

1 約拿自魚腹中、禱其上帝耶和華曰、

2 我遭患難、呼籲耶和華、蒙爾憶念、余自陰府號呼、望爾垂聽、

3 爾擲我於深淵、海水環繞、波濤淹沒、

4 子率爾吐詞、見絕於爾、然余猶望爾之聖殿、

5 波濤淹余、深淵環余、

6 海帶裹首、我下山基、地穴陷余、永不得出、惟我之上帝耶和華、免我死亡、

7 我喪膽時、追憶耶和華、禱告乎爾、望爾聖殿、

8 凡賴虛偽者、棄厥恩主、

9 惟我蒙耶和華救援、必獻酬恩之祭、輸我所願、

10 耶和華遂命巨魚吐約拿得登於岸、


Chapter 2

1 THEN Jonah prayed before the LORD his God from the belly of the fish, saying,

2 I cried to the LORD in my distress and he answered me; out of the depths of Sheol cried I, and thou heardest my voice.

3 For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the sea; and the flood compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves have passed over me.

4 Then I said, I am cast afar out of thy sight; yet now I will see again thy holy temple.

5 The waters engulfed me, even to the soul; the depth closed me round about, my head lay at the bottom of the sea.

6 I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth shut up its bars against me for ever; yet thou hast brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God.

7 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD; and my prayer came in to thee, into thy holy temple.

8 All those who revere false idols forsake thy mercy.

9 But I will sacrifice to thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay the things that I have vowed, as a reward for the LORD.

10 And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited out Jonah on the dry land.




Chapter 2

1 約拿自魚腹中、禱其上帝耶和華曰、

1 THEN Jonah prayed before the LORD his God from the belly of the fish, saying,

2 我遭患難、呼籲耶和華、蒙爾憶念、余自陰府號呼、望爾垂聽、

2 I cried to the LORD in my distress and he answered me; out of the depths of Sheol cried I, and thou heardest my voice.

3 爾擲我於深淵、海水環繞、波濤淹沒、

3 For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the sea; and the flood compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves have passed over me.

4 子率爾吐詞、見絕於爾、然余猶望爾之聖殿、

4 Then I said, I am cast afar out of thy sight; yet now I will see again thy holy temple.

5 波濤淹余、深淵環余、

5 The waters engulfed me, even to the soul; the depth closed me round about, my head lay at the bottom of the sea.

6 海帶裹首、我下山基、地穴陷余、永不得出、惟我之上帝耶和華、免我死亡、

6 I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth shut up its bars against me for ever; yet thou hast brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God.

7 我喪膽時、追憶耶和華、禱告乎爾、望爾聖殿、

7 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD; and my prayer came in to thee, into thy holy temple.

8 凡賴虛偽者、棄厥恩主、

8 All those who revere false idols forsake thy mercy.

9 惟我蒙耶和華救援、必獻酬恩之祭、輸我所願、

9 But I will sacrifice to thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay the things that I have vowed, as a reward for the LORD.

10 耶和華遂命巨魚吐約拿得登於岸、

10 And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited out Jonah on the dry land.
