

1 厥後、耶穌濟加利利海、卽提庇哩亞海、

2 衆見治病異蹟、則從之、

3 耶穌登山、偕門徒坐、

4 時猶太人踰越節伊邇、〇

5 耶穌舉目、見衆就之、語腓力曰、我儕何由市餅、與衆食乎、

6 耶穌知有以處此、姑轉詰以試之、

7 腓力曰、二十金市餅、卽每人所得無幾、亦不足、

8 門徒一人、乃西門彼得兄弟安得烈曰、

9 有童子攜麫麥餅五、小魚二、以與斯衆、寕有濟乎、

10 耶穌曰、令衆坐、其地有茂草、人坐、數約五千、

11 耶穌取餅、祝以予徒、徒予坐者、任意食之、魚亦然、

12 旣飽、耶穌謂門徒曰、拾其餘屑、勿使有遺、

13 遂以衆所食五麰麥餅餘屑、拾之盈十二筐、

14 衆見耶穌所行異蹟、曰、是誠先知、所當臨世者、〇

15 耶穌知人欲强之爲王、復往山獨處、

16 薄暮、門徒至海濱、

17 登舟欲濟、往迦百農、旣昏、耶穌未至、

18 風烈波揚、

19 門徒鼓櫂、約十里有奇、耶穌履海近舟、門徒見之懼、

20 耶穌曰、我也、勿懼、

21 遂喜接之登舟、忽至所往之處、〇

22 明日、衆立海彼岸、見無他舟、惟門徒所登者、耶穌不與、乃門徒獨往、

23 有舟自提庇哩亞來、卽近耶穌祝謝、衆食餅之所、

24 衆不見耶穌與門徒、遂登舟至迦百農尋之、

25 濟海遇曰、夫子、何時而至、

26 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、爾曹尋我、非爲見異蹟、第爲食餅而飽耳、

27 勿爲可敗之糧而勞、當爲永生之糧而勞、卽人子與爾者、蓋父上帝以印命之也、

28 衆曰、我儕當何爲、以稱上帝之事乎、

29 耶穌曰、信其所遣者、卽稱上帝之事、

30 曰、爾行何異蹟、使我見而信爾、爾果何以哉、

31 昔我祖在野食嗎嗱、經云、以天之餅予之食、是也、

32 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、摩西不以天之餅子爾、我父以天之眞餅予爾、

33 所謂上帝餅者、乃降自天、以生賜世者也、

34 僉曰、請主常以此餅與我、

35 耶穌曰、我卽生之餅、就我者決不饑、信我者永不渴、

36 爾曹見我而不信、我曾告爾矣、

37 父予我之人、必就我、凡就我者、我不之棄、

38 我降自天、非行己意、乃遣我者之意、

39 父所予我、我不失、而末日復生之、此父遣我之意也、

40 凡見子而信之、得永生、而末日我復生之、此遣我者之意也、

41 猶太人聞耶穌自稱天降之餅、譏之曰、

42 此非約瑟子耶穌乎、其父母我儕識之、何言由天降耶、

43 耶穌曰、無以爲也、

44 遺我之父不引之、則無能就我、就我者、我於末日復生之、

45 先知書載云、衆將蒙上帝之教、凡聽父而學之者就我、

46 無人見天父、惟來自上帝者見之、

47 我誠告爾、信我者有永生、

48 我爲生之餅、

49 爾祖食嗎啥於野、卒亦死、

50 食而不死者、天降之餅也、

51 我乃生之餅、天降者也、食此則永生、我所予之餅、卽我之肉、爲世得生而捐者、〇

52 猶太人爭曰、是焉能以其肉予我食乎、

53 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、不食人子肉、不飲人子血、則不得生、

54 食我肉、飲我血者、得永生、末日我復生之、

55 我肉誠可食、我血誠可飲、

56 食我肉、飲我血者、則彼在我、我在彼、

57 永生之父遣我、我因父而生、食我者、因我而生亦若是、

58 此天降之餅、非如爾祖食嗎嗱而死、食此餅者永生也、

59 耶穌在迦百農會堂、教誨而言此、〇

60 衆門徒聞之曰、難哉斯言、誰能聽之、

61 耶穌知門徒難此言、則曰、爾以爲異乎、

62 倘見人子升故處、則又如何、

63 夫神所以生、肉無益、我所言者、神也、生也、

64 然爾曹有不信者矣、蓋耶穌早知不信者爲誰、賣之者爲誰也、

65 又曰、我故言非我父予之、無能就我也、

66 由是門徒多有去、不復從之者、

67 耶穌謂十二徒曰、爾曹亦欲去乎、

68 西門彼得對曰、主有永生之言、我又誰歸、

69 我儕信爾、知爾基督、永生上帝子也、

70 耶穌曰、汝十有二人、非我所選者乎、然中一人魔鬼也、

71 耶穌言此、蓋指加略人西門子猶大、十二徒之一、將賣耶穌者也、


Chapter 6

1 AFTER these things, Jesus went to the port of the sea of Galilee, at Tiberias.

2 And a great many people followed him, because they saw the miracles which he performed on sick people.

3 So Jesus went up to the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.

4 And the feast of the passover of the Jews was at hand.

5 And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw a large crowd coming to him, and he said to Philip, Where can we buy bread that all these may eat?

6 He said this merely to test him; for he knew what he would do.

7 Philip said to him, Two hundred pennies worth of bread would not be sufficient for them, even if each one should take a little.

8 One of his disciples, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter, said to him,

9 There is a boy here, who has with him five barley loaves and two fishes; but what are these for all of them?

10 Jesus said to them, Make all the men sit down. There was much grass in that place. So the males * sat down, five thousand in number.

11 And Jesus took the bread, and blessed it, and distributed it to those who were sitting down; likewise the fish also, as much as they wanted.

12 When they were filled, he said to his disciples, Gather up the broken pieces which are left over, so that nothing is lost.

13 And they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with broken pieces, which were left over by those who ate from five barley loaves.

14 Then the men who saw the miracle which Jesus performed said, Truly this is the prophet who is to come into the world.

15 But Jesus knew that they were ready to come and seize him to make him a king, so he departed to the mountain alone.

16 And when evening came, his disciples went down to the sea,

17 And entered into a boat, and were going to the port of Capernaum. And now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.

18 And the sea became rough, because a strong wind was blowing.

19 And they rowed about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, and they saw Jesus walking on # the sea; and as he drew towards their boat, they became afraid.

20 But Jesus said to them, It is I, do not be afraid.

21 So they wanted to receive him into the boat; but soon the boat reached the land to which they were going.

22 The next day, the multitude which stood waiting at the seaport saw no other boat there, except the boat in which the disciples had entered, and that Jesus had not entered the boat with his disciples.

23 But other boats had come from Tiberias, near the place where they had eaten bread, when Jesus blessed it.

24 And when the people saw that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they entered the boats and came to Capernaum, looking for Jesus.

25 And when they found him at the seaport, they said to him, Teacher, when did you come here?

26 Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, You seek me, not because you saw the miracles, but just because you ate bread and were filled.

27 Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures unto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you; for this one God the Father has sealed.

28 They said to him, What shall we do to work the works of God?

29 Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you should believe in him whom he has sent.

30 They said to him, What miracle do you perform that we may see and believe in you? What have you performed?

31 Our forefathers ate manna in the wilderness; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

32 Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, It was not Moses who gave you bread from heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.

33 For the bread of God is he who has come down from heaven, and gives life to the

34 They said to him, Our Lord, give us this bread always.

35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall never hunger; and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

36 But I have said to you, that you have seen me and yet you do not believe.

37 Everyone whom my Father has given me shall come to me; and he who comes to me, I will not cast him out.

38 For I came down from heaven, not merely to do my own will, but to do the will of him who sent me.

39 This is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but should raise it up at the last day.

40 For this is the will of my Father, that whoever sees the Son and believes in him, shall have life everlasting; and I will raise him up at the last day.

41 Now the Jews murmured against him, for he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

42 And they said, Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how can he say, I have come down from heaven?

43 Jesus answered and said to them, Do not murmur one with another.

44 No man can come to me, except the Father who sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day.

45 For it is written in the prophet, They shall all be taught by God. Everyone therefore who hears from the Father and learns from him, will come to me.

46 No man can see the Father, except he who is from God, he can see the Father.

47 Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes in me has eternal life.

48 I am the bread of life.

49 Your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness, and yet they died.

50 This is the bread which came down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die.

51 I am the living bread because I came down from heaven; if any man eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread which I will give, is my body, which I am giving for the sake of the life of the world.

52 The Jews argued one with another, saying, How can this man give us his body to eat?

53 Jesus said to them. Truly, truly I say to you, Unless you eat the body of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves,

54 He who eats of my body, and drinks of my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him at the last day.

55 For my body truly is the food, and my blood truly is the drink.

56 He who eats my body and drinks my blood, will abide with me, and I with him.

57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I am living because of the Father, so whoever eats me, will also live because of me.

58 This is the bread which came down from heaven; it is not like that manna which your forefathers ate and died; he who eats of this bread shall live forever.

59 These things he said in the synagogue, while he was teaching at Capernaum.

60 Many of his disciples who heard it said, This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?

61 Jesus knew in himself that his disciples were murmuring about this; so he said to them, Does this cause you to stumble?

62 What then if you should see the Son of man ascending to the place where he was before?

63 It is the spirit that gives life; the body is of no account; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

64 But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew for a long while who were those who did not believe, and who was to betray him.

65 And he said to them, For this reason I have told you that no man can come to me, unless it is given to him by my Father.

66 Just because of this saying, a great many of his disciples turned away, and did not walk with him.

67 So Jesus said to his twelve, Why, do you also want to go away?

68 Simon Peter answered and said, My Lord, to whom shall we go? you have the words of eternal life.

69 And we have believed and known that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

70 Jesus said to them, Did not I choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is Satan? *

71 He said it concerning Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot; for he was the one of the twelve who was going to betray him.




Chapter 6

1 厥後、耶穌濟加利利海、卽提庇哩亞海、

1 AFTER these things, Jesus went to the port of the sea of Galilee, at Tiberias.

2 衆見治病異蹟、則從之、

2 And a great many people followed him, because they saw the miracles which he performed on sick people.

3 耶穌登山、偕門徒坐、

3 So Jesus went up to the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.

4 時猶太人踰越節伊邇、〇

4 And the feast of the passover of the Jews was at hand.

5 耶穌舉目、見衆就之、語腓力曰、我儕何由市餅、與衆食乎、

5 And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and saw a large crowd coming to him, and he said to Philip, Where can we buy bread that all these may eat?

6 耶穌知有以處此、姑轉詰以試之、

6 He said this merely to test him; for he knew what he would do.

7 腓力曰、二十金市餅、卽每人所得無幾、亦不足、

7 Philip said to him, Two hundred pennies worth of bread would not be sufficient for them, even if each one should take a little.

8 門徒一人、乃西門彼得兄弟安得烈曰、

8 One of his disciples, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter, said to him,

9 有童子攜麫麥餅五、小魚二、以與斯衆、寕有濟乎、

9 There is a boy here, who has with him five barley loaves and two fishes; but what are these for all of them?

10 耶穌曰、令衆坐、其地有茂草、人坐、數約五千、

10 Jesus said to them, Make all the men sit down. There was much grass in that place. So the males * sat down, five thousand in number.

11 耶穌取餅、祝以予徒、徒予坐者、任意食之、魚亦然、

11 And Jesus took the bread, and blessed it, and distributed it to those who were sitting down; likewise the fish also, as much as they wanted.

12 旣飽、耶穌謂門徒曰、拾其餘屑、勿使有遺、

12 When they were filled, he said to his disciples, Gather up the broken pieces which are left over, so that nothing is lost.

13 遂以衆所食五麰麥餅餘屑、拾之盈十二筐、

13 And they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with broken pieces, which were left over by those who ate from five barley loaves.

14 衆見耶穌所行異蹟、曰、是誠先知、所當臨世者、〇

14 Then the men who saw the miracle which Jesus performed said, Truly this is the prophet who is to come into the world.

15 耶穌知人欲强之爲王、復往山獨處、

15 But Jesus knew that they were ready to come and seize him to make him a king, so he departed to the mountain alone.

16 薄暮、門徒至海濱、

16 And when evening came, his disciples went down to the sea,

17 登舟欲濟、往迦百農、旣昏、耶穌未至、

17 And entered into a boat, and were going to the port of Capernaum. And now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.

18 風烈波揚、

18 And the sea became rough, because a strong wind was blowing.

19 門徒鼓櫂、約十里有奇、耶穌履海近舟、門徒見之懼、

19 And they rowed about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, and they saw Jesus walking on # the sea; and as he drew towards their boat, they became afraid.

20 耶穌曰、我也、勿懼、

20 But Jesus said to them, It is I, do not be afraid.

21 遂喜接之登舟、忽至所往之處、〇

21 So they wanted to receive him into the boat; but soon the boat reached the land to which they were going.

22 明日、衆立海彼岸、見無他舟、惟門徒所登者、耶穌不與、乃門徒獨往、

22 The next day, the multitude which stood waiting at the seaport saw no other boat there, except the boat in which the disciples had entered, and that Jesus had not entered the boat with his disciples.

23 有舟自提庇哩亞來、卽近耶穌祝謝、衆食餅之所、

23 But other boats had come from Tiberias, near the place where they had eaten bread, when Jesus blessed it.

24 衆不見耶穌與門徒、遂登舟至迦百農尋之、

24 And when the people saw that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they entered the boats and came to Capernaum, looking for Jesus.

25 濟海遇曰、夫子、何時而至、

25 And when they found him at the seaport, they said to him, Teacher, when did you come here?

26 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、爾曹尋我、非爲見異蹟、第爲食餅而飽耳、

26 Jesus answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, You seek me, not because you saw the miracles, but just because you ate bread and were filled.

27 勿爲可敗之糧而勞、當爲永生之糧而勞、卽人子與爾者、蓋父上帝以印命之也、

27 Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures unto life everlasting, which the Son of man will give you; for this one God the Father has sealed.

28 衆曰、我儕當何爲、以稱上帝之事乎、

28 They said to him, What shall we do to work the works of God?

29 耶穌曰、信其所遣者、卽稱上帝之事、

29 Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you should believe in him whom he has sent.

30 曰、爾行何異蹟、使我見而信爾、爾果何以哉、

30 They said to him, What miracle do you perform that we may see and believe in you? What have you performed?

31 昔我祖在野食嗎嗱、經云、以天之餅予之食、是也、

31 Our forefathers ate manna in the wilderness; as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

32 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、摩西不以天之餅子爾、我父以天之眞餅予爾、

32 Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, It was not Moses who gave you bread from heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.

33 所謂上帝餅者、乃降自天、以生賜世者也、

33 For the bread of God is he who has come down from heaven, and gives life to the

34 僉曰、請主常以此餅與我、

34 They said to him, Our Lord, give us this bread always.

35 耶穌曰、我卽生之餅、就我者決不饑、信我者永不渴、

35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall never hunger; and he who believes in me shall never thirst.

36 爾曹見我而不信、我曾告爾矣、

36 But I have said to you, that you have seen me and yet you do not believe.

37 父予我之人、必就我、凡就我者、我不之棄、

37 Everyone whom my Father has given me shall come to me; and he who comes to me, I will not cast him out.

38 我降自天、非行己意、乃遣我者之意、

38 For I came down from heaven, not merely to do my own will, but to do the will of him who sent me.

39 父所予我、我不失、而末日復生之、此父遣我之意也、

39 This is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but should raise it up at the last day.

40 凡見子而信之、得永生、而末日我復生之、此遣我者之意也、

40 For this is the will of my Father, that whoever sees the Son and believes in him, shall have life everlasting; and I will raise him up at the last day.

41 猶太人聞耶穌自稱天降之餅、譏之曰、

41 Now the Jews murmured against him, for he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

42 此非約瑟子耶穌乎、其父母我儕識之、何言由天降耶、

42 And they said, Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how can he say, I have come down from heaven?

43 耶穌曰、無以爲也、

43 Jesus answered and said to them, Do not murmur one with another.

44 遺我之父不引之、則無能就我、就我者、我於末日復生之、

44 No man can come to me, except the Father who sent me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day.

45 先知書載云、衆將蒙上帝之教、凡聽父而學之者就我、

45 For it is written in the prophet, They shall all be taught by God. Everyone therefore who hears from the Father and learns from him, will come to me.

46 無人見天父、惟來自上帝者見之、

46 No man can see the Father, except he who is from God, he can see the Father.

47 我誠告爾、信我者有永生、

47 Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes in me has eternal life.

48 我爲生之餅、

48 I am the bread of life.

49 爾祖食嗎啥於野、卒亦死、

49 Your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness, and yet they died.

50 食而不死者、天降之餅也、

50 This is the bread which came down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die.

51 我乃生之餅、天降者也、食此則永生、我所予之餅、卽我之肉、爲世得生而捐者、〇

51 I am the living bread because I came down from heaven; if any man eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread which I will give, is my body, which I am giving for the sake of the life of the world.

52 猶太人爭曰、是焉能以其肉予我食乎、

52 The Jews argued one with another, saying, How can this man give us his body to eat?

53 耶穌曰、我誠告爾、不食人子肉、不飲人子血、則不得生、

53 Jesus said to them. Truly, truly I say to you, Unless you eat the body of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves,

54 食我肉、飲我血者、得永生、末日我復生之、

54 He who eats of my body, and drinks of my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him at the last day.

55 我肉誠可食、我血誠可飲、

55 For my body truly is the food, and my blood truly is the drink.

56 食我肉、飲我血者、則彼在我、我在彼、

56 He who eats my body and drinks my blood, will abide with me, and I with him.

57 永生之父遣我、我因父而生、食我者、因我而生亦若是、

57 Just as the living Father sent me, and I am living because of the Father, so whoever eats me, will also live because of me.

58 此天降之餅、非如爾祖食嗎嗱而死、食此餅者永生也、

58 This is the bread which came down from heaven; it is not like that manna which your forefathers ate and died; he who eats of this bread shall live forever.

59 耶穌在迦百農會堂、教誨而言此、〇

59 These things he said in the synagogue, while he was teaching at Capernaum.

60 衆門徒聞之曰、難哉斯言、誰能聽之、

60 Many of his disciples who heard it said, This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?

61 耶穌知門徒難此言、則曰、爾以爲異乎、

61 Jesus knew in himself that his disciples were murmuring about this; so he said to them, Does this cause you to stumble?

62 倘見人子升故處、則又如何、

62 What then if you should see the Son of man ascending to the place where he was before?

63 夫神所以生、肉無益、我所言者、神也、生也、

63 It is the spirit that gives life; the body is of no account; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

64 然爾曹有不信者矣、蓋耶穌早知不信者爲誰、賣之者爲誰也、

64 But there are some of you who do not believe. For Jesus knew for a long while who were those who did not believe, and who was to betray him.

65 又曰、我故言非我父予之、無能就我也、

65 And he said to them, For this reason I have told you that no man can come to me, unless it is given to him by my Father.

66 由是門徒多有去、不復從之者、

66 Just because of this saying, a great many of his disciples turned away, and did not walk with him.

67 耶穌謂十二徒曰、爾曹亦欲去乎、

67 So Jesus said to his twelve, Why, do you also want to go away?

68 西門彼得對曰、主有永生之言、我又誰歸、

68 Simon Peter answered and said, My Lord, to whom shall we go? you have the words of eternal life.

69 我儕信爾、知爾基督、永生上帝子也、

69 And we have believed and known that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

70 耶穌曰、汝十有二人、非我所選者乎、然中一人魔鬼也、

70 Jesus said to them, Did not I choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is Satan? *

71 耶穌言此、蓋指加略人西門子猶大、十二徒之一、將賣耶穌者也、

71 He said it concerning Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot; for he was the one of the twelve who was going to betray him.
