
Chapter 7

1 NOW, when the wall was built and the doorposts were set up and the doors were completed and the ministers and the Levites were appointed,

2 I gave orders to my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the palace and of Jerusalem, for he was an upright man and feared God and turned away from evil;

3 And I said to them, Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is high; and while the sun is still shining, let them shut the doors and bar them and appoint watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every man in his watch, and every one to be opposite his own house.

4 Now the city was large and wide; but there were few people in it, and their houses were not built.

5 And my God put it into my heart, and I gathered together the nobles and the rulers of the people according to their genealogy. And I found the book of the genealogy of those who came up at the first, and I found that the names were written therein,

6 These are the people of the province who went up out of the captivity, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away and who returned to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one to his city;

7 Those who came up with Zerubbabel: Joshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamael, Mordecai, Belshan, Mespereth, Bigvai, Nahum, and Baanah. The number of men of the people of Israel was this:

8 The descendants of Parosh, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.

9 The descendants of Shephatiah, three thousand and seventy-two.

10 The descendants of Arah, six hundred and fifty-two.

11 The descendants of Shultan-moab, of the descendants of Joshua and Joab, two thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

12 The descendants of Elam, one thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

13 The descendants of Zattu, eight hundred and fifty-five.

14 The descendants of Zaccai, seven hundred and sixty.

15 The descendants of Bani, six hundred and forty-eight.

16 The descendants of Bachi, six hundred and twenty-eight.

17 The descendants of Azgar, two thousand three hundred and twenty-two.

18 The descendants of Arhikom, six hundred and sixty-seven.

19 The descendants of Bigvai, two thousand and sixty-seven.

20 The descendants of Adon, six hundred and fifty-five.

21 The descendants of Ater, of Hezekiah, ninety-eight.

22 The descendants of Hashum, three hundred and twenty-eight.

23 The descendants of Bezel, three hundred and twenty-four.

24 The descendants of Horam, one hundred and twelve.

25 The descendants of Gibeon, ninety-five.

26 The men of Bethlehem and Netophah, one hundred and eighty-eight?

27 The men of Anathoth, one hundred and twenty-eight.

28 The men of Beth-ramoth, forty-two.

29 The men of Beth-naarin, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred and forty-three.

30 The men of Geba and Ramtha, seven hundred and twenty-one.

31 The men of Michmas, one hundred and twenty-two.

32 The men of Beth-el and Ai, one hundred and twenty-three.

33 The men of Nebo, fifty-two.

34 The descendants of the other Elam, one thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

35 The descendants of Harem, three hundred and twenty.

36 The descendants of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.

37 The descendants of Lod, Hadir, and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-one.

38 The descendants of Senaah, three thousand nine hundred and thirty.

39 The priests: the descendants of Jedaiah, of the house of Joshua, nine hundred and seventy-three.

40 The descendants of Immer, one thousand and fifty-two.

41 The descendants of Pashur, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven.

42 The descendants of Hadom, one thousand and seventeen.

43 The Levites: the descendants of Joshua, of Kadmiel, and of the descendants of Hodiah, seventy-four.

44 The singers: the descendants of Asaph, one hundred and forty-eight.

45 The porters: the descendants of Shallum, the descendants of Ater, the descendants of Altman, the descendants of Akkub, the descendants of Hatita, the descendants of Shobai, one hundred and thirty-eight.

46 The Nethanites: the descendants of Azha, the descendants of Hashupha, the descendants of Tabboath.

47 The descendants of Keros, the descendants of Sia, the descendants of Paron.

48 The descendants of Lebana, the descendants of Hagabah, the descendants of Shalmai.

49 The descendants of Hanan, the descendants of Ada, the descendants of Hagar.

50 The descendants of Ana, the descendants of Dizon, the descendants of Deborah.

51 The descendants of Gazzam, the descendants of Uzza, the descendants of Phaseah.

52 The descendants of Besai, the descendants of Methanim, the descendants of Nephusin.

53 The descendants of Bakbuk, the descendants of Hakupha, the descendants of Harhur.

54 The descendants of Bazlith, the descendants of Mehadia, the descendants of Harsha.

55 The descendants of Bezuk, the descendants of Sisera, the descendants of Tamah.

56 The descendants of Neziah, the descendants of Hatopha.

57 The descendants of Solomon's servants: the descendants of Sotai, the descendants of Sophereth, the descendants of Perida.

58 The descendants of Jaala, the descendants of Daron, the descendants of Giddel.

59 The descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Bachrut, the descendants of Zobin, the descendants of Amon.

60 All Nethanites and descendants of Solomon's servants were three hundred and ninety-two.

61 These were those who came up from Tel-milkha to Tel-ava and Kerob, and they spoke, but they could not show their father's genealogy nor their descent, whether they were of Israel.

62 The descendants of Banai, the descendants of Delaiah, the descendants of Tobiah, the descendants of Zekora, six hundred and forty-two.

63 And of the priests: the descendants of Hananiah, the descendants of Koz, the descendants of Barzillai, who took one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife and was called after their name.

64 These sought their register among those who were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found; therefore they were barred from the priesthood.

65 And the elders of the priests said to them that they should not eat of the most holy things until there should rise a high priest who would make an inquiry and see about the matter.

66 The whole congregation together was forty-two thousand four hundred and seventy.

67 Besides their menservants and their maidservants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three; and they had two hundred and forty-five attendants, male and female.

68 Their camels were four hundred and thirty-five;

69 Their asses six thousand seven hundred and twenty.

70 And some of the chiefs of the fathers gave to the work of the temple. The elders among the priests gave to the treasury a thousand drams of gold, fifty bowls, five hundred and thirty priests' garments.

71 And some of the chiefs of the fathers gave to the treasury for the work twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand and two hundred pounds of silver.

72 And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand pounds of silver and sixty-seven priests' garments.

73 So the priests and the Levites and the porters and the attendants and some of the people and the Nethanites and all Israel returned to their own cities; and when the seventh month came, the children of Israel were in their cities.


Chapter 7

1 Now it came1961 to pass, when834 the wall2346 was built,1129 and I had set5975 up the doors,1817 and the porters7778 and the singers7891 and the Levites3881 were appointed,6485

2 That I gave my brother251 Hanani,2607 and Hananiah2608 the ruler8269 of the palace,1002 charge6680 over5921 Jerusalem:3389 for he was a faithful571 man,376 and feared3372 God430 above many.7227

3 And I said559 to them, Let not the gates8179 of Jerusalem3389 be opened6605 until5704 the sun8121 be hot;2527 and while5704 they stand5975 by, let them shut1479 the doors,1817 and bar270 them: and appoint5975 watches4931 of the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem,3389 every376 one376 in his watch,4929 and every376 one376 to be over5048 against5048 his house.1004

4 Now the city5892 was large7342 3027 and great:1419 but the people5971 were few4592 therein, and the houses1004 were not built.1129

5 And my God430 put5414 into413 my heart3820 to gather6908 together the nobles,2715 and the rulers,5461 and the people,5971 that they might be reckoned3187 by genealogy.3188 And I found4672 a register5612 of the genealogy3188 of them which came5927 up at the first,7223 and found4672 written3789 therein,

6 These428 are the children1121 of the province,4082 that went5927 up out of the captivity,7628 of those that had been carried1473 away,1473 whom834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 the king4428 of Babylon894 had carried1540 away,1546 and came7725 again7725 to Jerusalem3389 and to Judah,3063 every376 one376 to his city;5892

7 Who came935 with Zerubbabel,2216 Jeshua,3442 Nehemiah,5166 Azariah,5838 Raamiah,7485 Nahamani,5167 Mordecai,4782 Bilshan,1114 Mispereth,4559 Bigvai,902 Nehum,5149 Baanah.1195 The number,4557 I say, of the men582 of the people5971 of Israel3478 was this;

8 The children1121 of Parosh,6551 two8147 thousand505 an hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

9 The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 three7969 hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

10 The children1121 of Arah,733 six8337 hundred3967 fifty2572 and two.8147

11 The children1121 of Pahathmoab,6355 of the children1121 of Jeshua3442 and Joab,3097 two thousand505 and eight8083 hundred3967 and eighteen.8083 6240

12 The children1121 of Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

13 The children1121 of Zattu,2240 eight8083 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

14 The children1121 of Zaccai,2140 seven7651 hundred3967 and three score.8346

15 The children1121 of Binnui,1131 six8337 hundred3967 forty705 and eight.8083

16 The children1121 of Bebai,893 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

17 The children1121 of Azgad,5803 two8147 thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and two.8147

18 The children1121 of Adonikam,140 six8337 hundred3967 three score8346 and seven.7651

19 The children1121 of Bigvai,902 two thousand505 three score8346 and seven.7651

20 The children1121 of Adin,5720 six8337 hundred3967 fifty2572 and five.2568

21 The children1121 of Ater333 of Hezekiah,2396 ninety8673 and eight.8083

22 The children1121 of Hashum,2828 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

23 The children1121 of Bezai,1209 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and four.702

24 The children1121 of Hariph,2756 an hundred3967 and twelve.8147 6240

25 The children1121 of Gibeon,1391 ninety8673 and five.2568

26 The men582 of Bethlehem1035 and Netophah,5199 an hundred3967 fourscore8084 and eight.8083

27 The men582 of Anathoth,6068 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

28 The men582 of Bethazmaveth,1041 forty705 and two.8147

29 The men582 of Kirjathjearim,7157 Chephirah,3716 and Beeroth,881 seven7651 hundred3967 forty705 and three.7969

30 The men582 of Ramah7414 and Gaba,1387 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and one.259

31 The men582 of Michmas,4363 an hundred3967 and twenty6242 and two.8147

32 The men582 of Bethel1008 and Ai,5857 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

33 The men582 of the other312 Nebo,5015 fifty2572 and two.8147

34 The children1121 of the other312 Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

35 The children1121 of Harim,2766 three7969 hundred3967 and twenty.6242

36 The children1121 of Jericho,3405 three7969 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

37 The children1121 of Lod,3850 Hadid,2307 and Ono,207 seven7651 hundred3967 twenty6242 and one.259

38 The children1121 of Senaah,5570 three7969 thousand505 nine8672 hundred3967 and thirty.7970

39 The priests:3548 the children1121 of Jedaiah,3048 of the house1004 of Jeshua,3442 nine8672 hundred3967 seventy7657 and three.7969

40 The children1121 of Immer,564 a thousand505 fifty2572 and two.8147

41 The children1121 of Pashur,6583 a thousand505 two hundred3967 forty705 and seven.7651

42 The children1121 of Harim,2766 a thousand505 and seventeen.7651 6240

43 The Levites:3881 the children1121 of Jeshua,3442 of Kadmiel,6934 and of the children1121 of Hodevah,1937 seventy7657 and four.702

44 The singers:7891 the children1121 of Asaph,623 an hundred3967 forty705 and eight.8083

45 The porters:7778 the children1121 of Shallum,7967 the children1121 of Ater,333 the children1121 of Talmon,2929 the children1121 of Akkub,6126 the children1121 of Hatita,2410 the children1121 of Shobai,7630 an hundred3967 thirty7970 and eight.8083

46 The Nethinims:5411 the children1121 of Ziha,6727 the children1121 of Hashupha,2817 the children1121 of Tabbaoth,2884

47 The children1121 of Keros,7026 the children1121 of Sia,5517 the children1121 of Padon,6303

48 The children1121 of Lebana,3838 the children1121 of Hagaba,2286 the children1121 of Shalmai,8014

49 The children1121 of Hanan,2605 the children1121 of Giddel,1435 the children1121 of Gahar,1515

50 The children1121 of Reaiah,7211 the children1121 of Rezin,7526 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353

51 The children1121 of Gazzam,1502 the children1121 of Uzza,5798 the children1121 of Phaseah,6454

52 The children1121 of Besai,1153 the children1121 of Meunim,4586 the children1121 of Nephishesim,5300

53 The children1121 of Bakbuk,1227 the children1121 of Hakupha,2709 the children1121 of Harhur,2744

54 The children1121 of Bazlith,1213 the children1121 of Mehida,4240 the children1121 of Harsha,2797

55 The children1121 of Barkos,1302 the children1121 of Sisera,5516 the children1121 of Tamah,8547

56 The children1121 of Neziah,5335 the children1121 of Hatipha.2412

57 The children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants:5650 the children1121 of Sotai,5479 the children1121 of Sophereth,5618 the children1121 of Perida,6514

58 The children1121 of Jaala,3279 the children1121 of Darkon,1874 the children1121 of Giddel,1435

59 The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 the children1121 of Hattil,2411 the children1121 of Pochereth6380 of Zebaim,6380 the children1121 of Amon.526

60 All3605 the Nethinims,5411 and the children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants,5650 were three7969 hundred3967 ninety8673 and two.8147

61 And these428 were they which went5927 up also from Telmelah,8528 Telharesha,8521 Cherub,3743 Addon,114 and Immer:564 but they could3201 not show5046 their father's house,1004 nor their seed,2233 whether518 they were of Israel.3478

62 The children1121 of Delaiah,1806 the children1121 of Tobiah,2900 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353 six8337 hundred3967 forty705 and two.8147

63 And of the priests:3548 the children1121 of Habaiah,2252 the children1121 of Koz,6976 the children1121 of Barzillai,1271 which834 took3947 one of the daughters1323 of Barzillai1271 the Gileadite1569 to wife,802 and was called7121 after5921 their name.8034

64 These428 sought1245 their register3791 among those that were reckoned3187 by genealogy,3188 but it was not found:4672 therefore were they, as polluted,1351 put from the priesthood.3550

65 And the Tirshatha8660 said559 to them, that they should not eat398 of the most6944 holy6944 things, till5704 there stood5975 up a priest3548 with Urim224 and Thummim.8550

66 The whole3605 congregation6951 together259 was forty702 7239 and two thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 and three score,8346

67 Beside905 their manservants5650 and their maidservants,519 of whom428 there were seven7651 thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 thirty7970 and seven:7651 and they had two hundred3967 forty705 and five2568 singing7891 men and singing7891 women.

68 Their horses,5483 seven7651 hundred3967 thirty7970 and six:8337 their mules,6505 two hundred3967 forty705 and five:2568

69 Their camels,1581 four702 hundred3967 thirty7970 and five:2568 six8337 thousand505 seven7651 hundred3967 and twenty6242 asses.2543

70 And some7097 of the chief7218 of the fathers1 gave5414 to the work.4399 The Tirshatha8660 gave5414 to the treasure214 a thousand505 drams1871 of gold,2091 fifty2572 basins,4219 five2568 hundred3967 and thirty7970 priests'3548 garments.3801

71 And some of the chief7218 of the fathers1 gave5414 to the treasure214 of the work4399 twenty7239 thousand7239 drams1871 of gold,2091 and two thousand505 and two hundred3967 pound4488 of silver.3701

72 And that which834 the rest7611 of the people5971 gave5414 was twenty7239 thousand505 drams1871 of gold,2091 and two thousand7239 pound4488 of silver,3701 and three score8346 and seven7651 priests'3548 garments.3801

73 So the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and the porters,7778 and the singers,7891 and some of the people,5971 and the Nethinims,5411 and all3605 Israel,3478 dwelled3427 in their cities;5892 and when the seventh7637 month2320 came,5060 the children1121 of Israel3478 were in their cities.5892


Chapter 7


Chapter 7

1 NOW, when the wall was built and the doorposts were set up and the doors were completed and the ministers and the Levites were appointed,

1 Now it came1961 to pass, when834 the wall2346 was built,1129 and I had set5975 up the doors,1817 and the porters7778 and the singers7891 and the Levites3881 were appointed,6485

2 I gave orders to my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the palace and of Jerusalem, for he was an upright man and feared God and turned away from evil;

2 That I gave my brother251 Hanani,2607 and Hananiah2608 the ruler8269 of the palace,1002 charge6680 over5921 Jerusalem:3389 for he was a faithful571 man,376 and feared3372 God430 above many.7227

3 And I said to them, Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is high; and while the sun is still shining, let them shut the doors and bar them and appoint watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every man in his watch, and every one to be opposite his own house.

3 And I said559 to them, Let not the gates8179 of Jerusalem3389 be opened6605 until5704 the sun8121 be hot;2527 and while5704 they stand5975 by, let them shut1479 the doors,1817 and bar270 them: and appoint5975 watches4931 of the inhabitants3427 of Jerusalem,3389 every376 one376 in his watch,4929 and every376 one376 to be over5048 against5048 his house.1004

4 Now the city was large and wide; but there were few people in it, and their houses were not built.

4 Now the city5892 was large7342 3027 and great:1419 but the people5971 were few4592 therein, and the houses1004 were not built.1129

5 And my God put it into my heart, and I gathered together the nobles and the rulers of the people according to their genealogy. And I found the book of the genealogy of those who came up at the first, and I found that the names were written therein,

5 And my God430 put5414 into413 my heart3820 to gather6908 together the nobles,2715 and the rulers,5461 and the people,5971 that they might be reckoned3187 by genealogy.3188 And I found4672 a register5612 of the genealogy3188 of them which came5927 up at the first,7223 and found4672 written3789 therein,

6 These are the people of the province who went up out of the captivity, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away and who returned to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one to his city;

6 These428 are the children1121 of the province,4082 that went5927 up out of the captivity,7628 of those that had been carried1473 away,1473 whom834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 the king4428 of Babylon894 had carried1540 away,1546 and came7725 again7725 to Jerusalem3389 and to Judah,3063 every376 one376 to his city;5892

7 Those who came up with Zerubbabel: Joshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamael, Mordecai, Belshan, Mespereth, Bigvai, Nahum, and Baanah. The number of men of the people of Israel was this:

7 Who came935 with Zerubbabel,2216 Jeshua,3442 Nehemiah,5166 Azariah,5838 Raamiah,7485 Nahamani,5167 Mordecai,4782 Bilshan,1114 Mispereth,4559 Bigvai,902 Nehum,5149 Baanah.1195 The number,4557 I say, of the men582 of the people5971 of Israel3478 was this;

8 The descendants of Parosh, two thousand one hundred and seventy-two.

8 The children1121 of Parosh,6551 two8147 thousand505 an hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

9 The descendants of Shephatiah, three thousand and seventy-two.

9 The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 three7969 hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

10 The descendants of Arah, six hundred and fifty-two.

10 The children1121 of Arah,733 six8337 hundred3967 fifty2572 and two.8147

11 The descendants of Shultan-moab, of the descendants of Joshua and Joab, two thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

11 The children1121 of Pahathmoab,6355 of the children1121 of Jeshua3442 and Joab,3097 two thousand505 and eight8083 hundred3967 and eighteen.8083 6240

12 The descendants of Elam, one thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

12 The children1121 of Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

13 The descendants of Zattu, eight hundred and fifty-five.

13 The children1121 of Zattu,2240 eight8083 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

14 The descendants of Zaccai, seven hundred and sixty.

14 The children1121 of Zaccai,2140 seven7651 hundred3967 and three score.8346

15 The descendants of Bani, six hundred and forty-eight.

15 The children1121 of Binnui,1131 six8337 hundred3967 forty705 and eight.8083

16 The descendants of Bachi, six hundred and twenty-eight.

16 The children1121 of Bebai,893 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

17 The descendants of Azgar, two thousand three hundred and twenty-two.

17 The children1121 of Azgad,5803 two8147 thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and two.8147

18 The descendants of Arhikom, six hundred and sixty-seven.

18 The children1121 of Adonikam,140 six8337 hundred3967 three score8346 and seven.7651

19 The descendants of Bigvai, two thousand and sixty-seven.

19 The children1121 of Bigvai,902 two thousand505 three score8346 and seven.7651

20 The descendants of Adon, six hundred and fifty-five.

20 The children1121 of Adin,5720 six8337 hundred3967 fifty2572 and five.2568

21 The descendants of Ater, of Hezekiah, ninety-eight.

21 The children1121 of Ater333 of Hezekiah,2396 ninety8673 and eight.8083

22 The descendants of Hashum, three hundred and twenty-eight.

22 The children1121 of Hashum,2828 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

23 The descendants of Bezel, three hundred and twenty-four.

23 The children1121 of Bezai,1209 three7969 hundred3967 twenty6242 and four.702

24 The descendants of Horam, one hundred and twelve.

24 The children1121 of Hariph,2756 an hundred3967 and twelve.8147 6240

25 The descendants of Gibeon, ninety-five.

25 The children1121 of Gibeon,1391 ninety8673 and five.2568

26 The men of Bethlehem and Netophah, one hundred and eighty-eight?

26 The men582 of Bethlehem1035 and Netophah,5199 an hundred3967 fourscore8084 and eight.8083

27 The men of Anathoth, one hundred and twenty-eight.

27 The men582 of Anathoth,6068 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

28 The men of Beth-ramoth, forty-two.

28 The men582 of Bethazmaveth,1041 forty705 and two.8147

29 The men of Beth-naarin, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred and forty-three.

29 The men582 of Kirjathjearim,7157 Chephirah,3716 and Beeroth,881 seven7651 hundred3967 forty705 and three.7969

30 The men of Geba and Ramtha, seven hundred and twenty-one.

30 The men582 of Ramah7414 and Gaba,1387 six8337 hundred3967 twenty6242 and one.259

31 The men of Michmas, one hundred and twenty-two.

31 The men582 of Michmas,4363 an hundred3967 and twenty6242 and two.8147

32 The men of Beth-el and Ai, one hundred and twenty-three.

32 The men582 of Bethel1008 and Ai,5857 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and three.7969

33 The men of Nebo, fifty-two.

33 The men582 of the other312 Nebo,5015 fifty2572 and two.8147

34 The descendants of the other Elam, one thousand two hundred and fifty-four.

34 The children1121 of the other312 Elam,5867 a thousand505 two hundred3967 fifty2572 and four.702

35 The descendants of Harem, three hundred and twenty.

35 The children1121 of Harim,2766 three7969 hundred3967 and twenty.6242

36 The descendants of Jericho, three hundred and forty-five.

36 The children1121 of Jericho,3405 three7969 hundred3967 forty705 and five.2568

37 The descendants of Lod, Hadir, and Ono, seven hundred and twenty-one.

37 The children1121 of Lod,3850 Hadid,2307 and Ono,207 seven7651 hundred3967 twenty6242 and one.259

38 The descendants of Senaah, three thousand nine hundred and thirty.

38 The children1121 of Senaah,5570 three7969 thousand505 nine8672 hundred3967 and thirty.7970

39 The priests: the descendants of Jedaiah, of the house of Joshua, nine hundred and seventy-three.

39 The priests:3548 the children1121 of Jedaiah,3048 of the house1004 of Jeshua,3442 nine8672 hundred3967 seventy7657 and three.7969

40 The descendants of Immer, one thousand and fifty-two.

40 The children1121 of Immer,564 a thousand505 fifty2572 and two.8147

41 The descendants of Pashur, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven.

41 The children1121 of Pashur,6583 a thousand505 two hundred3967 forty705 and seven.7651

42 The descendants of Hadom, one thousand and seventeen.

42 The children1121 of Harim,2766 a thousand505 and seventeen.7651 6240

43 The Levites: the descendants of Joshua, of Kadmiel, and of the descendants of Hodiah, seventy-four.

43 The Levites:3881 the children1121 of Jeshua,3442 of Kadmiel,6934 and of the children1121 of Hodevah,1937 seventy7657 and four.702

44 The singers: the descendants of Asaph, one hundred and forty-eight.

44 The singers:7891 the children1121 of Asaph,623 an hundred3967 forty705 and eight.8083

45 The porters: the descendants of Shallum, the descendants of Ater, the descendants of Altman, the descendants of Akkub, the descendants of Hatita, the descendants of Shobai, one hundred and thirty-eight.

45 The porters:7778 the children1121 of Shallum,7967 the children1121 of Ater,333 the children1121 of Talmon,2929 the children1121 of Akkub,6126 the children1121 of Hatita,2410 the children1121 of Shobai,7630 an hundred3967 thirty7970 and eight.8083

46 The Nethanites: the descendants of Azha, the descendants of Hashupha, the descendants of Tabboath.

46 The Nethinims:5411 the children1121 of Ziha,6727 the children1121 of Hashupha,2817 the children1121 of Tabbaoth,2884

47 The descendants of Keros, the descendants of Sia, the descendants of Paron.

47 The children1121 of Keros,7026 the children1121 of Sia,5517 the children1121 of Padon,6303

48 The descendants of Lebana, the descendants of Hagabah, the descendants of Shalmai.

48 The children1121 of Lebana,3838 the children1121 of Hagaba,2286 the children1121 of Shalmai,8014

49 The descendants of Hanan, the descendants of Ada, the descendants of Hagar.

49 The children1121 of Hanan,2605 the children1121 of Giddel,1435 the children1121 of Gahar,1515

50 The descendants of Ana, the descendants of Dizon, the descendants of Deborah.

50 The children1121 of Reaiah,7211 the children1121 of Rezin,7526 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353

51 The descendants of Gazzam, the descendants of Uzza, the descendants of Phaseah.

51 The children1121 of Gazzam,1502 the children1121 of Uzza,5798 the children1121 of Phaseah,6454

52 The descendants of Besai, the descendants of Methanim, the descendants of Nephusin.

52 The children1121 of Besai,1153 the children1121 of Meunim,4586 the children1121 of Nephishesim,5300

53 The descendants of Bakbuk, the descendants of Hakupha, the descendants of Harhur.

53 The children1121 of Bakbuk,1227 the children1121 of Hakupha,2709 the children1121 of Harhur,2744

54 The descendants of Bazlith, the descendants of Mehadia, the descendants of Harsha.

54 The children1121 of Bazlith,1213 the children1121 of Mehida,4240 the children1121 of Harsha,2797

55 The descendants of Bezuk, the descendants of Sisera, the descendants of Tamah.

55 The children1121 of Barkos,1302 the children1121 of Sisera,5516 the children1121 of Tamah,8547

56 The descendants of Neziah, the descendants of Hatopha.

56 The children1121 of Neziah,5335 the children1121 of Hatipha.2412

57 The descendants of Solomon's servants: the descendants of Sotai, the descendants of Sophereth, the descendants of Perida.

57 The children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants:5650 the children1121 of Sotai,5479 the children1121 of Sophereth,5618 the children1121 of Perida,6514

58 The descendants of Jaala, the descendants of Daron, the descendants of Giddel.

58 The children1121 of Jaala,3279 the children1121 of Darkon,1874 the children1121 of Giddel,1435

59 The descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Bachrut, the descendants of Zobin, the descendants of Amon.

59 The children1121 of Shephatiah,8203 the children1121 of Hattil,2411 the children1121 of Pochereth6380 of Zebaim,6380 the children1121 of Amon.526

60 All Nethanites and descendants of Solomon's servants were three hundred and ninety-two.

60 All3605 the Nethinims,5411 and the children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants,5650 were three7969 hundred3967 ninety8673 and two.8147

61 These were those who came up from Tel-milkha to Tel-ava and Kerob, and they spoke, but they could not show their father's genealogy nor their descent, whether they were of Israel.

61 And these428 were they which went5927 up also from Telmelah,8528 Telharesha,8521 Cherub,3743 Addon,114 and Immer:564 but they could3201 not show5046 their father's house,1004 nor their seed,2233 whether518 they were of Israel.3478

62 The descendants of Banai, the descendants of Delaiah, the descendants of Tobiah, the descendants of Zekora, six hundred and forty-two.

62 The children1121 of Delaiah,1806 the children1121 of Tobiah,2900 the children1121 of Nekoda,5353 six8337 hundred3967 forty705 and two.8147

63 And of the priests: the descendants of Hananiah, the descendants of Koz, the descendants of Barzillai, who took one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife and was called after their name.

63 And of the priests:3548 the children1121 of Habaiah,2252 the children1121 of Koz,6976 the children1121 of Barzillai,1271 which834 took3947 one of the daughters1323 of Barzillai1271 the Gileadite1569 to wife,802 and was called7121 after5921 their name.8034

64 These sought their register among those who were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found; therefore they were barred from the priesthood.

64 These428 sought1245 their register3791 among those that were reckoned3187 by genealogy,3188 but it was not found:4672 therefore were they, as polluted,1351 put from the priesthood.3550

65 And the elders of the priests said to them that they should not eat of the most holy things until there should rise a high priest who would make an inquiry and see about the matter.

65 And the Tirshatha8660 said559 to them, that they should not eat398 of the most6944 holy6944 things, till5704 there stood5975 up a priest3548 with Urim224 and Thummim.8550

66 The whole congregation together was forty-two thousand four hundred and seventy.

66 The whole3605 congregation6951 together259 was forty702 7239 and two thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 and three score,8346

67 Besides their menservants and their maidservants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred and thirty-three; and they had two hundred and forty-five attendants, male and female.

67 Beside905 their manservants5650 and their maidservants,519 of whom428 there were seven7651 thousand505 three7969 hundred3967 thirty7970 and seven:7651 and they had two hundred3967 forty705 and five2568 singing7891 men and singing7891 women.

68 Their camels were four hundred and thirty-five;

68 Their horses,5483 seven7651 hundred3967 thirty7970 and six:8337 their mules,6505 two hundred3967 forty705 and five:2568

69 Their asses six thousand seven hundred and twenty.

69 Their camels,1581 four702 hundred3967 thirty7970 and five:2568 six8337 thousand505 seven7651 hundred3967 and twenty6242 asses.2543

70 And some of the chiefs of the fathers gave to the work of the temple. The elders among the priests gave to the treasury a thousand drams of gold, fifty bowls, five hundred and thirty priests' garments.

70 And some7097 of the chief7218 of the fathers1 gave5414 to the work.4399 The Tirshatha8660 gave5414 to the treasure214 a thousand505 drams1871 of gold,2091 fifty2572 basins,4219 five2568 hundred3967 and thirty7970 priests'3548 garments.3801

71 And some of the chiefs of the fathers gave to the treasury for the work twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand and two hundred pounds of silver.

71 And some of the chief7218 of the fathers1 gave5414 to the treasure214 of the work4399 twenty7239 thousand7239 drams1871 of gold,2091 and two thousand505 and two hundred3967 pound4488 of silver.3701

72 And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold and two thousand pounds of silver and sixty-seven priests' garments.

72 And that which834 the rest7611 of the people5971 gave5414 was twenty7239 thousand505 drams1871 of gold,2091 and two thousand7239 pound4488 of silver,3701 and three score8346 and seven7651 priests'3548 garments.3801

73 So the priests and the Levites and the porters and the attendants and some of the people and the Nethanites and all Israel returned to their own cities; and when the seventh month came, the children of Israel were in their cities.

73 So the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and the porters,7778 and the singers,7891 and some of the people,5971 and the Nethinims,5411 and all3605 Israel,3478 dwelled3427 in their cities;5892 and when the seventh7637 month2320 came,5060 the children1121 of Israel3478 were in their cities.5892