
Chapter 5

1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.

Das Buch Nehemia

Kapitel 5

1 Und es erhub sich ein groß1419 Geschrei6818 des Volks5971 und ihrer Weiber802 wider ihre Brüder251, die Juden3064.

2 Und waren etliche, die da sprachen559: Unserer Söhne1121 und Töchter1323 sind3426 viel7227; laßt uns Getreide1715 nehmen3947 und essen398, daß wir2421 leben.

3 Aber3426 etliche sprachen559: Laßt uns unsere Äcker7704, Weinberge3754 und6148 Häuser1004 versetzen und Getreide1715 nehmen3947 in der Teurung.

4 Etliche aber3426 sprachen559: Laßt uns Geld3701 entlehnen auf Zinsen dem Könige4428 auf unsere Äcker7704 und4060 Weinberge3754.

5 Denn unserer Brüder251 Leib ist3533 wie unser Leib und1320 ihre Kinder1121 wie unsere Kinder1121; sonst würden wir unsere Söhne1121 und1320 Töchter1323 unterwerfen dem Dienst, und5650 sind schon unserer Töchter1323 etliche unterworfen3533, und ist3426 kein Vermögen in unsern Händen3027; auch würden unsere Äcker7704 und Weinberge3754 der andern312.

6 Da ich aber ihr8085 Schreien2201 und solche Worte1697 hörete, ward2734 ich sehr3966 zornig.

7 Und mein Herz3820 ward4427 Rats mit mir, daß ich schalt7378 die Ratsherren und die Obersten2715, und sprach559 zu ihnen5383: Wollt ihr einer376 auf5375 den andern251 Wucher4855 treiben5378? Und ich brachte eine große1419 Gemeine wider sie5414

8 und sprach559 zu ihnen: Wir haben4672 unsere Brüder251, die Juden3064, erkauft, die den Heiden1471 verkauft4376 waren4376, nach1767 unserm Vermögen; und ihr wollt auch eure Brüder251 verkaufen, die wir zu uns gekauft7069 haben? Da schwiegen sie2790 und fanden nichts1697 zu antworten.

9 Und ich sprach559: Es ist nicht gut2896, das ihr tut6213. Solltet ihr nicht in der Furcht3374 Gottes430 wandeln3212 um1697 der Schmach2781 willen der Heiden1471, unserer Feinde341?

10 Ich und meine Brüder251 und meine Knaben5288 haben ihnen5383 auch Geld3701 getan und Getreide1715; den Wucher4855 aber haben wir nachgelassen.

11 So gebt ihnen5383 nun heutigestages3117 wieder7725 ihre Äcker7704, Weinberge3754, Ölgärten2132 und3701 Häuser1004 und den Hundertsten3967 am Gelde, am Getreide1715, am Most8492 und am Öle, das ihr an ihnen gewuchert habt.

12 Da sprachen559 sie: Wir wollen‘s wiedergeben7725 und wollen nichts1697 von ihnen fordern und wollen tun6213, wie du1245 gesagt559 hast. Und ich rief7121 den Priestern3548 und nahm einen Eid7650 von ihnen, daß sie also tun6213 sollten.

13 Auch schüttelte ich5287 meinen Busen2684 aus und sprach559: Also schüttele GOtt430 aus jedermann von seinem Hause1004 und von seiner Arbeit3018, der dies Wort1697 nicht6965 handhabet, daß er376 sei ausgeschüttelt und leer7386. Und die ganze Gemeine sprach559: Amen543! und lobeten den HErrn3068. Und das1697 Volk6951 tat6213 also.

14 Auch von der Zeit3117 an, da mir8147 befohlen6680 ward, ein Landpfleger6346 zu sein398 im Lande Juda3063, nämlich vom zwanzigsten6242 Jahr8141 an bis in das776 zweiunddreißigste Jahr8141 des Königs4428 Arthahsastha783, das sind zwölf6240 Jahre8141, nährete ich mich und meine Brüder251 nicht von der Landpfleger6346 Kost3899.

15 Denn die vorigen7223 Landpfleger6346, die vor6440 mir6440 gewesen waren310, hatten3947 das Volk5971 beschweret und hatten von ihnen genommen Brot3899 und Wein3196, dazu auch1571 vierzig705 Sekel Silbers3701; auch hatten ihre Knaben5288 mit Gewalt7980 gefahren über das Volk5971. Ich tat6213 aber nicht also um der Furcht3374 Gottes430 willen.

16 Auch arbeitete ich2388 an der Mauer2346 Arbeit4399 und kaufte7069 keinen Acker7704; und alle meine Knaben5288 mußten daselbst an die Arbeit4399 zuhauf6908 kommen.

17 Dazu waren935 der Juden3064 und376 Obersten5461 hundertundfünfzig3967 an meinem Tische7979, die zu mir kommen waren aus den Heiden1471, die um uns her5439 sind.

18 Und6213 man machte6213 mir des Tages3117 einen259 Ochsen7794 und5973 sechs8337 erwählte1305 Schafe6629 und Vögel6833 und je inwendig zehn6235 Tagen3117 allerlei Wein3196 die Menge. Noch forderte1245 ich nicht der Landpfleger6346 Kost3899, denn der Dienst5656 war schwer3513 auf dem7235 Volk5971.

19 Gedenke2142 mir, mein GOtt430, zum besten2896 alles, das ich diesem Volk5971 getan6213 habe!


Chapter 5

Das Buch Nehemia

Kapitel 5

1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

1 Und es erhub sich ein groß1419 Geschrei6818 des Volks5971 und ihrer Weiber802 wider ihre Brüder251, die Juden3064.

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

2 Und waren etliche, die da sprachen559: Unserer Söhne1121 und Töchter1323 sind3426 viel7227; laßt uns Getreide1715 nehmen3947 und essen398, daß wir2421 leben.

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

3 Aber3426 etliche sprachen559: Laßt uns unsere Äcker7704, Weinberge3754 und6148 Häuser1004 versetzen und Getreide1715 nehmen3947 in der Teurung.

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

4 Etliche aber3426 sprachen559: Laßt uns Geld3701 entlehnen auf Zinsen dem Könige4428 auf unsere Äcker7704 und4060 Weinberge3754.

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

5 Denn unserer Brüder251 Leib ist3533 wie unser Leib und1320 ihre Kinder1121 wie unsere Kinder1121; sonst würden wir unsere Söhne1121 und1320 Töchter1323 unterwerfen dem Dienst, und5650 sind schon unserer Töchter1323 etliche unterworfen3533, und ist3426 kein Vermögen in unsern Händen3027; auch würden unsere Äcker7704 und Weinberge3754 der andern312.

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

6 Da ich aber ihr8085 Schreien2201 und solche Worte1697 hörete, ward2734 ich sehr3966 zornig.

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

7 Und mein Herz3820 ward4427 Rats mit mir, daß ich schalt7378 die Ratsherren und die Obersten2715, und sprach559 zu ihnen5383: Wollt ihr einer376 auf5375 den andern251 Wucher4855 treiben5378? Und ich brachte eine große1419 Gemeine wider sie5414

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

8 und sprach559 zu ihnen: Wir haben4672 unsere Brüder251, die Juden3064, erkauft, die den Heiden1471 verkauft4376 waren4376, nach1767 unserm Vermögen; und ihr wollt auch eure Brüder251 verkaufen, die wir zu uns gekauft7069 haben? Da schwiegen sie2790 und fanden nichts1697 zu antworten.

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

9 Und ich sprach559: Es ist nicht gut2896, das ihr tut6213. Solltet ihr nicht in der Furcht3374 Gottes430 wandeln3212 um1697 der Schmach2781 willen der Heiden1471, unserer Feinde341?

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

10 Ich und meine Brüder251 und meine Knaben5288 haben ihnen5383 auch Geld3701 getan und Getreide1715; den Wucher4855 aber haben wir nachgelassen.

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

11 So gebt ihnen5383 nun heutigestages3117 wieder7725 ihre Äcker7704, Weinberge3754, Ölgärten2132 und3701 Häuser1004 und den Hundertsten3967 am Gelde, am Getreide1715, am Most8492 und am Öle, das ihr an ihnen gewuchert habt.

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

12 Da sprachen559 sie: Wir wollen‘s wiedergeben7725 und wollen nichts1697 von ihnen fordern und wollen tun6213, wie du1245 gesagt559 hast. Und ich rief7121 den Priestern3548 und nahm einen Eid7650 von ihnen, daß sie also tun6213 sollten.

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

13 Auch schüttelte ich5287 meinen Busen2684 aus und sprach559: Also schüttele GOtt430 aus jedermann von seinem Hause1004 und von seiner Arbeit3018, der dies Wort1697 nicht6965 handhabet, daß er376 sei ausgeschüttelt und leer7386. Und die ganze Gemeine sprach559: Amen543! und lobeten den HErrn3068. Und das1697 Volk6951 tat6213 also.

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

14 Auch von der Zeit3117 an, da mir8147 befohlen6680 ward, ein Landpfleger6346 zu sein398 im Lande Juda3063, nämlich vom zwanzigsten6242 Jahr8141 an bis in das776 zweiunddreißigste Jahr8141 des Königs4428 Arthahsastha783, das sind zwölf6240 Jahre8141, nährete ich mich und meine Brüder251 nicht von der Landpfleger6346 Kost3899.

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

15 Denn die vorigen7223 Landpfleger6346, die vor6440 mir6440 gewesen waren310, hatten3947 das Volk5971 beschweret und hatten von ihnen genommen Brot3899 und Wein3196, dazu auch1571 vierzig705 Sekel Silbers3701; auch hatten ihre Knaben5288 mit Gewalt7980 gefahren über das Volk5971. Ich tat6213 aber nicht also um der Furcht3374 Gottes430 willen.

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

16 Auch arbeitete ich2388 an der Mauer2346 Arbeit4399 und kaufte7069 keinen Acker7704; und alle meine Knaben5288 mußten daselbst an die Arbeit4399 zuhauf6908 kommen.

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

17 Dazu waren935 der Juden3064 und376 Obersten5461 hundertundfünfzig3967 an meinem Tische7979, die zu mir kommen waren aus den Heiden1471, die um uns her5439 sind.

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

18 Und6213 man machte6213 mir des Tages3117 einen259 Ochsen7794 und5973 sechs8337 erwählte1305 Schafe6629 und Vögel6833 und je inwendig zehn6235 Tagen3117 allerlei Wein3196 die Menge. Noch forderte1245 ich nicht der Landpfleger6346 Kost3899, denn der Dienst5656 war schwer3513 auf dem7235 Volk5971.

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.

19 Gedenke2142 mir, mein GOtt430, zum besten2896 alles, das ich diesem Volk5971 getan6213 habe!
