
Chapter 15

1 AND certain men who had come down from Judµ'a taught the brethren, Unless you be circumcised in accordance with the custom of the law you cannot be saved.

2 And there was great dissension and controversy between them and Paul and Bar'nabas, and it reached such a point that it was necessary for Paul and Bar'na-bas and others with them to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this question.

3 They were given an escort and sent on their way by the church, and they traveled through all Phoe-ni'ci-a and the territory of the Sa-mar'i-tans, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy to all the brethren.

4 On their arrival at Jerusalem, they were received by the church, and by the apostles and elders; and they reported everything that God had done with them.

5 But some of the men who had been converted from the sect of the Phar'i-sees rose up and said, You must circumcise them and command them to keep the law of Moses.

6 Then the apostles and elders assembled to consider this matter.

7 And after much controversy, Simon Peter rose up and said to them, Men and brethren, you know that from the early days God chose that from my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe.

8 And God, who knows what is in the heart, has testified concerning them, and has given them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.

9 And he did not discriminate between us and them, because he purified their hearts by faith.

10 Now therefore why do you tempt God by putting a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

11 But we believe that through the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, we shall be saved even as they.

12 Then the whole congregation was silent, and listened to Paul and Barnabas, who were declaring the miracles and signs among the Gentiles and everything which God had wrought by their hands.

13 And when they had ceased speaking, James rose up and said, Men and brethren, hear me:

14 Simon Peter has told you how God from the beginning chose a people from the Gentiles for his name.

15 And with this the words of the prophets agree, as it is written,

16 After this I will return, and I will set up again the tabernacle of David which has fallen down; and I will repair what has fallen from it, and I will set it up:

17 So that the men who remain may seek after the LORD, and also all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called; so said the LORD who does all these things.

18 The works of God are known from the very beginning.

19 Because of this I say, Do not trouble those who turn to God from among the Gentiles:

20 But let us send word to them that they abstain from defilement by sacrifices to idols, and from fornication, and from animals strangled, and from blood.

21 For Moses, from the very early centuries, had preachers in the synagogues in every city to read his en_lbp_books on every sabbath day.

22 Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, chose men from among themselves and sent them to An'ti-och with Paul and Bar'na-bas; namely, Judas who is called Bar'sa-bas and Silas, men who were leaders among the brethren:

23 And they wrote a letter and sent it by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren to the brethren of the Gentiles in An'ti-och and Sy'ria and Ci-li'ci-a, greetings.

24 We have heard that certain men have gone out and disturbed you with words, thus upsetting your souls, saying, You must be circumcised, and keep the law: on these things we have never commanded them.

25 Therefore, we have considered the matter while we are assembled, and we have chosen and sent men to you with our beloved Paul and Bar'na-bas,

26 Men who have dedicated their lives for the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

27 And we have sent with them Judas and Silas, so that they may tell you the same things by word of mouth.

28 For it is the will of the Holy Spirit and of us, to lay upon you no additional burden than these necessary things;

29 That you abstain from sacrifices offered to idols, and from blood, and from animals strangled, and from fornication: when you keep yourselves from these things, you will do well. Remain steadfast in our LORD.

30 Now when those who were sent came to An'ti-och and when the whole people were gathered together, they delivered the epistle:

31 And when they had read it, the people rejoiced and were comforted.

32 And Judas and Silas, being prophets themselves also, confirmed the brethren with gracious words.

33 And after they had been there some time, the brethren let them go in peace to the apostles.

34 * Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.

35 Paul also and Bar'na-bas remained in An'ti-och, teaching and preaching the word of God, with many others also.

36 And some days after, Paul said to Bar'na-bas, Let us return and visit the brethren in every city where we have preached the word of God and see how they do.

37 Now Bar'na-bas wanted to take John who was also called Mark.

38 But Paul was unwilling to take him with them, because he had left them when they were in Pam-phyl'i-a, and had not gone with them.

39 And because of this dispute, Paul and Bar'na-bas separated from each other: and Bar'na-bas took Mark, and they sailed to Cy'prus,

40 But Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God.

41 And he traveled through Syr'i-a and Cili'cia, establishing churches.

Деяния апостолов

Глава 15

1 2532 Некоторые,5100 пришедшие2718 из5753588 Иудеи,2449 учили13213588 братьев:803754 если1437 не3361 обрежетесь40593588 по обряду1485 Моисееву,3475 не3756 можете1410 спастись.4982

2 Когда же3767 произошло1096 разногласие4714 и2532 немалое36413756 состязание48033588 у Павла3972 и3588 Варнавы921 с4314 ними,846 то положили5021 Павлу3972 и2532 Варнаве921 и2532 некоторым5100 другим243 из1537 них846 отправиться305 по4012 сему51273588 делу2213 к43143588 Апостолам652 и2532 пресвитерам4245 в1519 Иерусалим.2419

3 35883303 Итак,3767 быв провожены431152593588 церковью,1577 они проходили13303588 Финикию5403 и2532 Самарию,4540 рассказывая15553588 об обращении19953588 язычников,1484 и2532 производили4160 радость5479 великую3173 во всех39563588 братиях.80

4 По прибытии3854 же1161 в1519 Иерусалим2419 они были приняты58852593588 церковью,1577 Апостолами652 и3588 пресвитерами,4245 и5037 возвестили312 все,3745 что3588 Бог2316 сотворил4160 с3326 ними846 и как отверз дверь веры язычникам.

5 Тогда1161 восстали1817 некоторые51003588 из5753588 фарисейской5330 ереси139 уверовавшие4100 и говорили,3004 что3754 должно1163 обрезывать4059 язычников846 и заповедывать38535037 соблюдать50833588 закон3551 Моисеев.3475

6 11613588 Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 собрались4863 для рассмотрения149240123588 сего5127 дела.3056

7 По1096 долгом41831161 рассуждении4803 Петр,4074 встав,450 сказал20364314 им:846 мужи435 братия!80 вы5210 знаете,1987 что3754 Бог2316 от575 дней2250 первых7443588 избрал1586 из1722 нас2254 меня, чтобы из12233588 уст4750 моих34503588 язычники1484 услышали1913588 слово30563588 Евангелия2098 и2532 уверовали;4100

8 и3588 Сердцеведец2589 Бог2316 дал им846 свидетельство,3140 даровав1325 им8463588 Духа41513588 Святого,40 как2531 и2532 нам;2254

9 и2532 не3762 положил никакого различия1252 между3342 нами22575037 и2532 ими,846 верою4102 очистив25113588 сердца2588 их.846

10 Что5101 же3767 вы ныне3568 искушаете39853588 Бога,2316 желая возложить2007 на19093588 выи51373588 учеников3101 иго,2218 которого3739 не могли2480 понести941 ни37773588 отцы3962 наши,2257 ни3777 мы?2249

11 Но23512233588 мы веруем,4100 что благодатию5485 Господа2962 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 спасемся,4982 как259637395158 и они.2548

12 Тогда1161 умолкло4601 все39563588 собрание4128 и2532 слушало191 Варнаву921 и2532 Павла,3972 рассказывавших,1834 какие3745 знамения4592 и2532 чудеса5059 сотворил41603588 Бог2316 через1223 них846 среди17223588 язычников.1484

13 После3326 же1161 того,3588 как они846 умолкли,4601 начал речь611 Иаков2385 и сказал:3004 мужи435 братия!80 послушайте191 меня.3450

14 Симон4826 изъяснил,1834 как25313588 Бог2316 первоначально4412 призрел1980 на язычников,1484 чтобы составить2983 из1537 них народ2992 во19093588 имя3686 Свое.846

15 И2532 с сим5129 согласны48563588 слова30563588 пророков,4396 как2531 написано:1125

16 «Потом33265023 обращусь390 и2532 воссоздам4563588 скинию4633 Давидову11383588 падшую,4098 и2532 то, что3588 в ней846 разрушено,2679 воссоздам,456 и2532 исправлю461 ее,846

17 чтобы3704302 взыскали15673588 Господа2962 прочие2645 человеки4443588 и2532 все39563588 народы,1484 между1909 которыми3739 возвестится19413588 имя3686 Мое,34501909846 — говорит3004 Господь,2962 творящий4160 все3956 сие».5023

18 Ведомы1110 Богу2316 от575 вечности16520763588 все39563588 дела2041 Его.846

19 Посему1352 я1473 полагаю2919 не3361 затруднять39263588 обращающихся1994 к19093588 Богу2316 из5753588 язычников,1484

20 а235 написать1989 им,846 чтобы3588 они воздерживались567 от5753588 оскверненного2343588 идолами,1497 от блуда,4202 удавленины4156 и3588 крови,129 и чтобы не делали другим того, чего не хотят себе.

21 Ибо1063 закон Моисеев3475 от1537 древних744 родов1074 по всем2596 городам41723588 имеет2192 проповедующих2784 его846 и читается314 в17223588 синагогах48642596 каждую3956 субботу.4521

22 Тогда51193588 Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 со4862 всею36503588 церковью1577 рассудили,1380 избрав1586 из1537 среды себя846 мужей,435 послать3992 их в1519 Антиохию490 с48623588 Павлом3972 и2532 Варнавою,921 именно: Иуду,2455 прозываемого1941 Варсавою,923 и2532 Силу,4609 мужей,435 начальствующих2233 между17223588 братиями,80

23 написав1125 и вручив1223 им5495846 следующее:35923588 «Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 и3588 братия80 — находящимся3588 в25963588 Антиохии,4902532 Сирии4947 и2532 Киликии2791 братиям803588 из1537 язычников:1484 радоваться.5463

24 Поелику1894 мы услышали,191 что3754 некоторые,5100 вышедшие1831 от1537 нас,2257 смутили5015 вас5209 своими речами3056 и поколебали3843588 ваши5216 души,5590 говоря,3004 что должно обрезываться4059 и2532 соблюдать50833588 закон,3551 чего мы им3739 не3756 поручали,1291

25 то мы,2254 собравшись,1096 единодушно3661 рассудили,1380 избрав1586 мужей,435 послать3992 их к4314 вам5209 с48623588 возлюбленными27 нашими2257 Варнавою921 и2532 Павлом,3972

26 человеками,444 предавшими38603588 души5590 свои846 за52283588 имя36863588 Господа2962 нашего2257 Иисуса2424 Христа.5547

27 Итак3767 мы послали649 Иуду2455 и2532 Силу,46092532 которые8461223 изъяснят518 вам то3588 же846 и словесно.3056

28 Ибо1063 угодно13803588 Святому40 Духу4151 и2532 нам2254 не возлагать2007 на вас5213 никакого3367 бремени922 более,4119 кроме41333588 сего5130 необходимого:1876

29 воздерживаться567 от идоложертвенного1494 и2532 крови,129 и2532 удавленины,4156 и2532 блуда,4202 и не делать другим того, чего себе не хотите.1537 Соблюдая1301 сие,37391438 хорошо2095 сделаете.4238 Будьте здравы».4517

30 35883303 Итак,3767 отправленные630 пришли2064 в1519 Антиохию490 и,2532 собрав48633588 людей,4128 вручили19293588 письмо.1992

31 Они же,1161 прочитав,314 возрадовались5463 о1909 сем3588 наставлении.3874

32 Иуда24551161 и2532 Сила,4609 будучи5607 также2532846 пророками,43961223 обильным4183 словом3056 преподали наставление38703588 братиям80 и2532 утвердили1991 их.

33 Пробыв41601161 там некоторое время,5550 они с3326 миром1515 отпущены6305753588 были братиями80 к43143588 Апостолам.652

34 Но11613588 Силе4609 рассудилось1380 остаться1961 там,847 (а Иуда возвратился в Иерусалим).

35 Павел3972 же1161 и2532 Варнава921 жили1304 в1722 Антиохии,490 уча1321 и2532 благовествуя,2097 вместе с33262532 другими2087 многими,4183 слово30563588 Господне.2962

36 По33261161 некотором5100 времени2250 Павел3972 сказал20364314 Варнаве:921 пойдем1994 опять,1211 посетим19803588 братьев80 наших2257 по2596 всем3956 городам,4172 в1722 которых3739 мы проповедали26053588 слово30563588 Господне,2962 как4459 они живут.2192

37 Варнава9211161 хотел1011 взять с собою48383588 Иоанна,2491 называемого2564 Марком.3138

38 Но1161 Павел3972 полагал5153588 не3361 брать4838 отставшего868 от575 них846 в575 Памфилии3828 и2532 не3361 шедшего4905 с ними846 на15193588 дело,20415126 на которое они были посланы.

39 Отсюда3767 произошло1096 огорчение,3948 так что5620 они разлучились673 друг846 с575 другом;2403588 и5037 Варнава,921 взяв38803588 Марка,3138 отплыл1602 в1519 Кипр;2954

40 а1161 Павел,3972 избрав1951 себе Силу,4609 отправился,1831 быв поручен38603588 братиями80 благодати54853588 Божией,23165259

41 и1161 проходил13303588 Сирию4947 и3588 Киликию,2791 утверждая19913588 церкви.1577


Chapter 15

Деяния апостолов

Глава 15

1 AND certain men who had come down from Judµ'a taught the brethren, Unless you be circumcised in accordance with the custom of the law you cannot be saved.

1 2532 Некоторые,5100 пришедшие2718 из5753588 Иудеи,2449 учили13213588 братьев:803754 если1437 не3361 обрежетесь40593588 по обряду1485 Моисееву,3475 не3756 можете1410 спастись.4982

2 And there was great dissension and controversy between them and Paul and Bar'nabas, and it reached such a point that it was necessary for Paul and Bar'na-bas and others with them to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this question.

2 Когда же3767 произошло1096 разногласие4714 и2532 немалое36413756 состязание48033588 у Павла3972 и3588 Варнавы921 с4314 ними,846 то положили5021 Павлу3972 и2532 Варнаве921 и2532 некоторым5100 другим243 из1537 них846 отправиться305 по4012 сему51273588 делу2213 к43143588 Апостолам652 и2532 пресвитерам4245 в1519 Иерусалим.2419

3 They were given an escort and sent on their way by the church, and they traveled through all Phoe-ni'ci-a and the territory of the Sa-mar'i-tans, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy to all the brethren.

3 35883303 Итак,3767 быв провожены431152593588 церковью,1577 они проходили13303588 Финикию5403 и2532 Самарию,4540 рассказывая15553588 об обращении19953588 язычников,1484 и2532 производили4160 радость5479 великую3173 во всех39563588 братиях.80

4 On their arrival at Jerusalem, they were received by the church, and by the apostles and elders; and they reported everything that God had done with them.

4 По прибытии3854 же1161 в1519 Иерусалим2419 они были приняты58852593588 церковью,1577 Апостолами652 и3588 пресвитерами,4245 и5037 возвестили312 все,3745 что3588 Бог2316 сотворил4160 с3326 ними846 и как отверз дверь веры язычникам.

5 But some of the men who had been converted from the sect of the Phar'i-sees rose up and said, You must circumcise them and command them to keep the law of Moses.

5 Тогда1161 восстали1817 некоторые51003588 из5753588 фарисейской5330 ереси139 уверовавшие4100 и говорили,3004 что3754 должно1163 обрезывать4059 язычников846 и заповедывать38535037 соблюдать50833588 закон3551 Моисеев.3475

6 Then the apostles and elders assembled to consider this matter.

6 11613588 Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 собрались4863 для рассмотрения149240123588 сего5127 дела.3056

7 And after much controversy, Simon Peter rose up and said to them, Men and brethren, you know that from the early days God chose that from my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel and believe.

7 По1096 долгом41831161 рассуждении4803 Петр,4074 встав,450 сказал20364314 им:846 мужи435 братия!80 вы5210 знаете,1987 что3754 Бог2316 от575 дней2250 первых7443588 избрал1586 из1722 нас2254 меня, чтобы из12233588 уст4750 моих34503588 язычники1484 услышали1913588 слово30563588 Евангелия2098 и2532 уверовали;4100

8 And God, who knows what is in the heart, has testified concerning them, and has given them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.

8 и3588 Сердцеведец2589 Бог2316 дал им846 свидетельство,3140 даровав1325 им8463588 Духа41513588 Святого,40 как2531 и2532 нам;2254

9 And he did not discriminate between us and them, because he purified their hearts by faith.

9 и2532 не3762 положил никакого различия1252 между3342 нами22575037 и2532 ими,846 верою4102 очистив25113588 сердца2588 их.846

10 Now therefore why do you tempt God by putting a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

10 Что5101 же3767 вы ныне3568 искушаете39853588 Бога,2316 желая возложить2007 на19093588 выи51373588 учеников3101 иго,2218 которого3739 не могли2480 понести941 ни37773588 отцы3962 наши,2257 ни3777 мы?2249

11 But we believe that through the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, we shall be saved even as they.

11 Но23512233588 мы веруем,4100 что благодатию5485 Господа2962 Иисуса2424 Христа5547 спасемся,4982 как259637395158 и они.2548

12 Then the whole congregation was silent, and listened to Paul and Barnabas, who were declaring the miracles and signs among the Gentiles and everything which God had wrought by their hands.

12 Тогда1161 умолкло4601 все39563588 собрание4128 и2532 слушало191 Варнаву921 и2532 Павла,3972 рассказывавших,1834 какие3745 знамения4592 и2532 чудеса5059 сотворил41603588 Бог2316 через1223 них846 среди17223588 язычников.1484

13 And when they had ceased speaking, James rose up and said, Men and brethren, hear me:

13 После3326 же1161 того,3588 как они846 умолкли,4601 начал речь611 Иаков2385 и сказал:3004 мужи435 братия!80 послушайте191 меня.3450

14 Simon Peter has told you how God from the beginning chose a people from the Gentiles for his name.

14 Симон4826 изъяснил,1834 как25313588 Бог2316 первоначально4412 призрел1980 на язычников,1484 чтобы составить2983 из1537 них народ2992 во19093588 имя3686 Свое.846

15 And with this the words of the prophets agree, as it is written,

15 И2532 с сим5129 согласны48563588 слова30563588 пророков,4396 как2531 написано:1125

16 After this I will return, and I will set up again the tabernacle of David which has fallen down; and I will repair what has fallen from it, and I will set it up:

16 «Потом33265023 обращусь390 и2532 воссоздам4563588 скинию4633 Давидову11383588 падшую,4098 и2532 то, что3588 в ней846 разрушено,2679 воссоздам,456 и2532 исправлю461 ее,846

17 So that the men who remain may seek after the LORD, and also all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called; so said the LORD who does all these things.

17 чтобы3704302 взыскали15673588 Господа2962 прочие2645 человеки4443588 и2532 все39563588 народы,1484 между1909 которыми3739 возвестится19413588 имя3686 Мое,34501909846 — говорит3004 Господь,2962 творящий4160 все3956 сие».5023

18 The works of God are known from the very beginning.

18 Ведомы1110 Богу2316 от575 вечности16520763588 все39563588 дела2041 Его.846

19 Because of this I say, Do not trouble those who turn to God from among the Gentiles:

19 Посему1352 я1473 полагаю2919 не3361 затруднять39263588 обращающихся1994 к19093588 Богу2316 из5753588 язычников,1484

20 But let us send word to them that they abstain from defilement by sacrifices to idols, and from fornication, and from animals strangled, and from blood.

20 а235 написать1989 им,846 чтобы3588 они воздерживались567 от5753588 оскверненного2343588 идолами,1497 от блуда,4202 удавленины4156 и3588 крови,129 и чтобы не делали другим того, чего не хотят себе.

21 For Moses, from the very early centuries, had preachers in the synagogues in every city to read his en_lbp_books on every sabbath day.

21 Ибо1063 закон Моисеев3475 от1537 древних744 родов1074 по всем2596 городам41723588 имеет2192 проповедующих2784 его846 и читается314 в17223588 синагогах48642596 каждую3956 субботу.4521

22 Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, chose men from among themselves and sent them to An'ti-och with Paul and Bar'na-bas; namely, Judas who is called Bar'sa-bas and Silas, men who were leaders among the brethren:

22 Тогда51193588 Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 со4862 всею36503588 церковью1577 рассудили,1380 избрав1586 из1537 среды себя846 мужей,435 послать3992 их в1519 Антиохию490 с48623588 Павлом3972 и2532 Варнавою,921 именно: Иуду,2455 прозываемого1941 Варсавою,923 и2532 Силу,4609 мужей,435 начальствующих2233 между17223588 братиями,80

23 And they wrote a letter and sent it by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren to the brethren of the Gentiles in An'ti-och and Sy'ria and Ci-li'ci-a, greetings.

23 написав1125 и вручив1223 им5495846 следующее:35923588 «Апостолы652 и3588 пресвитеры4245 и3588 братия80 — находящимся3588 в25963588 Антиохии,4902532 Сирии4947 и2532 Киликии2791 братиям803588 из1537 язычников:1484 радоваться.5463

24 We have heard that certain men have gone out and disturbed you with words, thus upsetting your souls, saying, You must be circumcised, and keep the law: on these things we have never commanded them.

24 Поелику1894 мы услышали,191 что3754 некоторые,5100 вышедшие1831 от1537 нас,2257 смутили5015 вас5209 своими речами3056 и поколебали3843588 ваши5216 души,5590 говоря,3004 что должно обрезываться4059 и2532 соблюдать50833588 закон,3551 чего мы им3739 не3756 поручали,1291

25 Therefore, we have considered the matter while we are assembled, and we have chosen and sent men to you with our beloved Paul and Bar'na-bas,

25 то мы,2254 собравшись,1096 единодушно3661 рассудили,1380 избрав1586 мужей,435 послать3992 их к4314 вам5209 с48623588 возлюбленными27 нашими2257 Варнавою921 и2532 Павлом,3972

26 Men who have dedicated their lives for the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.

26 человеками,444 предавшими38603588 души5590 свои846 за52283588 имя36863588 Господа2962 нашего2257 Иисуса2424 Христа.5547

27 And we have sent with them Judas and Silas, so that they may tell you the same things by word of mouth.

27 Итак3767 мы послали649 Иуду2455 и2532 Силу,46092532 которые8461223 изъяснят518 вам то3588 же846 и словесно.3056

28 For it is the will of the Holy Spirit and of us, to lay upon you no additional burden than these necessary things;

28 Ибо1063 угодно13803588 Святому40 Духу4151 и2532 нам2254 не возлагать2007 на вас5213 никакого3367 бремени922 более,4119 кроме41333588 сего5130 необходимого:1876

29 That you abstain from sacrifices offered to idols, and from blood, and from animals strangled, and from fornication: when you keep yourselves from these things, you will do well. Remain steadfast in our LORD.

29 воздерживаться567 от идоложертвенного1494 и2532 крови,129 и2532 удавленины,4156 и2532 блуда,4202 и не делать другим того, чего себе не хотите.1537 Соблюдая1301 сие,37391438 хорошо2095 сделаете.4238 Будьте здравы».4517

30 Now when those who were sent came to An'ti-och and when the whole people were gathered together, they delivered the epistle:

30 35883303 Итак,3767 отправленные630 пришли2064 в1519 Антиохию490 и,2532 собрав48633588 людей,4128 вручили19293588 письмо.1992

31 And when they had read it, the people rejoiced and were comforted.

31 Они же,1161 прочитав,314 возрадовались5463 о1909 сем3588 наставлении.3874

32 And Judas and Silas, being prophets themselves also, confirmed the brethren with gracious words.

32 Иуда24551161 и2532 Сила,4609 будучи5607 также2532846 пророками,43961223 обильным4183 словом3056 преподали наставление38703588 братиям80 и2532 утвердили1991 их.

33 And after they had been there some time, the brethren let them go in peace to the apostles.

33 Пробыв41601161 там некоторое время,5550 они с3326 миром1515 отпущены6305753588 были братиями80 к43143588 Апостолам.652

34 * Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.

34 Но11613588 Силе4609 рассудилось1380 остаться1961 там,847 (а Иуда возвратился в Иерусалим).

35 Paul also and Bar'na-bas remained in An'ti-och, teaching and preaching the word of God, with many others also.

35 Павел3972 же1161 и2532 Варнава921 жили1304 в1722 Антиохии,490 уча1321 и2532 благовествуя,2097 вместе с33262532 другими2087 многими,4183 слово30563588 Господне.2962

36 And some days after, Paul said to Bar'na-bas, Let us return and visit the brethren in every city where we have preached the word of God and see how they do.

36 По33261161 некотором5100 времени2250 Павел3972 сказал20364314 Варнаве:921 пойдем1994 опять,1211 посетим19803588 братьев80 наших2257 по2596 всем3956 городам,4172 в1722 которых3739 мы проповедали26053588 слово30563588 Господне,2962 как4459 они живут.2192

37 Now Bar'na-bas wanted to take John who was also called Mark.

37 Варнава9211161 хотел1011 взять с собою48383588 Иоанна,2491 называемого2564 Марком.3138

38 But Paul was unwilling to take him with them, because he had left them when they were in Pam-phyl'i-a, and had not gone with them.

38 Но1161 Павел3972 полагал5153588 не3361 брать4838 отставшего868 от575 них846 в575 Памфилии3828 и2532 не3361 шедшего4905 с ними846 на15193588 дело,20415126 на которое они были посланы.

39 And because of this dispute, Paul and Bar'na-bas separated from each other: and Bar'na-bas took Mark, and they sailed to Cy'prus,

39 Отсюда3767 произошло1096 огорчение,3948 так что5620 они разлучились673 друг846 с575 другом;2403588 и5037 Варнава,921 взяв38803588 Марка,3138 отплыл1602 в1519 Кипр;2954

40 But Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God.

40 а1161 Павел,3972 избрав1951 себе Силу,4609 отправился,1831 быв поручен38603588 братиями80 благодати54853588 Божией,23165259

41 And he traveled through Syr'i-a and Cili'cia, establishing churches.

41 и1161 проходил13303588 Сирию4947 и3588 Киликию,2791 утверждая19913588 церкви.1577
