

1 戰鬬爭競、何自而來、非欲戰於中而生乎、

2 爾欲而不得、爾忿怒殺戮、而終無所獲、爾戰鬬爭競、而無所得者、因爾不知求、

3 求而不得、妄求從欲故也、

4 淫亂之男女乎、豈不知狗世之情欲者、則逆上帝、凡狗世之情欲、則其違逆上帝也、

5 明矣、經豈空言無補哉、在宥之神、詎懷媢嫉哉、

6 彼賜我莫大之恩、故曰、驕泰者、上帝擯斥、卑遜者、上帝賜恩、

7 故當服上帝、攻魔鬼則魔鬼離爾、

8 親上帝、則上帝親爾、惡者盥手、疑者洗心、

9 當自苦哀泣、勿笑宜哭、勿喜宜憂、

10 主前宜自卑、主將升爾、

11 兄弟勿譭謗、謗兄弟議兄弟者、猶謗律法議律法、爾若議法、則弗遵法、乃自爲士師、

12 立法者惟一、能釋罪、能加刑、爾爲誰而議他人乎、

13 爾曰、或今日、或明日、將往某邑、淹留一載、貿易得利、

14 獨是明日之事、爾且弗能知、爾命伊何、猶雲霧聚散絛忽、出沒頃刻、

15 然爾當曰、若主旨賜我生命、則必如此以行、

16 爾自詡自衒、則非善、

17 見善不行、卽爲惡、


Chapter 4

1 FROM whence come conflicts and quarrels among you? Is it not from the lusts that war in your members?

2 You covet, and do not obtain; you kill and envy, but you cannot possess; you strive and fight, yet you have nothing, because you do not ask.

3 You ask and you do not receive because you do not ask sincerely, you ask that you may satisfy your lusts.

4 O you adulterers! Do you not know that the love for worldly things is enmity with God? Whosoever, therefore, esteems worldly things is the enemy of God.

5 Or do you think that the scripture said in vain, The pride that dwells in us is provoked by jealousy?

6 But our LORD has given us abundant grace. Therefore he said, God humbles the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist Satan, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, O you sinners! And purify your hearts, O you of doubtful mind!

9 Humble yourselves, and mourn; let your laughter be turned to weeping, and your joy to sorrow.

10 Humble yourselves before the LORD and he shall lift you up.

11 Do not speak against one another, my brethren, for he who speaks against his brother, and judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it.

12 For there is one lawgiver and judge, who is able to save and to destroy: who are you to judge your neighbor?

13 What then shall we say of those who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to a certain city, and will work there a year, and will trade and prosper?

14 They do not know what will happen tomorrow! For what is our life? It is but a vapour, which appears for a little while, and then vanishes away.

15 Instead of that they should say, If the LORD will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

16 But now they are proud in their boasting: all such pride is evil.

17 Therefore he who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.




Chapter 4

1 戰鬬爭競、何自而來、非欲戰於中而生乎、

1 FROM whence come conflicts and quarrels among you? Is it not from the lusts that war in your members?

2 爾欲而不得、爾忿怒殺戮、而終無所獲、爾戰鬬爭競、而無所得者、因爾不知求、

2 You covet, and do not obtain; you kill and envy, but you cannot possess; you strive and fight, yet you have nothing, because you do not ask.

3 求而不得、妄求從欲故也、

3 You ask and you do not receive because you do not ask sincerely, you ask that you may satisfy your lusts.

4 淫亂之男女乎、豈不知狗世之情欲者、則逆上帝、凡狗世之情欲、則其違逆上帝也、

4 O you adulterers! Do you not know that the love for worldly things is enmity with God? Whosoever, therefore, esteems worldly things is the enemy of God.

5 明矣、經豈空言無補哉、在宥之神、詎懷媢嫉哉、

5 Or do you think that the scripture said in vain, The pride that dwells in us is provoked by jealousy?

6 彼賜我莫大之恩、故曰、驕泰者、上帝擯斥、卑遜者、上帝賜恩、

6 But our LORD has given us abundant grace. Therefore he said, God humbles the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

7 故當服上帝、攻魔鬼則魔鬼離爾、

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist Satan, and he will flee from you.

8 親上帝、則上帝親爾、惡者盥手、疑者洗心、

8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, O you sinners! And purify your hearts, O you of doubtful mind!

9 當自苦哀泣、勿笑宜哭、勿喜宜憂、

9 Humble yourselves, and mourn; let your laughter be turned to weeping, and your joy to sorrow.

10 主前宜自卑、主將升爾、

10 Humble yourselves before the LORD and he shall lift you up.

11 兄弟勿譭謗、謗兄弟議兄弟者、猶謗律法議律法、爾若議法、則弗遵法、乃自爲士師、

11 Do not speak against one another, my brethren, for he who speaks against his brother, and judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it.

12 立法者惟一、能釋罪、能加刑、爾爲誰而議他人乎、

12 For there is one lawgiver and judge, who is able to save and to destroy: who are you to judge your neighbor?

13 爾曰、或今日、或明日、將往某邑、淹留一載、貿易得利、

13 What then shall we say of those who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to a certain city, and will work there a year, and will trade and prosper?

14 獨是明日之事、爾且弗能知、爾命伊何、猶雲霧聚散絛忽、出沒頃刻、

14 They do not know what will happen tomorrow! For what is our life? It is but a vapour, which appears for a little while, and then vanishes away.

15 然爾當曰、若主旨賜我生命、則必如此以行、

15 Instead of that they should say, If the LORD will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

16 爾自詡自衒、則非善、

16 But now they are proud in their boasting: all such pride is evil.

17 見善不行、卽爲惡、

17 Therefore he who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin.
