
Chapter 36

1 Elihu453 also proceeded,3254 and said,559

2 Suffer3803 me a little,2191 and I will show2331 thee that3588 I have yet5750 to speak4405 on God's433 behalf.

3 I will fetch5375 my knowledge1843 from afar,4480 7350 and will ascribe5414 righteousness6664 to my Maker.6466

4 For3588 truly551 my words4405 shall not3808 be false:8267 he that is perfect8549 in knowledge1844 is with5973 thee.

5 Behold,2005 God410 is mighty,3524 and despiseth3988 not3808 any: he is mighty3524 in strength3581 and wisdom.3820

6 He preserveth not the life2421 3808 of the wicked:7563 but giveth5414 right4941 to the poor.6041

7 He withdraweth1639 not3808 his eyes5869 from the righteous:4480 6662 but with854 kings4428 are they on the throne;3678 yea, he doth establish3427 them forever,5331 and they are exalted.1361

8 And if518 they be bound631 in fetters,2131 and be holden3920 in cords2256 of affliction;6040

9 Then he showeth5046 them their work,6467 and their transgressions6588 that3588 they have exceeded.1396

10 He openeth1540 also their ear241 to discipline,4148 and commandeth559 that3588 they return7725 from iniquity.4480 205

11 If518 they obey8085 and serve5647 him, they shall spend3615 their days3117 in prosperity,2896 and their years8141 in pleasures.5273

12 But if518 they obey8085 not,3808 they shall perish5674 by the sword,7973 and they shall die1478 without1097 knowledge.1847

13 But the hypocrites2611 in heart3820 heap up7760 wrath:639 they cry7768 not3808 when3588 he bindeth631 them.

14 They5315 die4191 in youth,5290 and their life2416 is among the unclean.6945

15 He delivereth2502 the poor6041 in his affliction,6040 and openeth1540 their ears241 in oppression.3906

16 Even so637 would he have removed5496 thee out of the strait4480 6310 6862 into a broad place,7338 where8478 there is no3808 straitness;4164 and that which should be set5183 on thy table7979 should be full4390 of fatness.1880

17 But thou hast fulfilled4390 the judgment1779 of the wicked:7563 judgment1779 and justice4941 take hold8551 on thee.

18 Because3588 there is wrath,2534 beware lest6435 he take thee away5496 with his stroke:5607 then a great7227 ransom3724 cannot408 deliver5186 thee.

19 Will he esteem6186 thy riches?7769 no, not3808 gold,1222 nor all3605 the forces3981 of strength.3581

20 Desire7602 not408 the night,3915 when people5971 are cut off5927 in their place.8478

21 Take heed,8104 regard not6437 408 413 iniquity:205 for3588 5921 this2088 hast thou chosen977 rather than affliction.4480 6040

22 Behold,2005 God410 exalteth7682 by his power:3581 who4310 teacheth3384 like him?3644

23 Who4310 hath enjoined6485 5921 him his way?1870 or who4310 can say,559 Thou hast wrought6466 iniquity?5766

24 Remember2142 that3588 thou magnify7679 his work,6467 which834 men376 behold.7789

25 Every3605 man120 may see2372 it; man582 may behold5027 it afar off.4480 7350

26 Behold,2005 God410 is great,7689 and we know3045 him not3808 neither3808 can the number4557 of his years8141 be searched out.2714

27 For3588 he maketh small1639 the drops5198 of water:4325 they pour down2212 rain4306 according to the vapor108 thereof:

28 Which834 the clouds7834 do drop5140 and distill7491 upon5921 man120 abundantly.7227

29 Also637 518 can any understand995 the spreadings4666 of the clouds,5645 or the noise8663 of his tabernacle?5521

30 Behold,2005 he spreadeth6566 his light216 upon5921 it, and covereth3680 the bottom8328 of the sea.3220

31 For3588 by them judgeth1777 he the people;5971 he giveth5414 meat400 in abundance.4342

32 With5921 clouds3709 he covereth3680 the light;216 and commandeth6680 it not to shine by5921 the cloud that cometh between.6293

33 The noise7452 thereof showeth5046 concerning5921 it, the cattle4735 also637 concerning5921 the vapor.5927



1 以利戶又曰、

2 爾其少忍片時、子猶有言、以明上帝之事。

3 我钩深探奧、歸義於造我之主、

4 口不出虛誕、言不尚浮誇。

5 上帝無所不能、無所不知、不藐視人、

6 爲惡者短其年、困苦者伸其寃、

7 眷顧善人、尊其位、與王同列。

8 其繫以縲絏、加以患難者、

9 欲指其過失、責其驕泰、

10 使受訓誨、改惡遷善、

11 如其聽從、則日享平康、終身受福。

12 如其違逆、則亡於刃、不明道而死。

13 頑梗之人、積愆干怒、無祈禱之心、上帝罰其罪。

14 與孌童同科、少年短折。

15 貧乏者流、主必拯救、在患難之中、言提其耳、指示以道。

16 由是觀之、主必率爾、出於危迫之地、導爾至安閒之所、在彼無所困苦、臚陳於几筵者、備極豐腆矣。

17 如爾黨惡、厥罪貫盈、罰必及之。

18 上帝震怒、恐加刑譴、雖多金不能贖、

19 卽富有金銀財貨、主不以爲意。

20 勿樂死亡、歸於陰府、

21 爾遭患難、屢出惡言、後當謹恪、

22 上帝無不能、其善誘非人可及。

23 獨斷獨行、誰能議之哉。

24 上帝所爲、億兆見之、遠近仰之、

25 爾當頌美焉。

26 上帝至大、難以悉知、其壽無疆、不可計數。

27 以一勺之水、興雲致雨、

28 空中霡霂、常沾常足、

29 天雲羅布、雷聲震轟、烏乎測之、

30 電閃穹蒼、覆幬海底、

31 或誅殛惡民、或廣生百穀、

32 或以雷電、任意震擊、

33 爲善者庇其身、作惡者降以殃。


Chapter 36



1 Elihu453 also proceeded,3254 and said,559

1 以利戶又曰、

2 Suffer3803 me a little,2191 and I will show2331 thee that3588 I have yet5750 to speak4405 on God's433 behalf.

2 爾其少忍片時、子猶有言、以明上帝之事。

3 I will fetch5375 my knowledge1843 from afar,4480 7350 and will ascribe5414 righteousness6664 to my Maker.6466

3 我钩深探奧、歸義於造我之主、

4 For3588 truly551 my words4405 shall not3808 be false:8267 he that is perfect8549 in knowledge1844 is with5973 thee.

4 口不出虛誕、言不尚浮誇。

5 Behold,2005 God410 is mighty,3524 and despiseth3988 not3808 any: he is mighty3524 in strength3581 and wisdom.3820

5 上帝無所不能、無所不知、不藐視人、

6 He preserveth not the life2421 3808 of the wicked:7563 but giveth5414 right4941 to the poor.6041

6 爲惡者短其年、困苦者伸其寃、

7 He withdraweth1639 not3808 his eyes5869 from the righteous:4480 6662 but with854 kings4428 are they on the throne;3678 yea, he doth establish3427 them forever,5331 and they are exalted.1361

7 眷顧善人、尊其位、與王同列。

8 And if518 they be bound631 in fetters,2131 and be holden3920 in cords2256 of affliction;6040

8 其繫以縲絏、加以患難者、

9 Then he showeth5046 them their work,6467 and their transgressions6588 that3588 they have exceeded.1396

9 欲指其過失、責其驕泰、

10 He openeth1540 also their ear241 to discipline,4148 and commandeth559 that3588 they return7725 from iniquity.4480 205

10 使受訓誨、改惡遷善、

11 If518 they obey8085 and serve5647 him, they shall spend3615 their days3117 in prosperity,2896 and their years8141 in pleasures.5273

11 如其聽從、則日享平康、終身受福。

12 But if518 they obey8085 not,3808 they shall perish5674 by the sword,7973 and they shall die1478 without1097 knowledge.1847

12 如其違逆、則亡於刃、不明道而死。

13 But the hypocrites2611 in heart3820 heap up7760 wrath:639 they cry7768 not3808 when3588 he bindeth631 them.

13 頑梗之人、積愆干怒、無祈禱之心、上帝罰其罪。

14 They5315 die4191 in youth,5290 and their life2416 is among the unclean.6945

14 與孌童同科、少年短折。

15 He delivereth2502 the poor6041 in his affliction,6040 and openeth1540 their ears241 in oppression.3906

15 貧乏者流、主必拯救、在患難之中、言提其耳、指示以道。

16 Even so637 would he have removed5496 thee out of the strait4480 6310 6862 into a broad place,7338 where8478 there is no3808 straitness;4164 and that which should be set5183 on thy table7979 should be full4390 of fatness.1880

16 由是觀之、主必率爾、出於危迫之地、導爾至安閒之所、在彼無所困苦、臚陳於几筵者、備極豐腆矣。

17 But thou hast fulfilled4390 the judgment1779 of the wicked:7563 judgment1779 and justice4941 take hold8551 on thee.

17 如爾黨惡、厥罪貫盈、罰必及之。

18 Because3588 there is wrath,2534 beware lest6435 he take thee away5496 with his stroke:5607 then a great7227 ransom3724 cannot408 deliver5186 thee.

18 上帝震怒、恐加刑譴、雖多金不能贖、

19 Will he esteem6186 thy riches?7769 no, not3808 gold,1222 nor all3605 the forces3981 of strength.3581

19 卽富有金銀財貨、主不以爲意。

20 Desire7602 not408 the night,3915 when people5971 are cut off5927 in their place.8478

20 勿樂死亡、歸於陰府、

21 Take heed,8104 regard not6437 408 413 iniquity:205 for3588 5921 this2088 hast thou chosen977 rather than affliction.4480 6040

21 爾遭患難、屢出惡言、後當謹恪、

22 Behold,2005 God410 exalteth7682 by his power:3581 who4310 teacheth3384 like him?3644

22 上帝無不能、其善誘非人可及。

23 Who4310 hath enjoined6485 5921 him his way?1870 or who4310 can say,559 Thou hast wrought6466 iniquity?5766

23 獨斷獨行、誰能議之哉。

24 Remember2142 that3588 thou magnify7679 his work,6467 which834 men376 behold.7789

24 上帝所爲、億兆見之、遠近仰之、

25 Every3605 man120 may see2372 it; man582 may behold5027 it afar off.4480 7350

25 爾當頌美焉。

26 Behold,2005 God410 is great,7689 and we know3045 him not3808 neither3808 can the number4557 of his years8141 be searched out.2714

26 上帝至大、難以悉知、其壽無疆、不可計數。

27 For3588 he maketh small1639 the drops5198 of water:4325 they pour down2212 rain4306 according to the vapor108 thereof:

27 以一勺之水、興雲致雨、

28 Which834 the clouds7834 do drop5140 and distill7491 upon5921 man120 abundantly.7227

28 空中霡霂、常沾常足、

29 Also637 518 can any understand995 the spreadings4666 of the clouds,5645 or the noise8663 of his tabernacle?5521

29 天雲羅布、雷聲震轟、烏乎測之、

30 Behold,2005 he spreadeth6566 his light216 upon5921 it, and covereth3680 the bottom8328 of the sea.3220

30 電閃穹蒼、覆幬海底、

31 For3588 by them judgeth1777 he the people;5971 he giveth5414 meat400 in abundance.4342

31 或誅殛惡民、或廣生百穀、

32 With5921 clouds3709 he covereth3680 the light;216 and commandeth6680 it not to shine by5921 the cloud that cometh between.6293

32 或以雷電、任意震擊、

33 The noise7452 thereof showeth5046 concerning5921 it, the cattle4735 also637 concerning5921 the vapor.5927

33 爲善者庇其身、作惡者降以殃。