
Chapter 23

1 AND as Paul beheld their assembly, he said, Men, my brethren, I have lived i n all good conscience before God until this day.

2 And the high priest An-a-ni'as commanded those who stood by his side to strike Paul on the mouth.

3 Then Paul said to him, God shall smite you, O you hypocrite: for you sit to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself transgress the law, when you command that I be smitten.

4 And those who stood by said to him, Do you even revile the high priest of God?

5 Then Paul said to them, Brothers, I did not know that he was a high priest: for it is written, You shall not revile the ruler of your people.

6 Now when Paul perceived that part of the people were Sad'du-cees, and the others were Phar'i-sees, he cried out in the assembly, Men, my brethren, I am a Phar'i-see, the son of a Phar'i-see: and it is because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead that I am here to be judged.

7 And when he had said this, there arose a dissension between the Phar'i-sees and the Sad'du-cees: and the people were divided.

8 For the Sad'du-cees say there is no resurrection, neither angels nor soul: but the Phar'i-sees believe in them.

9 Then there arose a great cry: and the scribes that were of the party of the Phar'i-sees rose up, and argued, saying, We find no fault with this man: and if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, there is nothing wrong in that.

10 And because there was a great disturbance among them, the chief captain, fearing that they might tear Paul to pieces, sent Roman soldiers to go and seize him from among them and bring him into the castle.

11 During the night, our LORD appeared to Paul and said, Be strong, for as you have testified concerning me at Jerusalem, so also you are to testify at Rome.

12 And when it was morning, certain of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under oath, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.

13 And those who had sworn to this conspiracy were more than forty persons.

14 And they went to the priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under an oath, not to taste anything till we have killed Paul.

15 Now you and the leaders of the council ask the captain to bring him to you, as though you were desirous to have a thorough investigation of his acts, and we are ready to kill him before he shall arrive here.

16 When Paul's nephew heard this plot, he went into the castle and told Paul.

17 Then Paul sent for and called one of the centurions, and said, Take this young man to the captain, for he has something to tell him.

18 So the centurion took the young man, and brought him to the chief captain and said, Paul, the prisoner, called me and begged me to bring this young man to you, for he has something to tell you.

19 Then the captain took the young man by his hand, and drew him aside, and asked him, What have you to tell me?

20 And the young man said to him, The Jews have decided to ask you to bring Paul down tomorrow to their council, as though they were desirous to learn something more from him.

21 You must not listen to them: for behold more than forty of them, who have bound themselves with an oath neither to eat nor to drink till they have killed him, are lying in wait for him: and behold they are ready and awaiting your reply.

22 Then the captain dismissed the young man and charged him, Let no man know that you have en_lbp_informed me of these things.

23 And he called to him two centurions, and said, Go and make ready two hundred Roman soldiers to go to Cµs-a-re'a and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, to leave at nine o'clock tonight.

24 And provide also an animal that they may set Paul on, and carry him safe to Felix the governor.

25 And he wrote a letter after this manner and gave it to them:

26 Clau'di-us Lys'ias to the most excellent governor Fe'lix, greetings.

27 This man was seized by the Jews who intended to kill him: but I intervened with Roman soldiers and rescued him, when I understood he was a Roman citizen.

28 And because I wanted to know the cause for which they accused him, I took him down to their council.

29 And I found that only concerning questions of their law was he accused, and that he had done nothing worthy of bonds or of death.

30 And when I was en_lbp_informed that the Jews had plotted secretly against him, I immediately sent him to you, and I have ordered his accusers to go and contend with him before you. Farewell.

31 Then the Roman soldiers as it was commanded them, took Paul and brought him by night to the city of An-tip'a-tris.

32 And the next day the horsemen dismissed the footmen so that they might return to the castle:

33 And they brought him to Cµs-a-re'a, and delivered the letter to the governor, and also presented Paul before him.

34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked Paul of what province he was. And when he learned that he was of Ci-li'cia;

35 He said to him, I will give you an audience when your accusers arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the Prµ-to'ri-um of Herod.



1 保羅注目視公會曰、兄弟乎、我素以良心行事、在上帝前、越至於今、

2 祭司長亞拿尼亞命左右擊其口、

3 保羅曰、粉堊之墻、上帝將擊爾、爾坐、宜依法審我、乃違法命擊我乎、

4 左右曰、上帝之祭司長、爾乃詬之乎、

5 保羅曰、兄弟乎、我不識其爲祭司長也、記有之、勿誹爾民之有司、

6 保羅知衆、半爲撒吐該人、半爲法利賽人、乃於會中呼曰、兄弟乎、我法利賽人、亦法利賽人子、因望死者復生、我受審矣、

7 言竟、法利賽人、與撒吐該人爭、各自爲黨、

8 蓋撒吐該人言無復生、無天使、亦無神、法利賽人言皆有之、

9 衆大譟、法利賽同道士子、起而爭曰、我儕見此人無惡、或神、或天使、與之言、我不可與上帝爭、

10 時大亂、千夫長恐保羅被衆分裂、命軍士下、於衆中奪之、引入營、

11 翌日夜、主近立曰、保羅安爾心、爾於耶路撒冷曾證我道、證於羅馬亦必如是、

12 平旦、猶太人共謀、誓不殺保羅不飲食、

13 同誓者四十餘人、

14 就祭司諸長與長老曰、我儕曾誓、不殺保羅不食、

15 今請爾曹與公會告千夫長、明日曳之見爾、言欲詳訉其情、於將至時、要而殺之、

16 保羅甥聞其謀、入營、告保羅、

17 保羅請百夫長至、曰、引此少者見千夫長、有事告之、

18 遂攜至干夫長、曰、囚者保羅、請我引此少者至爾、欲有所告、

19 千夫長援其手、至僻處、問曰、有何告我、

20 曰、猶太人約、請爾明日、曳保羅至公會、言欲詳問其情、

21 爾勿從之、蓋有四十餘人、誓不殺保羅不飲食、今已預備、惟在爾一言耳、

22 千夫長遣少者出、命勿語人、以斯事告我、

23 召百夫長二人曰、備卒二百、騎七十、持戟者二百、今夜亥初、往該撒利亞、

24 備畜使保羅乘之、護至方伯腓力士所、

25 遺以書、其略曰、

26 革老丟呂西亞請方伯腓力士閣下安、

27 此人爲猶太人所執而欲殺者、我知其羅馬赤子、以軍士趨而拯之、

28 欲知其何爲被訟、送之至猶太人公會、

29 見所訟者、祗辯論其律法、非爲當死當繫之故、

30 或以猶太人計害之事告我、卽遣至爾、命訟之者、將所訴告爾、伏惟萬福、

31 軍士奉命、將保羅夜引至安提帕底、

32 明日、騎士送保羅其餘歸營、

33 至該撒利亞、書呈方伯、使保羅立於前、

34 方伯閱畢、問何方人、知其爲基利家、乃曰、

35 訟爾者至、我將聽爾、遂命守之於希律公廨、


Chapter 23



1 AND as Paul beheld their assembly, he said, Men, my brethren, I have lived i n all good conscience before God until this day.

1 保羅注目視公會曰、兄弟乎、我素以良心行事、在上帝前、越至於今、

2 And the high priest An-a-ni'as commanded those who stood by his side to strike Paul on the mouth.

2 祭司長亞拿尼亞命左右擊其口、

3 Then Paul said to him, God shall smite you, O you hypocrite: for you sit to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself transgress the law, when you command that I be smitten.

3 保羅曰、粉堊之墻、上帝將擊爾、爾坐、宜依法審我、乃違法命擊我乎、

4 And those who stood by said to him, Do you even revile the high priest of God?

4 左右曰、上帝之祭司長、爾乃詬之乎、

5 Then Paul said to them, Brothers, I did not know that he was a high priest: for it is written, You shall not revile the ruler of your people.

5 保羅曰、兄弟乎、我不識其爲祭司長也、記有之、勿誹爾民之有司、

6 Now when Paul perceived that part of the people were Sad'du-cees, and the others were Phar'i-sees, he cried out in the assembly, Men, my brethren, I am a Phar'i-see, the son of a Phar'i-see: and it is because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead that I am here to be judged.

6 保羅知衆、半爲撒吐該人、半爲法利賽人、乃於會中呼曰、兄弟乎、我法利賽人、亦法利賽人子、因望死者復生、我受審矣、

7 And when he had said this, there arose a dissension between the Phar'i-sees and the Sad'du-cees: and the people were divided.

7 言竟、法利賽人、與撒吐該人爭、各自爲黨、

8 For the Sad'du-cees say there is no resurrection, neither angels nor soul: but the Phar'i-sees believe in them.

8 蓋撒吐該人言無復生、無天使、亦無神、法利賽人言皆有之、

9 Then there arose a great cry: and the scribes that were of the party of the Phar'i-sees rose up, and argued, saying, We find no fault with this man: and if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, there is nothing wrong in that.

9 衆大譟、法利賽同道士子、起而爭曰、我儕見此人無惡、或神、或天使、與之言、我不可與上帝爭、

10 And because there was a great disturbance among them, the chief captain, fearing that they might tear Paul to pieces, sent Roman soldiers to go and seize him from among them and bring him into the castle.

10 時大亂、千夫長恐保羅被衆分裂、命軍士下、於衆中奪之、引入營、

11 During the night, our LORD appeared to Paul and said, Be strong, for as you have testified concerning me at Jerusalem, so also you are to testify at Rome.

11 翌日夜、主近立曰、保羅安爾心、爾於耶路撒冷曾證我道、證於羅馬亦必如是、

12 And when it was morning, certain of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under oath, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.

12 平旦、猶太人共謀、誓不殺保羅不飲食、

13 And those who had sworn to this conspiracy were more than forty persons.

13 同誓者四十餘人、

14 And they went to the priests and elders, and said, We have bound ourselves under an oath, not to taste anything till we have killed Paul.

14 就祭司諸長與長老曰、我儕曾誓、不殺保羅不食、

15 Now you and the leaders of the council ask the captain to bring him to you, as though you were desirous to have a thorough investigation of his acts, and we are ready to kill him before he shall arrive here.

15 今請爾曹與公會告千夫長、明日曳之見爾、言欲詳訉其情、於將至時、要而殺之、

16 When Paul's nephew heard this plot, he went into the castle and told Paul.

16 保羅甥聞其謀、入營、告保羅、

17 Then Paul sent for and called one of the centurions, and said, Take this young man to the captain, for he has something to tell him.

17 保羅請百夫長至、曰、引此少者見千夫長、有事告之、

18 So the centurion took the young man, and brought him to the chief captain and said, Paul, the prisoner, called me and begged me to bring this young man to you, for he has something to tell you.

18 遂攜至干夫長、曰、囚者保羅、請我引此少者至爾、欲有所告、

19 Then the captain took the young man by his hand, and drew him aside, and asked him, What have you to tell me?

19 千夫長援其手、至僻處、問曰、有何告我、

20 And the young man said to him, The Jews have decided to ask you to bring Paul down tomorrow to their council, as though they were desirous to learn something more from him.

20 曰、猶太人約、請爾明日、曳保羅至公會、言欲詳問其情、

21 You must not listen to them: for behold more than forty of them, who have bound themselves with an oath neither to eat nor to drink till they have killed him, are lying in wait for him: and behold they are ready and awaiting your reply.

21 爾勿從之、蓋有四十餘人、誓不殺保羅不飲食、今已預備、惟在爾一言耳、

22 Then the captain dismissed the young man and charged him, Let no man know that you have en_lbp_informed me of these things.

22 千夫長遣少者出、命勿語人、以斯事告我、

23 And he called to him two centurions, and said, Go and make ready two hundred Roman soldiers to go to Cµs-a-re'a and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, to leave at nine o'clock tonight.

23 召百夫長二人曰、備卒二百、騎七十、持戟者二百、今夜亥初、往該撒利亞、

24 And provide also an animal that they may set Paul on, and carry him safe to Felix the governor.

24 備畜使保羅乘之、護至方伯腓力士所、

25 And he wrote a letter after this manner and gave it to them:

25 遺以書、其略曰、

26 Clau'di-us Lys'ias to the most excellent governor Fe'lix, greetings.

26 革老丟呂西亞請方伯腓力士閣下安、

27 This man was seized by the Jews who intended to kill him: but I intervened with Roman soldiers and rescued him, when I understood he was a Roman citizen.

27 此人爲猶太人所執而欲殺者、我知其羅馬赤子、以軍士趨而拯之、

28 And because I wanted to know the cause for which they accused him, I took him down to their council.

28 欲知其何爲被訟、送之至猶太人公會、

29 And I found that only concerning questions of their law was he accused, and that he had done nothing worthy of bonds or of death.

29 見所訟者、祗辯論其律法、非爲當死當繫之故、

30 And when I was en_lbp_informed that the Jews had plotted secretly against him, I immediately sent him to you, and I have ordered his accusers to go and contend with him before you. Farewell.

30 或以猶太人計害之事告我、卽遣至爾、命訟之者、將所訴告爾、伏惟萬福、

31 Then the Roman soldiers as it was commanded them, took Paul and brought him by night to the city of An-tip'a-tris.

31 軍士奉命、將保羅夜引至安提帕底、

32 And the next day the horsemen dismissed the footmen so that they might return to the castle:

32 明日、騎士送保羅其餘歸營、

33 And they brought him to Cµs-a-re'a, and delivered the letter to the governor, and also presented Paul before him.

33 至該撒利亞、書呈方伯、使保羅立於前、

34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked Paul of what province he was. And when he learned that he was of Ci-li'cia;

34 方伯閱畢、問何方人、知其爲基利家、乃曰、

35 He said to him, I will give you an audience when your accusers arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the Prµ-to'ri-um of Herod.

35 訟爾者至、我將聽爾、遂命守之於希律公廨、
