
Chapter 7

1 My son,1121 keep8104 my words,561 and lay up6845 my commandments4687 with854 thee.

2 Keep8104 my commandments,4687 and live;2421 and my law8451 as the apple380 of thine eye.5869

3 Bind7194 them upon5921 thy fingers,676 write3789 them upon5921 the table3871 of thine heart.3820

4 Say559 unto wisdom,2451 Thou859 art my sister;269 and call7121 understanding998 thy kinswoman: 4129

5 That they may keep8104 thee from the strange2114 woman,4480 802 from the stranger4480 5237 which flattereth2505 with her words.561

6 For3588 at the window2474 of my house1004 I looked8259 through1157 my casement,822

7 And beheld7200 among the simple ones,6612 I discerned995 among the youths,1121 a young man5288 void2638 of understanding,3820

8 Passing5674 through the street7784 near681 her corner;6438 and he went6805 the way1870 to her house,1004

9 In the twilight,5399 in the evening,6153 3117 in the black380 and dark653 night: 3915

10 And, behold,2009 there met7125 him a woman802 with the attire7897 of a harlot,2181 and subtle5341 of heart.3820

11 (She1931 is loud1993 and stubborn;5637 her feet7272 abide7931 not3808 in her house: 1004

12 Now6471 is she without,2351 now6471 in the streets,7339 and lieth in wait693 at681 every3605 corner.)6438

13 So she caught2388 him, and kissed5401 him, and with an impudent5810 face6440 said559 unto him,

14 I have peace offerings2077 8002 with5921 me; this day3117 have I paid7999 my vows.5088

15 Therefore5921 3651 came I forth3318 to meet7125 thee, diligently to seek7836 thy face,6440 and I have found4672 thee.

16 I have decked7234 my bed6210 with coverings of tapestry,4765 with carved2405 works, with fine linen330 of Egypt.4714

17 I have perfumed5130 my bed4904 with myrrh,4753 aloes,174 and cinnamon.7076

18 Come,1980 let us take our fill7301 of love1730 until5704 the morning:1242 let us solace ourselves5965 with loves.159

19 For3588 the goodman376 is not369 at home,1004 he is gone1980 a long4480 7350 journey: 1870

20 He hath taken3947 a bag6872 of money3701 with3027 him, and will come935 home1004 at the day3117 appointed.3677

21 With her much7230 fair speech3948 she caused him to yield,5186 with the flattering2506 of her lips8193 she forced5080 him.

22 He goeth1980 after310 her straightway,6597 as an ox7794 goeth935 to413 the slaughter,2874 or as a fool191 to413 the correction4148 of the stocks;5914

23 Till5704 a dart2671 strike through6398 his liver;3516 as a bird6833 hasteth4116 to413 the snare,6341 and knoweth3045 not3808 that3588 it1931 is for his life.5315

24 Hearken8085 unto me now6258 therefore, O ye children,1121 and attend7181 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

25 Let not408 thine heart3820 decline7847 to413 her ways,1870 go not astray8582 408 in her paths.5410

26 For3588 she hath cast down5307 many7227 wounded:2491 yea, many3605 strong6099 men have been slain2026 by her.

27 Her house1004 is the way1870 to hell,7585 going down3381 to413 the chambers2315 of death.4194


Chapter 7

1 MY son, keep my words and hide my commandments within you.

2 Keep my commandments and live, and my law as the pupil of your eye.

3 Bind them about your neck; write them upon the tablets of your heart.

4 Say to wisdom, You are my sister; and to understanding, You are my counselor

5 That they may keep you from the strange woman, from the stranger that flatters with her words.

6 For from the window of her house and from the balcony she looked out,

7 And she beheld young men, she spied among the youths, and those who lacked understanding,

8 Passing through the street near the corner of her house,

9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night;

10 And, behold, there came out a woman with the attire of a harlot to meet one of them, a woman who fluttered the hearts of young men.

11 She is rebellious and gluttonous; her feet do not abide in her house;

12 But she roams around outside, now in the streets, and now lying in wait at the corners.

13 So she caught him and kissed him, and, with an impudent face, said to him,

14 This day I have paid my vows, I have peace offerings with me;

15 Therefore I came out to meet you, for I have been waiting to see you, and now I have found you.

16 I have made my bed upon a carpet; I have covered it with fine linen of Egypt.

17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning; let us embrace each other with passion.

19 For my husband is not at home, he has gone on a long journey:

20 He has taken a bag of money with him, and it will be a long time before he comes home.

21 With much fair speech she misled him, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

22 He went after her as a little child, as an ox that goes to the slaughter, and as a dog to be muzzled;

23 And as a stag whose liver is pierced with an arrow, as a bird hastens to the snare, and does not know that he goes to his death.

24 Now therefore, O my children, hearken to me, and attend to the words of my mouth.

25 Let not your heart incline to her ways, do not go astray in her paths.

26 For she has cast down many wounded; yea, many mighty men have been slain by her.

27 The ways to her house are the ways to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.


Chapter 7


Chapter 7

1 My son,1121 keep8104 my words,561 and lay up6845 my commandments4687 with854 thee.

1 MY son, keep my words and hide my commandments within you.

2 Keep8104 my commandments,4687 and live;2421 and my law8451 as the apple380 of thine eye.5869

2 Keep my commandments and live, and my law as the pupil of your eye.

3 Bind7194 them upon5921 thy fingers,676 write3789 them upon5921 the table3871 of thine heart.3820

3 Bind them about your neck; write them upon the tablets of your heart.

4 Say559 unto wisdom,2451 Thou859 art my sister;269 and call7121 understanding998 thy kinswoman: 4129

4 Say to wisdom, You are my sister; and to understanding, You are my counselor

5 That they may keep8104 thee from the strange2114 woman,4480 802 from the stranger4480 5237 which flattereth2505 with her words.561

5 That they may keep you from the strange woman, from the stranger that flatters with her words.

6 For3588 at the window2474 of my house1004 I looked8259 through1157 my casement,822

6 For from the window of her house and from the balcony she looked out,

7 And beheld7200 among the simple ones,6612 I discerned995 among the youths,1121 a young man5288 void2638 of understanding,3820

7 And she beheld young men, she spied among the youths, and those who lacked understanding,

8 Passing5674 through the street7784 near681 her corner;6438 and he went6805 the way1870 to her house,1004

8 Passing through the street near the corner of her house,

9 In the twilight,5399 in the evening,6153 3117 in the black380 and dark653 night: 3915

9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night;

10 And, behold,2009 there met7125 him a woman802 with the attire7897 of a harlot,2181 and subtle5341 of heart.3820

10 And, behold, there came out a woman with the attire of a harlot to meet one of them, a woman who fluttered the hearts of young men.

11 (She1931 is loud1993 and stubborn;5637 her feet7272 abide7931 not3808 in her house: 1004

11 She is rebellious and gluttonous; her feet do not abide in her house;

12 Now6471 is she without,2351 now6471 in the streets,7339 and lieth in wait693 at681 every3605 corner.)6438

12 But she roams around outside, now in the streets, and now lying in wait at the corners.

13 So she caught2388 him, and kissed5401 him, and with an impudent5810 face6440 said559 unto him,

13 So she caught him and kissed him, and, with an impudent face, said to him,

14 I have peace offerings2077 8002 with5921 me; this day3117 have I paid7999 my vows.5088

14 This day I have paid my vows, I have peace offerings with me;

15 Therefore5921 3651 came I forth3318 to meet7125 thee, diligently to seek7836 thy face,6440 and I have found4672 thee.

15 Therefore I came out to meet you, for I have been waiting to see you, and now I have found you.

16 I have decked7234 my bed6210 with coverings of tapestry,4765 with carved2405 works, with fine linen330 of Egypt.4714

16 I have made my bed upon a carpet; I have covered it with fine linen of Egypt.

17 I have perfumed5130 my bed4904 with myrrh,4753 aloes,174 and cinnamon.7076

17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18 Come,1980 let us take our fill7301 of love1730 until5704 the morning:1242 let us solace ourselves5965 with loves.159

18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning; let us embrace each other with passion.

19 For3588 the goodman376 is not369 at home,1004 he is gone1980 a long4480 7350 journey: 1870

19 For my husband is not at home, he has gone on a long journey:

20 He hath taken3947 a bag6872 of money3701 with3027 him, and will come935 home1004 at the day3117 appointed.3677

20 He has taken a bag of money with him, and it will be a long time before he comes home.

21 With her much7230 fair speech3948 she caused him to yield,5186 with the flattering2506 of her lips8193 she forced5080 him.

21 With much fair speech she misled him, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

22 He goeth1980 after310 her straightway,6597 as an ox7794 goeth935 to413 the slaughter,2874 or as a fool191 to413 the correction4148 of the stocks;5914

22 He went after her as a little child, as an ox that goes to the slaughter, and as a dog to be muzzled;

23 Till5704 a dart2671 strike through6398 his liver;3516 as a bird6833 hasteth4116 to413 the snare,6341 and knoweth3045 not3808 that3588 it1931 is for his life.5315

23 And as a stag whose liver is pierced with an arrow, as a bird hastens to the snare, and does not know that he goes to his death.

24 Hearken8085 unto me now6258 therefore, O ye children,1121 and attend7181 to the words561 of my mouth.6310

24 Now therefore, O my children, hearken to me, and attend to the words of my mouth.

25 Let not408 thine heart3820 decline7847 to413 her ways,1870 go not astray8582 408 in her paths.5410

25 Let not your heart incline to her ways, do not go astray in her paths.

26 For3588 she hath cast down5307 many7227 wounded:2491 yea, many3605 strong6099 men have been slain2026 by her.

26 For she has cast down many wounded; yea, many mighty men have been slain by her.

27 Her house1004 is the way1870 to hell,7585 going down3381 to413 the chambers2315 of death.4194

27 The ways to her house are the ways to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death.