
Chapter 30

1 But now6258 they that are younger6810 3117 than4480 I have me in derision,7832 5921 whose834 fathers1 I would have disdained3988 to have set7896 with5973 the dogs3611 of my flock.6629

2 Yea,1571 whereto4100 might the strength3581 of their hands3027 profit me, in whom5921 old age3624 was perished?6

3 For want2639 and famine3720 they were solitary;1565 fleeing6207 into the wilderness6723 in former time570 desolate7722 and waste.4875

4 Who cut up6998 mallows4408 by5921 the bushes,7880 and juniper7574 roots8328 for their meat.3899

5 They were driven forth1644 from4480 among1460 men, (they cried7321 after5921 them as after a thief;)1590

6 To dwell7931 in the clefts6178 of the valleys,5158 in caves2356 of the earth,6083 and in the rocks.3710

7 Among996 the bushes7880 they brayed;5101 under8478 the nettles2738 they were gathered together.5596

8 They were children1121 of fools,5036 yea,1571 children1121 of base men:1097 8034 they were viler5217 than4480 the earth.776

9 And now6258 am1961 I their song,5058 yea, I am1961 their byword.4405

10 They abhor8581 me, they flee far7368 from4480 me, and spare2820 not3808 to spit7536 in my face.4480 6440

11 Because3588 he hath loosed6605 my cord,3499 and afflicted6031 me, they have also let loose7971 the bridle7448 before4480 6440 me.

12 Upon5921 my right3225 hand rise6965 the youth;6526 they push away7971 my feet,7272 and they raise up5549 against5921 me the ways734 of their destruction.343

13 They mar5420 my path,5410 they set forward3276 my calamity,1942 they have no3808 helper.5826

14 They came857 upon me as a wide7342 breaking in6556 of waters: in8478 the desolation7722 they rolled themselves1556 upon me.

15 Terrors1091 are turned2015 upon5921 me: they pursue7291 my soul5082 as the wind:7307 and my welfare3444 passeth away5674 as a cloud.5645

16 And now6258 my soul5315 is poured out8210 upon5921 me; the days3117 of affliction6040 have taken hold upon270 me.

17 My bones6106 are pierced5365 in4480 5921 me in the night season:3915 and my sinews6207 take no rest.7901 3808

18 By the great7230 force3581 of my disease is my garment3830 changed:2664 it bindeth me about247 as the collar6310 of my coat.3801

19 He hath cast3384 me into the mire,2563 and I am become4911 like dust6083 and ashes.665

20 I cry7768 unto413 thee, and thou dost not3808 hear6030 me: I stand up,5975 and thou regardest995 me not.

21 Thou art become2015 cruel393 to me: with thy strong6108 hand3027 thou opposest thyself against7852 me.

22 Thou liftest me up5375 to413 the wind;7307 thou causest me to ride7392 upon it, and dissolvest4127 my substance.7738

23 For3588 I know3045 that thou wilt bring7725 me to death,4194 and to the house1004 appointed4150 for all3605 living.2416

24 Howbeit389 he will not3808 stretch out7971 his hand3027 to the grave,1164 though518 they cry7769 in his destruction.6365

25 Did not3808 I weep1058 for him that was in trouble?7186 3117 was not my soul5315 grieved5701 for the poor?34

26 When3588 I looked for6960 good,2896 then evil7451 came935 unto me: and when I waited3176 for light,216 there came935 darkness.652

27 My bowels4578 boiled,7570 and rested1826 not:3808 the days3117 of affliction6040 prevented6923 me.

28 I went1980 mourning6937 without3808 the sun:2535 I stood up,6965 and I cried7768 in the congregation.6951

29 I am1961 a brother251 to dragons,8577 and a companion7453 to owls.1323 3284

30 My skin5785 is black7835 upon4480 5921 me, and my bones6106 are burned2787 with4480 heat.2721

31 My harp3658 also is1961 turned to mourning,60 and my organ5748 into the voice6963 of them that weep.1058



1 但如今,比我年少的人戲笑我;其人之父我曾藐視,不肯安在看守我羊群的狗中。

2 他們壯年的氣力既已衰敗,其手之力與我何益呢?

3 他們因窮乏飢餓,身體枯瘦,就逃到從前荒廢淒涼之地[fleeing into the wilderness in former time desolate and waste]

4 在草叢之中採鹹草,羅騰的根為他們的食物。

5 他們從人中被趕出;(人追喊他們如賊一般;)

6 以致他們住在荒谷之間,在地洞和岩穴中;

7 在草叢中叫喚,在荊棘下聚集。

8 這都是愚頑下賤人的兒女;他們比泥土還卑賤[viler than the earth]

9 現在這些人以我為歌曲,以我為笑談。

10 他們厭惡我,遠遠地躲避我[flee far from me],不住地吐唾沫在我臉上。

11 鬆開他們的繩索苦待我,在我面前脫去轡頭。

12 這等少年人[youth]在我右邊起來,推開我的腳,築成戰路來攻擊我。

13 這些無人幫助的,毀壞我的道,加增我的災。

14 他們來如同闖進大破口的水[waters],在毀壞之間滾在我身上。

15 驚恐臨到我,他們尋索我的性命[they pursue my soul]如風;我的福祿如雲過去。

16 現在我心極其悲傷;困苦的日子將我抓住。

17 夜間,我裏面的骨頭刺我,我的筋[my sinews]不得休息[take no rest]

18我病[my disease]的大力,我的外衣改變[changed],又如裏衣的領子將我纏住。

19 神把我扔在淤泥中,我就像塵土和爐灰一般。

20 我呼求你,你不聽允[hear]我;我站起來,你不顧念我[regardest me not]

21待我變為殘忍[become cruel to me],又用大能的[hand]抵制[opposest]我。

22 [Thou]把我提在風中,使我駕風而行,又消滅我的貨財[dissolvest my substance]


24 然而人遇毀滅,雖然求救[though they cry in his destruction]他並不向墳墓伸手[he will not stretch out his hand to the grave]

25 人遭難,我豈不為他哭泣呢?人窮乏,我豈不為他憂愁呢?

26 我仰望得好處,災禍就臨到我了[came unto me];我等待光明,黑暗便來了。

27 我心裏煩擾不安,困苦的日子臨到我身。

28 我沒有日光就哀哭行去[I went mourning without the sun];我在會中站著求救。

29 我與[dragons]兄弟[brother],與貓頭鷹[owls]為同伴。

30 我的皮膚在我身上黝黑[black upon me];我的骨頭因熱燒焦。

31 我的弦琴也[My harp also is]變為悲音;我的風琴[organ]變為哭聲。


Chapter 30



1 But now6258 they that are younger6810 3117 than4480 I have me in derision,7832 5921 whose834 fathers1 I would have disdained3988 to have set7896 with5973 the dogs3611 of my flock.6629

1 但如今,比我年少的人戲笑我;其人之父我曾藐視,不肯安在看守我羊群的狗中。

2 Yea,1571 whereto4100 might the strength3581 of their hands3027 profit me, in whom5921 old age3624 was perished?6

2 他們壯年的氣力既已衰敗,其手之力與我何益呢?

3 For want2639 and famine3720 they were solitary;1565 fleeing6207 into the wilderness6723 in former time570 desolate7722 and waste.4875

3 他們因窮乏飢餓,身體枯瘦,就逃到從前荒廢淒涼之地[fleeing into the wilderness in former time desolate and waste]

4 Who cut up6998 mallows4408 by5921 the bushes,7880 and juniper7574 roots8328 for their meat.3899

4 在草叢之中採鹹草,羅騰的根為他們的食物。

5 They were driven forth1644 from4480 among1460 men, (they cried7321 after5921 them as after a thief;)1590

5 他們從人中被趕出;(人追喊他們如賊一般;)

6 To dwell7931 in the clefts6178 of the valleys,5158 in caves2356 of the earth,6083 and in the rocks.3710

6 以致他們住在荒谷之間,在地洞和岩穴中;

7 Among996 the bushes7880 they brayed;5101 under8478 the nettles2738 they were gathered together.5596

7 在草叢中叫喚,在荊棘下聚集。

8 They were children1121 of fools,5036 yea,1571 children1121 of base men:1097 8034 they were viler5217 than4480 the earth.776

8 這都是愚頑下賤人的兒女;他們比泥土還卑賤[viler than the earth]

9 And now6258 am1961 I their song,5058 yea, I am1961 their byword.4405

9 現在這些人以我為歌曲,以我為笑談。

10 They abhor8581 me, they flee far7368 from4480 me, and spare2820 not3808 to spit7536 in my face.4480 6440

10 他們厭惡我,遠遠地躲避我[flee far from me],不住地吐唾沫在我臉上。

11 Because3588 he hath loosed6605 my cord,3499 and afflicted6031 me, they have also let loose7971 the bridle7448 before4480 6440 me.

11 鬆開他們的繩索苦待我,在我面前脫去轡頭。

12 Upon5921 my right3225 hand rise6965 the youth;6526 they push away7971 my feet,7272 and they raise up5549 against5921 me the ways734 of their destruction.343

12 這等少年人[youth]在我右邊起來,推開我的腳,築成戰路來攻擊我。

13 They mar5420 my path,5410 they set forward3276 my calamity,1942 they have no3808 helper.5826

13 這些無人幫助的,毀壞我的道,加增我的災。

14 They came857 upon me as a wide7342 breaking in6556 of waters: in8478 the desolation7722 they rolled themselves1556 upon me.

14 他們來如同闖進大破口的水[waters],在毀壞之間滾在我身上。

15 Terrors1091 are turned2015 upon5921 me: they pursue7291 my soul5082 as the wind:7307 and my welfare3444 passeth away5674 as a cloud.5645

15 驚恐臨到我,他們尋索我的性命[they pursue my soul]如風;我的福祿如雲過去。

16 And now6258 my soul5315 is poured out8210 upon5921 me; the days3117 of affliction6040 have taken hold upon270 me.

16 現在我心極其悲傷;困苦的日子將我抓住。

17 My bones6106 are pierced5365 in4480 5921 me in the night season:3915 and my sinews6207 take no rest.7901 3808

17 夜間,我裏面的骨頭刺我,我的筋[my sinews]不得休息[take no rest]

18 By the great7230 force3581 of my disease is my garment3830 changed:2664 it bindeth me about247 as the collar6310 of my coat.3801

18我病[my disease]的大力,我的外衣改變[changed],又如裏衣的領子將我纏住。

19 He hath cast3384 me into the mire,2563 and I am become4911 like dust6083 and ashes.665

19 神把我扔在淤泥中,我就像塵土和爐灰一般。

20 I cry7768 unto413 thee, and thou dost not3808 hear6030 me: I stand up,5975 and thou regardest995 me not.

20 我呼求你,你不聽允[hear]我;我站起來,你不顧念我[regardest me not]

21 Thou art become2015 cruel393 to me: with thy strong6108 hand3027 thou opposest thyself against7852 me.

21待我變為殘忍[become cruel to me],又用大能的[hand]抵制[opposest]我。

22 Thou liftest me up5375 to413 the wind;7307 thou causest me to ride7392 upon it, and dissolvest4127 my substance.7738

22 [Thou]把我提在風中,使我駕風而行,又消滅我的貨財[dissolvest my substance]

23 For3588 I know3045 that thou wilt bring7725 me to death,4194 and to the house1004 appointed4150 for all3605 living.2416


24 Howbeit389 he will not3808 stretch out7971 his hand3027 to the grave,1164 though518 they cry7769 in his destruction.6365

24 然而人遇毀滅,雖然求救[though they cry in his destruction]他並不向墳墓伸手[he will not stretch out his hand to the grave]

25 Did not3808 I weep1058 for him that was in trouble?7186 3117 was not my soul5315 grieved5701 for the poor?34

25 人遭難,我豈不為他哭泣呢?人窮乏,我豈不為他憂愁呢?

26 When3588 I looked for6960 good,2896 then evil7451 came935 unto me: and when I waited3176 for light,216 there came935 darkness.652

26 我仰望得好處,災禍就臨到我了[came unto me];我等待光明,黑暗便來了。

27 My bowels4578 boiled,7570 and rested1826 not:3808 the days3117 of affliction6040 prevented6923 me.

27 我心裏煩擾不安,困苦的日子臨到我身。

28 I went1980 mourning6937 without3808 the sun:2535 I stood up,6965 and I cried7768 in the congregation.6951

28 我沒有日光就哀哭行去[I went mourning without the sun];我在會中站著求救。

29 I am1961 a brother251 to dragons,8577 and a companion7453 to owls.1323 3284

29 我與[dragons]兄弟[brother],與貓頭鷹[owls]為同伴。

30 My skin5785 is black7835 upon4480 5921 me, and my bones6106 are burned2787 with4480 heat.2721

30 我的皮膚在我身上黝黑[black upon me];我的骨頭因熱燒焦。

31 My harp3658 also is1961 turned to mourning,60 and my organ5748 into the voice6963 of them that weep.1058

31 我的弦琴也[My harp also is]變為悲音;我的風琴[organ]變為哭聲。