
Chapter 12

1 Now the LORD3068 had said559 to Abram,87 Get3212 you out of your country,776 and from your kindred,4138 and from your father's1 house,1004 to a land776 that I will show7200 you:

2 And I will make6213 of you a great1419 nation,1471 and I will bless1288 you, and make your name8034 great;1431 and you shall be a blessing:1293

3 And I will bless1288 them that bless1288 you, and curse779 him that curses7043 you: and in you shall all3605 families4940 of the earth127 be blessed.1288

4 So Abram87 departed,3212 as the LORD3068 had spoken1696 to him; and Lot3876 went3212 with him: and Abram87 was seventy7657 and five2568 years8141 old1121 when he departed3318 out of Haran.2771

5 And Abram87 took3947 Sarai8297 his wife,802 and Lot3876 his brother's251 son,1121 and all3605 their substance7399 that they had gathered,7408 and the souls5315 that they had gotten6213 in Haran;2771 and they went3318 forth3318 to go3212 into the land776 of Canaan;3667 and into the land776 of Canaan3667 they came.935

6 And Abram87 passed5674 through the land776 to the place4725 of Sichem,7927 to the plain436 of Moreh.4176 And the Canaanite3669 was then227 in the land.776

7 And the LORD3068 appeared7200 to Abram,87 and said,559 To your seed2233 will I give5414 this2063 land:776 and there8033 built1129 he an altar4196 to the LORD,3068 who appeared7200 to him.

8 And he removed6275 from there8033 to a mountain2022 on the east6924 of Bethel,1008 and pitched5186 his tent,168 having Bethel1008 on the west,3220 and Hai5857 on the east:6924 and there8033 he built1129 an altar4196 to the LORD,3068 and called7121 on the name8034 of the LORD.3068

9 And Abram87 journeyed,5265 going1980 on still5265 toward the south.5045

10 And there was a famine7458 in the land:776 and Abram87 went3381 down3381 into Egypt4714 to sojourn1481 there;8033 for the famine7458 was grievous3515 in the land.776

11 And it came1961 to pass, when834 he was come7126 near7126 to enter935 into935 Egypt,4714 that he said559 to Sarai8297 his wife,802 Behold2009 now,4994 I know3045 that you are a fair3303 woman802 to look4758 on:

12 Therefore it shall come to pass, when3588 the Egyptians4713 shall see7200 you, that they shall say,559 This2063 is his wife:802 and they will kill2026 me, but they will save2421 you alive.2421

13 Say,559 I pray4994 you, you are my sister:269 that it may be well3190 with me for your sake;5668 and my soul5315 shall live2421 because1558 of you.

14 And it came1961 to pass, that, when Abram87 was come935 into Egypt,4714 the Egyptians4713 beheld7200 the woman802 that she was very3966 fair.3303

15 The princes8269 also of Pharaoh6547 saw7200 her, and commended1984 her before413 Pharaoh:6547 and the woman802 was taken3947 into Pharaoh's6547 house.1004

16 And he entreated Abram87 well3190 for her sake:5668 and he had1961 sheep,6629 and oxen,1241 and he asses,2543 and menservants,5650 and maidservants,8198 and she asses,860 and camels.1581

17 And the LORD3068 plagued5060 Pharaoh6547 and his house1004 with great1419 plagues5061 because5921 1697 of Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife.802

18 And Pharaoh6547 called7121 Abram 87and said,559 What4100 is this2063 that you have done6213 to me? why4100 did you not tell5046 me that she was your wife?802

19 Why4100 said559 you, She is my sister?269 so I might have taken3947 her to me to wife:802 now6258 therefore behold2009 your wife,802 take3947 her, and go3212 your way.

20 And Pharaoh6547 commanded6680 his men582 concerning5921 him: and they sent7971 him away, and his wife,802 and all3605 that he had.



1 耶和華對亞伯蘭說:「你要離開你的[thy]本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。

2 我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人得福。

3 為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地上的各族[all families]都要因你得福。」

4 亞伯蘭就照著耶和華曉諭他的[spoken unto him]去了;羅得也和他同去。亞伯蘭出哈蘭的時候年七十五歲。

5 亞伯蘭將他妻子撒萊和姪兒羅得,連他們在哈蘭所積蓄的財物、所得的人口,都帶往迦南地去。他們就到了迦南地。

6 亞伯蘭經過那地,到了示劍地方、摩利平原[plain]那裏。那時迦南人住在那地。

7 耶和華向亞伯蘭顯現,說:「我要把這地賜給你的後裔。」亞伯蘭就在那裏為向他顯現的耶和華築了一座壇。

8 從那裏他又遷到伯.特利東邊的山,支搭帳棚;西邊是伯.特利,東邊是艾。他在那裏又為耶和華築了一座壇,求告耶和華的名。

9 後來亞伯蘭又漸漸遷往南地去。

10 那地遭遇饑荒。因饑荒甚大,亞伯蘭就下埃及去,要在那裏暫居。

11 將近埃及,就對他妻子撒萊說:「如今看哪[Behold now],我知道妳是容貌俊美的婦人。

12 埃及人看見你必說:『這是他的妻子』,他們就要殺我,卻叫你存活。

13 求妳說,妳是我的妹子,使我因妳得平安,我的命也因妳存活。」

14 及至亞伯蘭到了埃及,埃及人看見那婦人極其美貌。

15 法老的臣宰看見了她,就在法老面前誇獎她。那婦人就被帶進法老的宮去。

16 法老因這婦人就厚待亞伯蘭,亞伯蘭得了許多牛、羊、駱駝、公驢、母驢、僕婢。

17 耶和華因亞伯蘭妻子撒萊的緣故,降大災與法老和他的全家。

18 法老就召了亞伯蘭來,說:「你這向我所作的[hast done]是甚麼事呢?為甚麼沒有告訴我她是你的妻子?

19 為甚麼說:她是你的妹子?以致我幾乎已[might have]把她取來作我的妻子。現在你看[behold],你的妻子在這裏,可以帶她走吧。」

20 於是法老吩咐人將亞伯蘭和他妻子,並他所有的都送走了。


Chapter 12



1 Now the LORD3068 had said559 to Abram,87 Get3212 you out of your country,776 and from your kindred,4138 and from your father's1 house,1004 to a land776 that I will show7200 you:

1 耶和華對亞伯蘭說:「你要離開你的[thy]本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。

2 And I will make6213 of you a great1419 nation,1471 and I will bless1288 you, and make your name8034 great;1431 and you shall be a blessing:1293

2 我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人得福。

3 And I will bless1288 them that bless1288 you, and curse779 him that curses7043 you: and in you shall all3605 families4940 of the earth127 be blessed.1288

3 為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地上的各族[all families]都要因你得福。」

4 So Abram87 departed,3212 as the LORD3068 had spoken1696 to him; and Lot3876 went3212 with him: and Abram87 was seventy7657 and five2568 years8141 old1121 when he departed3318 out of Haran.2771

4 亞伯蘭就照著耶和華曉諭他的[spoken unto him]去了;羅得也和他同去。亞伯蘭出哈蘭的時候年七十五歲。

5 And Abram87 took3947 Sarai8297 his wife,802 and Lot3876 his brother's251 son,1121 and all3605 their substance7399 that they had gathered,7408 and the souls5315 that they had gotten6213 in Haran;2771 and they went3318 forth3318 to go3212 into the land776 of Canaan;3667 and into the land776 of Canaan3667 they came.935

5 亞伯蘭將他妻子撒萊和姪兒羅得,連他們在哈蘭所積蓄的財物、所得的人口,都帶往迦南地去。他們就到了迦南地。

6 And Abram87 passed5674 through the land776 to the place4725 of Sichem,7927 to the plain436 of Moreh.4176 And the Canaanite3669 was then227 in the land.776

6 亞伯蘭經過那地,到了示劍地方、摩利平原[plain]那裏。那時迦南人住在那地。

7 And the LORD3068 appeared7200 to Abram,87 and said,559 To your seed2233 will I give5414 this2063 land:776 and there8033 built1129 he an altar4196 to the LORD,3068 who appeared7200 to him.

7 耶和華向亞伯蘭顯現,說:「我要把這地賜給你的後裔。」亞伯蘭就在那裏為向他顯現的耶和華築了一座壇。

8 And he removed6275 from there8033 to a mountain2022 on the east6924 of Bethel,1008 and pitched5186 his tent,168 having Bethel1008 on the west,3220 and Hai5857 on the east:6924 and there8033 he built1129 an altar4196 to the LORD,3068 and called7121 on the name8034 of the LORD.3068

8 從那裏他又遷到伯.特利東邊的山,支搭帳棚;西邊是伯.特利,東邊是艾。他在那裏又為耶和華築了一座壇,求告耶和華的名。

9 And Abram87 journeyed,5265 going1980 on still5265 toward the south.5045

9 後來亞伯蘭又漸漸遷往南地去。

10 And there was a famine7458 in the land:776 and Abram87 went3381 down3381 into Egypt4714 to sojourn1481 there;8033 for the famine7458 was grievous3515 in the land.776

10 那地遭遇饑荒。因饑荒甚大,亞伯蘭就下埃及去,要在那裏暫居。

11 And it came1961 to pass, when834 he was come7126 near7126 to enter935 into935 Egypt,4714 that he said559 to Sarai8297 his wife,802 Behold2009 now,4994 I know3045 that you are a fair3303 woman802 to look4758 on:

11 將近埃及,就對他妻子撒萊說:「如今看哪[Behold now],我知道妳是容貌俊美的婦人。

12 Therefore it shall come to pass, when3588 the Egyptians4713 shall see7200 you, that they shall say,559 This2063 is his wife:802 and they will kill2026 me, but they will save2421 you alive.2421

12 埃及人看見你必說:『這是他的妻子』,他們就要殺我,卻叫你存活。

13 Say,559 I pray4994 you, you are my sister:269 that it may be well3190 with me for your sake;5668 and my soul5315 shall live2421 because1558 of you.

13 求妳說,妳是我的妹子,使我因妳得平安,我的命也因妳存活。」

14 And it came1961 to pass, that, when Abram87 was come935 into Egypt,4714 the Egyptians4713 beheld7200 the woman802 that she was very3966 fair.3303

14 及至亞伯蘭到了埃及,埃及人看見那婦人極其美貌。

15 The princes8269 also of Pharaoh6547 saw7200 her, and commended1984 her before413 Pharaoh:6547 and the woman802 was taken3947 into Pharaoh's6547 house.1004

15 法老的臣宰看見了她,就在法老面前誇獎她。那婦人就被帶進法老的宮去。

16 And he entreated Abram87 well3190 for her sake:5668 and he had1961 sheep,6629 and oxen,1241 and he asses,2543 and menservants,5650 and maidservants,8198 and she asses,860 and camels.1581

16 法老因這婦人就厚待亞伯蘭,亞伯蘭得了許多牛、羊、駱駝、公驢、母驢、僕婢。

17 And the LORD3068 plagued5060 Pharaoh6547 and his house1004 with great1419 plagues5061 because5921 1697 of Sarai8297 Abram's87 wife.802

17 耶和華因亞伯蘭妻子撒萊的緣故,降大災與法老和他的全家。

18 And Pharaoh6547 called7121 Abram 87and said,559 What4100 is this2063 that you have done6213 to me? why4100 did you not tell5046 me that she was your wife?802

18 法老就召了亞伯蘭來,說:「你這向我所作的[hast done]是甚麼事呢?為甚麼沒有告訴我她是你的妻子?

19 Why4100 said559 you, She is my sister?269 so I might have taken3947 her to me to wife:802 now6258 therefore behold2009 your wife,802 take3947 her, and go3212 your way.

19 為甚麼說:她是你的妹子?以致我幾乎已[might have]把她取來作我的妻子。現在你看[behold],你的妻子在這裏,可以帶她走吧。」

20 And Pharaoh6547 commanded6680 his men582 concerning5921 him: and they sent7971 him away, and his wife,802 and all3605 that he had.

20 於是法老吩咐人將亞伯蘭和他妻子,並他所有的都送走了。