
Chapter 18

1 The priests3548 the Levites,3881 and all3605 the tribe7626 of Levi,3878 shall have no3808 part2506 nor inheritance5159 with Israel:3478 they shall eat398 the offerings of the LORD3068 made by fire, and his inheritance.5159

2 Therefore shall they have no3808 inheritance5159 among7130 their brothers:251 the LORD3068 is their inheritance,5159 as he has said1696 to them.

3 And this2088 shall be the priest's3548 due4941 from the people,5971 from them that offer2076 a sacrifice,2077 whether518 it be ox7794 or sheep;7716 and they shall give5414 to the priest3548 the shoulder,2220 and the two cheeks,3895 and the maw.6896

4 The first fruit7225 also of your corn,1715 of your wine,8492 and of your oil,3323 and the first7225 of the fleece1488 of your sheep,6629 shall you give5414 him.

5 For the LORD3068 your God430 has chosen977 him out of all3605 your tribes,7626 to stand5975 to minister8334 in the name8034 of the LORD,3068 him and his sons1121 for ever.3605 3117

6 And if3588 a Levite3881 come935 from any259 of your gates8179 out of all3605 Israel,3478 where834 8033 he sojourned,1481 and come935 with all3605 the desire183 of his mind5315 to the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 shall choose;977

7 Then he shall minister8334 in the name8034 of the LORD3068 his God,430 as all3605 his brothers251 the Levites3881 do, which stand5975 there8033 before6440 the LORD.3068

8 They shall have like portions2506 to eat,398 beside905 that which comes of the sale4465 of his patrimony.5921 1

9 When3588 you are come935 into413 the land776 which834 the LORD3068 your God430 gives5414 you, you shall not learn3925 to do6213 after the abominations8441 of those1992 nations.1471

10 There shall not be found4672 among you any one that makes his son1121 or his daughter1323 to pass5674 through the fire,784 or that uses divination,7081 or an observer6049 of times, or an enchanter,5172 or a witch.3784

11 Or a charmer,2266 2267 or a consulter7592 with familiar spirits,178 or a wizard,3049 or a necromancer.1875 4191

12 For all3605 that do6213 these428 things are an abomination8441 to the LORD:3068 and because1558 of these428 abominations8441 the LORD3068 your God430 does drive3423 them out from before6440 you.

13 You shall be perfect8549 with the LORD3068 your God.430

14 For these428 nations,1471 which834 you shall possess,3423 listened8085 to observers6049 of times, and to diviners:7080 but as for you, the LORD3068 your God430 has not suffered5414 you so3651 to do.

15 The LORD3068 your God430 will raise6965 up to you a Prophet5030 from the middle7130 of you, of your brothers,251 like3644 to me; to him you shall listen;8085

16 According to all3605 that you desired7592 of the LORD3068 your God430 in Horeb2722 in the day3117 of the assembly,6951 saying,559 Let me not hear8085 again3254 the voice6963 of the LORD3068 my God,430 neither3808 let me see7200 this2063 great1419 fire784 any more,5750 that I die4191 not.

17 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, They have well3190 spoken that which834 they have spoken.1696

18 I will raise6965 them up a Prophet5030 from among7130 their brothers,251 like3644 to you, and will put5414 my words1697 in his mouth;6310 and he shall speak1696 to them all3605 that I shall command6680 him.

19 And it shall come1961 to pass, that whoever376 834 will not listen8085 to my words1697 which834 he shall speak1696 in my name,8034 I will require1875 it of him.

20 But the prophet,5030 which834 shall presume2102 to speak1696 a word1697 in my name,8034 which I have not commanded6680 him to speak,1696 or that shall speak1696 in the name8034 of other312 gods,430 even that prophet5030 shall die.4191

21 And if3588 you say559 in your heart,3824 How349 shall we know3045 the word1697 which834 the LORD3068 has not spoken?1696

22 When834 a prophet5030 speaks1696 in the name8034 of the LORD,3068 if the thing1697 follow1961 not, nor3808 come935 to pass, that is the thing1697 which834 the LORD3068 has not spoken,1696 but the prophet5030 has spoken1696 it presumptuously:2087 you shall not be afraid1481 of him.



1 有獻繙祭、奉事耶和華、

2 祭司及利未人支派之人可得而食、彼在同儕以色列族中、俱無恒業、惟耶和華所享之禮物、爲其所得、以遵厥命。

3 祭司於民間所得者、有定例焉。凡獻牛羊爲祭、必以肩頰及脾予祭司。

4 又必以穀及酒與油之初成者、羊毛之首翦者、供之祭司。

5 蓋爾上帝耶和華、於諸支派中遴選祭司、爰及子孫、使永立於前、憑藉其名、以供役事。

6 如有利未人、曾旅於以色列族衆邑之中、厥後離彼、一心欲詣耶和華特簡之室、

7 則必與他利未人、共立於上帝耶和華前、憑藉其名、以供役事、

8 此利未人、雖鬻祖業得金、亦必與他利未人共食。〇

9 爾曹至爾上帝耶和華所錫之地、彼民所爲可惡之事、爾勿則效。

10 凡焚獻子女、及卜筮術數、占師巫覡、或左道、或崇憑於卜神者、或爲巫覡、或用術而招魂者、俱勿留於四境之內、

11 併於上節

12 蓋此事爲耶和華所惡、凡行之者、爲爾上帝驅逐於爾前、

13 爾所據之地、其民曾從卜筮術數、惟爾上帝耶和華不容爾行是、爾當德備於其前。〇

14 併於上節

15 厥後爾上帝耶和華將於爾同儕中、挺生先知如我、爾其聽從。

16 昔於何烈民會之日、爾求爾上帝耶和華曰、我上帝耶和華之聲、毋庸再聞、厥火炎炎、毋容復見、恐我死亡。

17 當時耶和華諭我曰、民言甚善、

18 我必於其同儕中、挺生先知若爾、我將以我言授於其口、使以我命告衆、

19 彼傳我命、有不聽從者、我必討其罪。

20 但先知擅藉我名、言我所未嘗諭者、或藉他上帝之名而言、則必死亡。

21 如爾意謂耶和華所未嘗諭者、曷能知之。

22 夫彼先知、藉耶和華之名而言、事有不應、則弗由耶和華而出、乃自擅而言、爾毋畏之。


Chapter 18



1 The priests3548 the Levites,3881 and all3605 the tribe7626 of Levi,3878 shall have no3808 part2506 nor inheritance5159 with Israel:3478 they shall eat398 the offerings of the LORD3068 made by fire, and his inheritance.5159

1 有獻繙祭、奉事耶和華、

2 Therefore shall they have no3808 inheritance5159 among7130 their brothers:251 the LORD3068 is their inheritance,5159 as he has said1696 to them.

2 祭司及利未人支派之人可得而食、彼在同儕以色列族中、俱無恒業、惟耶和華所享之禮物、爲其所得、以遵厥命。

3 And this2088 shall be the priest's3548 due4941 from the people,5971 from them that offer2076 a sacrifice,2077 whether518 it be ox7794 or sheep;7716 and they shall give5414 to the priest3548 the shoulder,2220 and the two cheeks,3895 and the maw.6896

3 祭司於民間所得者、有定例焉。凡獻牛羊爲祭、必以肩頰及脾予祭司。

4 The first fruit7225 also of your corn,1715 of your wine,8492 and of your oil,3323 and the first7225 of the fleece1488 of your sheep,6629 shall you give5414 him.

4 又必以穀及酒與油之初成者、羊毛之首翦者、供之祭司。

5 For the LORD3068 your God430 has chosen977 him out of all3605 your tribes,7626 to stand5975 to minister8334 in the name8034 of the LORD,3068 him and his sons1121 for ever.3605 3117

5 蓋爾上帝耶和華、於諸支派中遴選祭司、爰及子孫、使永立於前、憑藉其名、以供役事。

6 And if3588 a Levite3881 come935 from any259 of your gates8179 out of all3605 Israel,3478 where834 8033 he sojourned,1481 and come935 with all3605 the desire183 of his mind5315 to the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 shall choose;977

6 如有利未人、曾旅於以色列族衆邑之中、厥後離彼、一心欲詣耶和華特簡之室、

7 Then he shall minister8334 in the name8034 of the LORD3068 his God,430 as all3605 his brothers251 the Levites3881 do, which stand5975 there8033 before6440 the LORD.3068

7 則必與他利未人、共立於上帝耶和華前、憑藉其名、以供役事、

8 They shall have like portions2506 to eat,398 beside905 that which comes of the sale4465 of his patrimony.5921 1

8 此利未人、雖鬻祖業得金、亦必與他利未人共食。〇

9 When3588 you are come935 into413 the land776 which834 the LORD3068 your God430 gives5414 you, you shall not learn3925 to do6213 after the abominations8441 of those1992 nations.1471

9 爾曹至爾上帝耶和華所錫之地、彼民所爲可惡之事、爾勿則效。

10 There shall not be found4672 among you any one that makes his son1121 or his daughter1323 to pass5674 through the fire,784 or that uses divination,7081 or an observer6049 of times, or an enchanter,5172 or a witch.3784

10 凡焚獻子女、及卜筮術數、占師巫覡、或左道、或崇憑於卜神者、或爲巫覡、或用術而招魂者、俱勿留於四境之內、

11 Or a charmer,2266 2267 or a consulter7592 with familiar spirits,178 or a wizard,3049 or a necromancer.1875 4191

11 併於上節

12 For all3605 that do6213 these428 things are an abomination8441 to the LORD:3068 and because1558 of these428 abominations8441 the LORD3068 your God430 does drive3423 them out from before6440 you.

12 蓋此事爲耶和華所惡、凡行之者、爲爾上帝驅逐於爾前、

13 You shall be perfect8549 with the LORD3068 your God.430

13 爾所據之地、其民曾從卜筮術數、惟爾上帝耶和華不容爾行是、爾當德備於其前。〇

14 For these428 nations,1471 which834 you shall possess,3423 listened8085 to observers6049 of times, and to diviners:7080 but as for you, the LORD3068 your God430 has not suffered5414 you so3651 to do.

14 併於上節

15 The LORD3068 your God430 will raise6965 up to you a Prophet5030 from the middle7130 of you, of your brothers,251 like3644 to me; to him you shall listen;8085

15 厥後爾上帝耶和華將於爾同儕中、挺生先知如我、爾其聽從。

16 According to all3605 that you desired7592 of the LORD3068 your God430 in Horeb2722 in the day3117 of the assembly,6951 saying,559 Let me not hear8085 again3254 the voice6963 of the LORD3068 my God,430 neither3808 let me see7200 this2063 great1419 fire784 any more,5750 that I die4191 not.

16 昔於何烈民會之日、爾求爾上帝耶和華曰、我上帝耶和華之聲、毋庸再聞、厥火炎炎、毋容復見、恐我死亡。

17 And the LORD3068 said559 to me, They have well3190 spoken that which834 they have spoken.1696

17 當時耶和華諭我曰、民言甚善、

18 I will raise6965 them up a Prophet5030 from among7130 their brothers,251 like3644 to you, and will put5414 my words1697 in his mouth;6310 and he shall speak1696 to them all3605 that I shall command6680 him.

18 我必於其同儕中、挺生先知若爾、我將以我言授於其口、使以我命告衆、

19 And it shall come1961 to pass, that whoever376 834 will not listen8085 to my words1697 which834 he shall speak1696 in my name,8034 I will require1875 it of him.

19 彼傳我命、有不聽從者、我必討其罪。

20 But the prophet,5030 which834 shall presume2102 to speak1696 a word1697 in my name,8034 which I have not commanded6680 him to speak,1696 or that shall speak1696 in the name8034 of other312 gods,430 even that prophet5030 shall die.4191

20 但先知擅藉我名、言我所未嘗諭者、或藉他上帝之名而言、則必死亡。

21 And if3588 you say559 in your heart,3824 How349 shall we know3045 the word1697 which834 the LORD3068 has not spoken?1696

21 如爾意謂耶和華所未嘗諭者、曷能知之。

22 When834 a prophet5030 speaks1696 in the name8034 of the LORD,3068 if the thing1697 follow1961 not, nor3808 come935 to pass, that is the thing1697 which834 the LORD3068 has not spoken,1696 but the prophet5030 has spoken1696 it presumptuously:2087 you shall not be afraid1481 of him.

22 夫彼先知、藉耶和華之名而言、事有不應、則弗由耶和華而出、乃自擅而言、爾毋畏之。