

1 耶穌基督的啟示,就是神賜給他,叫他將必要快成的事指示他的眾僕人。他就差遣他的天使[his angel]曉諭他的僕人約翰。

2 約翰便將神的道和耶穌基督的見證,[and]自己所看見的都證明出來。

3 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。

4 約翰寫信給亞細亞的七個教會。但願恩典、平安歸與你們[Grace be unto you, and peace],從那昔在、今在、以後要來[is to come]的神,和從[and from]他寶座前的七靈,

5 並那忠信[faithful]作見證的、從死裏首先復活、為世上眾王之君[prince of the kings]耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]。他愛我們,用自己的血洗去我們的罪惡[washed us from our sins]

6 又使我們成為眾王[kings][and]作他父[and]神的祭司。但願榮耀、權柄[dominion]歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

7 看哪,他駕雲降臨;眾目要看見他,連他們那些[they]刺他的人也要看見他。地上各族[all kindreds]都要因他哀哭。這話是真實的,阿們。

8 [Lord]說:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是[the beginning],我是[the ending],是昔在今在以後要來[is to come]的全能者。」

9 我約翰就是你們的兄弟[brother],和你們在耶穌基督[Christ]的患難,國度,忍耐裏一同作伴[companion]。為神的道,並為給耶穌基督[Christ]作的見證,曾在那名叫拔摩的海島上。

10 我於靈裏在主的日子[I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day],聽見在我後面有大聲音如吹號,

11 [Saying]:「我是阿拉法[Alpha],我是俄梅戛[Omega],我是始[the first],我是終[the last];你所看見的,當寫在書上,達與在亞細亞的[which are in Asia]以弗所、士每拿、別迦摩、推雅推喇、撒狄、非拉鐵非、老底嘉、那七個教會。」

12 我轉過身來,要看是誰發聲與我說話;既轉過來,就看見七個金燭臺[candlesticks]

13 七燭臺[seven candlesticks]中間有一位好像人子,身穿長衣,直垂到腳,兩哺[paps]束著金帶。

14 他的頭與髮皆白,彷如羊毛[like wool]像雪那樣白[as white as snow];眼目如同火燄;

15 腳好像在爐中燒過[burned]精銅[fine brass];聲音如同[many]水的聲音。

16 他右手拿著七星,從他口中出來一把兩刃的利劍;面貌如同烈日放光。

17 我一看見,就仆倒在他腳前,像死了一樣。他用右手按著我,對我[unto me]說:「不要懼怕。我是首先的,我是末後的;

18 [I am]是那存活的,[and]曾死過;看哪[behold]。現在又活了,直活到永永遠遠,阿們[Amen]:並且拿著地獄[hell]死亡[death]的鑰匙。

19 [thou]要把所看見的,和現在的事,並將來[which shall be]的事,都寫出來。

20 論到你所看見、在我右手中的七星和七個金燭臺[candlesticks]的奧秘,那七星就是七個教會的天使[angels]至於[and]你所看見的[which thou sawest]燭臺[candlesticks]就是七個教會。」


Chapter 1

1 The Revelation602 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3739 God2316 gave1325 to him, to show1166 to his servants1401 things which3739 must1163 shortly1722 5034 come1096 to pass; and he sent649 and signified4591 it by his angel32 to his servant1401 John:2491

2 Who3739 bore3140 record3140 of the word3056 of God,2316 and of the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and of all3745 things that he saw.1492

3 Blessed3107 is he that reads,314 and they that hear191 the words3056 of this3588 prophecy,4394 and keep5083 those3588 things which are written1125 therein:1722 846 for the time2540 is at hand.1451

4 John2491 to the seven2033 churches1577 which3588 are in Asia:773 Grace5485 be to you, and peace,1515 from him which3588 is, and which3588 was, and which3588 is to come;2064 and from the seven2033 Spirits4151 which3739 are before1799 his throne;2362

5 And from Jesus2424 Christ,5547 who is the faithful4103 witness,3144 and the first4416 begotten4416 of the dead,3498 and the prince758 of the kings935 of the earth.1093 To him that loved25 us, and washed3068 us from our sins266 in his own848 blood,129

6 And has made4160 us kings935 and priests2409 to God2316 and his Father;3962 to him be glory1391 and dominion2904 for ever165 and ever.165 Amen.281

7 Behold,2400 he comes2064 with clouds;3507 and every3956 eye3788 shall see3700 him, and they also which3748 pierced1574 him: and all3956 kindreds5443 of the earth1093 shall wail2875 because1909 of him. Even3483 so,3483 Amen.281

8 I am1510 Alpha1 and Omega,5598 the beginning746 and the ending,5056 said3004 the Lord,2962 which3588 is, and which3588 was, and which3588 is to come,2064 the Almighty.3841

9 I John,2491 who3588 also2532 am your5216 brother,80 and companion4791 in tribulation,2347 and in the kingdom932 and patience5281 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 was in the isle3520 that is called2564 Patmos,3963 for the word3056 of God,2316 and for the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ.5547

10 I was in the Spirit4151 on1722 the Lord's2960 day,2250 and heard191 behind3694 me a great3173 voice,5456 as of a trumpet,4536

11 Saying,3004 I am1510 Alpha1 and Omega,5598 the first4413 and the last:2078 and, What3739 you see,991 write1125 in a book,975 and send3992 it to the seven2033 churches1577 which3588 are in Asia;773 to Ephesus,2181 and to Smyrna,4667 and to Pergamos,4010 and to Thyatira,2363 and to Sardis,4554 and to Philadelphia,5359 and to Laodicea.2993

12 And I turned1994 to see991 the voice5456 that spoke2980 with me. And being turned,1994 I saw1492 seven2033 golden5552 candlesticks;3087

13 And in the middle3319 of the seven2033 candlesticks3087 one like3664 to the Son5207 of man,444 clothed1746 with a garment4158 down to the foot,4158 and girt4024 about4024 the breasts3149 with a golden5552 girdle.2223

14 His head2776 and his hairs2359 were white3022 like5616 wool,2053 as white3022 as snow;5510 and his eyes3788 were as a flame5395 of fire;4442

15 And his feet4228 like3664 to fine brass,5474 as if they burned4448 in a furnace;2575 and his voice5456 as the sound5456 of many4183 waters.5204

16 And he had2192 in his right1188 hand5495 seven2033 stars:792 and out of his mouth4750 went1607 a sharp3691 two edged1366 sword:4501 and his countenance3799 was as the sun2246 shines5316 in his strength.1411

17 And when3753 I saw1492 him, I fell4098 at4314 his feet4228 as dead.3498 And he laid2007 his right1188 hand5495 on me, saying3004 to me, Fear5399 not; I am1510 the first4413 and the last:2078

18 I am1510 he that lives,2198 and was dead;3498 and, behold,2400 I am1510 alive2198 for ever more,3588 165 Amen;281 and have2192 the keys2807 of hell86 and of death.2288

19 Write1125 the things which3739 you have seen,1492 and the things which3739 are, and the things which3739 shall be hereafter;3326

20 The mystery3466 of the seven2033 stars792 which3739 you saw1492 in my right1188 hand, and the seven2033 golden5552 candlesticks.3087 The seven2033 stars792 are the angels32 of the seven2033 churches:1577 and the seven2033 candlesticks3087 which3739 you saw1492 are the seven2033 churches.1577




Chapter 1

1 耶穌基督的啟示,就是神賜給他,叫他將必要快成的事指示他的眾僕人。他就差遣他的天使[his angel]曉諭他的僕人約翰。

1 The Revelation602 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 which3739 God2316 gave1325 to him, to show1166 to his servants1401 things which3739 must1163 shortly1722 5034 come1096 to pass; and he sent649 and signified4591 it by his angel32 to his servant1401 John:2491

2 約翰便將神的道和耶穌基督的見證,[and]自己所看見的都證明出來。

2 Who3739 bore3140 record3140 of the word3056 of God,2316 and of the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 and of all3745 things that he saw.1492

3 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。

3 Blessed3107 is he that reads,314 and they that hear191 the words3056 of this3588 prophecy,4394 and keep5083 those3588 things which are written1125 therein:1722 846 for the time2540 is at hand.1451

4 約翰寫信給亞細亞的七個教會。但願恩典、平安歸與你們[Grace be unto you, and peace],從那昔在、今在、以後要來[is to come]的神,和從[and from]他寶座前的七靈,

4 John2491 to the seven2033 churches1577 which3588 are in Asia:773 Grace5485 be to you, and peace,1515 from him which3588 is, and which3588 was, and which3588 is to come;2064 and from the seven2033 Spirits4151 which3739 are before1799 his throne;2362

5 並那忠信[faithful]作見證的、從死裏首先復活、為世上眾王之君[prince of the kings]耶穌基督[Jesus Christ]。他愛我們,用自己的血洗去我們的罪惡[washed us from our sins]

5 And from Jesus2424 Christ,5547 who is the faithful4103 witness,3144 and the first4416 begotten4416 of the dead,3498 and the prince758 of the kings935 of the earth.1093 To him that loved25 us, and washed3068 us from our sins266 in his own848 blood,129

6 又使我們成為眾王[kings][and]作他父[and]神的祭司。但願榮耀、權柄[dominion]歸給他,直到永永遠遠。阿們。

6 And has made4160 us kings935 and priests2409 to God2316 and his Father;3962 to him be glory1391 and dominion2904 for ever165 and ever.165 Amen.281

7 看哪,他駕雲降臨;眾目要看見他,連他們那些[they]刺他的人也要看見他。地上各族[all kindreds]都要因他哀哭。這話是真實的,阿們。

7 Behold,2400 he comes2064 with clouds;3507 and every3956 eye3788 shall see3700 him, and they also which3748 pierced1574 him: and all3956 kindreds5443 of the earth1093 shall wail2875 because1909 of him. Even3483 so,3483 Amen.281

8 [Lord]說:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是[the beginning],我是[the ending],是昔在今在以後要來[is to come]的全能者。」

8 I am1510 Alpha1 and Omega,5598 the beginning746 and the ending,5056 said3004 the Lord,2962 which3588 is, and which3588 was, and which3588 is to come,2064 the Almighty.3841

9 我約翰就是你們的兄弟[brother],和你們在耶穌基督[Christ]的患難,國度,忍耐裏一同作伴[companion]。為神的道,並為給耶穌基督[Christ]作的見證,曾在那名叫拔摩的海島上。

9 I John,2491 who3588 also2532 am your5216 brother,80 and companion4791 in tribulation,2347 and in the kingdom932 and patience5281 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 was in the isle3520 that is called2564 Patmos,3963 for the word3056 of God,2316 and for the testimony3141 of Jesus2424 Christ.5547

10 我於靈裏在主的日子[I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day],聽見在我後面有大聲音如吹號,

10 I was in the Spirit4151 on1722 the Lord's2960 day,2250 and heard191 behind3694 me a great3173 voice,5456 as of a trumpet,4536

11 [Saying]:「我是阿拉法[Alpha],我是俄梅戛[Omega],我是始[the first],我是終[the last];你所看見的,當寫在書上,達與在亞細亞的[which are in Asia]以弗所、士每拿、別迦摩、推雅推喇、撒狄、非拉鐵非、老底嘉、那七個教會。」

11 Saying,3004 I am1510 Alpha1 and Omega,5598 the first4413 and the last:2078 and, What3739 you see,991 write1125 in a book,975 and send3992 it to the seven2033 churches1577 which3588 are in Asia;773 to Ephesus,2181 and to Smyrna,4667 and to Pergamos,4010 and to Thyatira,2363 and to Sardis,4554 and to Philadelphia,5359 and to Laodicea.2993

12 我轉過身來,要看是誰發聲與我說話;既轉過來,就看見七個金燭臺[candlesticks]

12 And I turned1994 to see991 the voice5456 that spoke2980 with me. And being turned,1994 I saw1492 seven2033 golden5552 candlesticks;3087

13 七燭臺[seven candlesticks]中間有一位好像人子,身穿長衣,直垂到腳,兩哺[paps]束著金帶。

13 And in the middle3319 of the seven2033 candlesticks3087 one like3664 to the Son5207 of man,444 clothed1746 with a garment4158 down to the foot,4158 and girt4024 about4024 the breasts3149 with a golden5552 girdle.2223

14 他的頭與髮皆白,彷如羊毛[like wool]像雪那樣白[as white as snow];眼目如同火燄;

14 His head2776 and his hairs2359 were white3022 like5616 wool,2053 as white3022 as snow;5510 and his eyes3788 were as a flame5395 of fire;4442

15 腳好像在爐中燒過[burned]精銅[fine brass];聲音如同[many]水的聲音。

15 And his feet4228 like3664 to fine brass,5474 as if they burned4448 in a furnace;2575 and his voice5456 as the sound5456 of many4183 waters.5204

16 他右手拿著七星,從他口中出來一把兩刃的利劍;面貌如同烈日放光。

16 And he had2192 in his right1188 hand5495 seven2033 stars:792 and out of his mouth4750 went1607 a sharp3691 two edged1366 sword:4501 and his countenance3799 was as the sun2246 shines5316 in his strength.1411

17 我一看見,就仆倒在他腳前,像死了一樣。他用右手按著我,對我[unto me]說:「不要懼怕。我是首先的,我是末後的;

17 And when3753 I saw1492 him, I fell4098 at4314 his feet4228 as dead.3498 And he laid2007 his right1188 hand5495 on me, saying3004 to me, Fear5399 not; I am1510 the first4413 and the last:2078

18 [I am]是那存活的,[and]曾死過;看哪[behold]。現在又活了,直活到永永遠遠,阿們[Amen]:並且拿著地獄[hell]死亡[death]的鑰匙。

18 I am1510 he that lives,2198 and was dead;3498 and, behold,2400 I am1510 alive2198 for ever more,3588 165 Amen;281 and have2192 the keys2807 of hell86 and of death.2288

19 [thou]要把所看見的,和現在的事,並將來[which shall be]的事,都寫出來。

19 Write1125 the things which3739 you have seen,1492 and the things which3739 are, and the things which3739 shall be hereafter;3326

20 論到你所看見、在我右手中的七星和七個金燭臺[candlesticks]的奧秘,那七星就是七個教會的天使[angels]至於[and]你所看見的[which thou sawest]燭臺[candlesticks]就是七個教會。」

20 The mystery3466 of the seven2033 stars792 which3739 you saw1492 in my right1188 hand, and the seven2033 golden5552 candlesticks.3087 The seven2033 stars792 are the angels32 of the seven2033 churches:1577 and the seven2033 candlesticks3087 which3739 you saw1492 are the seven2033 churches.1577