之椅、

16 不許攜具過殿、

17 示人曰、記不云乎、我室必稱爲諸民祈禱之室、爾曹以爲盜巢也、

18 士子、祭司諸長、聞此謀殺之、而不敢、以衆奇其道也、〇

19 旣暮、耶穌出邑、

20 來朝、過無花果樹、見根枝盡槁、

21 彼得憶而言曰、夫子、請觀爾所詛之樹、已槁矣、〇

22 耶穌曰、當信上帝、

23 我誠告爾、凡命此山移去投海、而中心不疑、信所言必成、則所言可成也、

24 吾語汝、祈禱時、不論何求、信則得之、

25 立而祈禱時、如與人有憾、則免之、天父亦免爾過、

26 不免之、天父亦不免爾過、〇

27 復至耶路撒冷、耶穌行於殿、祭司、諸長、士子、長老就之、

28 曰、爾以何權行是、誰賜爾此權耶、

29 耶穌曰、我亦一言問爾、請答我、則我以何權行是告爾、

30 約翰施洗、由天乎、由人乎、請答我、

31 其人竊議曰、若云由天、彼必曰曷不信之、

32 若云由人、我又畏民、蓋民誠以約翰爲先知也、

33 遂對曰不知、耶穌曰、我亦不以何權行是告爾也、


Chapter 11



1 WHEN he came near to Jerusalem, to wards Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,

1 近耶路撒冷、至伯法其及伯大尼、邇橄欖山、耶穌遣門徒二人、

2 And he said to them, Go to the village in front of us; and as soon as you enter it, you will find a colt which is tied up, on which no man of the sons of men has ever ridden; untie it and bring it.

2 曰、爾往前村、入則遇小驢縶焉、從未有人乘者、解而牵之、

3 And if any man should say to you, Why are you doing this? say to him that our Lord needs it; and immediately he will send it here.

3 倘有人問爾何爲、則曰主需之、彼必從而放焉、

4 So they went and found the colt tied by the door, outside, in the street. And as they were untying it,

4 門徒遂往、果遇小驢、繫於門外歧路間、卽解之、

5 Some of the men who stood there said to them, What are you doing, are you untying the colt?

5 旁立數人問曰、解驢何爲、

6 And they said to them as Jesus had instructed them; and they permitted them.

6 門徒如耶穌命以對、遂許之、

7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and they put their garments on it, and Jesus rode on it.

7 乃牽驢就耶穌、置衣於上、耶穌乘之、

8 And many spread their garments on the road; and others cut down branches from the trees, and spread them on the road.

8 多人以衣布道、或伐樹枝、布於途、

9 And those who were in front of him, and those who were behind him, were crying and saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;

9 前後行人呼曰、萬福歟、托主名來者、當見寵也、

10 And blessed is the kingdom of our father David, which comes; Hosanna in the highest.

10 承我祖大闢之國、托主名臨者、當見寵也、在上者萬福矣、〇

11 And Jesus entered Jerusalem, into the temple; and he saw everything, and when evening came, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.

11 耶穌進耶路撒冷、入殿、圜視諸物、旣暮、偕十二門徒出、至伯大尼、〇

12 And the next day, when they went out of Bethany, he became hungry.

12 明日、去伯大尼、耶穌饑、

13 And he saw a fig tree in the distance, which had leaves on it. So he came to it to see if he could find anything on it; and when he came he found nothing on it except leaves; for it was not yet time for the figs.

13 遙見無花果樹、有葉、就視有實否、及至、見葉而已、蓋果期未至也、

14 And he said to it, From now and forever, let no man eat of your fruit. And his disciples heard it.

14 耶穌謂樹曰、今而後、無食爾果矣、門徒聞之、〇

15 And they came to Jerusalem; and Jesus entered into the temple of God, and began to cast out those who were buying and selling in the temple; and he overturned the trays of the money-changers and the stands of those who sold doves;

15 旣至耶路撒冷、耶穌入殿、逐其中貿易者、反兌錢者之几、鬻鴿者之椅、

16 And he would not allow any man to bring goods into the temple.

16 不許攜具過殿、

17 And he taught them and said to them, Is it not written, My house shall be called the house of prayer for all the peoples? But you have made it a bandits' cave.

17 示人曰、記不云乎、我室必稱爲諸民祈禱之室、爾曹以爲盜巢也、

18 And the high priests and the scribes heard it, and they sought how to do away with him; for they were afraid of him, because all the people were amazed at his teaching.

18 士子、祭司諸長、聞此謀殺之、而不敢、以衆奇其道也、〇

19 And when evening came, they went outside of the city.

19 旣暮、耶穌出邑、

20 And in the morning, as they were passing, they saw the fig tree withered from its roots.

20 來朝、過無花果樹、見根枝盡槁、

21 And Simon remembered, and said to him, Master, behold, the fig tree which you cursed has withered.

21 彼得憶而言曰、夫子、請觀爾所詛之樹、已槁矣、〇

22 Jesus answered and said to them, If you have faith in God,

22 耶穌曰、當信上帝、

23 Truly I say to you, Whoever should say to this mountain, Remove and fall into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will be done, whatever he says will be done to him.

23 我誠告爾、凡命此山移去投海、而中心不疑、信所言必成、則所言可成也、

24 Therefore I say to you, Anything you pray for and ask, believe that you will receive it, and it will be done for you.

24 吾語汝、祈禱時、不論何求、信則得之、

25 And when you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against any man, so that your Father in heaven will forgive you your trespasses.

25 立而祈禱時、如與人有憾、則免之、天父亦免爾過、

26 But if you will not forgive, even your Father in heaven will not forgive you your trespasses.

26 不免之、天父亦不免爾過、〇

27 And they came again to Jerusalem; and while he was walking in the temple, the high priests, and the scribes, and the elders came to him.

27 復至耶路撒冷、耶穌行於殿、祭司、諸長、士子、長老就之、

28 And they said to him, By what authority do you do these things? and who gave you this authority to do these things?

28 曰、爾以何權行是、誰賜爾此權耶、

29 Jesus said to them, I will also ask you a word to tell me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

29 耶穌曰、我亦一言問爾、請答我、則我以何權行是告爾、

30 Whence is the baptism of John, from heaven, or from men? Tell me.

30 約翰施洗、由天乎、由人乎、請答我、

31 And they reasoned among themselves and said, If we should say to him, from heaven, he will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

31 其人竊議曰、若云由天、彼必曰曷不信之、

32 And if we should say, from men, there is the fear of the people, for all of them regard John as a true prophet.

32 若云由人、我又畏民、蓋民誠以約翰爲先知也、

33 So they answered and said to Jesus, We do not know. He said to them, I will also not tell you by what authority I do these things.

33 遂對曰不知、耶穌曰、我亦不以何權行是告爾也、
