
Chapter 18

1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 unto413 Moses,4872 saying,559

2 Speak1696 unto413 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 unto413 them, I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430

3 After the doings4639 of the land776 of Egypt,4714 wherein834 ye dwelt,3427 shall ye not3808 do:6213 and after the doings4639 of the land776 of Canaan,3667 whither834 8033 I589 bring935 you, shall ye not3808 do:6213 neither3808 shall ye walk1980 in their ordinances.2708

4 Ye shall do6213 853 my judgments,4941 and keep8104 mine ordinances,2708 to walk1980 therein: I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430

5 Ye shall therefore keep8104 853 my statutes,2708 and my judgments:4941 which834 if a man120 do,6213 he shall live2425 in them: I589 am the LORD.3068

6 None3808 376 376 of you shall approach7126 to413 any3605 that is near7607 of kin1320 to him, to uncover1540 their nakedness:6172 I589 am the LORD.3068

7 The nakedness6172 of thy father,1 or the nakedness6172 of thy mother,517 shalt thou not3808 uncover:1540 she1931 is thy mother;517 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

8 The nakedness6172 of thy father's1 wife802 shalt thou not3808 uncover:1540 it1931 is thy father's1 nakedness.6172

9 The nakedness6172 of thy sister,269 the daughter1323 of thy father,1 or176 daughter1323 of thy mother,517 whether she be born4138 at home,1004 or176 born4138 abroad,2351 even their nakedness6172 thou shalt not3808 uncover.1540

10 The nakedness6172 of thy son's1121 daughter,1323 or176 of thy daughter's1323 daughter,1323 even their nakedness6172 thou shalt not3808 uncover:1540 for3588 theirs2007 is thine own nakedness.6172

11 The nakedness6172 of thy father's1 wife's802 daughter,1323 begotten4138 of thy father,1 she1931 is thy sister,269 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

12 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy father's1 sister:269 she1931 is thy father's1 near kinswoman.7607

13 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy mother's517 sister:269 for3588 she1931 is thy mother's517 near kinswoman.7607

14 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy father's1 brother,251 thou shalt not3808 approach7126 to413 his wife:802 she1931 is thine aunt.1733

15 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy daughter-in-law:3618 she1931 is thy son's1121 wife;802 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

16 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy brother's251 wife:802 it1931 is thy brother's251 nakedness.6172

17 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of a woman802 and her daughter,1323 neither3808 shalt thou take3947 853 her son's1121 daughter,1323 or her daughter's1323 daughter,1323 to uncover1540 her nakedness;6172 for they2007 are her near kinswomen:7608 it1931 is wickedness.2154

18 Neither3808 shalt thou take3947 a wife802 to413 her sister,269 to vex6887 her, to uncover1540 her nakedness,6172 beside5921 the other in her life2416 time.

19 Also thou shalt not3808 approach7126 unto413 a woman802 to uncover1540 her nakedness,6172 as long as she is put apart5079 for her uncleanness.2932

20 Moreover thou shalt not3808 lie carnally5414 7903 2233 with413 thy neighbor's5997 wife,802 to defile2930 thyself with her.

21 And thou shalt not3808 let5414 any of thy seed4480 2233 pass through5674 the fire to Molech,4432 neither3808 shalt thou profane2490 853 the name8034 of thy God:430 I589 am the LORD.3068

22 Thou shalt not3808 lie7901 with854 mankind,2145 as with4904 womankind:802 it1931 is abomination.8441

23 Neither3808 shalt thou lie5414 7903 with any3605 beast929 to defile2930 thyself therewith: neither3808 shall any woman802 stand5975 before6440 a beast929 to lie down7250 thereto: it1931 is confusion.8397

24 Defile not ye yourselves2930 408 in any3605 of these things:428 for3588 in all3605 these428 the nations1471 are defiled2930 which834 I589 cast out7971 before4480 6440 you:

25 And the land776 is defiled:2930 therefore I do visit6485 the iniquity5771 thereof upon5921 it, and the land776 itself vomiteth out6958 853 her inhabitants.3427

26 Ye859 shall therefore keep8104 853 my statutes2708 and my judgments,4941 and shall not3808 commit6213 any of these4480 3605 428 abominations;8441 neither any of your own nation,249 nor any stranger1616 that sojourneth1481 among8432 you:

27 (For3588 853 all3605 these411 abominations8441 have the men376 of the land776 done,6213 which834 were before6440 you, and the land776 is defiled;)2930

28 That the land776 spew not you out6958 3808 853 also, when ye defile2930 it, as834 it spewed out6958 853 the nations1471 that834 were before6440 you.

29 For3588 whosoever3605 834 shall commit6213 any4480 3605 of these428 abominations,8441 even the souls5315 that commit6213 them shall be cut off3772 from among4480 7130 their people.5971

30 Therefore shall ye keep8104 853 mine ordinance,4931 that ye commit not6213 1115 any one of these abominable customs,4480 2708 8441 which834 were committed6213 before6440 you, and that ye defile not yourselves2930 3808 therein: I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430



1 耶和華對摩西說:

2 你曉諭以色列人說:「我是耶和華─你們的神。

3 你們從前住的埃及地,那裏人的行為,你們不可效法,我要領你們到的迦南地,那裏人的行為也不可效法,也不可照他們的惡俗行。

4 你們要遵我的典章,守我的律例,按此而行。我是耶和華─你們的神。

5 所以,你們要守我的律例典章;人若遵行,就必因此活著。我是耶和華。

6 「你們都不可露[near]親的裸體[nakedness],親近他們。我是耶和華。

7 你父親的下體,或是你母親的下體,你都不可露[The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover];她是你的母親,不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

8 [thou]不可露你繼母的裸體[nakedness];這本是你父親的裸體[nakedness]

9 你的姊妹,不拘是異母同父的,是異父同母的,無論是生在家生在外的,[thou]都不可露她們的裸體[nakedness]

10 [thou]不可露你孫女或是外孫女的裸體[nakedness];露了她們的裸體[nakedness]就是露了自己的裸體[nakedness]

11 你繼母從你父親生的女兒本是你的姊妹[sister],不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

12 [Thou]不可露你姑母的裸體[nakedness];她是你父親的[near]親。

13 [Thou]不可露你姨母的裸體[nakedness];她是你母親的[near]親。

14 [Thou]不可[uncover]你伯叔的裸體[nakedness]你不可親近他的妻[thou shalt not approach to his wife];她是你的伯叔母。

15 [Thou]不可露你兒婦的裸體[nakedness]。她是你兒子的妻;[thou]不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

16 [Thou]不可露你弟兄妻子的裸體[nakedness];這本是你兄弟[brother]裸體[nakedness]

17 [Thou]不可露了婦人的裸體[nakedness],又露她女兒的裸體[nakedness],也不可娶她孫女或是外孫女,露她們的裸體[nakedness];她們是[near]親,這本是大惡。

18 你妻還在的時候,不可另娶她的姊妹作對頭,露她的裸體[nakedness]

19 「女人行經不潔淨的時候,[thou]不可露她的裸體[nakedness],與她親近。

20 你也[Moreover thou]不可與鄰居的妻同寢[lie carnally with],玷污自己。

21 [thou]不可使你的兒女經火歸與摩洛,也不可褻瀆你神的名;我是耶和華。

22 [Thou]不可與男人同寢[lie with],像與女人一樣;這本是可憎惡的。

23 不可與獸淫合同寢[lie with],玷污自己;女人也不可站在獸前,下臥其中[lie down thereto];這本是逆性的事。

24 「在這一切的事上,你們都不可玷污自己;因為我在你們面前所逐出的列邦,在這一切的事上玷污了自己;

25 連地也玷污了,所以我追討那地的罪孽,那地也吐出她的居民。

26 故此,你們要守我的律例典章。這一切可憎惡的事,無論是本地人,是寄居在你們中間的外人,都不可[commit]

27 (在你們以先居住那地的人行了這一切可憎惡的事,地就玷污了;)

28 免得你們玷污那地的時候,地就把你們吐出,像吐出在你們以先的國民一樣。

29 無論甚麼人,[commit]了其中可憎的一件事,必從民中剪除。

30 所以,你們要守我所[ordinance]的,免得你們干犯[commit]那些可憎的惡俗,就是在你們以先的人所常[committed]的,以致玷污了自己;我是耶和華─你們的神。」


Chapter 18



1 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 unto413 Moses,4872 saying,559

1 耶和華對摩西說:

2 Speak1696 unto413 the children1121 of Israel,3478 and say559 unto413 them, I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430

2 你曉諭以色列人說:「我是耶和華─你們的神。

3 After the doings4639 of the land776 of Egypt,4714 wherein834 ye dwelt,3427 shall ye not3808 do:6213 and after the doings4639 of the land776 of Canaan,3667 whither834 8033 I589 bring935 you, shall ye not3808 do:6213 neither3808 shall ye walk1980 in their ordinances.2708

3 你們從前住的埃及地,那裏人的行為,你們不可效法,我要領你們到的迦南地,那裏人的行為也不可效法,也不可照他們的惡俗行。

4 Ye shall do6213 853 my judgments,4941 and keep8104 mine ordinances,2708 to walk1980 therein: I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430

4 你們要遵我的典章,守我的律例,按此而行。我是耶和華─你們的神。

5 Ye shall therefore keep8104 853 my statutes,2708 and my judgments:4941 which834 if a man120 do,6213 he shall live2425 in them: I589 am the LORD.3068

5 所以,你們要守我的律例典章;人若遵行,就必因此活著。我是耶和華。

6 None3808 376 376 of you shall approach7126 to413 any3605 that is near7607 of kin1320 to him, to uncover1540 their nakedness:6172 I589 am the LORD.3068

6 「你們都不可露[near]親的裸體[nakedness],親近他們。我是耶和華。

7 The nakedness6172 of thy father,1 or the nakedness6172 of thy mother,517 shalt thou not3808 uncover:1540 she1931 is thy mother;517 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

7 你父親的下體,或是你母親的下體,你都不可露[The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover];她是你的母親,不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

8 The nakedness6172 of thy father's1 wife802 shalt thou not3808 uncover:1540 it1931 is thy father's1 nakedness.6172

8 [thou]不可露你繼母的裸體[nakedness];這本是你父親的裸體[nakedness]

9 The nakedness6172 of thy sister,269 the daughter1323 of thy father,1 or176 daughter1323 of thy mother,517 whether she be born4138 at home,1004 or176 born4138 abroad,2351 even their nakedness6172 thou shalt not3808 uncover.1540

9 你的姊妹,不拘是異母同父的,是異父同母的,無論是生在家生在外的,[thou]都不可露她們的裸體[nakedness]

10 The nakedness6172 of thy son's1121 daughter,1323 or176 of thy daughter's1323 daughter,1323 even their nakedness6172 thou shalt not3808 uncover:1540 for3588 theirs2007 is thine own nakedness.6172

10 [thou]不可露你孫女或是外孫女的裸體[nakedness];露了她們的裸體[nakedness]就是露了自己的裸體[nakedness]

11 The nakedness6172 of thy father's1 wife's802 daughter,1323 begotten4138 of thy father,1 she1931 is thy sister,269 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

11 你繼母從你父親生的女兒本是你的姊妹[sister],不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

12 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy father's1 sister:269 she1931 is thy father's1 near kinswoman.7607

12 [Thou]不可露你姑母的裸體[nakedness];她是你父親的[near]親。

13 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy mother's517 sister:269 for3588 she1931 is thy mother's517 near kinswoman.7607

13 [Thou]不可露你姨母的裸體[nakedness];她是你母親的[near]親。

14 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy father's1 brother,251 thou shalt not3808 approach7126 to413 his wife:802 she1931 is thine aunt.1733

14 [Thou]不可[uncover]你伯叔的裸體[nakedness]你不可親近他的妻[thou shalt not approach to his wife];她是你的伯叔母。

15 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy daughter-in-law:3618 she1931 is thy son's1121 wife;802 thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 her nakedness.6172

15 [Thou]不可露你兒婦的裸體[nakedness]。她是你兒子的妻;[thou]不可露她的裸體[nakedness]

16 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of thy brother's251 wife:802 it1931 is thy brother's251 nakedness.6172

16 [Thou]不可露你弟兄妻子的裸體[nakedness];這本是你兄弟[brother]裸體[nakedness]

17 Thou shalt not3808 uncover1540 the nakedness6172 of a woman802 and her daughter,1323 neither3808 shalt thou take3947 853 her son's1121 daughter,1323 or her daughter's1323 daughter,1323 to uncover1540 her nakedness;6172 for they2007 are her near kinswomen:7608 it1931 is wickedness.2154

17 [Thou]不可露了婦人的裸體[nakedness],又露她女兒的裸體[nakedness],也不可娶她孫女或是外孫女,露她們的裸體[nakedness];她們是[near]親,這本是大惡。

18 Neither3808 shalt thou take3947 a wife802 to413 her sister,269 to vex6887 her, to uncover1540 her nakedness,6172 beside5921 the other in her life2416 time.

18 你妻還在的時候,不可另娶她的姊妹作對頭,露她的裸體[nakedness]

19 Also thou shalt not3808 approach7126 unto413 a woman802 to uncover1540 her nakedness,6172 as long as she is put apart5079 for her uncleanness.2932

19 「女人行經不潔淨的時候,[thou]不可露她的裸體[nakedness],與她親近。

20 Moreover thou shalt not3808 lie carnally5414 7903 2233 with413 thy neighbor's5997 wife,802 to defile2930 thyself with her.

20 你也[Moreover thou]不可與鄰居的妻同寢[lie carnally with],玷污自己。

21 And thou shalt not3808 let5414 any of thy seed4480 2233 pass through5674 the fire to Molech,4432 neither3808 shalt thou profane2490 853 the name8034 of thy God:430 I589 am the LORD.3068

21 [thou]不可使你的兒女經火歸與摩洛,也不可褻瀆你神的名;我是耶和華。

22 Thou shalt not3808 lie7901 with854 mankind,2145 as with4904 womankind:802 it1931 is abomination.8441

22 [Thou]不可與男人同寢[lie with],像與女人一樣;這本是可憎惡的。

23 Neither3808 shalt thou lie5414 7903 with any3605 beast929 to defile2930 thyself therewith: neither3808 shall any woman802 stand5975 before6440 a beast929 to lie down7250 thereto: it1931 is confusion.8397

23 不可與獸淫合同寢[lie with],玷污自己;女人也不可站在獸前,下臥其中[lie down thereto];這本是逆性的事。

24 Defile not ye yourselves2930 408 in any3605 of these things:428 for3588 in all3605 these428 the nations1471 are defiled2930 which834 I589 cast out7971 before4480 6440 you:

24 「在這一切的事上,你們都不可玷污自己;因為我在你們面前所逐出的列邦,在這一切的事上玷污了自己;

25 And the land776 is defiled:2930 therefore I do visit6485 the iniquity5771 thereof upon5921 it, and the land776 itself vomiteth out6958 853 her inhabitants.3427

25 連地也玷污了,所以我追討那地的罪孽,那地也吐出她的居民。

26 Ye859 shall therefore keep8104 853 my statutes2708 and my judgments,4941 and shall not3808 commit6213 any of these4480 3605 428 abominations;8441 neither any of your own nation,249 nor any stranger1616 that sojourneth1481 among8432 you:

26 故此,你們要守我的律例典章。這一切可憎惡的事,無論是本地人,是寄居在你們中間的外人,都不可[commit]

27 (For3588 853 all3605 these411 abominations8441 have the men376 of the land776 done,6213 which834 were before6440 you, and the land776 is defiled;)2930

27 (在你們以先居住那地的人行了這一切可憎惡的事,地就玷污了;)

28 That the land776 spew not you out6958 3808 853 also, when ye defile2930 it, as834 it spewed out6958 853 the nations1471 that834 were before6440 you.

28 免得你們玷污那地的時候,地就把你們吐出,像吐出在你們以先的國民一樣。

29 For3588 whosoever3605 834 shall commit6213 any4480 3605 of these428 abominations,8441 even the souls5315 that commit6213 them shall be cut off3772 from among4480 7130 their people.5971

29 無論甚麼人,[commit]了其中可憎的一件事,必從民中剪除。

30 Therefore shall ye keep8104 853 mine ordinance,4931 that ye commit not6213 1115 any one of these abominable customs,4480 2708 8441 which834 were committed6213 before6440 you, and that ye defile not yourselves2930 3808 therein: I589 am the LORD3068 your God.430

30 所以,你們要守我所[ordinance]的,免得你們干犯[commit]那些可憎的惡俗,就是在你們以先的人所常[committed]的,以致玷污了自己;我是耶和華─你們的神。」