

1 當下,全會眾大聲喧嚷;那夜百姓都哭號。

2 以色列眾人向摩西、亞倫發怨言;全會眾對他們說:「情願神使[Would God]我們早死在埃及地。或情願神使我們[would God we]死在這曠野。

3 耶和華為甚麼把我們領到那地,使我們倒在刀下呢?我們的妻子和孩子必被擄掠。我們回埃及去豈不好嗎?」

4 眾人彼此說:「我們不如立一個首領回埃及去吧。」

5 摩西、亞倫就[faces]伏在以色列全會眾面前。

6 窺探地的人中,嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒撕裂衣服,

7 對以色列全會眾說:「我們所窺探、經過之地是極美之地。

8 耶和華若喜悅我們,就必將我們領進那地,把地賜給我們;那地原是流奶與蜜之地。

9 但你們不可背叛耶和華,也不要怕那地的居民;因為他們是我們的食物,並且蔭庇他們的已經離開他們。有耶和華與我們同在,不要怕他們。」

10 但全會眾說:「拿石頭打死他們二人。」忽然,耶和華的榮光在會幕中在以色列眾人面前[before all the children of Israel]顯現。

11 耶和華對摩西說:「這百姓惹動[provoke]我要到幾時呢?我在他們中間行了這一切神蹟,他們還不信我要到幾時呢?

12 我要用瘟疫擊殺他們,使他們不得承受那地,叫你的後裔成為大國,比他們強勝。」

13 摩西對耶和華說:「埃及人必聽見這事;(因為你曾施展大能,將這百姓從他們中間領上來;)

14 埃及人要將這事傳給迦南地的居民;那民已經聽見你─耶和華是在這百姓中間;因為你─耶和華[LORD]面對面被人看見,有你的雲彩停在他們以上。你日間在雲柱中,夜間在火柱中,在他們前面行。

15 如今你若把這百姓全都[all]殺了,如殺一人,那些聽見你名聲的列邦必議論說:

16 『耶和華因為不能把這百姓領進他向他們起誓應許之地,所以在曠野把他們殺了。』

17 現在求[my]主大顯能力,照你所說過的話說:

18 『耶和華不輕易發怒,並有豐盛的慈愛,饒恕[forgiving]罪孽和過犯;[by no means]不以有罪的為無罪,必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代。』

19 求你照你的大慈愛赦免這百姓的罪孽,好像你從埃及到如今常饒恕[forgiven]他們一樣。」

20 耶和華說:「我照著你的話赦免了他們。

21 然而[But]我指著我的永生起誓,遍地要被耶和華[LORD]的榮耀充滿。

22 這些人雖看見我的榮耀和我在埃及與曠野所行的神蹟,如今[now]仍然試探我這十次,不聽從我的話,

23 他們斷不得看見我向他們的祖宗所起誓應許之地。凡惹動[provoked]我的,一個也不得看見;

24 唯獨我的僕人迦勒,因他另有一個心靈[spirit],專一跟從我,我就把他領進他所去過的那地;他的後裔也必得那地為業。

25 (亞瑪力人和迦南人住在谷中。)明天你們要轉回,從紅海的路往曠野去。」

26 耶和華對摩西、亞倫說:

27 「這惡會眾向我發怨言,我忍耐他們要到幾時呢?以色列人向我所發的怨言,我都聽見了。

28 你們告訴他們,耶和華說:『我指著我的永生起誓,我必要照你們達到我耳中的話待你們。

29 你們的屍首必倒在這曠野;並且你們中間凡被數點、按你們的總數[according to your whole number]、從二十歲以外、向我發怨言的,

30 必不得進我起誓應許叫你們住的那地;唯有耶孚尼的兒子迦勒和嫩的兒子約書亞才能進去。

31 但你們的婦人孩子,就是你們所說、要被擄掠的,我必把他們領進去,他們就得知你們所藐視[despised]的那地。

32 至於你們,你們的屍首必倒在這曠野;

33 你們的兒女必在曠野飄流四十年,擔當你們淫行的罪,直到你們的屍首在曠野消滅。

34 按你們窺探那地的四十日,一年頂一日,你們要擔當罪孽四十年,就知道我的應許有破口[my breach of promise]了,

35 我─耶和華說過,我總要這樣待這一切聚集敵我的惡會眾;他們必在這曠野消滅,在這裏死亡。』」

36 摩西所打發、窺探那地的人回來,把毀謗佈散遍地[bringing up a slander upon the land],叫全會眾向摩西發怨言,

37 這些報惡信的人都遭瘟疫,死在耶和華面前。

38 其中唯有嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒仍然存活。

39 摩西將這些話告訴以色列眾人,他們就甚悲哀。

40 清早起來,上山頂去,說:「看哪[lo],我們在這裏,我們有罪了;情願上耶和華所應許的地方去。」

41 摩西說:「你們為何違背耶和華的命令呢?這事不能順利了。

42 不要上去;因為耶和華不在你們中間,恐怕你們被仇敵殺敗了。

43 亞瑪力人和迦南人都在你們面前,你們必倒在刀下;因你們退回不跟從耶和華,所以耶和華[LORD]必不與你們同在。」

44 他們卻擅敢上山頂去,然而耶和華的約櫃和摩西沒有出營。

45 於是亞瑪力人和住在那山上的迦南人都下來擊打他們,使他們潰亂[and discomfited them],直到何珥瑪。


Chapter 14

1 And all3605 the congregation5712 lifted up5375 853 their voice,6963 and cried;5414 and the people5971 wept1058 that1931 night.3915

2 And all3605 the children1121 of Israel3478 murmured3885 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron:175 and the whole3605 congregation5712 said559 unto413 them, Would God that3863 we had died4191 in the land776 of Egypt!4714 or176 would God3863 we had died4191 in this2088 wilderness!4057

3 And wherefore4100 hath the LORD3068 brought935 us unto413 this2063 land,776 to fall5307 by the sword,2719 that our wives802 and our children2945 should be1961 a prey?957 were it not3808 better2896 for us to return7725 into Egypt?4714

4 And they said559 one376 to413 another,251 Let us make5414 a captain,7218 and let us return7725 into Egypt.4714

5 Then Moses4872 and Aaron175 fell5307 on5921 their faces6440 before6440 all3605 the assembly6951 of the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel.3478

6 And Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 which were of4480 them that searched8446 853 the land,776 rent7167 their clothes: 899

7 And they spoke559 unto413 all3605 the company5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 saying,559 The land,776 which834 we passed through5674 to search8446 it, is an exceeding3966 3966 good2896 land.776

8 If518 the LORD3068 delight2654 in us, then he will bring935 us into413 this2063 land,776 and give5414 it us; a land776 which834 floweth2100 with milk2461 and honey.1706

9 Only389 rebel4775 not408 ye against the LORD,3068 neither408 fear3372 ye859 853 the people5971 of the land;776 for3588 they1992 are bread3899 for us: their defense6738 is departed5493 from4480 5921 them, and the LORD3068 is with854 us: fear3372 them not.408

10 But all3605 the congregation5712 bade559 stone7275 them with stones.68 And the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared7200 in the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 before413 all3605 the children1121 of Israel.3478

11 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Moses,4872 How long5704 575 will this2088 people5971 provoke5006 me? and how long5704 575 will it be ere3808 they believe539 me, for all3605 the signs226 which834 I have showed6213 among7130 them?

12 I will smite5221 them with the pestilence,1698 and disinherit3423 them, and will make6213 of thee a greater1419 nation1471 and mightier6099 than4480 they.

13 And Moses4872 said559 unto413 the LORD,3068 Then the Egyptians4714 shall hear8085 it, (for3588 thou broughtest up5927 853 this2088 people5971 in thy might3581 from among4480 7130 them;)

14 And they will tell559 it to413 the inhabitants3427 of this2063 land:776 for they have heard8085 that3588 thou859 LORD3068 art among7130 this2088 people,5971 that834 thou859 LORD3068 art seen7200 face5869 to face,5869 and that thy cloud6051 standeth5975 over5921 them, and that thou859 goest1980 before6440 them, by day time3119 in a pillar5982 of a cloud,6051 and in a pillar5982 of fire784 by night.3915

15 Now if thou shalt kill4191 all853 this2088 people5971 as one259 man,376 then the nations1471 which834 have heard8085 853 the fame8088 of thee will speak,559 saying,559

16 Because4480 1115 the LORD3068 was not able3201 to bring935 853 this2088 people5971 into413 the land776 which834 he swore7650 unto them therefore he hath slain7819 them in the wilderness.4057

17 And now,6258 I beseech thee,4994 let the power3581 of my Lord136 be great,1431 according as834 thou hast spoken,1696 saying,559

18 The LORD3068 is longsuffering,750 639 and of great7227 mercy,2617 forgiving5375 iniquity5771 and transgression,6588 and by no means clearing5352 5352 3808 the guilty, visiting6485 the iniquity5771 of the fathers1 upon5921 the children1121 unto5921 the third8029 and fourth7256 generation.

19 Pardon,5545 I beseech thee,4994 the iniquity5771 of this2088 people5971 according unto the greatness1433 of thy mercy,2617 and as834 thou hast forgiven5375 this2088 people,5971 from Egypt4480 4714 even until5704 now.2008

20 And the LORD3068 said,559 I have pardoned5545 according to thy word: 1697

21 But as truly199 as I589 live,2416 853 all3605 the earth776 shall be filled4390 with the glory3519 of the LORD.3068

22 Because3588 all3605 those men376 which have seen7200 853 my glory,3519 and my miracles,226 which834 I did6213 in Egypt4714 and in the wilderness,4057 and have tempted5254 me now these2088 ten6235 times,6471 and have not3808 hearkened8085 to my voice;6963

23 Surely518 they shall not see7200 853 the land776 which834 I swore7650 unto their fathers,1 neither3808 shall any3605 of them that provoked5006 me see7200 it:

24 But my servant5650 Caleb,3612 because6118 he had1961 another312 spirit7307 with5973 him, and hath followed me fully,4390 310 him will I bring935 into413 the land776 whereinto834 8033 he went;935 and his seed2233 shall possess3423 it.

25 (Now the Amalekites6003 and the Canaanites3669 dwelt3427 in the valley.)6010 Tomorrow4279 turn6437 you, and get5265 you into the wilderness4057 by the way1870 of the Red5488 sea.3220

26 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 unto413 Moses4872 and unto413 Aaron175 saying,559

27 How long5704 4970 shall I bear with this2063 evil7451 congregation,5712 which834 murmur3885 against5921 me? I have heard8085 853 the murmurings8519 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they1992 murmur3885 against5921 me.

28 Say559 unto413 them, As truly as I589 live,2416 saith5002 the LORD,3068 as834 ye have spoken1696 in mine ears,241 so3651 will I do6213 to you:

29 Your carcasses6297 shall fall5307 in this2088 wilderness;4057 and all3605 that were numbered6485 of you, according to your whole3605 number,4557 from twenty6242 years8141 old4480 1121 and upward,4605 which834 have murmured3885 against5921 me,

30 Doubtless518 ye859 shall not come935 into413 the land,776 concerning which834 I swore5375 853 3027 to make you dwell7931 therein, save3588 518 Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 and Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun.5126

31 But your little ones,2945 which834 ye said559 should be1961 a prey,957 them will I bring in,935 and they shall know3045 853 the land776 which834 ye have despised.3988

32 But as for you,859 your carcasses,6297 they shall fall5307 in this2088 wilderness.4057

33 And your children1121 shall wander1961 7462 in the wilderness4057 forty705 years,8141 and bear5375 853 your whoredoms,2184 until5704 your carcasses6297 be wasted8552 in the wilderness.4057

34 After the number4557 of the days3117 in which834 ye searched8446 853 the land,776 even forty705 days,3117 each day for a year,3117 8141 3117 8141 shall ye bear5375 853 your iniquities,5771 even forty705 years,8141 and ye shall know3045 853 my breach of promise.8569

35 I589 the LORD3068 have said,1696 I will surely518 3808 do6213 it2063 unto all3605 this2063 evil7451 congregation,5712 that are gathered together3259 against5921 me: in this2088 wilderness4057 they shall be consumed,8552 and there8033 they shall die.4191

36 And the men,376 which834 Moses4872 sent7971 to search8446 853 the land,776 who returned,7725 and made853 all3605 the congregation5712 to murmur3885 against5921 him, by bringing up3318 a slander1681 upon5921 the land,776

37 Even those men376 that did bring up3318 the evil7451 report1681 upon the land,776 died4191 by the plague4046 before6440 the LORD.3068

38 But Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 which were of4480 the men376 that went1980 to search8446 853 the land,776 lived2421 still.

39 And Moses4872 told1696 853 these428 sayings1697 unto413 all3605 the children1121 of Israel:3478 and the people5971 mourned56 greatly.3966

40 And they rose up early7925 in the morning,1242 and got them up5927 into413 the top7218 of the mountain,2022 saying,559 Lo,2009 we be here, and will go up5927 unto413 the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 hath promised:559 for3588 we have sinned.2398

41 And Moses4872 said,559 Wherefore4100 now2088 do ye859 transgress5674 853 the commandment6310 of the LORD?3068 but it1931 shall not3808 prosper.6743

42 Go not up,5927 408 for3588 the LORD3068 is not369 among7130 you; that ye be not3808 smitten5062 before6440 your enemies.341

43 For3588 the Amalekites6003 and the Canaanites3669 are there8033 before6440 you, and ye shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 because3588 5921 3651 ye are turned away7725 from4480 310 the LORD,3068 therefore the LORD3068 will not3808 be1961 with5973 you.

44 But they presumed6075 to go up5927 unto413 the hill2022 top:7218 nevertheless the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD,3068 and Moses,4872 departed4185 not3808 out of4480 7130 the camp.4264

45 Then the Amalekites6003 came down,3381 and the Canaanites3669 which dwelt3427 in that1931 hill,2022 and smote5221 them, and discomfited3807 them, even unto5704 Hormah.2767




Chapter 14

1 當下,全會眾大聲喧嚷;那夜百姓都哭號。

1 And all3605 the congregation5712 lifted up5375 853 their voice,6963 and cried;5414 and the people5971 wept1058 that1931 night.3915

2 以色列眾人向摩西、亞倫發怨言;全會眾對他們說:「情願神使[Would God]我們早死在埃及地。或情願神使我們[would God we]死在這曠野。

2 And all3605 the children1121 of Israel3478 murmured3885 against5921 Moses4872 and against5921 Aaron:175 and the whole3605 congregation5712 said559 unto413 them, Would God that3863 we had died4191 in the land776 of Egypt!4714 or176 would God3863 we had died4191 in this2088 wilderness!4057

3 耶和華為甚麼把我們領到那地,使我們倒在刀下呢?我們的妻子和孩子必被擄掠。我們回埃及去豈不好嗎?」

3 And wherefore4100 hath the LORD3068 brought935 us unto413 this2063 land,776 to fall5307 by the sword,2719 that our wives802 and our children2945 should be1961 a prey?957 were it not3808 better2896 for us to return7725 into Egypt?4714

4 眾人彼此說:「我們不如立一個首領回埃及去吧。」

4 And they said559 one376 to413 another,251 Let us make5414 a captain,7218 and let us return7725 into Egypt.4714

5 摩西、亞倫就[faces]伏在以色列全會眾面前。

5 Then Moses4872 and Aaron175 fell5307 on5921 their faces6440 before6440 all3605 the assembly6951 of the congregation5712 of the children1121 of Israel.3478

6 窺探地的人中,嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒撕裂衣服,

6 And Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 which were of4480 them that searched8446 853 the land,776 rent7167 their clothes: 899

7 對以色列全會眾說:「我們所窺探、經過之地是極美之地。

7 And they spoke559 unto413 all3605 the company5712 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 saying,559 The land,776 which834 we passed through5674 to search8446 it, is an exceeding3966 3966 good2896 land.776

8 耶和華若喜悅我們,就必將我們領進那地,把地賜給我們;那地原是流奶與蜜之地。

8 If518 the LORD3068 delight2654 in us, then he will bring935 us into413 this2063 land,776 and give5414 it us; a land776 which834 floweth2100 with milk2461 and honey.1706

9 但你們不可背叛耶和華,也不要怕那地的居民;因為他們是我們的食物,並且蔭庇他們的已經離開他們。有耶和華與我們同在,不要怕他們。」

9 Only389 rebel4775 not408 ye against the LORD,3068 neither408 fear3372 ye859 853 the people5971 of the land;776 for3588 they1992 are bread3899 for us: their defense6738 is departed5493 from4480 5921 them, and the LORD3068 is with854 us: fear3372 them not.408

10 但全會眾說:「拿石頭打死他們二人。」忽然,耶和華的榮光在會幕中在以色列眾人面前[before all the children of Israel]顯現。

10 But all3605 the congregation5712 bade559 stone7275 them with stones.68 And the glory3519 of the LORD3068 appeared7200 in the tabernacle168 of the congregation4150 before413 all3605 the children1121 of Israel.3478

11 耶和華對摩西說:「這百姓惹動[provoke]我要到幾時呢?我在他們中間行了這一切神蹟,他們還不信我要到幾時呢?

11 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Moses,4872 How long5704 575 will this2088 people5971 provoke5006 me? and how long5704 575 will it be ere3808 they believe539 me, for all3605 the signs226 which834 I have showed6213 among7130 them?

12 我要用瘟疫擊殺他們,使他們不得承受那地,叫你的後裔成為大國,比他們強勝。」

12 I will smite5221 them with the pestilence,1698 and disinherit3423 them, and will make6213 of thee a greater1419 nation1471 and mightier6099 than4480 they.

13 摩西對耶和華說:「埃及人必聽見這事;(因為你曾施展大能,將這百姓從他們中間領上來;)

13 And Moses4872 said559 unto413 the LORD,3068 Then the Egyptians4714 shall hear8085 it, (for3588 thou broughtest up5927 853 this2088 people5971 in thy might3581 from among4480 7130 them;)

14 埃及人要將這事傳給迦南地的居民;那民已經聽見你─耶和華是在這百姓中間;因為你─耶和華[LORD]面對面被人看見,有你的雲彩停在他們以上。你日間在雲柱中,夜間在火柱中,在他們前面行。

14 And they will tell559 it to413 the inhabitants3427 of this2063 land:776 for they have heard8085 that3588 thou859 LORD3068 art among7130 this2088 people,5971 that834 thou859 LORD3068 art seen7200 face5869 to face,5869 and that thy cloud6051 standeth5975 over5921 them, and that thou859 goest1980 before6440 them, by day time3119 in a pillar5982 of a cloud,6051 and in a pillar5982 of fire784 by night.3915

15 如今你若把這百姓全都[all]殺了,如殺一人,那些聽見你名聲的列邦必議論說:

15 Now if thou shalt kill4191 all853 this2088 people5971 as one259 man,376 then the nations1471 which834 have heard8085 853 the fame8088 of thee will speak,559 saying,559

16 『耶和華因為不能把這百姓領進他向他們起誓應許之地,所以在曠野把他們殺了。』

16 Because4480 1115 the LORD3068 was not able3201 to bring935 853 this2088 people5971 into413 the land776 which834 he swore7650 unto them therefore he hath slain7819 them in the wilderness.4057

17 現在求[my]主大顯能力,照你所說過的話說:

17 And now,6258 I beseech thee,4994 let the power3581 of my Lord136 be great,1431 according as834 thou hast spoken,1696 saying,559

18 『耶和華不輕易發怒,並有豐盛的慈愛,饒恕[forgiving]罪孽和過犯;[by no means]不以有罪的為無罪,必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代。』

18 The LORD3068 is longsuffering,750 639 and of great7227 mercy,2617 forgiving5375 iniquity5771 and transgression,6588 and by no means clearing5352 5352 3808 the guilty, visiting6485 the iniquity5771 of the fathers1 upon5921 the children1121 unto5921 the third8029 and fourth7256 generation.

19 求你照你的大慈愛赦免這百姓的罪孽,好像你從埃及到如今常饒恕[forgiven]他們一樣。」

19 Pardon,5545 I beseech thee,4994 the iniquity5771 of this2088 people5971 according unto the greatness1433 of thy mercy,2617 and as834 thou hast forgiven5375 this2088 people,5971 from Egypt4480 4714 even until5704 now.2008

20 耶和華說:「我照著你的話赦免了他們。

20 And the LORD3068 said,559 I have pardoned5545 according to thy word: 1697

21 然而[But]我指著我的永生起誓,遍地要被耶和華[LORD]的榮耀充滿。

21 But as truly199 as I589 live,2416 853 all3605 the earth776 shall be filled4390 with the glory3519 of the LORD.3068

22 這些人雖看見我的榮耀和我在埃及與曠野所行的神蹟,如今[now]仍然試探我這十次,不聽從我的話,

22 Because3588 all3605 those men376 which have seen7200 853 my glory,3519 and my miracles,226 which834 I did6213 in Egypt4714 and in the wilderness,4057 and have tempted5254 me now these2088 ten6235 times,6471 and have not3808 hearkened8085 to my voice;6963

23 他們斷不得看見我向他們的祖宗所起誓應許之地。凡惹動[provoked]我的,一個也不得看見;

23 Surely518 they shall not see7200 853 the land776 which834 I swore7650 unto their fathers,1 neither3808 shall any3605 of them that provoked5006 me see7200 it:

24 唯獨我的僕人迦勒,因他另有一個心靈[spirit],專一跟從我,我就把他領進他所去過的那地;他的後裔也必得那地為業。

24 But my servant5650 Caleb,3612 because6118 he had1961 another312 spirit7307 with5973 him, and hath followed me fully,4390 310 him will I bring935 into413 the land776 whereinto834 8033 he went;935 and his seed2233 shall possess3423 it.

25 (亞瑪力人和迦南人住在谷中。)明天你們要轉回,從紅海的路往曠野去。」

25 (Now the Amalekites6003 and the Canaanites3669 dwelt3427 in the valley.)6010 Tomorrow4279 turn6437 you, and get5265 you into the wilderness4057 by the way1870 of the Red5488 sea.3220

26 耶和華對摩西、亞倫說:

26 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 unto413 Moses4872 and unto413 Aaron175 saying,559

27 「這惡會眾向我發怨言,我忍耐他們要到幾時呢?以色列人向我所發的怨言,我都聽見了。

27 How long5704 4970 shall I bear with this2063 evil7451 congregation,5712 which834 murmur3885 against5921 me? I have heard8085 853 the murmurings8519 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they1992 murmur3885 against5921 me.

28 你們告訴他們,耶和華說:『我指著我的永生起誓,我必要照你們達到我耳中的話待你們。

28 Say559 unto413 them, As truly as I589 live,2416 saith5002 the LORD,3068 as834 ye have spoken1696 in mine ears,241 so3651 will I do6213 to you:

29 你們的屍首必倒在這曠野;並且你們中間凡被數點、按你們的總數[according to your whole number]、從二十歲以外、向我發怨言的,

29 Your carcasses6297 shall fall5307 in this2088 wilderness;4057 and all3605 that were numbered6485 of you, according to your whole3605 number,4557 from twenty6242 years8141 old4480 1121 and upward,4605 which834 have murmured3885 against5921 me,

30 必不得進我起誓應許叫你們住的那地;唯有耶孚尼的兒子迦勒和嫩的兒子約書亞才能進去。

30 Doubtless518 ye859 shall not come935 into413 the land,776 concerning which834 I swore5375 853 3027 to make you dwell7931 therein, save3588 518 Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 and Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun.5126

31 但你們的婦人孩子,就是你們所說、要被擄掠的,我必把他們領進去,他們就得知你們所藐視[despised]的那地。

31 But your little ones,2945 which834 ye said559 should be1961 a prey,957 them will I bring in,935 and they shall know3045 853 the land776 which834 ye have despised.3988

32 至於你們,你們的屍首必倒在這曠野;

32 But as for you,859 your carcasses,6297 they shall fall5307 in this2088 wilderness.4057

33 你們的兒女必在曠野飄流四十年,擔當你們淫行的罪,直到你們的屍首在曠野消滅。

33 And your children1121 shall wander1961 7462 in the wilderness4057 forty705 years,8141 and bear5375 853 your whoredoms,2184 until5704 your carcasses6297 be wasted8552 in the wilderness.4057

34 按你們窺探那地的四十日,一年頂一日,你們要擔當罪孽四十年,就知道我的應許有破口[my breach of promise]了,

34 After the number4557 of the days3117 in which834 ye searched8446 853 the land,776 even forty705 days,3117 each day for a year,3117 8141 3117 8141 shall ye bear5375 853 your iniquities,5771 even forty705 years,8141 and ye shall know3045 853 my breach of promise.8569

35 我─耶和華說過,我總要這樣待這一切聚集敵我的惡會眾;他們必在這曠野消滅,在這裏死亡。』」

35 I589 the LORD3068 have said,1696 I will surely518 3808 do6213 it2063 unto all3605 this2063 evil7451 congregation,5712 that are gathered together3259 against5921 me: in this2088 wilderness4057 they shall be consumed,8552 and there8033 they shall die.4191

36 摩西所打發、窺探那地的人回來,把毀謗佈散遍地[bringing up a slander upon the land],叫全會眾向摩西發怨言,

36 And the men,376 which834 Moses4872 sent7971 to search8446 853 the land,776 who returned,7725 and made853 all3605 the congregation5712 to murmur3885 against5921 him, by bringing up3318 a slander1681 upon5921 the land,776

37 這些報惡信的人都遭瘟疫,死在耶和華面前。

37 Even those men376 that did bring up3318 the evil7451 report1681 upon the land,776 died4191 by the plague4046 before6440 the LORD.3068

38 其中唯有嫩的兒子約書亞和耶孚尼的兒子迦勒仍然存活。

38 But Joshua3091 the son1121 of Nun,5126 and Caleb3612 the son1121 of Jephunneh,3312 which were of4480 the men376 that went1980 to search8446 853 the land,776 lived2421 still.

39 摩西將這些話告訴以色列眾人,他們就甚悲哀。

39 And Moses4872 told1696 853 these428 sayings1697 unto413 all3605 the children1121 of Israel:3478 and the people5971 mourned56 greatly.3966

40 清早起來,上山頂去,說:「看哪[lo],我們在這裏,我們有罪了;情願上耶和華所應許的地方去。」

40 And they rose up early7925 in the morning,1242 and got them up5927 into413 the top7218 of the mountain,2022 saying,559 Lo,2009 we be here, and will go up5927 unto413 the place4725 which834 the LORD3068 hath promised:559 for3588 we have sinned.2398

41 摩西說:「你們為何違背耶和華的命令呢?這事不能順利了。

41 And Moses4872 said,559 Wherefore4100 now2088 do ye859 transgress5674 853 the commandment6310 of the LORD?3068 but it1931 shall not3808 prosper.6743

42 不要上去;因為耶和華不在你們中間,恐怕你們被仇敵殺敗了。

42 Go not up,5927 408 for3588 the LORD3068 is not369 among7130 you; that ye be not3808 smitten5062 before6440 your enemies.341

43 亞瑪力人和迦南人都在你們面前,你們必倒在刀下;因你們退回不跟從耶和華,所以耶和華[LORD]必不與你們同在。」

43 For3588 the Amalekites6003 and the Canaanites3669 are there8033 before6440 you, and ye shall fall5307 by the sword:2719 because3588 5921 3651 ye are turned away7725 from4480 310 the LORD,3068 therefore the LORD3068 will not3808 be1961 with5973 you.

44 他們卻擅敢上山頂去,然而耶和華的約櫃和摩西沒有出營。

44 But they presumed6075 to go up5927 unto413 the hill2022 top:7218 nevertheless the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD,3068 and Moses,4872 departed4185 not3808 out of4480 7130 the camp.4264

45 於是亞瑪力人和住在那山上的迦南人都下來擊打他們,使他們潰亂[and discomfited them],直到何珥瑪。

45 Then the Amalekites6003 came down,3381 and the Canaanites3669 which dwelt3427 in that1931 hill,2022 and smote5221 them, and discomfited3807 them, even unto5704 Hormah.2767