
Chapter 20

1 Wine3196 is a mocker,3887 strong drink7941 is raging:1993 and whosoever3605 is deceived7686 thereby is not3808 wise.2449

2 The fear367 of a king4428 is as the roaring5099 of a lion:3715 whoso provoketh him to anger5674 sinneth2398 against his own soul.5315

3 It is an honor3519 for a man376 to cease7674 from strife:4480 7379 but every3605 fool191 will be meddling.1566

4 The sluggard6102 will not3808 plow2790 by reason of the cold;4480 2779 therefore shall he beg7592 in harvest,7105 and have nothing.369

5 Counsel6098 in the heart3820 of man376 is like deep6013 water;4325 but a man376 of understanding8394 will draw it out.1802

6 Most7230 men120 will proclaim7121 every one376 his own goodness:2617 but a faithful529 man376 who4310 can find?4672

7 The just6662 man walketh1980 in his integrity:8537 his children1121 are blessed835 after310 him.

8 A king4428 that sitteth3427 in5921 the throne3678 of judgment1779 scattereth away2219 all3605 evil7451 with his eyes.5869

9 Who4310 can say,559 I have made my heart3820 clean,2135 I am pure2891 from my sin?4480 2403

10 Divers weights,68 68 and divers measures,374 374 both8147 of them are alike1571 abomination8441 to the LORD.3068

11 Even1571 a child5288 is known5234 by his doings,4611 whether518 his work6467 be pure,2134 and whether518 it be right.3477

12 The hearing8085 ear,241 and the seeing7200 eye,5869 the LORD3068 hath made6213 even1571 both8147 of them.

13 Love157 not408 sleep,8142 lest6435 thou come to poverty;3423 open6491 thine eyes,5869 and thou shalt be satisfied7646 with bread.3899

14 It is naught,7451 it is naught,7451 saith559 the buyer:7069 but when he is gone his way,235 then227 he boasteth.1984

15 There is3426 gold,2091 and a multitude7230 of rubies:6443 but the lips8193 of knowledge1847 are a precious3366 jewel.3627

16 Take3947 his garment899 that3588 is surety6148 for a stranger:2114 and take a pledge2254 of him for1157 a strange woman.5237

17 Bread3899 of deceit8267 is sweet6156 to a man;376 but afterwards310 his mouth6310 shall be filled4390 with gravel.2687

18 Every purpose4284 is established3559 by counsel:6098 and with good advice8458 make6213 war.4421

19 He that goeth about1980 as a talebearer7400 revealeth1540 secrets:5475 therefore meddle6148 not3808 with him that flattereth6601 with his lips.8193

20 Whoso curseth7043 his father1 or his mother,517 his lamp5216 shall be put out1846 in obscure380 darkness.2822

21 An inheritance5159 may be gotten hastily926 at the beginning;7223 but the end319 thereof shall not3808 be blessed.1288

22 Say559 not408 thou, I will recompense7999 evil;7451 but wait6960 on the LORD,3068 and he shall save3467 thee.

23 Divers weights68 68 are an abomination8441 unto the LORD;3068 and a false4820 balance3976 is not3808 good.2896

24 Man's1397 goings4703 are of the LORD;4480 3068 how4100 can a man120 then understand995 his own way?1870

25 It is a snare4170 to the man120 who devoureth3216 that which is holy,6944 and after310 vows5088 to make inquiry.1239

26 A wise2450 king4428 scattereth2219 the wicked,7563 and bringeth7725 the wheel212 over5921 them.

27 The spirit5397 of man120 is the candle5216 of the LORD,3068 searching2664 all3605 the inward parts2315 of the belly.990

28 Mercy2617 and truth571 preserve5341 the king:4428 and his throne3678 is upheld5582 by mercy.2617

29 The glory8597 of young men970 is their strength:3581 and the beauty1926 of old men2205 is the gray head.7872

30 The blueness2250 of a wound6482 cleanseth away8562 evil:7451 so do stripes4347 the inward parts2315 of the belly.990



1 清酒醇醪過飲、生侮慢、載號載呶、沉湎於酒、無智甚矣。

2 王之震怒、如獅咆哮、犯之者自取其戾。

3 息爭可得譽、凌競爲愚人。

4 怠惰者流、冬時不勤耕耘、穡時乞而不得。

5 人藏其心、不測若深淵、慧人能汲之。

6 自伐其仁者甚衆、忠信之人世不概見。

7 善人行義、子孫享福。

8 王坐鞫民、見惡人則擯斥之。

9 心清身潔、誰能自信。

10 權衡法度、不一其制、耶和華所疾。

11 子之清直與否、視其所爲則可知矣。

12 耳能聞、目能見、俱耶和華使然。

13 毋貪寢、恐遭貧乏、宜興作、可得果腹、

14 未市則賤其物、旣得則誇其美。

15 訓誨之言、若黃金、若琅玕、若珍器。

16 爲外人異族作中保、而不能償、則必取其衣爲質。

17 欺人得餅、厥味甚甘、不知其後如吞塵沙。

18 慮而後成、思而後戰。

19 評人長短者、機事爲其所泄、甘其言詞者、勿與之偕居。

20 詛父母者、其燈必滅、其光必暗。

21 始而貪婪、終無福祉。

22 毋以惡報惡、望耶和華救我。

23 權衡不公、不恕孰甚。

24 凡百之事、耶和華所定、人豈能逆料。

25 人不自量、矢口許願、則陷於罪。

26 賢王驅逐惡人、加以蹂躪、

27 人之本心、譬諸明燈、耶和華所畀、俾燭照事機。

28 王懷矜憫、真實毋妄、國祚綿長。

29 少者以壯健爲榮、老者以皓首爲尊。

30 身受扑責、痕現於外、則惡去而心自潔矣。


Chapter 20



1 Wine3196 is a mocker,3887 strong drink7941 is raging:1993 and whosoever3605 is deceived7686 thereby is not3808 wise.2449

1 清酒醇醪過飲、生侮慢、載號載呶、沉湎於酒、無智甚矣。

2 The fear367 of a king4428 is as the roaring5099 of a lion:3715 whoso provoketh him to anger5674 sinneth2398 against his own soul.5315

2 王之震怒、如獅咆哮、犯之者自取其戾。

3 It is an honor3519 for a man376 to cease7674 from strife:4480 7379 but every3605 fool191 will be meddling.1566

3 息爭可得譽、凌競爲愚人。

4 The sluggard6102 will not3808 plow2790 by reason of the cold;4480 2779 therefore shall he beg7592 in harvest,7105 and have nothing.369

4 怠惰者流、冬時不勤耕耘、穡時乞而不得。

5 Counsel6098 in the heart3820 of man376 is like deep6013 water;4325 but a man376 of understanding8394 will draw it out.1802

5 人藏其心、不測若深淵、慧人能汲之。

6 Most7230 men120 will proclaim7121 every one376 his own goodness:2617 but a faithful529 man376 who4310 can find?4672

6 自伐其仁者甚衆、忠信之人世不概見。

7 The just6662 man walketh1980 in his integrity:8537 his children1121 are blessed835 after310 him.

7 善人行義、子孫享福。

8 A king4428 that sitteth3427 in5921 the throne3678 of judgment1779 scattereth away2219 all3605 evil7451 with his eyes.5869

8 王坐鞫民、見惡人則擯斥之。

9 Who4310 can say,559 I have made my heart3820 clean,2135 I am pure2891 from my sin?4480 2403

9 心清身潔、誰能自信。

10 Divers weights,68 68 and divers measures,374 374 both8147 of them are alike1571 abomination8441 to the LORD.3068

10 權衡法度、不一其制、耶和華所疾。

11 Even1571 a child5288 is known5234 by his doings,4611 whether518 his work6467 be pure,2134 and whether518 it be right.3477

11 子之清直與否、視其所爲則可知矣。

12 The hearing8085 ear,241 and the seeing7200 eye,5869 the LORD3068 hath made6213 even1571 both8147 of them.

12 耳能聞、目能見、俱耶和華使然。

13 Love157 not408 sleep,8142 lest6435 thou come to poverty;3423 open6491 thine eyes,5869 and thou shalt be satisfied7646 with bread.3899

13 毋貪寢、恐遭貧乏、宜興作、可得果腹、

14 It is naught,7451 it is naught,7451 saith559 the buyer:7069 but when he is gone his way,235 then227 he boasteth.1984

14 未市則賤其物、旣得則誇其美。

15 There is3426 gold,2091 and a multitude7230 of rubies:6443 but the lips8193 of knowledge1847 are a precious3366 jewel.3627

15 訓誨之言、若黃金、若琅玕、若珍器。

16 Take3947 his garment899 that3588 is surety6148 for a stranger:2114 and take a pledge2254 of him for1157 a strange woman.5237

16 爲外人異族作中保、而不能償、則必取其衣爲質。

17 Bread3899 of deceit8267 is sweet6156 to a man;376 but afterwards310 his mouth6310 shall be filled4390 with gravel.2687

17 欺人得餅、厥味甚甘、不知其後如吞塵沙。

18 Every purpose4284 is established3559 by counsel:6098 and with good advice8458 make6213 war.4421

18 慮而後成、思而後戰。

19 He that goeth about1980 as a talebearer7400 revealeth1540 secrets:5475 therefore meddle6148 not3808 with him that flattereth6601 with his lips.8193

19 評人長短者、機事爲其所泄、甘其言詞者、勿與之偕居。

20 Whoso curseth7043 his father1 or his mother,517 his lamp5216 shall be put out1846 in obscure380 darkness.2822

20 詛父母者、其燈必滅、其光必暗。

21 An inheritance5159 may be gotten hastily926 at the beginning;7223 but the end319 thereof shall not3808 be blessed.1288

21 始而貪婪、終無福祉。

22 Say559 not408 thou, I will recompense7999 evil;7451 but wait6960 on the LORD,3068 and he shall save3467 thee.

22 毋以惡報惡、望耶和華救我。

23 Divers weights68 68 are an abomination8441 unto the LORD;3068 and a false4820 balance3976 is not3808 good.2896

23 權衡不公、不恕孰甚。

24 Man's1397 goings4703 are of the LORD;4480 3068 how4100 can a man120 then understand995 his own way?1870

24 凡百之事、耶和華所定、人豈能逆料。

25 It is a snare4170 to the man120 who devoureth3216 that which is holy,6944 and after310 vows5088 to make inquiry.1239

25 人不自量、矢口許願、則陷於罪。

26 A wise2450 king4428 scattereth2219 the wicked,7563 and bringeth7725 the wheel212 over5921 them.

26 賢王驅逐惡人、加以蹂躪、

27 The spirit5397 of man120 is the candle5216 of the LORD,3068 searching2664 all3605 the inward parts2315 of the belly.990

27 人之本心、譬諸明燈、耶和華所畀、俾燭照事機。

28 Mercy2617 and truth571 preserve5341 the king:4428 and his throne3678 is upheld5582 by mercy.2617

28 王懷矜憫、真實毋妄、國祚綿長。

29 The glory8597 of young men970 is their strength:3581 and the beauty1926 of old men2205 is the gray head.7872

29 少者以壯健爲榮、老者以皓首爲尊。

30 The blueness2250 of a wound6482 cleanseth away8562 evil:7451 so do stripes4347 the inward parts2315 of the belly.990

30 身受扑責、痕現於外、則惡去而心自潔矣。