

1 耶和華曰、以色列族、宜聽我言、

2 勿效尤異邦、上天垂象、異邦人所深畏、爾勿畏之、

3 億兆之禮儀虛偽、有入林叢、以斧伐木、以工治之、

4 以金銀飾之、以鎚釘之、使不搖動、

5 屹立若柱、不能言、不能行、藉人肩負、彰癉不加、爾勿畏之。

6 惟爾耶和華、至大至能、莫之與京。

7 爾惟憶兆之大君、盡人當敬、孰不畏爾、列國諸聖者、不得與爾頡頏。

8 崇拜偶像、愚蠢孰甚、欲知其妄、以木爲證。

9 擣銀使薄、至自大失、金自烏法、治人鎔之、匠人製之、紫赤之布爲衣、良工織之。

10 惟耶和華真上帝、永生爲王、彼赫斯怒、則大地震動、彼發厥憤、則億兆不安。

11 當告民曰、非造天地之上帝、必亡於天地間、

12 耶和華以其大能創造大地、以其智慧展布穹蒼、奠定寰宇。

13 彼命旣出、霧起地極、雲集穹蒼、電閃雨下、風藏府庫、彼能出之。

14 惟彼偶像、崇之者愚蠢、鑄之者蒙羞、偶像偽物、內無生氣。

15 悉無靈爽、妄人所作、天災一至、與衆偕亡。

16 雅各所崇之上帝不若是、彼造萬物、簡以色列族爲民、萬有之主耶和華其名也。〇

17 耶和華曰、在邑之民、當斂財貨、蓋我必於斯時、驅逐斯邦、若以繩發石、使之困苦、遭難特甚。

18 併於上節

19 民曰、哀哉、我受傷殘、其痛殊甚、如此憂愁、其何以堪。

20 我幕已傾、其繩已斷、我之赤子、逃亡於外、歸於烏有、張幕無人、立帷無人。

21 民牧愚懵、不求耶和華、故不亨通、羣民四散。

22 風聞敵至、北方大震、使猶大諸邑荒蕪、爲野犬之藪穴。

23 耶和華歟、我知人事不操諸已、人居斯世、不得整其步履。

24 耶和華歟、爾譴責余、當寬和、毋震怒、恐余滅亡。

25 異邦之人、不尊爾、不龥爾、吞噬雅各家、毀其居處、則必震怒降罰焉。


Chapter 10

1 HEAR the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel:

2 Thus says the LORD, Learn not the way of the Gentiles and be not afraid of the signs of heaven; for the Gentiles are dismayed at them.

3 For the gods of the Gentiles are nothing; they are cut from a tree in the forest, the work of the hands of a carpenter, things made with a plane.

4 They are decked with silver and with gold; men fasten them with hammers and nails, so that they may not fall apart.

5 They are set up straight as palm trees, but they do not speak; they must be carried, for they cannot walk. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither can they do good.

6 There is no one like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

7 Who would not revere thee, O King of nations? For to thee belongs the kingdom; for among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms there is none like thee.

8 But altogether the vain doctrines of wooden image worship shall be utterly destroyed and consumed.

9 Fine silver is brought from Tarshish and gold from Ophir; they are the work of the carpenter and of the hands of the silversmith; blue and purple is their clothing; they are woven by cunning men.

10 But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King; at his anger the earth trembles, and the nations shall not be able to endure his indignation.

11 Thus shall you say to them: The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens.

12 The LORD has made the earth by his power; he has established the world by his wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens by his intelligence.

13 He causes the sound of roaring of waters that are in the heavens, and he causes the clouds to ascend from the ends of the earth; he makes lightnings for the rain, and brings forth the wind out of his treasure house.

14 Every man has acted foolishly because of lack of knowledge; all those who work in gold are ashamed because of the graven images which they made; for molten images are falsehood, and there is no breath in them.

15 They are vanity, and the work of vain folly; in the time when they are visited with punishment, they shall perish.

16 The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he who has created all things is their portion; and Israel is the tribe of his inheritance; The LORD of hosts is his name.

17 Gather up your disgrace from the land, O inhabitant who dwells in distress.

18 For thus says the LORD, Behold, I will perplex the inhabitants of this land at this very time, so that they may seek me and find me.

19 Woe to me for my hurt! my wound is grievous; but I said, Truly this is my grief and I must bear it.

20 My tabernacle is plundered and all its cords are cut off; my children have left me, and they are not; there is no one to pitch my tent again and to set up my curtains.

21 For the shepherds have misbehaved, and have not sought the LORD; and because they did not prosper, all of their flocks have been scattered.

22 Behold, the noise of the report is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate and a den of jackals.

23 I know that the ways of the LORD are not like the ways of men; he does not walk as a man directing his steps.

24 O LORD, correct me justly, and not in thy anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.

25 Pour out thy wrath upon the nations who do not know thee and upon the families that call not on thy name; for they have devoured Jacob, yea, they have devoured him and consumed him and have made his habitation desolate.




Chapter 10

1 耶和華曰、以色列族、宜聽我言、

1 HEAR the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel:

2 勿效尤異邦、上天垂象、異邦人所深畏、爾勿畏之、

2 Thus says the LORD, Learn not the way of the Gentiles and be not afraid of the signs of heaven; for the Gentiles are dismayed at them.

3 億兆之禮儀虛偽、有入林叢、以斧伐木、以工治之、

3 For the gods of the Gentiles are nothing; they are cut from a tree in the forest, the work of the hands of a carpenter, things made with a plane.

4 以金銀飾之、以鎚釘之、使不搖動、

4 They are decked with silver and with gold; men fasten them with hammers and nails, so that they may not fall apart.

5 屹立若柱、不能言、不能行、藉人肩負、彰癉不加、爾勿畏之。

5 They are set up straight as palm trees, but they do not speak; they must be carried, for they cannot walk. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither can they do good.

6 惟爾耶和華、至大至能、莫之與京。

6 There is no one like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

7 爾惟憶兆之大君、盡人當敬、孰不畏爾、列國諸聖者、不得與爾頡頏。

7 Who would not revere thee, O King of nations? For to thee belongs the kingdom; for among all the wise men of the nations and in all their kingdoms there is none like thee.

8 崇拜偶像、愚蠢孰甚、欲知其妄、以木爲證。

8 But altogether the vain doctrines of wooden image worship shall be utterly destroyed and consumed.

9 擣銀使薄、至自大失、金自烏法、治人鎔之、匠人製之、紫赤之布爲衣、良工織之。

9 Fine silver is brought from Tarshish and gold from Ophir; they are the work of the carpenter and of the hands of the silversmith; blue and purple is their clothing; they are woven by cunning men.

10 惟耶和華真上帝、永生爲王、彼赫斯怒、則大地震動、彼發厥憤、則億兆不安。

10 But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King; at his anger the earth trembles, and the nations shall not be able to endure his indignation.

11 當告民曰、非造天地之上帝、必亡於天地間、

11 Thus shall you say to them: The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens.

12 耶和華以其大能創造大地、以其智慧展布穹蒼、奠定寰宇。

12 The LORD has made the earth by his power; he has established the world by his wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens by his intelligence.

13 彼命旣出、霧起地極、雲集穹蒼、電閃雨下、風藏府庫、彼能出之。

13 He causes the sound of roaring of waters that are in the heavens, and he causes the clouds to ascend from the ends of the earth; he makes lightnings for the rain, and brings forth the wind out of his treasure house.

14 惟彼偶像、崇之者愚蠢、鑄之者蒙羞、偶像偽物、內無生氣。

14 Every man has acted foolishly because of lack of knowledge; all those who work in gold are ashamed because of the graven images which they made; for molten images are falsehood, and there is no breath in them.

15 悉無靈爽、妄人所作、天災一至、與衆偕亡。

15 They are vanity, and the work of vain folly; in the time when they are visited with punishment, they shall perish.

16 雅各所崇之上帝不若是、彼造萬物、簡以色列族爲民、萬有之主耶和華其名也。〇

16 The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he who has created all things is their portion; and Israel is the tribe of his inheritance; The LORD of hosts is his name.

17 耶和華曰、在邑之民、當斂財貨、蓋我必於斯時、驅逐斯邦、若以繩發石、使之困苦、遭難特甚。

17 Gather up your disgrace from the land, O inhabitant who dwells in distress.

18 併於上節

18 For thus says the LORD, Behold, I will perplex the inhabitants of this land at this very time, so that they may seek me and find me.

19 民曰、哀哉、我受傷殘、其痛殊甚、如此憂愁、其何以堪。

19 Woe to me for my hurt! my wound is grievous; but I said, Truly this is my grief and I must bear it.

20 我幕已傾、其繩已斷、我之赤子、逃亡於外、歸於烏有、張幕無人、立帷無人。

20 My tabernacle is plundered and all its cords are cut off; my children have left me, and they are not; there is no one to pitch my tent again and to set up my curtains.

21 民牧愚懵、不求耶和華、故不亨通、羣民四散。

21 For the shepherds have misbehaved, and have not sought the LORD; and because they did not prosper, all of their flocks have been scattered.

22 風聞敵至、北方大震、使猶大諸邑荒蕪、爲野犬之藪穴。

22 Behold, the noise of the report is come, and a great commotion out of the north country, to make the cities of Judah desolate and a den of jackals.

23 耶和華歟、我知人事不操諸已、人居斯世、不得整其步履。

23 I know that the ways of the LORD are not like the ways of men; he does not walk as a man directing his steps.

24 耶和華歟、爾譴責余、當寬和、毋震怒、恐余滅亡。

24 O LORD, correct me justly, and not in thy anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.

25 異邦之人、不尊爾、不龥爾、吞噬雅各家、毀其居處、則必震怒降罰焉。

25 Pour out thy wrath upon the nations who do not know thee and upon the families that call not on thy name; for they have devoured Jacob, yea, they have devoured him and consumed him and have made his habitation desolate.
