

1 吾宗基督、言眞而不僞、我心感聖神爲證、

2 我有大憂、痛心不已、

3 倘吾能救兄弟骨肉之親、卽絕基督、亦所願也、

4 彼固以色列人、爲上帝衆子、有榮光、盟約、律法、禮儀、應許、

5 列祖其祖、基督其裔、此惟以身論基督耳、實則萬有之上、恆久可頌之上帝、

6 夫上帝之言不廢、由以色列生者、不得盡爲以色列人、

7 爲亞伯拉罕裔者、不得盡爲嗣子、經云、惟出自以撒者、得謂爾裔焉、

8 是亞伯拉罕身生衆子、不得盡爲上帝衆子、惟所許之衆子、可爲裔明矣、

9 其所許之言云、屆期吾至、撒拉氏必生子、

10 不第此、利百加氏、從我祖以撒而懷孕、

11 子未生、善惡未形、而上帝選人之旨不移、其選之也、非由所行、乃由所召、

12 諭利百加氏曰、長子必服幼子、

13 如經云、吾愛雅各、不愛以掃、

14 是何言歟、上帝亦不義乎、曰、非也、

15 諭摩西曰、我所矜恤者矜恤之、我所憐憫者憐憫之、

16 此非由人意、非由人力、乃由上帝矜恤、

17 經諭法老云、我使爾崛興、以顯我能、我名播揚於天下、

18 蓋矜恤人者惟上帝、聽〔聽字或作使〕人剛愎者、亦惟上帝、

19 爾必語我云、何其尚責人哉、孰逆其旨乎、

20 我則曰爾何人、敢詰上帝耶、受造之物、豈能對造者云、何造我若此乎、

21 泥豈非權在陶人、同一撮土而造之、或爲器之貴、或爲器之賤乎、

22 上帝欲彰厥威、示其能、每恆忍包容諸可怒可毀之器、

23 而又顯著其大榮、以矜恤預定得榮之器、

24 有何不可、得矜恤者、卽我儕蒙召之人、不第猶太、更及異邦、

25 何西書載上帝言云、非我民者、我稱爲民、非蒙愛者、我稱蒙愛焉、

26 又曰、時有語人者云、爾非我民、異日將稱爲永生上帝衆子、

27 以賽亞言以色列人曰、以色列衆子、其數雖如海沙、而得救者有幾、

28 主言必應、以義定之、蓋所定之言、主將行之於其邦、

29 以賽亞前有云、如萬有之主、不俾我衆猶有孑遺、則必若所多馬、蛾摩拉矣、

30 是何以言之、異邦人不求稱義、而得稱義者、乃以信主而稱義、

31 以色列民、以法求稱義而不得、何歟、

32 曰、求之不以信主、惟以行法、其蹶此石上、

33 如經云、我以躓人之石、礙人之磐、置於郇城、然賴之者、必不啓羞也、


Chapter 9

1 I TELL the truth through Christ, and I do not lie, my conscience also bears me witness through the Holy Spirit,

2 That I am exceedingly sorrowful, and the pain which is in my heart never ceases.

3 For I have prayed that I myself might be accursed because of Christ for the sake of my brethren and my kinsmen according to the flesh,

4 Who are Israelites; to whom belongs the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants and the law, and the rituals therein, and the promises;

5 Whose are the fathers, from among whom Christ appeared in the flesh, who is God over all, to whom are due praises and thanksgiving, for ever and ever. Amen.

6 It is not as though the word of God had actually failed. For all those who belong to Israel are not Israelites:

7 Neither, because they are of the seed of Abraham are they all his children: for it was said, In Isaac shall your seed be called.

8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God; but the children of the promise who are reckoned as descendants.

9 For this is the word of promise, I will come at this season, and Sarah shall have a son.

10 And not only this; but Rebecca also, even though she had relations with one only, our father Isaac;

11 Before her children were born, or had done good or evil, the choice of God was made known in advance; that it might stand, not by means of works, but through him who made the choice.

12 For it was said, The elder shall be the servant of the younger.

13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated.

14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? Far be it.

15 For he said to Moses also, I will have mercy on him whom I love, and I will have compassion on him whom I favor.

16 Therefore, it is not within reach of him who wishes, nor within the reach of him who runs, but it is within the reach of the merciful God.

17 For in the scripture, he said to Pharaoh, It was for this purpose that I have appointed you, that I might shew my power in you, so that my name might be preached throughout all the earth.

18 Thus he has mercy on whom he pleases, and he hardens whom he pleases.

19 Perhaps you will say, Why then does he yet find fault? For who can resist his will?

20 However, O man, who are you to question God? Shall the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?

21 Does not the potter have power over his clay, to make out of the same lump vessels, one to be formed and the other for service?

22 Now then, if God wanted to shew his anger, and make his power known, would he not then, after the abundance of his patience, bring wrath upon the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction?

23 But he poured his mercy upon the favored vessels, which were prepared for the glory of God.

24 Namely, ourselves, the called ones, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles.

25 As he said also in Hosea, I will call them my people, who were not my own people; and her beloved, who was not beloved.

26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said you are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.

27 Isaiah also preached concerning the children of Israel: Though the number of children of Israel should be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant shall be saved.

28 For whatever the LORD has determined and decreed, he shall bring to pass upon the earth.

29 Just as Isaiah had said before, If the LORD of Hosts had not increased the remnant, we should have been like Sod'om, and should have resembled Go-mor'rah.

30 What shall we say then? That the Gentiles who followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness; that is, the righteousness which is the result of faith.

31 But Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.

32 Why? Because it was not sought by faith, but by the works of the law. So they stumbled at that stumbling-stone.

33 As it is written, Behold, the prophet I give to Zion becomes a stumblingstone, and rock of offence: but whoever believes on him shall not be ashamed.




Chapter 9

1 吾宗基督、言眞而不僞、我心感聖神爲證、

1 I TELL the truth through Christ, and I do not lie, my conscience also bears me witness through the Holy Spirit,

2 我有大憂、痛心不已、

2 That I am exceedingly sorrowful, and the pain which is in my heart never ceases.

3 倘吾能救兄弟骨肉之親、卽絕基督、亦所願也、

3 For I have prayed that I myself might be accursed because of Christ for the sake of my brethren and my kinsmen according to the flesh,

4 彼固以色列人、爲上帝衆子、有榮光、盟約、律法、禮儀、應許、

4 Who are Israelites; to whom belongs the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants and the law, and the rituals therein, and the promises;

5 列祖其祖、基督其裔、此惟以身論基督耳、實則萬有之上、恆久可頌之上帝、

5 Whose are the fathers, from among whom Christ appeared in the flesh, who is God over all, to whom are due praises and thanksgiving, for ever and ever. Amen.

6 夫上帝之言不廢、由以色列生者、不得盡爲以色列人、

6 It is not as though the word of God had actually failed. For all those who belong to Israel are not Israelites:

7 爲亞伯拉罕裔者、不得盡爲嗣子、經云、惟出自以撒者、得謂爾裔焉、

7 Neither, because they are of the seed of Abraham are they all his children: for it was said, In Isaac shall your seed be called.

8 是亞伯拉罕身生衆子、不得盡爲上帝衆子、惟所許之衆子、可爲裔明矣、

8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God; but the children of the promise who are reckoned as descendants.

9 其所許之言云、屆期吾至、撒拉氏必生子、

9 For this is the word of promise, I will come at this season, and Sarah shall have a son.

10 不第此、利百加氏、從我祖以撒而懷孕、

10 And not only this; but Rebecca also, even though she had relations with one only, our father Isaac;

11 子未生、善惡未形、而上帝選人之旨不移、其選之也、非由所行、乃由所召、

11 Before her children were born, or had done good or evil, the choice of God was made known in advance; that it might stand, not by means of works, but through him who made the choice.

12 諭利百加氏曰、長子必服幼子、

12 For it was said, The elder shall be the servant of the younger.

13 如經云、吾愛雅各、不愛以掃、

13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated.

14 是何言歟、上帝亦不義乎、曰、非也、

14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? Far be it.

15 諭摩西曰、我所矜恤者矜恤之、我所憐憫者憐憫之、

15 For he said to Moses also, I will have mercy on him whom I love, and I will have compassion on him whom I favor.

16 此非由人意、非由人力、乃由上帝矜恤、

16 Therefore, it is not within reach of him who wishes, nor within the reach of him who runs, but it is within the reach of the merciful God.

17 經諭法老云、我使爾崛興、以顯我能、我名播揚於天下、

17 For in the scripture, he said to Pharaoh, It was for this purpose that I have appointed you, that I might shew my power in you, so that my name might be preached throughout all the earth.

18 蓋矜恤人者惟上帝、聽〔聽字或作使〕人剛愎者、亦惟上帝、

18 Thus he has mercy on whom he pleases, and he hardens whom he pleases.

19 爾必語我云、何其尚責人哉、孰逆其旨乎、

19 Perhaps you will say, Why then does he yet find fault? For who can resist his will?

20 我則曰爾何人、敢詰上帝耶、受造之物、豈能對造者云、何造我若此乎、

20 However, O man, who are you to question God? Shall the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?

21 泥豈非權在陶人、同一撮土而造之、或爲器之貴、或爲器之賤乎、

21 Does not the potter have power over his clay, to make out of the same lump vessels, one to be formed and the other for service?

22 上帝欲彰厥威、示其能、每恆忍包容諸可怒可毀之器、

22 Now then, if God wanted to shew his anger, and make his power known, would he not then, after the abundance of his patience, bring wrath upon the vessels of wrath which were ready for destruction?

23 而又顯著其大榮、以矜恤預定得榮之器、

23 But he poured his mercy upon the favored vessels, which were prepared for the glory of God.

24 有何不可、得矜恤者、卽我儕蒙召之人、不第猶太、更及異邦、

24 Namely, ourselves, the called ones, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles.

25 何西書載上帝言云、非我民者、我稱爲民、非蒙愛者、我稱蒙愛焉、

25 As he said also in Hosea, I will call them my people, who were not my own people; and her beloved, who was not beloved.

26 又曰、時有語人者云、爾非我民、異日將稱爲永生上帝衆子、

26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said you are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God.

27 以賽亞言以色列人曰、以色列衆子、其數雖如海沙、而得救者有幾、

27 Isaiah also preached concerning the children of Israel: Though the number of children of Israel should be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant shall be saved.

28 主言必應、以義定之、蓋所定之言、主將行之於其邦、

28 For whatever the LORD has determined and decreed, he shall bring to pass upon the earth.

29 以賽亞前有云、如萬有之主、不俾我衆猶有孑遺、則必若所多馬、蛾摩拉矣、

29 Just as Isaiah had said before, If the LORD of Hosts had not increased the remnant, we should have been like Sod'om, and should have resembled Go-mor'rah.

30 是何以言之、異邦人不求稱義、而得稱義者、乃以信主而稱義、

30 What shall we say then? That the Gentiles who followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness; that is, the righteousness which is the result of faith.

31 以色列民、以法求稱義而不得、何歟、

31 But Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.

32 曰、求之不以信主、惟以行法、其蹶此石上、

32 Why? Because it was not sought by faith, but by the works of the law. So they stumbled at that stumbling-stone.

33 如經云、我以躓人之石、礙人之磐、置於郇城、然賴之者、必不啓羞也、

33 As it is written, Behold, the prophet I give to Zion becomes a stumblingstone, and rock of offence: but whoever believes on him shall not be ashamed.
