
Chapter 12

1 WHEN a large number of people had gathered together, so as to tread on one another, Jesus began to say to his disciples, First of all, Beware you of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

2 For there is nothing that is covered, that will not be uncovered; and what is hidden that will not be known.

3 For whatever you have said in darkness will be heard in the light; and what you have whispered in the ears in the inner chambers will be preached on the housetops.

4 I say to you, my friends, Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more they can do.

5 But I will show you of whom to be afraid; of him who after he has killed has the power to throw into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him.

6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And yet not one of them is lost before God.

7 But so far as you are concerned, even the hairs of your head are all numbered; therefore fear not, because you are much more important than many sparrows.

8 I say to you, Whoever will acknowledge me before men, the Son of man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.

9 But he who denies me before men, I will deny him before the angels of God.

10 And whoever says a word against the Son of man, will be forgiven; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

11 When they bring you to the synagogues before the leaders and authorities, do not worry how you will answer, or what you will say;

12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what you ought to say.

13 And one of the men from the crowd said to him, Teacher, speak to my brother to divide the inheritance with me.

14 Jesus said to him, Man, who appointed me a judge or a property divider over you?

15 And he said to his disciples, Beware of all covetousness, because life does not depend on abundance of wealth.

16 Then he told them a parable. The land of a rich man brought him a great many crops.

17 And he reasoned within himself and said, What shall I do, for I have no place to gather my crops?

18 So he said, I will do this; I will tear down my barns, and build them and enlarge them; and gather there all my wheat and my good things.

19 And I will say to myself, Myself, you have many good things stored up for many years; rest, eat, drink, and be happy.

20 But God said to him, O you shortsighted, this very night your life will be demanded of you; and these things which you have prepared, to whom will they he left?

21 Such is he who lays up treasures for himself, and is not rich in the things in God.

22 And he said to his disciples, Therefore I say to you, Do not worry for your life, what you will eat; nor for your body, what you will wear.

23 For the life is much more important than food, and the body than clothing.

24 Observe the ravens; for they do not sow nor reap, and they have no storerooms and barns; and yet God feeds them; how much more important are you than the fowls?

25 Who is among you, who by worrying, can add to his stature one cubit?

26 So if you are not able to do the smaller thing, why do you worry about the rest?

27 Observe the flowers, how they grow; for they do not toil nor do they spin; but I say to you, that not even Solomon with all his glory was covered like one of these.

28 And if God clothes in such fashion the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow falls into the fireplace; how much more is he to you, O you of little faith?

29 So do not be anxious what you will eat, and what you will drink, and let not your mind be disturbed by these things.

30 For worldly people seek after all these things; and your Father knows that these things are also necessary for you.

31 But you, seek the kingdom of God; and all of these things shall be added to you.

32 Do not be afraid, O little flock; for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.

33 Sell your possessions and give them as alms; make for yourselves purses which do not wear out, and a treasure in heaven that does not run short, where the thief does not come near, and moth does not destroy.

34 For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.

35 Let your girdle be fastened on your loins, and your lamps lighted.

36 And be like men who expect their master, when he will return from the wedding house; so that when he comes and knocks, they will immediately open the door for him.

37 Blessed are those servants, whom their master, when he comes, finds awake; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself and make them sit down, and come in, and serve them.

38 If he should come in the second or the third watch and find them so, blessed are those servants.

39 But know this, that if the master of the house knew at what watch the thief would come, he would have kept awake, and not allowed his house to be plundered.

40 Therefore, you also be ready; for the Son of man will come in that very hour which you do not expect.

41 Simon Peter said to him, Our Lord, do you speak this parable to us, or also to all men?

42 Jesus said to him, Who is the faithful and wise steward, whom his master will appoint over his household, to give supplies in due time?

43 Blessed is that servant, whom when his master comes will find him so doing.

44 Truly I say to you, that he will appoint him over all his wealth.

45 But if that servant should say in his heart, My master has delayed his coming; and begins to beat the servants and maidservants of his master, and then begins to eat and drink and get drunk;

46 The master of that servant will come in a day and at an hour that he does not expect or know; and he will severely punish him, and place him with those who are not trustworthy.

47 And the servant who knows the wishes of his master, and does not make ready according to his wishes, will receive a severe beating.

48 But he who does not know, and does what is worthy of punishment will receive less beating. For to whomever more is given, of him more will be required; and to whom much is entrusted, more will be required of his hand.

49 I came to set the earth on fire; and I wish to do it, if it has not already been kindled.

50 I have a baptism to be baptized with; and I am oppressed until it is fulfilled.

51 Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? I say to you, No, but divisions;

52 For from henceforth there will be five in a house, who will be divided, three against two, and two against three.

53 For a father will be divided against his son, and a son against his father; a mother against her daughter, and a daughter against her mother; a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

54 And he said to the people, When you see a cloud rise from the west, you immediately say, It will rain; and it is so.

55 And when the wind blows from the south, you say, It will be hot; and it is so.

56 O you hypocrites, you know how to discern the face of the earth and of the sky; how then is it that you do not discern this time?

57 Why do you not of yourselves judge what is right?

58 For when you go with your accuser to the district leader, while you are on the way give something and settle with him; otherwise he might take you to the judge, and the judge will deliver you to the prison warden, and the prison warden will throw you in prison.

59 Truly I say to you, you will not come out from thence, until you pay the last penny.

Das Evangelium nach Lukas

Kapitel 12

1 Es lief das3739 Volk3793 zu1722, und kamen1996 etliche viel tausend3461 zusammen, also daß5620 sie sich2662 untereinander240 traten. Da fing756 er an und sagte3004 zu seinen Jüngern3101: Zum ersten4412 hütet euch4337 vor575 den Sauerteig2219 der3748 Pharisäer5330, welches ist2076 die1438 Heuchelei5272.

2 Es ist2076 aber1161 nichts3762 verborgen4780, das3739 nicht3756 offenbar werde601, noch3756 heimlich2927, das3739 man nicht2532 wissen1097 werde601.

3 Darum, was3745 ihr in1722 Finsternis4653 saget, das3739 wird2532 man im1909 Licht5457 hören191; was4314 ihr redet2036 ins Ohr3775 in den Kammern5009, das3739 wird2980 man auf den Dächern1430 predigen2784.

4 Ich sage3004 euch5213 aber1161, meinen3450 Freunden5384: Fürchtet5399 euch5399 nicht3361 vor575 denen, die5023 den Leib4983 töten615 und2532 danach nichts mehr4055 tun4160 können2192.

5 Ich will euch5213 aber1161 zeigen5263, vor welchem ihr euch5213 fürchten sollt: Fürchtet5399 euch vor dem5126, der, nachdem3326 er5399 getötet615 hat2192, auch Macht1849 hat, zu5101 werfen1685 in1519 die Hölle1067. Ja3483, ich sage3004 euch, vor dem fürchtet5399 euch.

6 Verkauft4453 man nicht3780 fünf4002 Sperlinge4765 um1537 zwei1417 Pfennige787? Noch3756 ist4453 vor1799 GOtt2316 derselbigen nicht2532 einer1520 vergessen1950.

7 Auch235 sind die Haare2359 auf eurem Haupte alle3956 gezählet. Darum3767 fürchtet5399 euch5216 nicht3361; denn2532 ihr seid besser1308 denn viel4183 Sperlinge4765.

8 Ich302 sage3004 euch5213 aber1161: Wer mich1722 bekennet3670 vor1715 den444 Menschen, den wird auch2532 des846 Menschen Sohn bekennen3670 vor1715 den Engeln32 Gottes2316.

9 Wer mich3165 aber1161 verleugnet720 vor1799 den444 Menschen, der wird verleugnet werden533 vor1799 den Engeln32 Gottes2316.

10 Und2532 wer da redet2046 ein1519 Wort3056 wider1519 des846 Menschen Sohn, dem3739 soll es vergeben863 werden863; wer aber1161 lästert987 den444 Heiligen40 Geist4151, dem soll es nicht3756 vergeben863 werden.

11 Wenn3752 sie euch5209 aber1161 führen werden4374 in ihre Schulen4864 und2532 vor1909 die Obrigkeit746 und2532 vor die Gewaltigen1849, so sorget3309 nicht3361, wie4459 oder2228 was5101 ihr antworten626 oder2228 was5101 ihr sagen2036 sollt.

12 Denn1063 der Heilige40 Geist4151 wird euch5209 zu1722 derselbigen Stunde5610 lehren1321, was3739 ihr846 sagen2036 sollt1163.

13 Es sprach2036 aber1161 einer5100 aus1537 dem Volk3793 zu ihm: Meister1320, sage2036 meinem Bruder80, daß er846 mit3326 mir3450 das Erbe2817 teile3307.

14 Er846 aber1161 sprach2036 zu ihm: Mensch444, wer5101 hat2525 mich3165 zum Richter1348 oder2228 Erbschichter3312 über1909 euch5209 gesetzt?

15 Und1161 sprach2036 zu4314 ihnen846: Sehet zu3708 und2532 hütet euch5442 vor1722 dem575 Geiz4124! Denn niemand5100 lebet davon1537, daß3754 er846 viel Güter5224 hat2076.

16 und1161 er846 sagte3004 ihnen4314 ein5100 Gleichnis3850 und sprach2036: Es war ein reicher4145 Mensch444, des Feld5561 hatte wohl getragen2164.

17 Und2532 er gedachte1260 bei1722 sich4863 selbst1438 und3754 sprach3004: Was5101 soll ich tun4160? Ich habe2192 nicht3756, da4226 ich meine3450 Früchte2590 hinsammle.

18 Und2532 sprach2036: Das5124 will ich tun4160: ich will meine3450 Scheunen596 abbrechen2507 und2532 größere3187 bauen3618 und2532 will drein1563 sammeln4863 alles3956, was mir3450 gewachsen ist1081, und2532 meine3450 Güter18.

19 Und2532 will sagen2046 zu meiner3450 See LE5590: Liebe See LE5590, du hast einen großen4183 Vorrat auf1519 viel4183 Jahre2094; habe2192 nun Ruhe373, iß5315 trink4095 und habe guten18 Mut2165!

20 Aber1161 GOtt2316 sprach2036 zu5101 ihm846: Du Narr878, diese5026 Nacht3571 wird man deine4675 See LE5590 von575 dir4675 fordern523, und1161 wes wird‘s sein2071, das3739 du bereitet2090 hast?

21 Also3779 gehet es, wer sich1438 Schätze sammelt2343 und2532 ist4147 nicht3361 reich4147 in1519 GOtt2316.

22 Er sprach2036 aber1161 zu4314 seinen Jüngern3101: Darum sage3004 ich5124 euch5213: Sorget3309 nicht3361 für euer5216 Leben5590, was5101 ihr essen5315 sollet; auch3366 nicht für euren Leib4983, was5101 ihr antun sollet.

23 Das Leben5590 ist2076 mehr denn4119 die Speise5160 und2532 der Leib4983 mehr denn die Kleidung1742.

24 Nehmet wahr2657 der Raben2876: sie säen4687 nicht3756, sie ernten2325 auch nicht3761, sie haben2076 auch keinen3756 Keller5009 noch3761 Scheune596; und2532 GOtt2316 nähret sie doch. Wieviel4214 aber seid1308 ihr846 besser3123 denn3754 die3739 Vögel4071!

25 Welcher5101 ist1410 unter1537 euch5216, ob er schon darum sorget3309, der1909 da1161 könnte eine1520 Elle4083 lang seiner Größe zusetzen4369?

26 So3767 ihr1410 denn1487 das Geringste1646 nicht3777 vermöget, warum5101 sorget3309 ihr1410 für4012 das andere3062?

27 Nehmet wahr2657 der1520 Lilien2918 auf dem Felde, wie4459 sie wachsen837; sie arbeiten2872 nicht3756, so spinnen3514 sie nicht3761. Ich sage3004 euch5213 aber1161, daß5613 auch Salomo4672 in1722 aller3956 seiner Herrlichkeit1391 nicht3761 ist bekleidet4016 gewesen4016 als der eine.

28 So3779 denn1487 das5607 Gras5528, das heute4594 auf1519 dem Felde68 stehet. und1161 morgen839 in1722 den Ofen2823 geworfen906 wird2532, GOtt2316 also kleidet294, wieviel4214 mehr3123 wird er euch5209 kleiden, ihr Kleingläubigen3640.

29 Darum auch ihr5210, fraget2212 nicht3361 danach, was5101 ihr essen5315 oder2228 was5101 ihr trinken sollt, und2532 fahret3349 nicht3361 hoch her!

30 Nach1063 solchem allem3956 trachten1934 die5023 Heiden1484 in der Welt2889; aber1161 euer5216 Vater3962 weiß1492 wohl, daß3754 ihr des5130 bedürfet5535.

31 Doch4133 trachtet2212 nach dem5023 Reich Gottes2316, so2532 wird euch5213 das932 alles3956 zufallen4369.

32 Fürchte5399 dich nicht3361, du kleine3398 Herde4168; denn3754 es ist eures Vaters3962 Wohlgefallen2106, euch5216 das932 Reich zugeben1325.

33 Verkaufet4453, was ihr4160 habt5224, und2532 gebt1325 Almosen1654. Machet euch5216 Säckel, die1438 nicht3361 veralten3822, einen Schatz2344, der nimmer abnimmt413 im1722 Himmel3772, da3699 kein3756 Dieb2812 zukommt1448, und den keine3761 Motten4597 fressen1311.

34 Denn1063 wo3699 euer5216 Schatz2344 ist2076, da1563 wird2071 auch2532 euer5216 Herz2588 sein2071.

35 Lasset2077 eure5216 Lenden3751 umgürtet4024 sein2077 und2532 eure Lichter3088 brennen2545

36 und2532 seid5210 gleich3664 den444 Menschen, die1438 auf4327 ihren Herrn2962 warten, wenn er846 aufbrechen wird360 von1537 der Hochzeit1062, auf daß2443, wenn er kommt2064 und2532 anklopft2925, sie ihm bald2112 auftun.

37 Selig3107 sind die3739 Knechte1401, die der1565 Herr2962, so er846 kommt2064, wachend1127 findet2147. Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, er846 wird sich347 aufschürzen4024 und3754 wird sie zu Tisch347 setzen und2532 vor ihnen gehen3928 und2532 ihnen dienen1247.

38 Und2532 so1437 er kommt2064 in1722 der1565 andern1208 Wache5438 und2532 in1722 der dritten5154 Wache5438 und2532 wird‘s2064 also3779 finden2147: selig3107 sind1526 diese Knechte1401.

39 Das5124 sollt ihr302 aber1161 wissen1097: Wenn3754 ein Hausherr3617 wüßte1492, zu863 welcher4169 Stunde5610 der Dieb2812 käme, so1487 wachete er1127 und ließe nicht3756 in sein Haus3624 brechen1358.

40 Darum3767 seid1096 ihr5210 auch2532 bereit2092! Denn des Menschen444 Sohn wird kommen2064 zu der3739 Stunde5610, da ihr nicht3756 meinet1380.

41 Petrus4074 aber1161 sprach2036 zu4314 ihm846: HErr2962, sagest du3004 dies5026 Gleichnis3850 zu4314 uns2248 oder2228 auch2532 zu allen3956?

42 Der3739 HErr2962 aber1161 sprach2036: Wie ein groß Ding ist‘s2076 um1722 einen treuen4103 und2532 klugen5429 Haushalter3623, welchen der Herr2962 setzt2525 über sein Gesinde2322, daß er ihnen zu5101 rechter Zeit1909 ihre Gebühr4620 gebe1325!

43 Selig3107 ist der1565 Knecht1401, welchen sein HErr2962 findet2147 also3779 tun4160, wenn3739 er846 kommt2064.

44 Wahrlich230, ich sage3004 euch5213, er wird ihn über1909 alle3956 seine Güter5224 setzen2525.

45 So1437 aber1161 derselbige Knecht1401 in1722 seinem Herzen2588 sagen2036 wird: Mein3450 Herr2962 verzieht5549 zu kommen2064, und2532 fänget an756 zu schlagen5180 Knechte3816 und2532 Mägde3814, auch2532 zu essen2068 und5037 zu trinken4095 und2532 sich848 vollzusaufen3182,

46 so wird desselben Knechtes1401 Herr2962 kommen2240 an dem3739 Tage2250, da3326 er846 sich‘s nicht3756 versiehet, und2532 zu1722 der1565 Stunde5610, die3739 er nicht3756 weiß1097, und wird ihn zerscheitern1371 und wird ihm seinen Lohn3313 geben5087 mit1722 den Ungläubigen571.

47 Der1565 Knecht1401 aber1161, der3588 seines Herrn2962 Willen2307 weiß1097 und2532 hat sich1438 nicht3361 bereitet2090, auch3366 nicht nach seinem Willen2307 getan4160, der wird4314 viel4183 Streiche leiden müssen1194.

48 Der es846 aber1161 nicht3361 weiß, hat doch getan4160 was der Streiche4127 wert514 ist2532, wird wenig3641 Streiche leiden1194. Denn1161 welchem3956 viel4183 gegeben1325 ist3908, bei3844 dem846 wird man viel4183 suchen2212, und1161 welchem viel4183 befohlen ist, von1097 dem wird man viel4055 fordern154.

49 Ich bin kommen2064, daß ich ein Feuer4442 anzünde906 auf1519 Erden1093; was5101 wollt2309‘ ich lieber, denn1487 es brennete381 schon2532!

50 Aber1161 ich muß mich zuvor taufen907 lassen mit einer Taufe908; und2532 wie4459 ist2192 mir so bange, bis2193 sie vollendet werde5055!

51 Meinet1380 ihr5213, daß3754 ich herkommen bin3854, Frieden1515 zu1722 bringen1325 auf Erden1093? Ich sage3004 nein3780, sondern235 Zwietracht1267.

52 Denn1063 von575 nun3568 an1909 werden fünf4002 in1722 einem1520 Hause3624 uneins1266 sein2071: drei5140 wider1909 zwei1417 und2532 zwei1417 wider drei5140.

53 Es wird1266 sein der Vater3962 wider1909 den Sohn und2532 der Sohn wider1909 den Vater3962, die Mutter3384 wider1909 die Tochter2364 und2532 die Tochter2364 wider1909 die Mutter3384, die Schwieger wider1909 die Schnur und2532 die Schnur wider1909 die Schwieger.

54 Er sprach3004 aber1161 zu dem Volk3793: Wenn3752 ihr3004 eine Wolke3507 sehet1492 aufgehen393 vom575 Abend1424, so2532 sprecht ihr bald2112: Es kommt2064 ein Regen3655; und2532 es geschiehet also3779.

55 Und2532 wenn3752 ihr sehet den Südwind3558 wehen4154, so sprecht ihr: Es wird1096, heiß2742 werden2071; und2532 es geschiehet also.

56 Ihr Heuchler5273, die Gestalt4383 der Erde1093 und2532 des5126 Himmels3772 könnt1492 ihr prüfen1381, wie4459 prüfet1381 ihr aber1161 diese Zeit2540 nicht3756?

57 Warum richtet2919 ihr aber1161 nicht3756 an575 euch1438 selber, was5101 recht1342 ist2532?

58 So2532 du4571 aber mit3326 deinem4675 Widersacher476 vor906 den Fürsten758 gehest, so tue Fleiß2039 auf1909 dem575 Wege3598, daß4314 du sein los werdest525, auf1722 daß er846 nicht3379 etwa dich5217 vor den Richter2923 ziehe2694, und1063 der Richter2923 überantworte3860 dich4571 dem Stockmeister4233, und2532 der Stockmeister4233 werfe dich4571 ins1519 Gefängnis5438.

59 Ich sage3004 dir4671, du wirst von dannen nicht3364 herauskommen1831, bis du den3739 allerletzten2078 Scherf bezahlest591.


Chapter 12

Das Evangelium nach Lukas

Kapitel 12

1 WHEN a large number of people had gathered together, so as to tread on one another, Jesus began to say to his disciples, First of all, Beware you of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

1 Es lief das3739 Volk3793 zu1722, und kamen1996 etliche viel tausend3461 zusammen, also daß5620 sie sich2662 untereinander240 traten. Da fing756 er an und sagte3004 zu seinen Jüngern3101: Zum ersten4412 hütet euch4337 vor575 den Sauerteig2219 der3748 Pharisäer5330, welches ist2076 die1438 Heuchelei5272.

2 For there is nothing that is covered, that will not be uncovered; and what is hidden that will not be known.

2 Es ist2076 aber1161 nichts3762 verborgen4780, das3739 nicht3756 offenbar werde601, noch3756 heimlich2927, das3739 man nicht2532 wissen1097 werde601.

3 For whatever you have said in darkness will be heard in the light; and what you have whispered in the ears in the inner chambers will be preached on the housetops.

3 Darum, was3745 ihr in1722 Finsternis4653 saget, das3739 wird2532 man im1909 Licht5457 hören191; was4314 ihr redet2036 ins Ohr3775 in den Kammern5009, das3739 wird2980 man auf den Dächern1430 predigen2784.

4 I say to you, my friends, Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more they can do.

4 Ich sage3004 euch5213 aber1161, meinen3450 Freunden5384: Fürchtet5399 euch5399 nicht3361 vor575 denen, die5023 den Leib4983 töten615 und2532 danach nichts mehr4055 tun4160 können2192.

5 But I will show you of whom to be afraid; of him who after he has killed has the power to throw into hell; yes, I say to you, Fear him.

5 Ich will euch5213 aber1161 zeigen5263, vor welchem ihr euch5213 fürchten sollt: Fürchtet5399 euch vor dem5126, der, nachdem3326 er5399 getötet615 hat2192, auch Macht1849 hat, zu5101 werfen1685 in1519 die Hölle1067. Ja3483, ich sage3004 euch, vor dem fürchtet5399 euch.

6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And yet not one of them is lost before God.

6 Verkauft4453 man nicht3780 fünf4002 Sperlinge4765 um1537 zwei1417 Pfennige787? Noch3756 ist4453 vor1799 GOtt2316 derselbigen nicht2532 einer1520 vergessen1950.

7 But so far as you are concerned, even the hairs of your head are all numbered; therefore fear not, because you are much more important than many sparrows.

7 Auch235 sind die Haare2359 auf eurem Haupte alle3956 gezählet. Darum3767 fürchtet5399 euch5216 nicht3361; denn2532 ihr seid besser1308 denn viel4183 Sperlinge4765.

8 I say to you, Whoever will acknowledge me before men, the Son of man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.

8 Ich302 sage3004 euch5213 aber1161: Wer mich1722 bekennet3670 vor1715 den444 Menschen, den wird auch2532 des846 Menschen Sohn bekennen3670 vor1715 den Engeln32 Gottes2316.

9 But he who denies me before men, I will deny him before the angels of God.

9 Wer mich3165 aber1161 verleugnet720 vor1799 den444 Menschen, der wird verleugnet werden533 vor1799 den Engeln32 Gottes2316.

10 And whoever says a word against the Son of man, will be forgiven; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

10 Und2532 wer da redet2046 ein1519 Wort3056 wider1519 des846 Menschen Sohn, dem3739 soll es vergeben863 werden863; wer aber1161 lästert987 den444 Heiligen40 Geist4151, dem soll es nicht3756 vergeben863 werden.

11 When they bring you to the synagogues before the leaders and authorities, do not worry how you will answer, or what you will say;

11 Wenn3752 sie euch5209 aber1161 führen werden4374 in ihre Schulen4864 und2532 vor1909 die Obrigkeit746 und2532 vor die Gewaltigen1849, so sorget3309 nicht3361, wie4459 oder2228 was5101 ihr antworten626 oder2228 was5101 ihr sagen2036 sollt.

12 For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that very hour what you ought to say.

12 Denn1063 der Heilige40 Geist4151 wird euch5209 zu1722 derselbigen Stunde5610 lehren1321, was3739 ihr846 sagen2036 sollt1163.

13 And one of the men from the crowd said to him, Teacher, speak to my brother to divide the inheritance with me.

13 Es sprach2036 aber1161 einer5100 aus1537 dem Volk3793 zu ihm: Meister1320, sage2036 meinem Bruder80, daß er846 mit3326 mir3450 das Erbe2817 teile3307.

14 Jesus said to him, Man, who appointed me a judge or a property divider over you?

14 Er846 aber1161 sprach2036 zu ihm: Mensch444, wer5101 hat2525 mich3165 zum Richter1348 oder2228 Erbschichter3312 über1909 euch5209 gesetzt?

15 And he said to his disciples, Beware of all covetousness, because life does not depend on abundance of wealth.

15 Und1161 sprach2036 zu4314 ihnen846: Sehet zu3708 und2532 hütet euch5442 vor1722 dem575 Geiz4124! Denn niemand5100 lebet davon1537, daß3754 er846 viel Güter5224 hat2076.

16 Then he told them a parable. The land of a rich man brought him a great many crops.

16 und1161 er846 sagte3004 ihnen4314 ein5100 Gleichnis3850 und sprach2036: Es war ein reicher4145 Mensch444, des Feld5561 hatte wohl getragen2164.

17 And he reasoned within himself and said, What shall I do, for I have no place to gather my crops?

17 Und2532 er gedachte1260 bei1722 sich4863 selbst1438 und3754 sprach3004: Was5101 soll ich tun4160? Ich habe2192 nicht3756, da4226 ich meine3450 Früchte2590 hinsammle.

18 So he said, I will do this; I will tear down my barns, and build them and enlarge them; and gather there all my wheat and my good things.

18 Und2532 sprach2036: Das5124 will ich tun4160: ich will meine3450 Scheunen596 abbrechen2507 und2532 größere3187 bauen3618 und2532 will drein1563 sammeln4863 alles3956, was mir3450 gewachsen ist1081, und2532 meine3450 Güter18.

19 And I will say to myself, Myself, you have many good things stored up for many years; rest, eat, drink, and be happy.

19 Und2532 will sagen2046 zu meiner3450 See LE5590: Liebe See LE5590, du hast einen großen4183 Vorrat auf1519 viel4183 Jahre2094; habe2192 nun Ruhe373, iß5315 trink4095 und habe guten18 Mut2165!

20 But God said to him, O you shortsighted, this very night your life will be demanded of you; and these things which you have prepared, to whom will they he left?

20 Aber1161 GOtt2316 sprach2036 zu5101 ihm846: Du Narr878, diese5026 Nacht3571 wird man deine4675 See LE5590 von575 dir4675 fordern523, und1161 wes wird‘s sein2071, das3739 du bereitet2090 hast?

21 Such is he who lays up treasures for himself, and is not rich in the things in God.

21 Also3779 gehet es, wer sich1438 Schätze sammelt2343 und2532 ist4147 nicht3361 reich4147 in1519 GOtt2316.

22 And he said to his disciples, Therefore I say to you, Do not worry for your life, what you will eat; nor for your body, what you will wear.

22 Er sprach2036 aber1161 zu4314 seinen Jüngern3101: Darum sage3004 ich5124 euch5213: Sorget3309 nicht3361 für euer5216 Leben5590, was5101 ihr essen5315 sollet; auch3366 nicht für euren Leib4983, was5101 ihr antun sollet.

23 For the life is much more important than food, and the body than clothing.

23 Das Leben5590 ist2076 mehr denn4119 die Speise5160 und2532 der Leib4983 mehr denn die Kleidung1742.

24 Observe the ravens; for they do not sow nor reap, and they have no storerooms and barns; and yet God feeds them; how much more important are you than the fowls?

24 Nehmet wahr2657 der Raben2876: sie säen4687 nicht3756, sie ernten2325 auch nicht3761, sie haben2076 auch keinen3756 Keller5009 noch3761 Scheune596; und2532 GOtt2316 nähret sie doch. Wieviel4214 aber seid1308 ihr846 besser3123 denn3754 die3739 Vögel4071!

25 Who is among you, who by worrying, can add to his stature one cubit?

25 Welcher5101 ist1410 unter1537 euch5216, ob er schon darum sorget3309, der1909 da1161 könnte eine1520 Elle4083 lang seiner Größe zusetzen4369?

26 So if you are not able to do the smaller thing, why do you worry about the rest?

26 So3767 ihr1410 denn1487 das Geringste1646 nicht3777 vermöget, warum5101 sorget3309 ihr1410 für4012 das andere3062?

27 Observe the flowers, how they grow; for they do not toil nor do they spin; but I say to you, that not even Solomon with all his glory was covered like one of these.

27 Nehmet wahr2657 der1520 Lilien2918 auf dem Felde, wie4459 sie wachsen837; sie arbeiten2872 nicht3756, so spinnen3514 sie nicht3761. Ich sage3004 euch5213 aber1161, daß5613 auch Salomo4672 in1722 aller3956 seiner Herrlichkeit1391 nicht3761 ist bekleidet4016 gewesen4016 als der eine.

28 And if God clothes in such fashion the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow falls into the fireplace; how much more is he to you, O you of little faith?

28 So3779 denn1487 das5607 Gras5528, das heute4594 auf1519 dem Felde68 stehet. und1161 morgen839 in1722 den Ofen2823 geworfen906 wird2532, GOtt2316 also kleidet294, wieviel4214 mehr3123 wird er euch5209 kleiden, ihr Kleingläubigen3640.

29 So do not be anxious what you will eat, and what you will drink, and let not your mind be disturbed by these things.

29 Darum auch ihr5210, fraget2212 nicht3361 danach, was5101 ihr essen5315 oder2228 was5101 ihr trinken sollt, und2532 fahret3349 nicht3361 hoch her!

30 For worldly people seek after all these things; and your Father knows that these things are also necessary for you.

30 Nach1063 solchem allem3956 trachten1934 die5023 Heiden1484 in der Welt2889; aber1161 euer5216 Vater3962 weiß1492 wohl, daß3754 ihr des5130 bedürfet5535.

31 But you, seek the kingdom of God; and all of these things shall be added to you.

31 Doch4133 trachtet2212 nach dem5023 Reich Gottes2316, so2532 wird euch5213 das932 alles3956 zufallen4369.

32 Do not be afraid, O little flock; for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.

32 Fürchte5399 dich nicht3361, du kleine3398 Herde4168; denn3754 es ist eures Vaters3962 Wohlgefallen2106, euch5216 das932 Reich zugeben1325.

33 Sell your possessions and give them as alms; make for yourselves purses which do not wear out, and a treasure in heaven that does not run short, where the thief does not come near, and moth does not destroy.

33 Verkaufet4453, was ihr4160 habt5224, und2532 gebt1325 Almosen1654. Machet euch5216 Säckel, die1438 nicht3361 veralten3822, einen Schatz2344, der nimmer abnimmt413 im1722 Himmel3772, da3699 kein3756 Dieb2812 zukommt1448, und den keine3761 Motten4597 fressen1311.

34 For where your treasure is, there also will be your heart.

34 Denn1063 wo3699 euer5216 Schatz2344 ist2076, da1563 wird2071 auch2532 euer5216 Herz2588 sein2071.

35 Let your girdle be fastened on your loins, and your lamps lighted.

35 Lasset2077 eure5216 Lenden3751 umgürtet4024 sein2077 und2532 eure Lichter3088 brennen2545

36 And be like men who expect their master, when he will return from the wedding house; so that when he comes and knocks, they will immediately open the door for him.

36 und2532 seid5210 gleich3664 den444 Menschen, die1438 auf4327 ihren Herrn2962 warten, wenn er846 aufbrechen wird360 von1537 der Hochzeit1062, auf daß2443, wenn er kommt2064 und2532 anklopft2925, sie ihm bald2112 auftun.

37 Blessed are those servants, whom their master, when he comes, finds awake; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself and make them sit down, and come in, and serve them.

37 Selig3107 sind die3739 Knechte1401, die der1565 Herr2962, so er846 kommt2064, wachend1127 findet2147. Wahrlich281, ich sage3004 euch5213, er846 wird sich347 aufschürzen4024 und3754 wird sie zu Tisch347 setzen und2532 vor ihnen gehen3928 und2532 ihnen dienen1247.

38 If he should come in the second or the third watch and find them so, blessed are those servants.

38 Und2532 so1437 er kommt2064 in1722 der1565 andern1208 Wache5438 und2532 in1722 der dritten5154 Wache5438 und2532 wird‘s2064 also3779 finden2147: selig3107 sind1526 diese Knechte1401.

39 But know this, that if the master of the house knew at what watch the thief would come, he would have kept awake, and not allowed his house to be plundered.

39 Das5124 sollt ihr302 aber1161 wissen1097: Wenn3754 ein Hausherr3617 wüßte1492, zu863 welcher4169 Stunde5610 der Dieb2812 käme, so1487 wachete er1127 und ließe nicht3756 in sein Haus3624 brechen1358.

40 Therefore, you also be ready; for the Son of man will come in that very hour which you do not expect.

40 Darum3767 seid1096 ihr5210 auch2532 bereit2092! Denn des Menschen444 Sohn wird kommen2064 zu der3739 Stunde5610, da ihr nicht3756 meinet1380.

41 Simon Peter said to him, Our Lord, do you speak this parable to us, or also to all men?

41 Petrus4074 aber1161 sprach2036 zu4314 ihm846: HErr2962, sagest du3004 dies5026 Gleichnis3850 zu4314 uns2248 oder2228 auch2532 zu allen3956?

42 Jesus said to him, Who is the faithful and wise steward, whom his master will appoint over his household, to give supplies in due time?

42 Der3739 HErr2962 aber1161 sprach2036: Wie ein groß Ding ist‘s2076 um1722 einen treuen4103 und2532 klugen5429 Haushalter3623, welchen der Herr2962 setzt2525 über sein Gesinde2322, daß er ihnen zu5101 rechter Zeit1909 ihre Gebühr4620 gebe1325!

43 Blessed is that servant, whom when his master comes will find him so doing.

43 Selig3107 ist der1565 Knecht1401, welchen sein HErr2962 findet2147 also3779 tun4160, wenn3739 er846 kommt2064.

44 Truly I say to you, that he will appoint him over all his wealth.

44 Wahrlich230, ich sage3004 euch5213, er wird ihn über1909 alle3956 seine Güter5224 setzen2525.

45 But if that servant should say in his heart, My master has delayed his coming; and begins to beat the servants and maidservants of his master, and then begins to eat and drink and get drunk;

45 So1437 aber1161 derselbige Knecht1401 in1722 seinem Herzen2588 sagen2036 wird: Mein3450 Herr2962 verzieht5549 zu kommen2064, und2532 fänget an756 zu schlagen5180 Knechte3816 und2532 Mägde3814, auch2532 zu essen2068 und5037 zu trinken4095 und2532 sich848 vollzusaufen3182,

46 The master of that servant will come in a day and at an hour that he does not expect or know; and he will severely punish him, and place him with those who are not trustworthy.

46 so wird desselben Knechtes1401 Herr2962 kommen2240 an dem3739 Tage2250, da3326 er846 sich‘s nicht3756 versiehet, und2532 zu1722 der1565 Stunde5610, die3739 er nicht3756 weiß1097, und wird ihn zerscheitern1371 und wird ihm seinen Lohn3313 geben5087 mit1722 den Ungläubigen571.

47 And the servant who knows the wishes of his master, and does not make ready according to his wishes, will receive a severe beating.

47 Der1565 Knecht1401 aber1161, der3588 seines Herrn2962 Willen2307 weiß1097 und2532 hat sich1438 nicht3361 bereitet2090, auch3366 nicht nach seinem Willen2307 getan4160, der wird4314 viel4183 Streiche leiden müssen1194.

48 But he who does not know, and does what is worthy of punishment will receive less beating. For to whomever more is given, of him more will be required; and to whom much is entrusted, more will be required of his hand.

48 Der es846 aber1161 nicht3361 weiß, hat doch getan4160 was der Streiche4127 wert514 ist2532, wird wenig3641 Streiche leiden1194. Denn1161 welchem3956 viel4183 gegeben1325 ist3908, bei3844 dem846 wird man viel4183 suchen2212, und1161 welchem viel4183 befohlen ist, von1097 dem wird man viel4055 fordern154.

49 I came to set the earth on fire; and I wish to do it, if it has not already been kindled.

49 Ich bin kommen2064, daß ich ein Feuer4442 anzünde906 auf1519 Erden1093; was5101 wollt2309‘ ich lieber, denn1487 es brennete381 schon2532!

50 I have a baptism to be baptized with; and I am oppressed until it is fulfilled.

50 Aber1161 ich muß mich zuvor taufen907 lassen mit einer Taufe908; und2532 wie4459 ist2192 mir so bange, bis2193 sie vollendet werde5055!

51 Do you think that I have come to bring peace on earth? I say to you, No, but divisions;

51 Meinet1380 ihr5213, daß3754 ich herkommen bin3854, Frieden1515 zu1722 bringen1325 auf Erden1093? Ich sage3004 nein3780, sondern235 Zwietracht1267.

52 For from henceforth there will be five in a house, who will be divided, three against two, and two against three.

52 Denn1063 von575 nun3568 an1909 werden fünf4002 in1722 einem1520 Hause3624 uneins1266 sein2071: drei5140 wider1909 zwei1417 und2532 zwei1417 wider drei5140.

53 For a father will be divided against his son, and a son against his father; a mother against her daughter, and a daughter against her mother; a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

53 Es wird1266 sein der Vater3962 wider1909 den Sohn und2532 der Sohn wider1909 den Vater3962, die Mutter3384 wider1909 die Tochter2364 und2532 die Tochter2364 wider1909 die Mutter3384, die Schwieger wider1909 die Schnur und2532 die Schnur wider1909 die Schwieger.

54 And he said to the people, When you see a cloud rise from the west, you immediately say, It will rain; and it is so.

54 Er sprach3004 aber1161 zu dem Volk3793: Wenn3752 ihr3004 eine Wolke3507 sehet1492 aufgehen393 vom575 Abend1424, so2532 sprecht ihr bald2112: Es kommt2064 ein Regen3655; und2532 es geschiehet also3779.

55 And when the wind blows from the south, you say, It will be hot; and it is so.

55 Und2532 wenn3752 ihr sehet den Südwind3558 wehen4154, so sprecht ihr: Es wird1096, heiß2742 werden2071; und2532 es geschiehet also.

56 O you hypocrites, you know how to discern the face of the earth and of the sky; how then is it that you do not discern this time?

56 Ihr Heuchler5273, die Gestalt4383 der Erde1093 und2532 des5126 Himmels3772 könnt1492 ihr prüfen1381, wie4459 prüfet1381 ihr aber1161 diese Zeit2540 nicht3756?

57 Why do you not of yourselves judge what is right?

57 Warum richtet2919 ihr aber1161 nicht3756 an575 euch1438 selber, was5101 recht1342 ist2532?

58 For when you go with your accuser to the district leader, while you are on the way give something and settle with him; otherwise he might take you to the judge, and the judge will deliver you to the prison warden, and the prison warden will throw you in prison.

58 So2532 du4571 aber mit3326 deinem4675 Widersacher476 vor906 den Fürsten758 gehest, so tue Fleiß2039 auf1909 dem575 Wege3598, daß4314 du sein los werdest525, auf1722 daß er846 nicht3379 etwa dich5217 vor den Richter2923 ziehe2694, und1063 der Richter2923 überantworte3860 dich4571 dem Stockmeister4233, und2532 der Stockmeister4233 werfe dich4571 ins1519 Gefängnis5438.

59 Truly I say to you, you will not come out from thence, until you pay the last penny.

59 Ich sage3004 dir4671, du wirst von dannen nicht3364 herauskommen1831, bis du den3739 allerletzten2078 Scherf bezahlest591.
