

1 主知法利賽人、聞己施洗、招人爲徒、多於約翰、

2 其實耶穌不施洗、惟門徒施之、

3 乃離猶太、復往加利利、

4 道必由撒馬利亞、

5 至撒馬利亞叙加、近雅各賜子約瑟之地、

6 有雅各井、

7 耶穌行倦、坐井上時約日中、

8 門徒入城市食、有撒馬利亞婦來汲水、耶穌曰飲我、

9 婦曰、爾猶太人、何求飲於我撒馬利亞婦乎、蓋猶太人與撒馬利亞人、不相往來也、

10 耶穌曰、倘爾識上帝之賜、與請飲者誰、爾求之、其必以活水與爾、

11 婦曰、主、無汲器、井又深、何由得活水耶、

12 我祖雅各、遺我此井、昔彼與子及畜、皆飲於此、爾豈大於彼乎、

13 耶穌曰、飲此水必復渴、

14 飲我所于之水、永不渴、我所予之水、必於其中爲源、混混至永生也、

15 婦曰、請主以此水予我、使我不渴、無庸來此汲矣、

16 耶穌曰、往呼爾夫來、

17 婦曰、我無夫、耶穌曰、爾言無夫是也、

18 蓋爾曾有五夫、今所有者非爾夫、爾言誠是、

19 婦曰、我觀主乃先知者、

20 我祖崇拜於此山、爾曹言、崇拜當在耶路撒冷、孰是、

21 耶穌曰、宜信我、日至、爾拜天父、無論此山、無論耶路撒冷、

22 爾曹不知所拜、我儕知所拜、蓋救者、出自猶太人也、

23 日至、今是矣、眞崇拜者、以神以誠拜天父、蓋天父欲人如是拜之、

24 上帝乃神、拜之者、必以神以誠、

25 婦曰、我知彌賽亞將至、其至、必以衆理告我、彌賽亞、蓋言基督也、

26 耶穌曰、與爾言者是也、〇

27 門徒至、見耶穌與婦言、異之、但無人問以奚求、而與婦言何也、

28 婦舍瓶、入邑、語人曰、

29 來觀一人、我素行者彼悉言之、得毋基督乎、

30 衆出邑、就耶穌、〇

31 門徒請曰、夫子食、

32 耶穌曰、我有糧可食、爾曹不知也、

33 門徒相語曰、豈有供之者乎、

34 耶穌曰、遵遣我者之旨、而畢其工、卽我糧也、

35 豈不曰、尚有四月而穫時至乎、吾語汝、舉目視田、熟可穫矣、

36 穫者得傭値、積實至永生、使播者穫者同樂也、

37 諺云、一播一穫、誠然、

38 我遣爾穫所未勞者、池人勞之、爾繼其勞也、〇

39 撒馬利亞人、在叙加者、以婦證耶穌能言其所行、多信之、

40 就耶穌請同居、居二日、

41 聽其言而信之者愈衆、

42 謂婦曰、今我儕非爲爾言而信、乃親聽之、知其誠基督、救世者也、〇

43 越二日、耶穌去彼、往加利利、

44 蓋自言先知在故土不尊也、

45 至加利利時、其人接之、以衆往守節期、會見耶穌在耶路撒冷所行之事故也、

46 耶穌復至加利利迦拿、以水變酒之處、有王臣、其子病在迦百農、

47 聞耶穌自猶太至加利利就之、請往醫其子、瀕死矣、

48 耶穌曰、不見異蹟奇事、爾曹不信、

49 王臣曰、我子未及死、請主卽至、

50 耶穌曰、往哉、爾子生矣、其人信耶穌言而往、

51 歸時、遇僕告曰、爾子生矣、

52 問何時愈曰、昔者未時瘧退、

53 父覺其時、適耶穌言子生之時、於是舉室皆信、

54 耶穌自猶太至加利利、所行異蹟、此其二也、


Chapter 4

1 WHEN Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard he made many disciples, and was baptizing more people than John,

2 Though Jesus himself did not baptize, but his disciples;

3 He left Judaea and came again to Galilee.

4 He had to go through Samaritan territory.

5 Then he came to a Samaritan city, called Sychar, near the field which Jacob had given to his son Joseph.

6 Now Jacob's well was there; and Jesus was tired by the fatigue of the journey, and sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

7 And there came a woman from Samaria to draw water; and Jesus said to her, Give me water to drink.

8 His disciples had entered into the city to buy food for themselves.

9 The Samaritan woman said to him, How is it? You are a Jew, and yet you ask me for a drink, who am a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no social intercourse with Samaritans.

10 Jesus answered and said to her, If you only knew the gift of God, and who is the man who said to you, Give me a drink; you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.

11 The woman said to him, My lord, you have no leather bucket, and no deep well; where do you get the living water?

12 Why, are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well, and he himself drank from it, and his sons and his sheep?

13 Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again;

14 But whoever drinks of the water which I give him, shall never thirst; but the same water which I give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to life everlasting.

15 The woman said to him, My lord, give me of this water, so that I may not thirst again, and need not come and draw from here.

16 Jesus said to her, Go and call your husband, and come here.

17 She said to him, I have no husband; Jesus said to her, You said well, I have no husband;

18 For you have had five husbands; and the one you now have is not your husband; what you said is true.

19 Then the woman said to him, My lord, I see that you are a prophet.

20 Our forefathers worshipped on this mountain; and you say the place where men must worship is in Jerusalem.

21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the time is coming, when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem they will worship the Father.

22 You worship what you do not know; but we worship what we do know; for salvation is from the Jews.

23 But the time is coming, and it is here, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also desires worshippers such as these.

24 For God is Spirit; and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

25 The woman said to him, I know that the Messiah (Christ) is coming; when he is come, he will teach us everything.

26 Jesus said to her, I am he, who is speaking to you.

27 While he was talking, his disciples came, and they were surprised that he was talking with a married woman; but no one said to him, What do you want? or, What are you talking with her?

28 The woman then left her water jar, and went to the city and said to the men,

29 Come and see a man who told me everything which I have done; why, is he the Christ?

30 And the men went out of the city, and came to him.

31 During the interval his disciples begged him, saying, Teacher, eat.

32 But he said to them, I have food to eat, of which you do not know.

33 The disciples said among themselves, Why, did any man bring him something to eat?

34 Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to finish his work.

35 Do you not say that after four months comes the harvest? behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, which have turned white and have long been ready for the harvest.

36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruits to life everlasting; so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together.

37 For in this case the saying is true, One sows and another reaps.

38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; for others labored, and you have entered into their labor.

39 A great many Samaritans of that city believed in him, because of the word of that woman, who testified, He told me everything which I have done.

40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they begged him to stay with them; and he stayed with them two days.

41 And a great many believed in him because of his word;

42 And they were saying to the woman, Henceforth it is not because of your word that we believe him; for we ourselves have heard and know, that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

43 Two days later, Jesus departed thence and went to Galilee.

44 For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet is not honored in his own city.

45 When he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, for they had seen all the wonders he did at Jerusalem during the feast; for they also had come to the feast.

46 Then Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And there was at Capernaum a servant of a king, whose son was sick.

47 This man heard that Jesus had come from Judaea to Galilee; so he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son; for he was near death.

48 Jesus said to him, Unless you see miracles and wonders, you will not believe.

49 The king's servant said to him, My Lord, come down before the boy is dead.

50 Jesus said to him, Go, your son is healed. And the man believed the word that Jesus said to him and went away.

51 And as he was going down, his servants met him and brought him good news, saying, Your son is healed.

52 And he asked them, At what time was he healed? They said to him, Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him.

53 And his father knew that it was at that very hour when Jesus told him, Your son is healed; so he himself believed and his whole household.

54 This is again the second miracle which Jesus did, after he came from Judaea to Galilee.




Chapter 4

1 主知法利賽人、聞己施洗、招人爲徒、多於約翰、

1 WHEN Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard he made many disciples, and was baptizing more people than John,

2 其實耶穌不施洗、惟門徒施之、

2 Though Jesus himself did not baptize, but his disciples;

3 乃離猶太、復往加利利、

3 He left Judaea and came again to Galilee.

4 道必由撒馬利亞、

4 He had to go through Samaritan territory.

5 至撒馬利亞叙加、近雅各賜子約瑟之地、

5 Then he came to a Samaritan city, called Sychar, near the field which Jacob had given to his son Joseph.

6 有雅各井、

6 Now Jacob's well was there; and Jesus was tired by the fatigue of the journey, and sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

7 耶穌行倦、坐井上時約日中、

7 And there came a woman from Samaria to draw water; and Jesus said to her, Give me water to drink.

8 門徒入城市食、有撒馬利亞婦來汲水、耶穌曰飲我、

8 His disciples had entered into the city to buy food for themselves.

9 婦曰、爾猶太人、何求飲於我撒馬利亞婦乎、蓋猶太人與撒馬利亞人、不相往來也、

9 The Samaritan woman said to him, How is it? You are a Jew, and yet you ask me for a drink, who am a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no social intercourse with Samaritans.

10 耶穌曰、倘爾識上帝之賜、與請飲者誰、爾求之、其必以活水與爾、

10 Jesus answered and said to her, If you only knew the gift of God, and who is the man who said to you, Give me a drink; you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.

11 婦曰、主、無汲器、井又深、何由得活水耶、

11 The woman said to him, My lord, you have no leather bucket, and no deep well; where do you get the living water?

12 我祖雅各、遺我此井、昔彼與子及畜、皆飲於此、爾豈大於彼乎、

12 Why, are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well, and he himself drank from it, and his sons and his sheep?

13 耶穌曰、飲此水必復渴、

13 Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again;

14 飲我所于之水、永不渴、我所予之水、必於其中爲源、混混至永生也、

14 But whoever drinks of the water which I give him, shall never thirst; but the same water which I give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to life everlasting.

15 婦曰、請主以此水予我、使我不渴、無庸來此汲矣、

15 The woman said to him, My lord, give me of this water, so that I may not thirst again, and need not come and draw from here.

16 耶穌曰、往呼爾夫來、

16 Jesus said to her, Go and call your husband, and come here.

17 婦曰、我無夫、耶穌曰、爾言無夫是也、

17 She said to him, I have no husband; Jesus said to her, You said well, I have no husband;

18 蓋爾曾有五夫、今所有者非爾夫、爾言誠是、

18 For you have had five husbands; and the one you now have is not your husband; what you said is true.

19 婦曰、我觀主乃先知者、

19 Then the woman said to him, My lord, I see that you are a prophet.

20 我祖崇拜於此山、爾曹言、崇拜當在耶路撒冷、孰是、

20 Our forefathers worshipped on this mountain; and you say the place where men must worship is in Jerusalem.

21 耶穌曰、宜信我、日至、爾拜天父、無論此山、無論耶路撒冷、

21 Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the time is coming, when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem they will worship the Father.

22 爾曹不知所拜、我儕知所拜、蓋救者、出自猶太人也、

22 You worship what you do not know; but we worship what we do know; for salvation is from the Jews.

23 日至、今是矣、眞崇拜者、以神以誠拜天父、蓋天父欲人如是拜之、

23 But the time is coming, and it is here, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also desires worshippers such as these.

24 上帝乃神、拜之者、必以神以誠、

24 For God is Spirit; and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

25 婦曰、我知彌賽亞將至、其至、必以衆理告我、彌賽亞、蓋言基督也、

25 The woman said to him, I know that the Messiah (Christ) is coming; when he is come, he will teach us everything.

26 耶穌曰、與爾言者是也、〇

26 Jesus said to her, I am he, who is speaking to you.

27 門徒至、見耶穌與婦言、異之、但無人問以奚求、而與婦言何也、

27 While he was talking, his disciples came, and they were surprised that he was talking with a married woman; but no one said to him, What do you want? or, What are you talking with her?

28 婦舍瓶、入邑、語人曰、

28 The woman then left her water jar, and went to the city and said to the men,

29 來觀一人、我素行者彼悉言之、得毋基督乎、

29 Come and see a man who told me everything which I have done; why, is he the Christ?

30 衆出邑、就耶穌、〇

30 And the men went out of the city, and came to him.

31 門徒請曰、夫子食、

31 During the interval his disciples begged him, saying, Teacher, eat.

32 耶穌曰、我有糧可食、爾曹不知也、

32 But he said to them, I have food to eat, of which you do not know.

33 門徒相語曰、豈有供之者乎、

33 The disciples said among themselves, Why, did any man bring him something to eat?

34 耶穌曰、遵遣我者之旨、而畢其工、卽我糧也、

34 Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to finish his work.

35 豈不曰、尚有四月而穫時至乎、吾語汝、舉目視田、熟可穫矣、

35 Do you not say that after four months comes the harvest? behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, which have turned white and have long been ready for the harvest.

36 穫者得傭値、積實至永生、使播者穫者同樂也、

36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruits to life everlasting; so that the sower and the reaper may rejoice together.

37 諺云、一播一穫、誠然、

37 For in this case the saying is true, One sows and another reaps.

38 我遣爾穫所未勞者、池人勞之、爾繼其勞也、〇

38 I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; for others labored, and you have entered into their labor.

39 撒馬利亞人、在叙加者、以婦證耶穌能言其所行、多信之、

39 A great many Samaritans of that city believed in him, because of the word of that woman, who testified, He told me everything which I have done.

40 就耶穌請同居、居二日、

40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they begged him to stay with them; and he stayed with them two days.

41 聽其言而信之者愈衆、

41 And a great many believed in him because of his word;

42 謂婦曰、今我儕非爲爾言而信、乃親聽之、知其誠基督、救世者也、〇

42 And they were saying to the woman, Henceforth it is not because of your word that we believe him; for we ourselves have heard and know, that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

43 越二日、耶穌去彼、往加利利、

43 Two days later, Jesus departed thence and went to Galilee.

44 蓋自言先知在故土不尊也、

44 For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet is not honored in his own city.

45 至加利利時、其人接之、以衆往守節期、會見耶穌在耶路撒冷所行之事故也、

45 When he came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him, for they had seen all the wonders he did at Jerusalem during the feast; for they also had come to the feast.

46 耶穌復至加利利迦拿、以水變酒之處、有王臣、其子病在迦百農、

46 Then Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And there was at Capernaum a servant of a king, whose son was sick.

47 聞耶穌自猶太至加利利就之、請往醫其子、瀕死矣、

47 This man heard that Jesus had come from Judaea to Galilee; so he went to him and asked him to come down and heal his son; for he was near death.

48 耶穌曰、不見異蹟奇事、爾曹不信、

48 Jesus said to him, Unless you see miracles and wonders, you will not believe.

49 王臣曰、我子未及死、請主卽至、

49 The king's servant said to him, My Lord, come down before the boy is dead.

50 耶穌曰、往哉、爾子生矣、其人信耶穌言而往、

50 Jesus said to him, Go, your son is healed. And the man believed the word that Jesus said to him and went away.

51 歸時、遇僕告曰、爾子生矣、

51 And as he was going down, his servants met him and brought him good news, saying, Your son is healed.

52 問何時愈曰、昔者未時瘧退、

52 And he asked them, At what time was he healed? They said to him, Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him.

53 父覺其時、適耶穌言子生之時、於是舉室皆信、

53 And his father knew that it was at that very hour when Jesus told him, Your son is healed; so he himself believed and his whole household.

54 耶穌自猶太至加利利、所行異蹟、此其二也、

54 This is again the second miracle which Jesus did, after he came from Judaea to Galilee.
