
Chapter 11

1 And the rulers8269 of the people5971 dwelled3427 at Jerusalem:3389 the rest7605 of the people5971 also cast5307 lots,1486 to bring935 one259 of ten6235 to dwell3427 in Jerusalem3389 the holy6944 city,5892 and nine8672 parts3027 to dwell in other cities.5892

2 And the people5971 blessed1288 all3605 the men,582 that willingly offered themselves to dwell3427 at Jerusalem.3389

3 Now these428 are the chief7218 of the province4082 that dwelled3427 in Jerusalem:3389 but in the cities5892 of Judah3063 dwelled3427 every376 one376 in his possession272 in their cities,5892 to wit, Israel,3478 the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and the Nethinims,5411 and the children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants.5650

4 And at Jerusalem3389 dwelled3427 certain of the children1121 of Judah,3063 and of the children1121 of Benjamin.1144 Of the children1121 of Judah;3063 Athaiah6265 the son1121 of Uzziah,5818 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Amariah,568 the son1121 of Shephatiah,8203 the son1121 of Mahalaleel,4111 of the children1121 of Perez;6557

5 And Maaseiah4641 the son1121 of Baruch,1263 the son1121 of Colhozeh,3626 the son1121 of Hazaiah,2382 the son1121 of Adaiah,5718 the son1121 of Joiarib,3114 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Shiloni.8023

6 All3605 the sons1121 of Perez6557 that dwelled3427 at Jerusalem3389 were four702 hundred3967 three score8346 and eight8083 valiant2428 men.

7 And these428 are the sons1121 of Benjamin;1144 Sallu5543 the son1121 of Meshullam,4918 the son1121 of Joed,3133 the son1121 of Pedaiah,6305 the son1121 of Kolaiah,6964 the son1121 of Maaseiah,4641 the son1121 of Ithiel,384 the son1121 of Jesaiah.3470

8 And after310 him Gabbai,1373 Sallai,5543 nine8672 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

9 And Joel3100 the son1121 of Zichri2147 was their overseer:6496 and Judah3063 the son1121 of Senuah5574 was second4932 over5921 the city.5892

10 Of the priests:3548 Jedaiah3048 the son1121 of Joiarib,3114 Jachin.3199

11 Seraiah8304 the son1121 of Hilkiah,2518 the son1121 of Meshullam,4918 the son1121 of Zadok,6659 the son1121 of Meraioth,4812 the son1121 of Ahitub,285 was the ruler5057 of the house1004 of God.430

12 And their brothers251 that did6213 the work4399 of the house1004 were eight8083 hundred3967 twenty6242 and two:8147 and Adaiah5718 the son1121 of Jeroham,3395 the son1121 of Pelaliah,6421 the son1121 of Amzi,557 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Pashur,6583 the son1121 of Malchiah.4441

13 And his brothers,251 chief7218 of the fathers,1 two hundred3967 forty705 and two:8147 and Amashai6023 the son1121 of Azareel,5832 the son1121 of Ahasai,273 the son1121 of Meshillemoth,4919 the son1121 of Immer,564

14 And their brothers,251 mighty1368 men of valor,2428 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight:8083 and their overseer6496 was Zabdiel,2068 the son1121 of one of the great1419 men.

15 Also of the Levites:3881 Shemaiah8098 the son1121 of Hashub,2815 the son1121 of Azrikam,5840 the son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Bunni;1137

16 And Shabbethai7678 and Jozabad,3107 of the chief7218 of the Levites,3881 had the oversight5921 of the outward2435 business4399 of the house1004 of God.430

17 And Mattaniah4983 the son1121 of Micha,4316 the son1121 of Zabdi,2067 the son1121 of Asaph,623 was the principal7218 to begin8462 the thanksgiving3034 in prayer:8605 and Bakbukiah1229 the second4932 among his brothers,251 and Abda5653 the son1121 of Shammua,8051 the son1121 of Galal,1559 the son1121 of Jeduthun.3038

18 All3605 the Levites3881 in the holy6944 city5892 were two hundred3967 fourscore8084 and four.702

19 Moreover the porters,7778 Akkub,6126 Talmon,2929 and their brothers251 that kept8104 the gates,8179 were an hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

20 And the residue7605 of Israel,3478 of the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 were in all3605 the cities5892 of Judah,3063 every376 one376 in his inheritance.5159

21 But the Nethinims5411 dwelled3427 in Ophel:6077 and Ziha6727 and Gispa1658 were over5921 the Nethinims.5411

22 The overseer6496 also of the Levites3881 at Jerusalem3389 was Uzzi5813 the son1121 of Bani,1137 the son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Mattaniah,4983 the son1121 of Micha.4316 Of the sons1121 of Asaph,623 the singers7891 were over5048 the business4399 of the house1004 of God.430

23 For it was the king's4428 commandment4687 concerning5921 them, that a certain portion should be for the singers,7891 due1697 for every day.3117

24 And Pethahiah6611 the son1121 of Meshezabeel,4898 of the children1121 of Zerah2226 the son1121 of Judah,3063 was at the king's4428 hand3027 in all3605 matters1697 concerning the people.5971

25 And for the villages,2691 with their fields,7704 some of the children1121 of Judah3063 dwelled3427 at Kirjatharba,7153 and in the villages2691 thereof, and at Dibon,1769 and in the villages1323 thereof, and at Jekabzeel,3343 and in the villages1323 thereof,

26 And at Jeshua,3442 and at Moladah,4137 and at Bethphelet,1046

27 And at Hazarshual,2705 and at Beersheba,884 and in the villages1323 thereof,

28 And at Ziklag,6860 and at Mekonah,4368 and in the villages1323 thereof,

29 And at Enrimmon,5884 and at Zareah,6881 and at Jarmuth,3412

30 Zanoah,2182 Adullam,5725 and in their villages,2691 at Lachish,3923 and the fields7704 thereof, at Azekah,5825 and in the villages1323 thereof. And they dwelled2583 from Beersheba884 to the valley1516 of Hinnom.2011

31 The children1121 also of Benjamin1144 from Geba1387 dwelled at Michmash,4363 and Aija,5857 and Bethel,1008 and in their villages.1323

32 And at Anathoth,6068 Nob,5011 Ananiah,6055

33 Hazor,2674 Ramah,7414 Gittaim,1664

34 Hadid,2307 Zeboim,6650 Neballat,5041

35 Lod,3850 and Ono,207 the valley1516 of craftsmen.2796

36 And of the Levites3881 were divisions4256 in Judah,3063 and in Benjamin.1144



1 民長居耶路撒冷、餘民掣籤、於十人中簡一人、使居聖京、九人居於別邑。

2 凡願居耶路撒冷者、民爲之祝嘏。

3 以色列族、祭司、利未人、殿中奔走者、與所羅門僕從之子孫、居猶大諸邑、各有田廬、居耶路撒冷者、惟猶大、便雅憫二族、爲州牧、屬猶大族者亞大雅、馬西雅、亞大雅父烏西亞、烏西亞父撒加利亞、撒加利亞父亞馬哩、亞馬哩父示法提亞、示法提亞父馬勒列、馬勒列父法勒士。

4 併於上節

5 馬西雅父巴緑、巴緑父谷何西、谷何西父哈賽亞、哈賽亞父亞大雅、亞大雅父約雅立、約雅立父撒加利亞、撒加利亞父示羅尼。

6 法勒士之裔居耶路撒冷、素稱義士、計四百六十八人、

7 屬便雅憫族者、撒路、撒路父米書闌、米書闌父約葉、約葉父比太亞、比太亞父哥賴亞、哥賴亞父馬西雅、馬西雅父以鐵、以鐵父耶賽亞。

8 從撒路者伽拜、撒來、共九百二十八人。

9 色哩子約耳爲其長、西奴子猶大輔之、兼爲邑宰。

10 祭司中有約雅立子耶太亞、雅斤、

11 亞希突耳孫、米喇約玄孫、撒督曾孫、米書闌孫、希勒家子、希勑亞、綜理上帝殿、

12 其同宗在殿中供役事者、八百二十二人、馬其亞來孫、巴述耳孫、撒加利亞玄孫、暗西曾孫、比拉利孫、耶羅罕子、亞大雅、

13 及其宗人最著者、二百四十二人。音麥玄孫、米實利末曾孫、亞哈賽孫、亞薩列子、亞馬帥。

14 及其同宗、俱爲豪傑、百有二十八人。哈其多林子薩特爲其長。

15 利未支派中、有示罵雅者、布尼玄孫、哈沙庇曾孫、押利甘孫、哈述子也。

16 與族中最著者、沙比太、約撒八、協理上帝殿之外事。

17 亞薩曾孫、颯底孫、米加子馬大尼、於人祈禱時、首發聲、頌讚上帝、其同宗八布迦繼之、耶土頓曾孫、加拉孫、少母亞子押大亦與焉。

18 在聖城中利未族、共二百八十四人。

19 司閽者亞谷、達門、及其同宗、百有七十二人。

20 以色列餘民、祭司、利未人、在猶大諸邑、各有田廬。

21 殿中奔走者、居於山岡、爲西哈、吉巴所轄。

22 米加玄孫、馬大尼曾孫、哈沙庇孫、巴尼子烏西、在耶路撒冷爲利未族長、謳歌者亞薩之裔統理殿中之事。

23 惟王有命、日以所需、給謳歌者。

24 猶大族西喇家、米示薩別子庇大希、佐理王民事。

25 猶大族歸其鄉里、復其田畝、居於基列亞巴、底本、葉甲泄、及其鄉里。

26 亦在耶書亞、麼拉大、伯帕列。

27 哈薩書亞、別是巴、及其鄉里。

28 息臘、米哥拿、及其鄉里。

29 音臨門、薩哩亞、耶末、

30 撒挪亞、亞士蘭、及其鄉里、拉吉及其田畝、亞西加及其鄉里、所居之地、自別是巴至欣嫩谷、

31 屬基巴之便雅憫族、居在密抹、亞雅、伯特利、及其鄉里、

32 亞拿突、挪伯、亞難尼、

33 夏朔、拉馬、其大音、

34 哈特、西編、尼八辣、

35 律阿挪、工師谷。

36 利未人析居、半在猶大、半在便雅憫。


Chapter 11



1 And the rulers8269 of the people5971 dwelled3427 at Jerusalem:3389 the rest7605 of the people5971 also cast5307 lots,1486 to bring935 one259 of ten6235 to dwell3427 in Jerusalem3389 the holy6944 city,5892 and nine8672 parts3027 to dwell in other cities.5892

1 民長居耶路撒冷、餘民掣籤、於十人中簡一人、使居聖京、九人居於別邑。

2 And the people5971 blessed1288 all3605 the men,582 that willingly offered themselves to dwell3427 at Jerusalem.3389

2 凡願居耶路撒冷者、民爲之祝嘏。

3 Now these428 are the chief7218 of the province4082 that dwelled3427 in Jerusalem:3389 but in the cities5892 of Judah3063 dwelled3427 every376 one376 in his possession272 in their cities,5892 to wit, Israel,3478 the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 and the Nethinims,5411 and the children1121 of Solomon's8010 servants.5650

3 以色列族、祭司、利未人、殿中奔走者、與所羅門僕從之子孫、居猶大諸邑、各有田廬、居耶路撒冷者、惟猶大、便雅憫二族、爲州牧、屬猶大族者亞大雅、馬西雅、亞大雅父烏西亞、烏西亞父撒加利亞、撒加利亞父亞馬哩、亞馬哩父示法提亞、示法提亞父馬勒列、馬勒列父法勒士。

4 And at Jerusalem3389 dwelled3427 certain of the children1121 of Judah,3063 and of the children1121 of Benjamin.1144 Of the children1121 of Judah;3063 Athaiah6265 the son1121 of Uzziah,5818 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Amariah,568 the son1121 of Shephatiah,8203 the son1121 of Mahalaleel,4111 of the children1121 of Perez;6557

4 併於上節

5 And Maaseiah4641 the son1121 of Baruch,1263 the son1121 of Colhozeh,3626 the son1121 of Hazaiah,2382 the son1121 of Adaiah,5718 the son1121 of Joiarib,3114 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Shiloni.8023

5 馬西雅父巴緑、巴緑父谷何西、谷何西父哈賽亞、哈賽亞父亞大雅、亞大雅父約雅立、約雅立父撒加利亞、撒加利亞父示羅尼。

6 All3605 the sons1121 of Perez6557 that dwelled3427 at Jerusalem3389 were four702 hundred3967 three score8346 and eight8083 valiant2428 men.

6 法勒士之裔居耶路撒冷、素稱義士、計四百六十八人、

7 And these428 are the sons1121 of Benjamin;1144 Sallu5543 the son1121 of Meshullam,4918 the son1121 of Joed,3133 the son1121 of Pedaiah,6305 the son1121 of Kolaiah,6964 the son1121 of Maaseiah,4641 the son1121 of Ithiel,384 the son1121 of Jesaiah.3470

7 屬便雅憫族者、撒路、撒路父米書闌、米書闌父約葉、約葉父比太亞、比太亞父哥賴亞、哥賴亞父馬西雅、馬西雅父以鐵、以鐵父耶賽亞。

8 And after310 him Gabbai,1373 Sallai,5543 nine8672 hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight.8083

8 從撒路者伽拜、撒來、共九百二十八人。

9 And Joel3100 the son1121 of Zichri2147 was their overseer:6496 and Judah3063 the son1121 of Senuah5574 was second4932 over5921 the city.5892

9 色哩子約耳爲其長、西奴子猶大輔之、兼爲邑宰。

10 Of the priests:3548 Jedaiah3048 the son1121 of Joiarib,3114 Jachin.3199

10 祭司中有約雅立子耶太亞、雅斤、

11 Seraiah8304 the son1121 of Hilkiah,2518 the son1121 of Meshullam,4918 the son1121 of Zadok,6659 the son1121 of Meraioth,4812 the son1121 of Ahitub,285 was the ruler5057 of the house1004 of God.430

11 亞希突耳孫、米喇約玄孫、撒督曾孫、米書闌孫、希勒家子、希勑亞、綜理上帝殿、

12 And their brothers251 that did6213 the work4399 of the house1004 were eight8083 hundred3967 twenty6242 and two:8147 and Adaiah5718 the son1121 of Jeroham,3395 the son1121 of Pelaliah,6421 the son1121 of Amzi,557 the son1121 of Zechariah,2148 the son1121 of Pashur,6583 the son1121 of Malchiah.4441

12 其同宗在殿中供役事者、八百二十二人、馬其亞來孫、巴述耳孫、撒加利亞玄孫、暗西曾孫、比拉利孫、耶羅罕子、亞大雅、

13 And his brothers,251 chief7218 of the fathers,1 two hundred3967 forty705 and two:8147 and Amashai6023 the son1121 of Azareel,5832 the son1121 of Ahasai,273 the son1121 of Meshillemoth,4919 the son1121 of Immer,564

13 及其宗人最著者、二百四十二人。音麥玄孫、米實利末曾孫、亞哈賽孫、亞薩列子、亞馬帥。

14 And their brothers,251 mighty1368 men of valor,2428 an hundred3967 twenty6242 and eight:8083 and their overseer6496 was Zabdiel,2068 the son1121 of one of the great1419 men.

14 及其同宗、俱爲豪傑、百有二十八人。哈其多林子薩特爲其長。

15 Also of the Levites:3881 Shemaiah8098 the son1121 of Hashub,2815 the son1121 of Azrikam,5840 the son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Bunni;1137

15 利未支派中、有示罵雅者、布尼玄孫、哈沙庇曾孫、押利甘孫、哈述子也。

16 And Shabbethai7678 and Jozabad,3107 of the chief7218 of the Levites,3881 had the oversight5921 of the outward2435 business4399 of the house1004 of God.430

16 與族中最著者、沙比太、約撒八、協理上帝殿之外事。

17 And Mattaniah4983 the son1121 of Micha,4316 the son1121 of Zabdi,2067 the son1121 of Asaph,623 was the principal7218 to begin8462 the thanksgiving3034 in prayer:8605 and Bakbukiah1229 the second4932 among his brothers,251 and Abda5653 the son1121 of Shammua,8051 the son1121 of Galal,1559 the son1121 of Jeduthun.3038

17 亞薩曾孫、颯底孫、米加子馬大尼、於人祈禱時、首發聲、頌讚上帝、其同宗八布迦繼之、耶土頓曾孫、加拉孫、少母亞子押大亦與焉。

18 All3605 the Levites3881 in the holy6944 city5892 were two hundred3967 fourscore8084 and four.702

18 在聖城中利未族、共二百八十四人。

19 Moreover the porters,7778 Akkub,6126 Talmon,2929 and their brothers251 that kept8104 the gates,8179 were an hundred3967 seventy7657 and two.8147

19 司閽者亞谷、達門、及其同宗、百有七十二人。

20 And the residue7605 of Israel,3478 of the priests,3548 and the Levites,3881 were in all3605 the cities5892 of Judah,3063 every376 one376 in his inheritance.5159

20 以色列餘民、祭司、利未人、在猶大諸邑、各有田廬。

21 But the Nethinims5411 dwelled3427 in Ophel:6077 and Ziha6727 and Gispa1658 were over5921 the Nethinims.5411

21 殿中奔走者、居於山岡、爲西哈、吉巴所轄。

22 The overseer6496 also of the Levites3881 at Jerusalem3389 was Uzzi5813 the son1121 of Bani,1137 the son1121 of Hashabiah,2811 the son1121 of Mattaniah,4983 the son1121 of Micha.4316 Of the sons1121 of Asaph,623 the singers7891 were over5048 the business4399 of the house1004 of God.430

22 米加玄孫、馬大尼曾孫、哈沙庇孫、巴尼子烏西、在耶路撒冷爲利未族長、謳歌者亞薩之裔統理殿中之事。

23 For it was the king's4428 commandment4687 concerning5921 them, that a certain portion should be for the singers,7891 due1697 for every day.3117

23 惟王有命、日以所需、給謳歌者。

24 And Pethahiah6611 the son1121 of Meshezabeel,4898 of the children1121 of Zerah2226 the son1121 of Judah,3063 was at the king's4428 hand3027 in all3605 matters1697 concerning the people.5971

24 猶大族西喇家、米示薩別子庇大希、佐理王民事。

25 And for the villages,2691 with their fields,7704 some of the children1121 of Judah3063 dwelled3427 at Kirjatharba,7153 and in the villages2691 thereof, and at Dibon,1769 and in the villages1323 thereof, and at Jekabzeel,3343 and in the villages1323 thereof,

25 猶大族歸其鄉里、復其田畝、居於基列亞巴、底本、葉甲泄、及其鄉里。

26 And at Jeshua,3442 and at Moladah,4137 and at Bethphelet,1046

26 亦在耶書亞、麼拉大、伯帕列。

27 And at Hazarshual,2705 and at Beersheba,884 and in the villages1323 thereof,

27 哈薩書亞、別是巴、及其鄉里。

28 And at Ziklag,6860 and at Mekonah,4368 and in the villages1323 thereof,

28 息臘、米哥拿、及其鄉里。

29 And at Enrimmon,5884 and at Zareah,6881 and at Jarmuth,3412

29 音臨門、薩哩亞、耶末、

30 Zanoah,2182 Adullam,5725 and in their villages,2691 at Lachish,3923 and the fields7704 thereof, at Azekah,5825 and in the villages1323 thereof. And they dwelled2583 from Beersheba884 to the valley1516 of Hinnom.2011

30 撒挪亞、亞士蘭、及其鄉里、拉吉及其田畝、亞西加及其鄉里、所居之地、自別是巴至欣嫩谷、

31 The children1121 also of Benjamin1144 from Geba1387 dwelled at Michmash,4363 and Aija,5857 and Bethel,1008 and in their villages.1323

31 屬基巴之便雅憫族、居在密抹、亞雅、伯特利、及其鄉里、

32 And at Anathoth,6068 Nob,5011 Ananiah,6055

32 亞拿突、挪伯、亞難尼、

33 Hazor,2674 Ramah,7414 Gittaim,1664

33 夏朔、拉馬、其大音、

34 Hadid,2307 Zeboim,6650 Neballat,5041

34 哈特、西編、尼八辣、

35 Lod,3850 and Ono,207 the valley1516 of craftsmen.2796

35 律阿挪、工師谷。

36 And of the Levites3881 were divisions4256 in Judah,3063 and in Benjamin.1144

36 利未人析居、半在猶大、半在便雅憫。