
Chapter 4

1 Hear,8085 ye children,1121 the instruction4148 of a father,1 and attend7181 to know3045 understanding.998

2 For3588 I give5414 you good2896 doctrine,3948 forsake5800 ye not408 my law.8451

3 For3588 I was1961 my father's1 son,1121 tender7390 and only3173 beloved in the sight6440 of my mother.517

4 He taught3384 me also, and said559 unto me, Let thine heart3820 retain8551 my words:1697 keep8104 my commandments,4687 and live.2421

5 Get7069 wisdom,2451 get7069 understanding:998 forget7911 it not;408 neither408 decline5186 from the words4480 561 of my mouth.6310

6 Forsake5800 her not,408 and she shall preserve8104 thee: love157 her, and she shall keep5341 thee.

7 Wisdom2451 is the principal thing;7225 therefore get7069 wisdom:2451 and with all3605 thy getting7075 get7069 understanding.998

8 Exalt5549 her, and she shall promote7311 thee: she shall bring thee to honor,3513 when3588 thou dost embrace2263 her.

9 She shall give5414 to thine head7218 an ornament3880 of grace:2580 a crown5850 of glory8597 shall she deliver4042 to thee.

10 Hear,8085 O my son,1121 and receive3947 my sayings;561 and the years8141 of thy life2416 shall be many.7235

11 I have taught3384 thee in the way1870 of wisdom;2451 I have led1869 thee in right3476 paths.4570

12 When thou goest,1980 thy steps6806 shall not3808 be straitened;3334 and when518 thou runnest,7323 thou shalt not3808 stumble.3782

13 Take fast hold2388 of instruction;4148 let her not408 go:7503 keep5341 her; for3588 she1931 is thy life.2416

14 Enter935 not408 into the path734 of the wicked,7563 and go833 not408 in the way1870 of evil7451 men.

15 Avoid6544 it, pass5674 not408 by it, turn7847 from4480 5921 it, and pass away.5674

16 For3588 they sleep3462 not,3808 except518 3808 they have done mischief;7489 and their sleep8142 is taken away,1497 unless518 3808 they cause some to fall.3782

17 For3588 they eat3898 the bread3899 of wickedness,7562 and drink8354 the wine3196 of violence.2555

18 But the path734 of the just6662 is as the shining5051 light,216 that shineth215 more and more1980 unto5704 the perfect3559 day.3117

19 The way1870 of the wicked7563 is as darkness:653 they know3045 not3808 at what4100 they stumble.3782

20 My son,1121 attend7181 to my words;1697 incline5186 thine ear241 unto my sayings.561

21 Let them not408 depart3868 from thine eyes;4480 5869 keep8104 them in the midst8432 of thine heart.3824

22 For3588 they1992 are life2416 unto those that find4672 them, and health4832 to all3605 their flesh.1320

23 Keep5341 thy heart3820 with all4480 3605 diligence;4929 for3588 out of4480 it are the issues8444 of life.2416

24 Put away5493 from4480 thee a froward6143 mouth,6310 and perverse3891 lips8193 put far7368 from4480 thee.

25 Let thine eyes5869 look5027 right on,5227 and let thine eyelids6079 look straight3474 before5048 thee.

26 Ponder6424 the path4570 of thy feet,7272 and let all3605 thy ways1870 be established.3559

27 Turn5186 not408 to the right hand3225 nor to the left:8040 remove5493 thy foot7272 from evil.4480 7451



1 眾子啊,要聽父親的教訓,留心得知聰明。

2 因我所給你們的是好道理[doctrine];不可離棄我的法則[law]

3 我在父親面前為孝子,在母親眼中為獨一的嬌兒。

4 父親教訓我說:你心要存記我的言語,遵守我的命令,便得存活。

5 要得智慧,要得聰明,不可忘記,也不可偏離我口中的言語。

6 不可離棄智慧,智慧就護衛你;要愛她,她就保守你。

7 智慧為首;所以,要得智慧。用你一切所得的去換聰明[with all thy getting get understanding]

8 高舉智慧,她就使你高升;懷抱智慧,她就使你尊榮。

9 她必將妝飾[ornament of grace]加在你頭上;把榮冕交給你。

10 我兒[O],你要聽受我的言語,就必延年益壽。

11 我已指教你走智慧的道,引導你行正確[right]的路。

12 你行走,腳步必不致狹窄;你奔跑,也不致跌倒。

13 要持定訓誨,不可放鬆;必當謹守,因為她是你的生命。

14 不可行惡人的路;不要走壞人的道。

15 要躲避,不可經過;要轉身而去。

16 這等人若不行惡,不得睡覺;不使人跌倒,睡臥不安;

17 因為他們以奸惡吃餅,以強暴喝酒。

18 但義人的路好像照耀的光[shining light],越照越明,直到完全之日[perfect day]

19 惡人的道好像幽暗,自己不知因甚麼跌倒。

20 我兒,要留心聽我的言詞,側耳聽我的話語,

21 都不可離你的眼目,要存記在你心中。

22 因為得著它們[they]的,就得了生命,又得了醫全體的良藥。

23 你要切切保守你心[Keep thy heart with all diligence],因為一生的果效是由心發出。

24 你要除掉邪僻的口,棄絕乖謬的嘴。

25 你的眼目要向前正看;你的眼皮[eyelids]當向前直觀。


27 不可偏向左右;要使你的腳離開邪惡。


Chapter 4



1 Hear,8085 ye children,1121 the instruction4148 of a father,1 and attend7181 to know3045 understanding.998

1 眾子啊,要聽父親的教訓,留心得知聰明。

2 For3588 I give5414 you good2896 doctrine,3948 forsake5800 ye not408 my law.8451

2 因我所給你們的是好道理[doctrine];不可離棄我的法則[law]

3 For3588 I was1961 my father's1 son,1121 tender7390 and only3173 beloved in the sight6440 of my mother.517

3 我在父親面前為孝子,在母親眼中為獨一的嬌兒。

4 He taught3384 me also, and said559 unto me, Let thine heart3820 retain8551 my words:1697 keep8104 my commandments,4687 and live.2421

4 父親教訓我說:你心要存記我的言語,遵守我的命令,便得存活。

5 Get7069 wisdom,2451 get7069 understanding:998 forget7911 it not;408 neither408 decline5186 from the words4480 561 of my mouth.6310

5 要得智慧,要得聰明,不可忘記,也不可偏離我口中的言語。

6 Forsake5800 her not,408 and she shall preserve8104 thee: love157 her, and she shall keep5341 thee.

6 不可離棄智慧,智慧就護衛你;要愛她,她就保守你。

7 Wisdom2451 is the principal thing;7225 therefore get7069 wisdom:2451 and with all3605 thy getting7075 get7069 understanding.998

7 智慧為首;所以,要得智慧。用你一切所得的去換聰明[with all thy getting get understanding]

8 Exalt5549 her, and she shall promote7311 thee: she shall bring thee to honor,3513 when3588 thou dost embrace2263 her.

8 高舉智慧,她就使你高升;懷抱智慧,她就使你尊榮。

9 She shall give5414 to thine head7218 an ornament3880 of grace:2580 a crown5850 of glory8597 shall she deliver4042 to thee.

9 她必將妝飾[ornament of grace]加在你頭上;把榮冕交給你。

10 Hear,8085 O my son,1121 and receive3947 my sayings;561 and the years8141 of thy life2416 shall be many.7235

10 我兒[O],你要聽受我的言語,就必延年益壽。

11 I have taught3384 thee in the way1870 of wisdom;2451 I have led1869 thee in right3476 paths.4570

11 我已指教你走智慧的道,引導你行正確[right]的路。

12 When thou goest,1980 thy steps6806 shall not3808 be straitened;3334 and when518 thou runnest,7323 thou shalt not3808 stumble.3782

12 你行走,腳步必不致狹窄;你奔跑,也不致跌倒。

13 Take fast hold2388 of instruction;4148 let her not408 go:7503 keep5341 her; for3588 she1931 is thy life.2416

13 要持定訓誨,不可放鬆;必當謹守,因為她是你的生命。

14 Enter935 not408 into the path734 of the wicked,7563 and go833 not408 in the way1870 of evil7451 men.

14 不可行惡人的路;不要走壞人的道。

15 Avoid6544 it, pass5674 not408 by it, turn7847 from4480 5921 it, and pass away.5674

15 要躲避,不可經過;要轉身而去。

16 For3588 they sleep3462 not,3808 except518 3808 they have done mischief;7489 and their sleep8142 is taken away,1497 unless518 3808 they cause some to fall.3782

16 這等人若不行惡,不得睡覺;不使人跌倒,睡臥不安;

17 For3588 they eat3898 the bread3899 of wickedness,7562 and drink8354 the wine3196 of violence.2555

17 因為他們以奸惡吃餅,以強暴喝酒。

18 But the path734 of the just6662 is as the shining5051 light,216 that shineth215 more and more1980 unto5704 the perfect3559 day.3117

18 但義人的路好像照耀的光[shining light],越照越明,直到完全之日[perfect day]

19 The way1870 of the wicked7563 is as darkness:653 they know3045 not3808 at what4100 they stumble.3782

19 惡人的道好像幽暗,自己不知因甚麼跌倒。

20 My son,1121 attend7181 to my words;1697 incline5186 thine ear241 unto my sayings.561

20 我兒,要留心聽我的言詞,側耳聽我的話語,

21 Let them not408 depart3868 from thine eyes;4480 5869 keep8104 them in the midst8432 of thine heart.3824

21 都不可離你的眼目,要存記在你心中。

22 For3588 they1992 are life2416 unto those that find4672 them, and health4832 to all3605 their flesh.1320

22 因為得著它們[they]的,就得了生命,又得了醫全體的良藥。

23 Keep5341 thy heart3820 with all4480 3605 diligence;4929 for3588 out of4480 it are the issues8444 of life.2416

23 你要切切保守你心[Keep thy heart with all diligence],因為一生的果效是由心發出。

24 Put away5493 from4480 thee a froward6143 mouth,6310 and perverse3891 lips8193 put far7368 from4480 thee.

24 你要除掉邪僻的口,棄絕乖謬的嘴。

25 Let thine eyes5869 look5027 right on,5227 and let thine eyelids6079 look straight3474 before5048 thee.

25 你的眼目要向前正看;你的眼皮[eyelids]當向前直觀。

26 Ponder6424 the path4570 of thy feet,7272 and let all3605 thy ways1870 be established.3559


27 Turn5186 not408 to the right hand3225 nor to the left:8040 remove5493 thy foot7272 from evil.4480 7451

27 不可偏向左右;要使你的腳離開邪惡。