
Chapter 7

1 THEN the high priest asked Stephen, Are these things so?

2 He said, Men, brethren and our fathers, harken: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mes-opo- ta'mi-a before he came to dwell in Ha'ran.

3 And he said to him, Get out of your land and from your relatives and come into the land which I shall show you.

4 Then Abraham left the land of the Chalde'ans and he came and settled in Ha'ran and from thence, after his father's death, God removed him into this land in which you now live.

5 And he gave him no inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it as an inheritance to him and to his posterity, when as yet he had no son.

6 God spoke to him and said, Your descendants will be settlers in a foreign land where they will be enslaved and mistreated for a period of four hundred years.

7 But the people to whom they will be enslaved I will condemn, said God, and after that, they shall go out and serve me in this land.

8 God gave Ab'raham the covenant of circumcision; and then Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat our twelve patriarchs.

9 And our forefathers were jealous of Joseph; so they sold him into Egypt; but God was with him.

10 And he saved him from all his oppressors and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and Pharaoh appointed Joseph an overlord over Egypt and over all his house.

11 Now there came a famine which brought great distress throughout Egypt and in the land of Ca'naan so that our forefathers found no sustenance.

12 But when Jacob heard that there was wheat in Egypt, he sent out our forefathers on their first venture.

13 When they went the second time, Joseph made himself known to his brothers; and Joseph's family was made known to Pharaoh.

14 Then Joseph sent and brought his father Jacob and all his family, seventy-five souls in number.

15 So Jacob went down to Egypt where he and our forefathers died.

16 And he was removed to Sy'chem and buried in the sepulchre which Abraham had bought for a sum of money from the sons of Ha'mor.

17 But when the time of the promise was at hand, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people had already increased and become strong in Egypt,

18 Till another king reigned over Egypt who knew not Joseph.

19 He dealt deceitfully with our kindred, ill treated our forefathers, and commanded that they cast out their male children to the end that they might not live.

20 During that very period Moses was born, and he was favored before God, so that for three months he was nourished in his father's house.

21 And when he was cast away by his mother, Pharaoh's daughter found him and reared him as a son for herself.

22 So Moses was trained in all the wisdom of the E-gyp'tians and he was well versed in his words and also in his deeds.

23 And when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel.

24 When he saw one of his own kindred mistreated, he avenged him and did justice to him, and killed the E-gyp'tian who had mistreated him.

25 For he thought his brethren, the Is'ra-elites, would understand that God would grant them deliverance by his hand, but they understood not.

26 And the next day he found them quarreling one with another and he pleaded with them that they might be reconciled, saying, Men, you are brothers; why are you wronging one another?

27 But the one who was wronging his fellow thrust him aside and said to him, Who appointed you leader and judge over us?

28 Perhaps you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday.

29 And because of this saying, Moses fled and took refuge in the land of Ma'di-an where two sons were born to him.

30 And when he had completed forty years, there appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Si'nai, an angel of the LORD in a flame of fire in a bush.

31 When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to look at it, the LORD spoke to him in a loud voice,

32 Saying, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob. And Moses trembled and dared not look at the sight.

33 Then the LORD said to him, Take off your shoes from your feet, for the ground on which you stand is holy.

34 Already I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt, I have heard their groans, and I have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you into Egypt.

35 This Moses whom they had denied, saying, Who appointed you leader and judge over us?, this very one God sent to be a leader and deliverer to them by the hand of the angel which had appeared to him in the bush.

36 It was he who brought them out after he had performed miracles, wonders, and signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red sea and in the wilderness for forty years.

37 This is the Moses who said to the children of Israel, The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet, like me, from among your brethren; give heed to him.

38 It was he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him and to our fathers in Mount Sinai: He is the one who received the living words to give to us.

39 Yet our fathers would not listen to him, but they left him, and in their hearts turned towards Egypt.

40 They said to Aar'on, Make us gods to go before us, for this very Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.

41 And they made a calf for themselves in those days and offered sacrifices to idols and were pleased with the work of their hands.

42 Then God turned and gave them up that they might worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets, O Is'rael- ites, why have you offered me slain animals or sacrifices during the period of forty years in the wilderness?

43 Indeed you have borne the tabernacle of Mo'loch and the star of the god Rem'phan; and you have made images to worship them; therefore I will remove you beyond Bab'ylon.

44 Behold the tabernacle of the testimony of our fathers was in the wilderness just as he who spoke to Moses had commanded him to make it after the pattern which he had shown him.

45 And this very tabernacle, our fathers, together with Joshua, brought into the land which God took away from the peoples whom he drove out before them and gave it to them for an inheritance, and it was handed down until the days of David:

46 Who found favor before God and asked that he might find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob.

47 But Solomon built God a house.

48 Yet the Most High did not dwell in temples made with hands for, as the prophet had said,

49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is the footstool under my feet. What kind of house will you build me? says the LORD, or Where is the place of my rest?

50 Behold, has not my hand made all these things?

51 O you stubborn and insincere in heart and hearing, you always resist the Holy Spirit: as your fathers did, so do you.

52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and murdered? Especially have they slain those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One whom you betrayed and murdered.

53 You received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.

54 When they heard these things, they were enraged, and gnashed their teeth at him.

55 But he, full of faith and Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

56 And he said, Behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.

57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears and with one accord, shouted threats against Stephen.

58 And they seized him and took him outside the city and began to stone him. Those who testified against him placed their clothes under the care of a young man called Saul.

59 And they stoned Stephen as he prayed, saying, Our LORD Jesus, accept my spirit.

60 And as he knelt down, he cried with a loud voice and said, Our LORD, do not hold this sin against them. When he had said this, he passed away.



1 祭司長問士提反曰、果有是乎、

2 曰、諸父兄弟聽之、昔我祖亞伯拉罕在米所波大米、未居哈蘭時、榮光之上帝見、曰、

3 出故土、離戚族、往我所示之地、

4 乃離迦勒底、居哈蘭、父死後、徙至爾所居之地、

5 當此之時、上帝未嘗以尺土賜之、然以此地許彼爲業、爰及苗裔、時、亞伯拉罕尚未有子也、

6 上帝曰、爾之苗裔、將旅於異地、彼以之爲奴、困苦歷四百年、

7 異邦奴之者、我必責之、後爾苗裔將出、事我於此矣、

8 乃予以割禮之約、於是亞伯拉罕生以撒、八日行割禮、以撒生雅各、雅各生我之十二祖、

9 列祖妒約瑟、鬻於埃及、上帝祐之、

10 拯出諸難、賜以智慧、俾得埃及王法老寵、法老封爲埃及伯兼司宗室、

11 値埃及迦南饑、窘甚、我祖絕糧、

12 雅各聞埃及有舊穀、遺我祖往、

13 已而再遣之、約瑟使兄弟識己、以族聞於法老、

14 約瑟遂遣兄弟迎父雅各與族七十五人、

15 於是雅各及我列祖、咸往埃及終焉、

16 反葬叙劍之墓、乃叙劍之哈抹子孫之地、亞伯拉罕以金買之者、

17 迨上帝誓許亞伯拉罕之期近、我民居埃及者蕃衍、

18 新王卽位、不念約瑟、

19 陰謀我族、困苦我祖、使棄其嬰、無俾遺種、

20 時摩西生而岐嶷、育於家三月、

21 棄之、埃及王之女育爲己子、

22 摩西盡得埃及人學術、言行兼優、

23 念以色列人、兄弟也、行年四十、欲往視之、

24 見一人寃抑、則保護爲受屈者伸雪、而殺埃及人、

25 意兄弟必悟、上帝將以己救之、而兄弟不悟也、

26 明日見兄弟鬭、勸之使和曰、爾乃兄弟、何相害也、

27 其不義者拒摩西曰、誰立爾爲有司刑官、以治我乎、

28 昔爾殺埃及人、今欲殺我乎、

29 摩西聞言而奔、旅於米田、生二子焉、

30 逾四十載、於西乃山野、棘火焰中、主之使者顯與摩西、

31 摩西見而奇之、近前諦視、聞主聲曰、

32 我乃爾祖之上帝、卽亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝也、摩西戰慄不敢視、

33 主曰、解爾履、爾所立之處聖地也、

34 我民在埃及者、我見其苦、常聞嘅歎之聲、故臨拯之、往哉、我遣爾之埃及也、

35 民嘗拒摩西云、誰立爾爲有司刑官耶、而上帝託棘中所見之使者、遣摩西爲有司救主、

36 率民出其地、行奇事異蹟於埃及、紅海、曠野、四十年、〇

37 謂以色列人曰、主爾上帝將於爾昆弟中、挺生先知若我、爾必聽之、

38 昔於曠野會中、摩西往來天使列祖間、天使於西乃山與語、摩西受生命之道以授我、

39 列祖不順而拒之、欲反埃及、

40 謂亞倫曰、摩西率我出埃及、不知所往、今爾爲我作上帝像以導我、

41 乃鑄像若犢、祭之、喜己手所作也、

42 於是上帝弗恤、聽其奉事天上列宿、先知書有云、以色列族乎、爾於曠野四十年、非以犧牲祭物獻我歟、

43 何爾又肩摩落之龕、舉爾上帝臉番之星、卽爾所造之像、欲拜之者、我將徙爾於巴比倫外矣、

44 昔於曠野、我列祖有幕可證、如上帝命摩西云、爾必遵所見幕式而造之、

45 是後、上帝逐異邦人於我祖前、我祖與約書亞相承此幕、奉之入居其地、傳至大闢、

46 大闢獲寵於上帝前、欲爲雅各之上帝創殿、

47 所羅門建之、

48 然手造之殿、至上者弗居、如先知所云、

49 主曰、天乃我坐位、地乃我足凳、爾曹何殿以容我、何地以安我乎、

50 萬物非我手所造耶、〇

51 爾强項塞心充耳之人、恒逆聖神、爾祖所行、爾亦若是、

52 孰有先知而爾祖不窘逐者乎、昔爾祖殺預言義者將至之人、今義者至、爾卽解而誅之、

53 律例藉天使以傳、爾曹受而不守也、〇

54 衆聞言、忿恚切齒、

55 士提反感於聖神、注目仰天、見上帝之榮、耶穌立上帝右、

56 曰、我見天啓、人子立上帝右、

57 衆厲聲而呼、掩耳、同心蜂擁、

58 逐之出城、石擊之、證者解衣、置少者掃羅前、

59 衆石擊士提反、士提反籲曰、請主耶穌接我神也、

60 屈膝大呼曰、主乎、勿以此罪歸之、言畢而逝、掃羅見其死、亦喜、


Chapter 7



1 THEN the high priest asked Stephen, Are these things so?

1 祭司長問士提反曰、果有是乎、

2 He said, Men, brethren and our fathers, harken: The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was still in Mes-opo- ta'mi-a before he came to dwell in Ha'ran.

2 曰、諸父兄弟聽之、昔我祖亞伯拉罕在米所波大米、未居哈蘭時、榮光之上帝見、曰、

3 And he said to him, Get out of your land and from your relatives and come into the land which I shall show you.

3 出故土、離戚族、往我所示之地、

4 Then Abraham left the land of the Chalde'ans and he came and settled in Ha'ran and from thence, after his father's death, God removed him into this land in which you now live.

4 乃離迦勒底、居哈蘭、父死後、徙至爾所居之地、

5 And he gave him no inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it as an inheritance to him and to his posterity, when as yet he had no son.

5 當此之時、上帝未嘗以尺土賜之、然以此地許彼爲業、爰及苗裔、時、亞伯拉罕尚未有子也、

6 God spoke to him and said, Your descendants will be settlers in a foreign land where they will be enslaved and mistreated for a period of four hundred years.

6 上帝曰、爾之苗裔、將旅於異地、彼以之爲奴、困苦歷四百年、

7 But the people to whom they will be enslaved I will condemn, said God, and after that, they shall go out and serve me in this land.

7 異邦奴之者、我必責之、後爾苗裔將出、事我於此矣、

8 God gave Ab'raham the covenant of circumcision; and then Abraham begat Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat our twelve patriarchs.

8 乃予以割禮之約、於是亞伯拉罕生以撒、八日行割禮、以撒生雅各、雅各生我之十二祖、

9 And our forefathers were jealous of Joseph; so they sold him into Egypt; but God was with him.

9 列祖妒約瑟、鬻於埃及、上帝祐之、

10 And he saved him from all his oppressors and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and Pharaoh appointed Joseph an overlord over Egypt and over all his house.

10 拯出諸難、賜以智慧、俾得埃及王法老寵、法老封爲埃及伯兼司宗室、

11 Now there came a famine which brought great distress throughout Egypt and in the land of Ca'naan so that our forefathers found no sustenance.

11 値埃及迦南饑、窘甚、我祖絕糧、

12 But when Jacob heard that there was wheat in Egypt, he sent out our forefathers on their first venture.

12 雅各聞埃及有舊穀、遺我祖往、

13 When they went the second time, Joseph made himself known to his brothers; and Joseph's family was made known to Pharaoh.

13 已而再遣之、約瑟使兄弟識己、以族聞於法老、

14 Then Joseph sent and brought his father Jacob and all his family, seventy-five souls in number.

14 約瑟遂遣兄弟迎父雅各與族七十五人、

15 So Jacob went down to Egypt where he and our forefathers died.

15 於是雅各及我列祖、咸往埃及終焉、

16 And he was removed to Sy'chem and buried in the sepulchre which Abraham had bought for a sum of money from the sons of Ha'mor.

16 反葬叙劍之墓、乃叙劍之哈抹子孫之地、亞伯拉罕以金買之者、

17 But when the time of the promise was at hand, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people had already increased and become strong in Egypt,

17 迨上帝誓許亞伯拉罕之期近、我民居埃及者蕃衍、

18 Till another king reigned over Egypt who knew not Joseph.

18 新王卽位、不念約瑟、

19 He dealt deceitfully with our kindred, ill treated our forefathers, and commanded that they cast out their male children to the end that they might not live.

19 陰謀我族、困苦我祖、使棄其嬰、無俾遺種、

20 During that very period Moses was born, and he was favored before God, so that for three months he was nourished in his father's house.

20 時摩西生而岐嶷、育於家三月、

21 And when he was cast away by his mother, Pharaoh's daughter found him and reared him as a son for herself.

21 棄之、埃及王之女育爲己子、

22 So Moses was trained in all the wisdom of the E-gyp'tians and he was well versed in his words and also in his deeds.

22 摩西盡得埃及人學術、言行兼優、

23 And when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel.

23 念以色列人、兄弟也、行年四十、欲往視之、

24 When he saw one of his own kindred mistreated, he avenged him and did justice to him, and killed the E-gyp'tian who had mistreated him.

24 見一人寃抑、則保護爲受屈者伸雪、而殺埃及人、

25 For he thought his brethren, the Is'ra-elites, would understand that God would grant them deliverance by his hand, but they understood not.

25 意兄弟必悟、上帝將以己救之、而兄弟不悟也、

26 And the next day he found them quarreling one with another and he pleaded with them that they might be reconciled, saying, Men, you are brothers; why are you wronging one another?

26 明日見兄弟鬭、勸之使和曰、爾乃兄弟、何相害也、

27 But the one who was wronging his fellow thrust him aside and said to him, Who appointed you leader and judge over us?

27 其不義者拒摩西曰、誰立爾爲有司刑官、以治我乎、

28 Perhaps you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday.

28 昔爾殺埃及人、今欲殺我乎、

29 And because of this saying, Moses fled and took refuge in the land of Ma'di-an where two sons were born to him.

29 摩西聞言而奔、旅於米田、生二子焉、

30 And when he had completed forty years, there appeared to him in the wilderness of Mount Si'nai, an angel of the LORD in a flame of fire in a bush.

30 逾四十載、於西乃山野、棘火焰中、主之使者顯與摩西、

31 When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to look at it, the LORD spoke to him in a loud voice,

31 摩西見而奇之、近前諦視、聞主聲曰、

32 Saying, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob. And Moses trembled and dared not look at the sight.

32 我乃爾祖之上帝、卽亞伯拉罕之上帝、以撒之上帝、雅各之上帝也、摩西戰慄不敢視、

33 Then the LORD said to him, Take off your shoes from your feet, for the ground on which you stand is holy.

33 主曰、解爾履、爾所立之處聖地也、

34 Already I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt, I have heard their groans, and I have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you into Egypt.

34 我民在埃及者、我見其苦、常聞嘅歎之聲、故臨拯之、往哉、我遣爾之埃及也、

35 This Moses whom they had denied, saying, Who appointed you leader and judge over us?, this very one God sent to be a leader and deliverer to them by the hand of the angel which had appeared to him in the bush.

35 民嘗拒摩西云、誰立爾爲有司刑官耶、而上帝託棘中所見之使者、遣摩西爲有司救主、

36 It was he who brought them out after he had performed miracles, wonders, and signs in the land of Egypt and in the Red sea and in the wilderness for forty years.

36 率民出其地、行奇事異蹟於埃及、紅海、曠野、四十年、〇

37 This is the Moses who said to the children of Israel, The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet, like me, from among your brethren; give heed to him.

37 謂以色列人曰、主爾上帝將於爾昆弟中、挺生先知若我、爾必聽之、

38 It was he who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who spoke to him and to our fathers in Mount Sinai: He is the one who received the living words to give to us.

38 昔於曠野會中、摩西往來天使列祖間、天使於西乃山與語、摩西受生命之道以授我、

39 Yet our fathers would not listen to him, but they left him, and in their hearts turned towards Egypt.

39 列祖不順而拒之、欲反埃及、

40 They said to Aar'on, Make us gods to go before us, for this very Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.

40 謂亞倫曰、摩西率我出埃及、不知所往、今爾爲我作上帝像以導我、

41 And they made a calf for themselves in those days and offered sacrifices to idols and were pleased with the work of their hands.

41 乃鑄像若犢、祭之、喜己手所作也、

42 Then God turned and gave them up that they might worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets, O Is'rael- ites, why have you offered me slain animals or sacrifices during the period of forty years in the wilderness?

42 於是上帝弗恤、聽其奉事天上列宿、先知書有云、以色列族乎、爾於曠野四十年、非以犧牲祭物獻我歟、

43 Indeed you have borne the tabernacle of Mo'loch and the star of the god Rem'phan; and you have made images to worship them; therefore I will remove you beyond Bab'ylon.

43 何爾又肩摩落之龕、舉爾上帝臉番之星、卽爾所造之像、欲拜之者、我將徙爾於巴比倫外矣、

44 Behold the tabernacle of the testimony of our fathers was in the wilderness just as he who spoke to Moses had commanded him to make it after the pattern which he had shown him.

44 昔於曠野、我列祖有幕可證、如上帝命摩西云、爾必遵所見幕式而造之、

45 And this very tabernacle, our fathers, together with Joshua, brought into the land which God took away from the peoples whom he drove out before them and gave it to them for an inheritance, and it was handed down until the days of David:

45 是後、上帝逐異邦人於我祖前、我祖與約書亞相承此幕、奉之入居其地、傳至大闢、

46 Who found favor before God and asked that he might find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob.

46 大闢獲寵於上帝前、欲爲雅各之上帝創殿、

47 But Solomon built God a house.

47 所羅門建之、

48 Yet the Most High did not dwell in temples made with hands for, as the prophet had said,

48 然手造之殿、至上者弗居、如先知所云、

49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is the footstool under my feet. What kind of house will you build me? says the LORD, or Where is the place of my rest?

49 主曰、天乃我坐位、地乃我足凳、爾曹何殿以容我、何地以安我乎、

50 Behold, has not my hand made all these things?

50 萬物非我手所造耶、〇

51 O you stubborn and insincere in heart and hearing, you always resist the Holy Spirit: as your fathers did, so do you.

51 爾强項塞心充耳之人、恒逆聖神、爾祖所行、爾亦若是、

52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted and murdered? Especially have they slain those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One whom you betrayed and murdered.

52 孰有先知而爾祖不窘逐者乎、昔爾祖殺預言義者將至之人、今義者至、爾卽解而誅之、

53 You received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.

53 律例藉天使以傳、爾曹受而不守也、〇

54 When they heard these things, they were enraged, and gnashed their teeth at him.

54 衆聞言、忿恚切齒、

55 But he, full of faith and Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.

55 士提反感於聖神、注目仰天、見上帝之榮、耶穌立上帝右、

56 And he said, Behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.

56 曰、我見天啓、人子立上帝右、

57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears and with one accord, shouted threats against Stephen.

57 衆厲聲而呼、掩耳、同心蜂擁、

58 And they seized him and took him outside the city and began to stone him. Those who testified against him placed their clothes under the care of a young man called Saul.

58 逐之出城、石擊之、證者解衣、置少者掃羅前、

59 And they stoned Stephen as he prayed, saying, Our LORD Jesus, accept my spirit.

59 衆石擊士提反、士提反籲曰、請主耶穌接我神也、

60 And as he knelt down, he cried with a loud voice and said, Our LORD, do not hold this sin against them. When he had said this, he passed away.

60 屈膝大呼曰、主乎、勿以此罪歸之、言畢而逝、掃羅見其死、亦喜、
