

1 季世必有危日、爾當知之、

2 人將自私、好利、驕泰、訕謗、逆親、辜恩、斁倫、

3 拂情、背誓約興謠諑、縱嗜欲、行殘刻、疾善良、

4 不信乎友、苟且自衒、樂佚樂、不愛上帝、

5 有敬虔之名、無敬虔之實、若此者、當遠之、

6 彼潛入人室、見愚女多欲、重負厥罪、從而誘之、

7 此女亦嘗學問、終不識眞理、

8 昔雅尼、佯庇、爲摩西敵、若此者、亦敵正理、其人壞心術、揆以主道、終必見擯、

9 故不能持久、其橫逆必暴露於衆、如前二人然、

10 惟爾悉我教誨、品行、堅心、信主、含容、仁愛、恆忍、

11 亦知我在安提阿、以哥念、路士得、所遇窘逐患難、惟主救我、

12 凡宗基督耶穌、致志於敬虔者、必受窘逐、

13 行惡惑衆之徒、浸久叢滋、欺人而自欺、

14 爾當恆守所學、考證之道、知所學之奚自、

15 爾自幼識聖經、因而有智、信基督耶穌得救、

16 諸經本上帝所默示、有益於教誨、督責、正己、學義、

17 俾事上帝之人、無不練達、百善悉備、〇

2 Timothy

Chapter 3

1 KNOW this: that in the last days disas trous times will come.

2 And men shall be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, proud, conceited, blasphemers, disobedient to their own people, ungrateful, wicked,

3 False accusers, addicts to lust, brutal, haters of good things,

4 Traitors, hasty, boasters, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but are far from the power of God: from such turn away.

6 For of this sort are those who creep into houses and captivate women sunken in sin, led away with divers lusts,

7 Ever striving to learn, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,

8 Now just as Jan'nes and Jam'bres stood up against Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds and far off from the faith.

9 But they shall not progress, for their folly is well known to every man, as theirs also was.

10 But you have been a follower of my teaching, manner of life, purpose, faith, patience, charity, love, steadfastness,

11 Persecution and sorrows: you know the things which I endured at Antioch, and at Ico'ni- um, and at Lys'tra; how I was persecuted; and yet from all these my LORD delivered me.

12 Likewise, all those who wish to live a godly life in Jesus Christ shall suffer persecution.

13 But bad and deceptive men shall grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

14 But hold fast to the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them;

15 And knowing that you have learned from your childhood the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

16 All scripture, written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness:

17 So that God's people may become perfect, thoroughly perfected for every good work.



2 Timothy

Chapter 3

1 季世必有危日、爾當知之、

1 KNOW this: that in the last days disas trous times will come.

2 人將自私、好利、驕泰、訕謗、逆親、辜恩、斁倫、

2 And men shall be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, proud, conceited, blasphemers, disobedient to their own people, ungrateful, wicked,

3 拂情、背誓約興謠諑、縱嗜欲、行殘刻、疾善良、

3 False accusers, addicts to lust, brutal, haters of good things,

4 不信乎友、苟且自衒、樂佚樂、不愛上帝、

4 Traitors, hasty, boasters, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 有敬虔之名、無敬虔之實、若此者、當遠之、

5 Having a form of godliness, but are far from the power of God: from such turn away.

6 彼潛入人室、見愚女多欲、重負厥罪、從而誘之、

6 For of this sort are those who creep into houses and captivate women sunken in sin, led away with divers lusts,

7 此女亦嘗學問、終不識眞理、

7 Ever striving to learn, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,

8 昔雅尼、佯庇、爲摩西敵、若此者、亦敵正理、其人壞心術、揆以主道、終必見擯、

8 Now just as Jan'nes and Jam'bres stood up against Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds and far off from the faith.

9 故不能持久、其橫逆必暴露於衆、如前二人然、

9 But they shall not progress, for their folly is well known to every man, as theirs also was.

10 惟爾悉我教誨、品行、堅心、信主、含容、仁愛、恆忍、

10 But you have been a follower of my teaching, manner of life, purpose, faith, patience, charity, love, steadfastness,

11 亦知我在安提阿、以哥念、路士得、所遇窘逐患難、惟主救我、

11 Persecution and sorrows: you know the things which I endured at Antioch, and at Ico'ni- um, and at Lys'tra; how I was persecuted; and yet from all these my LORD delivered me.

12 凡宗基督耶穌、致志於敬虔者、必受窘逐、

12 Likewise, all those who wish to live a godly life in Jesus Christ shall suffer persecution.

13 行惡惑衆之徒、浸久叢滋、欺人而自欺、

13 But bad and deceptive men shall grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

14 爾當恆守所學、考證之道、知所學之奚自、

14 But hold fast to the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them;

15 爾自幼識聖經、因而有智、信基督耶穌得救、

15 And knowing that you have learned from your childhood the holy scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

16 諸經本上帝所默示、有益於教誨、督責、正己、學義、

16 All scripture, written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness:

17 俾事上帝之人、無不練達、百善悉備、〇

17 So that God's people may become perfect, thoroughly perfected for every good work.
