
Chapter 45

1 Then Joseph3130 could3201 not refrain662 himself before all3605 them that stood5324 by him; and he cried,7121 Cause every3605 man376 to go3318 out from me. And there stood5975 no3808 man376 with him, while Joseph3130 made himself known3045 to his brothers.251

2 And he wept5414(853) 6963 1065 aloud:6963 and the Egyptians4714 and the house1004 of Pharaoh6547 heard.8085

3 And Joseph3130 said559 to his brothers,251 I am Joseph;3130 does my father1 yet5750 live?2416 And his brothers251 could3201 not answer6030 him; for they were troubled926 at his presence.6440

4 And Joseph3130 said559 to his brothers,251 Come5066 near5066 to me, I pray4994 you. And they came5066 near.5066 And he said,559 I am Joseph3130 your brother,251 whom834 you sold4376 into Egypt.4714

5 Now6258 therefore be not grieved,6087 nor408 angry2734 with yourselves,5869 that you sold4376 me here: for God430 did send7971 me before6440 you to preserve4241 life.

6 For these2088 two years8141 has the famine7458 been in the land:776 and yet5750 there are five2568 years,8141 in the which834 there shall neither369 be ripening2758 nor harvest.7105

7 And God430 sent7971 me before6440 you to preserve7760 you a posterity7611 in the earth,776 and to save2421 your lives2421 by a great1419 deliverance.6413

8 So now6258 it was not you that sent7971 me here, but God:430 and he has made7760 me a father1 to Pharaoh,6547 and lord113 of all3605 his house,1004 and a ruler4910 throughout all3605 the land776 of Egypt.4714

9 Haste4116 you, and go5927 up to my father,1 and say559 to him, Thus3541 said559 your son1121 Joseph,3130 God430 has made7760 me lord113 of all3605 Egypt:4714 come3381 down3381 to me, tarry5975 not:

10 And you shall dwell3427 in the land776 of Goshen,1657 and you shall be near7138 to me, you, and your children,1121 and your children's1121 children,1121 and your flocks,6629 and your herds,1241 and all3605 that you have:

11 And there8033 will I nourish3557 you; for yet5750 there are five2568 years8141 of famine;7458 lest6435 you, and your household,1004 and all3605 that you have, come to poverty.3423

12 And, behold,2009 your eyes5869 see,7200 and the eyes5869 of my brother251 Benjamin,1144 that it is my mouth6310 that speaks1696 to you.

13 And you shall tell5046 my father1 of all3605 my glory3519 in Egypt,4714 and of all3605 that you have seen;7200 and you shall haste4116 and bring3381 down3381 my father here.

14 And he fell5307 on his brother251 Benjamin's1144 neck,6677 and wept;1058 and Benjamin1144 wept1058 on his neck.6677

15 Moreover he kissed5401 all3605 his brothers,251 and wept1058 on them: and after310 that his brothers251 talked1696 with him.

16 And the fame6963 thereof was heard8085 in Pharaoh's6547 house,1004 saying,559 Joseph's3130 brothers251 are come:935 and it pleased3190 5869 Pharaoh6547 well, and his servants.5650

17 And Pharaoh6547 said559 to Joseph,3130 Say559 to your brothers,251 This2063 do6213 you; lade2943 your beasts,1165 and go,3212 get935 you to the land776 of Canaan;3667

18 And take3947 your father1 and your households,1004 and come935 to me: and I will give5414 you the good2898 of the land776 of Egypt,4714 and you shall eat398 the fat2459 of the land.776

19 Now you are commanded,6680 this2063 do6213 you; take3947 you wagons5699 out of the land776 of Egypt4714 for your little2945 ones, and for your wives,802 and bring5375 your father,1 and come.935

20 Also regard5869 not your stuff;3627 for the good2898 of all3605 the land776 of Egypt4714 is your's.

21 And the children1121 of Israel3478 did6213 so:3651 and Joseph3130 gave5414 them wagons,5699 according5921 to the commandment6310 of Pharaoh,6547 and gave5414 them provision6720 for the way.1870

22 To all3605 of them he gave5414 each man376 changes2487 of raiment;8071 but to Benjamin1144 he gave5414 three7969 hundred3967 pieces of silver,3701 and five2568 changes2487 of raiment.8071

23 And to his father1 he sent7971 after this2063 manner; ten6235 asses2543 laden5375 with the good2898 things of Egypt,4714 and ten6235 she asses860 laden5375 with corn1250 and bread3899 and meat4202 for his father1 by the way.1870

24 So he sent7971 his brothers251 away, and they departed:3212 and he said559 to them, See that you fall7264 not out by the way.1870

25 And they went5927 up out of Egypt,4714 and came935 into the land776 of Canaan3667 to Jacob3290 their father,1

26 And told5046 him, saying,559 Joseph3130 is yet5750 alive,2416 and he is governor4910 over all3605 the land776 of Egypt.4714 And Jacob's heart3820 fainted,6313 for he believed539 them not.

27 And they told1696 him all3605 the words1697 of Joseph,3130 which834 he had said1697 to them: and when he saw7200 the wagons5699 which834 Joseph3130 had sent7971 to carry5375 him, the spirit7307 of Jacob3290 their father1 revived:2421

28 And Israel3478 said,559 It is enough;7227 Joseph3130 my son1121 is yet5750 alive:2416 I will go3212 and see7200 him before2962 I die.4191



1 約瑟情不能制、屏諸侍者、不令一人侍側、然後明告兄弟、使相辨識。

2 卽大聲號泣、埃及人及法老內庭悉聞。

3 約瑟謂兄弟曰、我乃約瑟、吾父尚在乎。諸昆弟懼。不能措一詞。

4 約瑟曰、爾來前、則皆前、曰、吾乃爾弟約瑟、昔爾鬻於埃及者。

5 勿緣此自憂自恨、蓋上帝遣我、先爾而至、以保爾命。

6 今在境內、已饑二年、更有五載、必無稼穡。

7 上帝遣我、先爾而至、存爾後嗣、大援其手、以保爾命。

8 我之至此、非爾所遣、上帝所遣、使我於法老尊同其父、兼司宗室、治理通國。

9 爾可速返、見父告之曰、汝子約瑟言、上帝立我爲埃及宰、請來此、毋稽留。

10 爾及子孫牛羊、與凡所有、居於坷山、與我伊邇。

11 饑饉尚有五年、我供養爾、庶免眷聚、與凡所有者匱乏。

12 我親與爾言、爾曹與弟便雅憫皆目覩之。

13 我在埃及所得之顯榮、爾所共見、速返告父、迎之至此。

14 遂抱弟便雅憫頸而哭。便雅憫亦抱其頸而哭。

15 約瑟與諸昆弟接吻而哭、昆弟始與之言。

16 有聞於法老宮曰、約瑟之兄弟至、法老與其臣皆悅。

17 法老命約瑟曰、可囑兄弟、使畜負物、而往迦南、

18 迎父與眷聚就我、我必以埃及嘉物賜爾、享地之膏腴。

19 必遵我命以埃及之車、迎父以至、并載妻孥。

20 遍埃及之嘉物皆以賜爾、毋惜爾之器皿。

21 以色列諸子、遵言而行、約瑟循法老命、給之以車、餽之以贐。

22 各贈衣一襲、贈便雅憫金三百、衣五襲。

23 其餽父也、牡驢十、附埃及之嘉物、牝驢十、負粟與O糧、以爲父贐。

24 遣兄弟歸曰、途間毋相爭競。

25 遂離埃及至迦南、見父雅各、

26 告之曰、約瑟尚在、爲埃及通國之宰。雅各不信、不以所言動其心。

27 諸子以約瑟言告父、雅各見約瑟遣車載己、其神活潑。

28 曰、足矣、我子約瑟尚在、我未死、必往見之。


Chapter 45



1 Then Joseph3130 could3201 not refrain662 himself before all3605 them that stood5324 by him; and he cried,7121 Cause every3605 man376 to go3318 out from me. And there stood5975 no3808 man376 with him, while Joseph3130 made himself known3045 to his brothers.251

1 約瑟情不能制、屏諸侍者、不令一人侍側、然後明告兄弟、使相辨識。

2 And he wept5414(853) 6963 1065 aloud:6963 and the Egyptians4714 and the house1004 of Pharaoh6547 heard.8085

2 卽大聲號泣、埃及人及法老內庭悉聞。

3 And Joseph3130 said559 to his brothers,251 I am Joseph;3130 does my father1 yet5750 live?2416 And his brothers251 could3201 not answer6030 him; for they were troubled926 at his presence.6440

3 約瑟謂兄弟曰、我乃約瑟、吾父尚在乎。諸昆弟懼。不能措一詞。

4 And Joseph3130 said559 to his brothers,251 Come5066 near5066 to me, I pray4994 you. And they came5066 near.5066 And he said,559 I am Joseph3130 your brother,251 whom834 you sold4376 into Egypt.4714

4 約瑟曰、爾來前、則皆前、曰、吾乃爾弟約瑟、昔爾鬻於埃及者。

5 Now6258 therefore be not grieved,6087 nor408 angry2734 with yourselves,5869 that you sold4376 me here: for God430 did send7971 me before6440 you to preserve4241 life.

5 勿緣此自憂自恨、蓋上帝遣我、先爾而至、以保爾命。

6 For these2088 two years8141 has the famine7458 been in the land:776 and yet5750 there are five2568 years,8141 in the which834 there shall neither369 be ripening2758 nor harvest.7105

6 今在境內、已饑二年、更有五載、必無稼穡。

7 And God430 sent7971 me before6440 you to preserve7760 you a posterity7611 in the earth,776 and to save2421 your lives2421 by a great1419 deliverance.6413

7 上帝遣我、先爾而至、存爾後嗣、大援其手、以保爾命。

8 So now6258 it was not you that sent7971 me here, but God:430 and he has made7760 me a father1 to Pharaoh,6547 and lord113 of all3605 his house,1004 and a ruler4910 throughout all3605 the land776 of Egypt.4714

8 我之至此、非爾所遣、上帝所遣、使我於法老尊同其父、兼司宗室、治理通國。

9 Haste4116 you, and go5927 up to my father,1 and say559 to him, Thus3541 said559 your son1121 Joseph,3130 God430 has made7760 me lord113 of all3605 Egypt:4714 come3381 down3381 to me, tarry5975 not:

9 爾可速返、見父告之曰、汝子約瑟言、上帝立我爲埃及宰、請來此、毋稽留。

10 And you shall dwell3427 in the land776 of Goshen,1657 and you shall be near7138 to me, you, and your children,1121 and your children's1121 children,1121 and your flocks,6629 and your herds,1241 and all3605 that you have:

10 爾及子孫牛羊、與凡所有、居於坷山、與我伊邇。

11 And there8033 will I nourish3557 you; for yet5750 there are five2568 years8141 of famine;7458 lest6435 you, and your household,1004 and all3605 that you have, come to poverty.3423

11 饑饉尚有五年、我供養爾、庶免眷聚、與凡所有者匱乏。

12 And, behold,2009 your eyes5869 see,7200 and the eyes5869 of my brother251 Benjamin,1144 that it is my mouth6310 that speaks1696 to you.

12 我親與爾言、爾曹與弟便雅憫皆目覩之。

13 And you shall tell5046 my father1 of all3605 my glory3519 in Egypt,4714 and of all3605 that you have seen;7200 and you shall haste4116 and bring3381 down3381 my father here.

13 我在埃及所得之顯榮、爾所共見、速返告父、迎之至此。

14 And he fell5307 on his brother251 Benjamin's1144 neck,6677 and wept;1058 and Benjamin1144 wept1058 on his neck.6677

14 遂抱弟便雅憫頸而哭。便雅憫亦抱其頸而哭。

15 Moreover he kissed5401 all3605 his brothers,251 and wept1058 on them: and after310 that his brothers251 talked1696 with him.

15 約瑟與諸昆弟接吻而哭、昆弟始與之言。

16 And the fame6963 thereof was heard8085 in Pharaoh's6547 house,1004 saying,559 Joseph's3130 brothers251 are come:935 and it pleased3190 5869 Pharaoh6547 well, and his servants.5650

16 有聞於法老宮曰、約瑟之兄弟至、法老與其臣皆悅。

17 And Pharaoh6547 said559 to Joseph,3130 Say559 to your brothers,251 This2063 do6213 you; lade2943 your beasts,1165 and go,3212 get935 you to the land776 of Canaan;3667

17 法老命約瑟曰、可囑兄弟、使畜負物、而往迦南、

18 And take3947 your father1 and your households,1004 and come935 to me: and I will give5414 you the good2898 of the land776 of Egypt,4714 and you shall eat398 the fat2459 of the land.776

18 迎父與眷聚就我、我必以埃及嘉物賜爾、享地之膏腴。

19 Now you are commanded,6680 this2063 do6213 you; take3947 you wagons5699 out of the land776 of Egypt4714 for your little2945 ones, and for your wives,802 and bring5375 your father,1 and come.935

19 必遵我命以埃及之車、迎父以至、并載妻孥。

20 Also regard5869 not your stuff;3627 for the good2898 of all3605 the land776 of Egypt4714 is your's.

20 遍埃及之嘉物皆以賜爾、毋惜爾之器皿。

21 And the children1121 of Israel3478 did6213 so:3651 and Joseph3130 gave5414 them wagons,5699 according5921 to the commandment6310 of Pharaoh,6547 and gave5414 them provision6720 for the way.1870

21 以色列諸子、遵言而行、約瑟循法老命、給之以車、餽之以贐。

22 To all3605 of them he gave5414 each man376 changes2487 of raiment;8071 but to Benjamin1144 he gave5414 three7969 hundred3967 pieces of silver,3701 and five2568 changes2487 of raiment.8071

22 各贈衣一襲、贈便雅憫金三百、衣五襲。

23 And to his father1 he sent7971 after this2063 manner; ten6235 asses2543 laden5375 with the good2898 things of Egypt,4714 and ten6235 she asses860 laden5375 with corn1250 and bread3899 and meat4202 for his father1 by the way.1870

23 其餽父也、牡驢十、附埃及之嘉物、牝驢十、負粟與O糧、以爲父贐。

24 So he sent7971 his brothers251 away, and they departed:3212 and he said559 to them, See that you fall7264 not out by the way.1870

24 遣兄弟歸曰、途間毋相爭競。

25 And they went5927 up out of Egypt,4714 and came935 into the land776 of Canaan3667 to Jacob3290 their father,1

25 遂離埃及至迦南、見父雅各、

26 And told5046 him, saying,559 Joseph3130 is yet5750 alive,2416 and he is governor4910 over all3605 the land776 of Egypt.4714 And Jacob's heart3820 fainted,6313 for he believed539 them not.

26 告之曰、約瑟尚在、爲埃及通國之宰。雅各不信、不以所言動其心。

27 And they told1696 him all3605 the words1697 of Joseph,3130 which834 he had said1697 to them: and when he saw7200 the wagons5699 which834 Joseph3130 had sent7971 to carry5375 him, the spirit7307 of Jacob3290 their father1 revived:2421

27 諸子以約瑟言告父、雅各見約瑟遣車載己、其神活潑。

28 And Israel3478 said,559 It is enough;7227 Joseph3130 my son1121 is yet5750 alive:2416 I will go3212 and see7200 him before2962 I die.4191

28 曰、足矣、我子約瑟尚在、我未死、必往見之。