
Chapter 5

1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.

Книга Неемии

Глава 5

1 И сделался большой1419 ропот6818 в народе5971 и у жен802 его на братьев251 своих Иудеев.3064

2 Были3426 такие, которые559 говорили:559 нас, сыновей1121 наших и дочерей1323 наших много;7227 и мы желали3947 бы доставать3947 хлеб1715 и кормиться398 и жить.2421

3 Были3426 и такие, которые559 говорили:559 поля7704 свои, и виноградники3754 свои, и домы1004 свои мы закладываем,6148 чтобы достать3947 хлеба1715 от голода.7458

4 Были3426 и такие, которые говорили:559 мы занимаем3867 серебро3701 на подать4060 царю4428 под залог полей7704 наших и виноградников3754 наших;

5 у нас такие же тела,1320 какие тела1320 у братьев251 наших, и сыновья1121 наши такие же, как их сыновья;1121 а вот, мы должны отдавать3533 сыновей1121 наших и дочерей1323 наших в рабы,5650 и некоторые из дочерей1323 наших уже находятся3533 в3533 порабощении.3533 Нет никаких средств410 для выкупа в руках3027 наших; и поля7704 наши и виноградники3754 наши у других.312

6 Когда я услышал8085 ропот2201 их и такие слова,1697 я очень3966 рассердился.2734

7 Сердце3820 мое возмутилось,4427 и я строго7378 выговорил7378 знатнейшим2715 и начальствующим5461 и сказал559 им: вы берете537853835375 лихву4855 с братьев251 своих. И созвал5414 я против них большое1419 собрание6952

8 и сказал559 им: мы выкупали7069 братьев251 своих, Иудеев,3064 проданных4376 народам,1471 сколько1767 было1767 сил1767 у нас, а вы продаете4376 братьев251 своих, и они продаются4376 нам? Они молчали2790 и не находили4672 ответа.1697

9 И сказал559 я: нехорошо38082896 вы делаете.6213 Не в страхе3374 ли Бога430 нашего должны ходить3212 вы, дабы избегнуть поношения2781 от народов,1471 врагов341 наших?

10 И я также, братья251 мои и служащие при мне давали5383 им в5383 заем5383 и серебро3701 и хлеб:1715 оставим5800 им долг4855 сей.

11 Возвратите7725 им ныне же поля7704 их, виноградные3754 и масличные2132 сады2132 их, и домы1004 их, и рост3967 с серебра3701 и хлеба,1715 и вина8492 и масла,3323 за который вы ссудили5383 их.

12 И сказали559 они: возвратим7725 и не будем1245 с них требовать;1245 сделаем6213 так, как ты говоришь.559 И позвал7121 я священников3548 и велел7650 им дать7650 клятву,7650 что они так сделают.6213

13 И вытряхнул5287 я одежду2684 мою и сказал:559 так пусть вытряхнет5287 Бог430 всякого человека,376 который не сдержит6965 слова1697 сего, из дома1004 его и из имения3018 его, и так да будет у него вытрясено5287 и пусто!7386 И сказало559 все собрание:6951 аминь.543 И прославили1984 Бога;3068 и народ5971 выполнил6213 слово1697 сие.

14 Еще: с того дня,3117 как определен6680 я был6680 областеначальником6346 их в земле776 Иудейской,3063 от двадцатого6242 года8141 до тридцать7970 второго8147 года8141 царя4428 Артаксеркса,783 в продолжение двенадцати81476240 лет8141 я и братья251 мои не ели398 хлеба3899 областеначальнического.6346

15 А прежние7223 областеначальники,6346 которые были до3942 меня, отягощали3513 народ5971 и брали3947 с них хлеб3899 и вино,3196 кроме310 сорока705 сиклей8255 серебра;3701 даже1571 и слуги5288 их господствовали7980 над народом.5971 Я же не делал6213 так по страху3374 Божию.430

16 При этом работы4399 на стене2346 сей я поддерживал;2388 и полей7704 мы не закупали,7069 и все слуги5288 мои собирались6908 туда на работу.4399

17 Иудеев3064 и начальствующих5461 по сто3967 пятидесяти2572376 человек бывало за столом7979 у меня, кроме приходивших935 к нам из окрестных5439 народов.1471

18 И вот что было приготовляемо6213 на один день:3117 один259 бык,7794 шесть8337 отборных1305 овец6629 и птицы6833 приготовлялись6213 у меня; и в десять6235 дней3117 издерживалось множество7235 всякого вина.3196 И при всем том, хлеба3899 областеначальнического6346 я не требовал,1245 так как тяжелая3513 служба5656 лежала на народе5971 сем.

19 Помяни,2142 Боже430 мой, во благо2896 мне все, что я сделал6213 для народа5971 сего!


Chapter 5

Книга Неемии

Глава 5

1 THEN there was a great cry of the people and of their wives against their brethren the Jews.

1 И сделался большой1419 ропот6818 в народе5971 и у жен802 его на братьев251 своих Иудеев.3064

2 For there were those who said, Our sons and our daughters and our brothers are many; therefore let us purchase grain that we may eat and live.

2 Были3426 такие, которые559 говорили:559 нас, сыновей1121 наших и дочерей1323 наших много;7227 и мы желали3947 бы доставать3947 хлеб1715 и кормиться398 и жить.2421

3 There were also those who said, We are going to sell our fields, our houses, and our vineyards that we may purchase grain during the famine, that we may live.

3 Были3426 и такие, которые559 говорили:559 поля7704 свои, и виноградники3754 свои, и домы1004 свои мы закладываем,6148 чтобы достать3947 хлеба1715 от голода.7458

4 There were those who said, Let us borrow money from the king's tribute, and work our fields and our vineyards, that we may live.

4 Были3426 и такие, которые говорили:559 мы занимаем3867 серебро3701 на подать4060 царю4428 под залог полей7704 наших и виноградников3754 наших;

5 And there were also those who said, Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children are as their children; and, 1o, we are compelling our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are already compelled to become maidservants; and yet they do not raise their hands in protest before God; and our fields, our vineyards, and our goods are given for other men.

5 у нас такие же тела,1320 какие тела1320 у братьев251 наших, и сыновья1121 наши такие же, как их сыновья;1121 а вот, мы должны отдавать3533 сыновей1121 наших и дочерей1323 наших в рабы,5650 и некоторые из дочерей1323 наших уже находятся3533 в3533 порабощении.3533 Нет никаких средств410 для выкупа в руках3027 наших; и поля7704 наши и виноградники3754 наши у других.312

6 And I was exceedingly sorrowful when I heard their cry and these words, and my heart was broken within me,

6 Когда я услышал8085 ропот2201 их и такие слова,1697 я очень3966 рассердился.2734

7 But I was patient, and I consulted with the elders and with the rulers, and said to them,

7 Сердце3820 мое возмутилось,4427 и я строго7378 выговорил7378 знатнейшим2715 и начальствующим5461 и сказал559 им: вы берете537853835375 лихву4855 с братьев251 своих. И созвал5414 я против них большое1419 собрание6952

8 We are redeeming our brethren the Jews, who were sold to the nations, both they and their children, and will you even take a man in pledge for his brother? Therefore I shouted at them, and said to them, Will you also sell your brethren? Then they were silent, and did not answer me.

8 и сказал559 им: мы выкупали7069 братьев251 своих, Иудеев,3064 проданных4376 народам,1471 сколько1767 было1767 сил1767 у нас, а вы продаете4376 братьев251 своих, и они продаются4376 нам? Они молчали2790 и не находили4672 ответа.1697

9 Also I said to them, The thing that you are doing is not good; for now you are not walking in the reverence of our God, because you are behaving like the nations which are round about us.

9 И сказал559 я: нехорошо38082896 вы делаете.6213 Не в страхе3374 ли Бога430 нашего должны ходить3212 вы, дабы избегнуть поношения2781 от народов,1471 врагов341 наших?

10 I, likewise, and my sons and my brothers will take money, and will buy grain and will remit the debts of the poor who are among us.

10 И я также, братья251 мои и служащие при мне давали5383 им в5383 заем5383 и серебро3701 и хлеб:1715 оставим5800 им долг4855 сей.

11 Restore to them, even this day, their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses; also pardon the debts of money and of grain, wine, and oil to the rest of the people.

11 Возвратите7725 им ныне же поля7704 их, виноградные3754 и масличные2132 сады2132 их, и домы1004 их, и рост3967 с серебра3701 и хлеба,1715 и вина8492 и масла,3323 за который вы ссудили5383 их.

12 Then they said to me, We will do as you say. Then I called the priests, and said to them, This is the right thing to do, and I took an oath of them to do according to this promise. I did this also to the children of the common people.

12 И сказали559 они: возвратим7725 и не будем1245 с них требовать;1245 сделаем6213 так, как ты говоришь.559 И позвал7121 я священников3548 и велел7650 им дать7650 клятву,7650 что они так сделают.6213

13 And we said, So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise, even thus shall he be shaken out and emptied. And all the people said, Amen. Then all the people rose up and praised the LORD. And all the people did according to this promise.

13 И вытряхнул5287 я одежду2684 мою и сказал:559 так пусть вытряхнет5287 Бог430 всякого человека,376 который не сдержит6965 слова1697 сего, из дома1004 его и из имения3018 его, и так да будет у него вытрясено5287 и пусто!7386 И сказало559 все собрание:6951 аминь.543 И прославили1984 Бога;3068 и народ5971 выполнил6213 слово1697 сие.

14 Moreover from the time that I was appointed to be governor in the land of Judah, from the twentieth year even to the thirty-second year of Artakhshisht the king, that is, twelve years, I and my brothers were leaders over them, but I never took by force even a donkey of one of them nor did I bother any one of them.

14 Еще: с того дня,3117 как определен6680 я был6680 областеначальником6346 их в земле776 Иудейской,3063 от двадцатого6242 года8141 до тридцать7970 второго8147 года8141 царя4428 Артаксеркса,783 в продолжение двенадцати81476240 лет8141 я и братья251 мои не ели398 хлеба3899 областеначальнического.6346

15 But the former governors who had been before me had enslaved the people and taken from them wine and bread, besides forty shekels of silver; also their servants bore rule over the people, and they were subject to them and were tormented by them; but I did not do so, because of the fear of God.

15 А прежние7223 областеначальники,6346 которые были до3942 меня, отягощали3513 народ5971 и брали3947 с них хлеб3899 и вино,3196 кроме310 сорока705 сиклей8255 серебра;3701 даже1571 и слуги5288 их господствовали7980 над народом.5971 Я же не делал6213 так по страху3374 Божию.430

16 Also I was greatly occupied with the work of this wall, and I bought no fields; and all the Jewish servants were gathered there, supervising the work.

16 При этом работы4399 на стене2346 сей я поддерживал;2388 и полей7704 мы не закупали,7069 и все слуги5288 мои собирались6908 туда на работу.4399

17 Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty nobles and rulers, besides those who came to us from among the nations that were about us.

17 Иудеев3064 и начальствующих5461 по сто3967 пятидесяти2572376 человек бывало за столом7979 у меня, кроме приходивших935 к нам из окрестных5439 народов.1471

18 Now the man who prepared food brought to the servants who did the cooking, daily one ox and six fat sheep; also yearling goats were prepared for us, and once in ten days wine in abundance; yet for all this I did not ask for the provisions which were due the governorship, because the work was heavy upon this people.

18 И вот что было приготовляемо6213 на один день:3117 один259 бык,7794 шесть8337 отборных1305 овец6629 и птицы6833 приготовлялись6213 у меня; и в десять6235 дней3117 издерживалось множество7235 всякого вина.3196 И при всем том, хлеба3899 областеначальнического6346 я не требовал,1245 так как тяжелая3513 служба5656 лежала на народе5971 сем.

19 O my God, remember me for good, because of all that I have done for this people.

19 Помяни,2142 Боже430 мой, во благо2896 мне все, что я сделал6213 для народа5971 сего!
