2-е Послание к коринфянам

Глава 5

1 Ибо1063 знаем,1492 что,3754 когда14373588 земной1919 наш2257 дом,3614 эта3588 хижина,4636 разрушится,2647 мы имеем2192 от1537 Бога2316 жилище3619 на17223588 небесах,3772 дом3614 нерукотворенный,886 вечный.166

2 1063 От1722 того5129 мы и2532 воздыхаем,4727 желая1971 облечься1902 в35881537 небесное3772 наше2257 жилище;3613

3 только1489 бы нам и2532 одетым1746 не3756 оказаться2147 нагими.1131

4 2532 Ибо1063 мы,3588 находясь5607 в1722 этой3588 хижине,4636 воздыхаем4727 под бременем,916 потому что19093739 не3756 хотим2309 совлечься,1562 но235 облечься,1902 чтобы24433588 смертное2349 поглощено2666 было52593588 жизнью.2222

5 3588 На1519 сие5124 самое846 и1161 создал2716 нас2248 Бог23163588 и2532 дал нам13253588 залог7283588 Духа.4151

6 Итак3767 мы всегда3842 благодушествуем;2292 и2532 как знаем,1492 что,3754 водворяясь1736 в17223588 теле,4983 мы устранены1553 от5753588 Господа,2962

7 1223 ибо1063 мы ходим4043 верою,4102 а не37561223 видением,1491

8 то мы благодушествуем22921161 и2532 желаем2106 лучше3123 выйти1553 из15373588 тела4983 и2532 водвориться1736 у43143588 Господа.2962

9 И2532 потому1352 ревностно стараемся,5389 водворяясь1736 ли,1535 выходя1553 ли,1535 быть1511 Ему846 угодными;2101

10 3588 ибо1063 всем3956 нам2248 должно1163 явиться5319 пред17153588 судилище9683588 Христово,5547 чтобы2443 каждому1538 получить28653588 соответственно тому,4314 что3739 он делал,4238 живя в12233588 теле,49831535 доброе18 или1535 худое.2556

11 Итак,3767 зная14923588 страх54013588 Господень,2962 мы вразумляем3982 людей,444 Богу2316 же1161 мы открыты;5319 надеюсь,16791161 что открыты5319 и253217223588 вашим5216 совестям.4893

12 Не37561063 снова3825 представляем4921 себя1438 вам,5213 но235 даем1325 вам5213 повод874 хвалиться27455228 нами,2257 дабы2443 имели21924314 вы что сказать тем, которые35881722 хвалятся2744 лицем,4383 а2532 не3756 сердцем.2588

13 Если15351063 мы выходим из себя,1839 то для Бога;2316 если1535 же скромны,4993 то для вас.5213

14 3588 Ибо1063 любовь263588 Христова5547 объемлет4912 нас,2248 рассуждающих2919 так:51243754 если1487 один1520 умер599 за5228 всех,3956 то6863588 все3956 умерли.599

15 А2532 Христос за5228 всех3956 умер,599 чтобы24433588 живущие2198 уже не3371 для себя1438 жили,2198 но2353588 для умершего599 за5228 них846 и2532 воскресшего.1453

16 Потому56205753588 отныне3568 мы2249 никого3762 не знаем1492 по2596 плоти;4561 если1487 же1161 и2532 знали1097 Христа5547 по2596 плоти,4561 то235 ныне3568 уже не3765 знаем.1097

17 Итак,56201487 кто5100 во1722 Христе,5547 тот новая2537 тварь;29373588 древнее744 прошло,3928 теперь240010963588 все3956 новое.2537

18 3588 Все3956 же1161 от15373588 Бога,2316 Иисусом2424 Христом5547 примирившего2644 нас2248 с Собою14381223 и2532 давшего1325 нам22543588 служение12483588 примирения,2643

19 потому что56133754 Бог23162258 во1722 Христе5547 примирил2644 с Собою1438 мир,2889 не3361 вменяя3049 людям8463588 преступлений3900 их,846 и2532 дал50871722 нам22543588 слово30563588 примирения.2643

20 Итак3767 мы — посланники4243 от имени5228 Христова,5547 и как5613 бы Сам3588 Бог2316 увещевает3870 через1223 нас;2257 от имени5228 Христова5547 просим:1189 примиритесь2644 с3588 Богом.2316

21 3588 Ибо1063 не3361 знавшего1097 греха266 Он сделал4160 для5228 нас2257 жертвою за грех,266 чтобы2443 мы2249 в1722 Нем846 сделались1096 праведными1343 пред Богом.2316

2 Corinthians

Chapter 5

1 FOR we know that if our earthly house were destroyed, we still have a building made by God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven.

2 We also weary over this earthly house, earnestly longing to use our house which is in heaven.

3 If not so, even when we are clothed, we will still be naked.

4 While we are in this earthly house, we groan because of its weight: yet we are unwilling to leave it, but rather wish to add to it, so that death will be overcome by life.

5 Now he who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given to us the pledge of his Spirit.

6 Therefore we know and are convinced, that so long as we dwell in the body, we are absent from our LORD.

7 For we walk by faith, and not by sight.

8 This is why we are confident, and anxious to be absent from the body, and to be present with our LORD.

9 Wherefore we endeavor, that, whether present or absent, we may be pleasing to him.

10 For we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may be rewarded according to that which he has done with his body, whether it be good or bad.

11 Knowing therefore the fear of our LORD, we try in a persuasive way to win men; so we are very well understood by God; and I trust we are also understood by you.

12 We are not boasting of ourselves to you, but we give you occasion to be proud of us, before those who glory as hypocrites but who are not sincere in heart.

13 For if we go wrong, we answer to God, and if we go straight, it is for you.

14 For the love of Christ compels us to reason thus, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

15 And that he died for all, that those who live may not henceforth live for themselves, but for him who died and rose for them.

16 And now from henceforth we do not know any one in the body: even though once we had known Christ in the body, we no longer know him now.

17 Whoever from now on is a follower of Christ, is a new creation: old things have passed away;

18 And all things have become new through God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

19 For God was in Christ, who has reconciled the world with his majesty, not counting their sins against them; and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we beseech you for Christ; be reconciled to God.

21 For he who did not know sin, for your sakes he made him sin, that we may through him be made the righteousness of God.

2-е Послание к коринфянам

Глава 5

2 Corinthians

Chapter 5

1 Ибо1063 знаем,1492 что,3754 когда14373588 земной1919 наш2257 дом,3614 эта3588 хижина,4636 разрушится,2647 мы имеем2192 от1537 Бога2316 жилище3619 на17223588 небесах,3772 дом3614 нерукотворенный,886 вечный.166

1 FOR we know that if our earthly house were destroyed, we still have a building made by God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven.

2 1063 От1722 того5129 мы и2532 воздыхаем,4727 желая1971 облечься1902 в35881537 небесное3772 наше2257 жилище;3613

2 We also weary over this earthly house, earnestly longing to use our house which is in heaven.

3 только1489 бы нам и2532 одетым1746 не3756 оказаться2147 нагими.1131

3 If not so, even when we are clothed, we will still be naked.

4 2532 Ибо1063 мы,3588 находясь5607 в1722 этой3588 хижине,4636 воздыхаем4727 под бременем,916 потому что19093739 не3756 хотим2309 совлечься,1562 но235 облечься,1902 чтобы24433588 смертное2349 поглощено2666 было52593588 жизнью.2222

4 While we are in this earthly house, we groan because of its weight: yet we are unwilling to leave it, but rather wish to add to it, so that death will be overcome by life.

5 3588 На1519 сие5124 самое846 и1161 создал2716 нас2248 Бог23163588 и2532 дал нам13253588 залог7283588 Духа.4151

5 Now he who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given to us the pledge of his Spirit.

6 Итак3767 мы всегда3842 благодушествуем;2292 и2532 как знаем,1492 что,3754 водворяясь1736 в17223588 теле,4983 мы устранены1553 от5753588 Господа,2962

6 Therefore we know and are convinced, that so long as we dwell in the body, we are absent from our LORD.

7 1223 ибо1063 мы ходим4043 верою,4102 а не37561223 видением,1491

7 For we walk by faith, and not by sight.

8 то мы благодушествуем22921161 и2532 желаем2106 лучше3123 выйти1553 из15373588 тела4983 и2532 водвориться1736 у43143588 Господа.2962

8 This is why we are confident, and anxious to be absent from the body, and to be present with our LORD.

9 И2532 потому1352 ревностно стараемся,5389 водворяясь1736 ли,1535 выходя1553 ли,1535 быть1511 Ему846 угодными;2101

9 Wherefore we endeavor, that, whether present or absent, we may be pleasing to him.

10 3588 ибо1063 всем3956 нам2248 должно1163 явиться5319 пред17153588 судилище9683588 Христово,5547 чтобы2443 каждому1538 получить28653588 соответственно тому,4314 что3739 он делал,4238 живя в12233588 теле,49831535 доброе18 или1535 худое.2556

10 For we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may be rewarded according to that which he has done with his body, whether it be good or bad.

11 Итак,3767 зная14923588 страх54013588 Господень,2962 мы вразумляем3982 людей,444 Богу2316 же1161 мы открыты;5319 надеюсь,16791161 что открыты5319 и253217223588 вашим5216 совестям.4893

11 Knowing therefore the fear of our LORD, we try in a persuasive way to win men; so we are very well understood by God; and I trust we are also understood by you.

12 Не37561063 снова3825 представляем4921 себя1438 вам,5213 но235 даем1325 вам5213 повод874 хвалиться27455228 нами,2257 дабы2443 имели21924314 вы что сказать тем, которые35881722 хвалятся2744 лицем,4383 а2532 не3756 сердцем.2588

12 We are not boasting of ourselves to you, but we give you occasion to be proud of us, before those who glory as hypocrites but who are not sincere in heart.

13 Если15351063 мы выходим из себя,1839 то для Бога;2316 если1535 же скромны,4993 то для вас.5213

13 For if we go wrong, we answer to God, and if we go straight, it is for you.

14 3588 Ибо1063 любовь263588 Христова5547 объемлет4912 нас,2248 рассуждающих2919 так:51243754 если1487 один1520 умер599 за5228 всех,3956 то6863588 все3956 умерли.599

14 For the love of Christ compels us to reason thus, that if one died for all, then were all dead:

15 А2532 Христос за5228 всех3956 умер,599 чтобы24433588 живущие2198 уже не3371 для себя1438 жили,2198 но2353588 для умершего599 за5228 них846 и2532 воскресшего.1453

15 And that he died for all, that those who live may not henceforth live for themselves, but for him who died and rose for them.

16 Потому56205753588 отныне3568 мы2249 никого3762 не знаем1492 по2596 плоти;4561 если1487 же1161 и2532 знали1097 Христа5547 по2596 плоти,4561 то235 ныне3568 уже не3765 знаем.1097

16 And now from henceforth we do not know any one in the body: even though once we had known Christ in the body, we no longer know him now.

17 Итак,56201487 кто5100 во1722 Христе,5547 тот новая2537 тварь;29373588 древнее744 прошло,3928 теперь240010963588 все3956 новое.2537

17 Whoever from now on is a follower of Christ, is a new creation: old things have passed away;

18 3588 Все3956 же1161 от15373588 Бога,2316 Иисусом2424 Христом5547 примирившего2644 нас2248 с Собою14381223 и2532 давшего1325 нам22543588 служение12483588 примирения,2643

18 And all things have become new through God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

19 потому что56133754 Бог23162258 во1722 Христе5547 примирил2644 с Собою1438 мир,2889 не3361 вменяя3049 людям8463588 преступлений3900 их,846 и2532 дал50871722 нам22543588 слово30563588 примирения.2643

19 For God was in Christ, who has reconciled the world with his majesty, not counting their sins against them; and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

20 Итак3767 мы — посланники4243 от имени5228 Христова,5547 и как5613 бы Сам3588 Бог2316 увещевает3870 через1223 нас;2257 от имени5228 Христова5547 просим:1189 примиритесь2644 с3588 Богом.2316

20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we beseech you for Christ; be reconciled to God.

21 3588 Ибо1063 не3361 знавшего1097 греха266 Он сделал4160 для5228 нас2257 жертвою за грех,266 чтобы2443 мы2249 в1722 Нем846 сделались1096 праведными1343 пред Богом.2316

21 For he who did not know sin, for your sakes he made him sin, that we may through him be made the righteousness of God.