Das Evangelium nach Johannes

Kapitel 3

1 Es war2258 aber1161 ein Mensch444 unter1537 den Pharisäern5330 mit Namen3686 Nikodemus3530, ein Oberster758 unter den Juden2453.

2 Der3778 kam2064 zu4314 JEsu2424 bei der Nacht3571 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Meister4461, wir wissen, daß3754 du1492 bist ein Lehrer1320, von575 GOtt2316 kommen2064; denn1063 niemand3762 kann1410 die5023 Zeichen4592 tun4160, die3739 du4771 tust, es sei4160 denn3362 GOtt2316 mit3326 ihm846.

3 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm: Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671: Es sei denn3362, daß jemand5100 von neuem509 geboren1080 werde, kann1410 er846 das932 Reich Gottes2316 nicht3756 sehen1492.

4 Nikodemus3530 spricht3004 zu4314 ihm: Wie4459 kann1410 ein1525 Mensch444 geboren1080 werden, wenn er846 alt1088 ist1080? Kann1410 er auch wiederum1208 in1519 seiner Mutter3384 Leib2836 gehen und2532 geboren werden?

5 JEsus2424 antwortete611: Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671: Es sei denn3362, daß jemand5100 geboren1080 werde aus1537 dem Wasser5204 und2532 Geist4151, so kann1410 er nicht in1519 das932 Reich Gottes2316 kommen1525.

6 Was vom1537 Fleisch4561 geboren wird, das ist1080 Fleisch4561, und2532 was vom1537 Geist4151 geboren wird, das ist2076 Geist4151.

7 Laß2296 dich4671‘s nicht3361 wundern, daß3754 ich dir gesagt2036 habe: Ihr5209 müsset1163 von neuem509 geboren1080 werden.

8 Der Wind4151 bläset, wo3699 er846 will2309, und2532 du191 hörest sein Sausen5456 wohl; aber du1492 weißt1492 nicht3756, von1537 wannen er kommt2064 und235 wohin4226 er fähret. Also3779 ist2532 ein jeglicher3956, der aus dem Geist4151 geboren1080 ist2076.

9 Nikodemus3530 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu1410 ihm846: Wie4459 mag solches5023 zugehen1096?

10 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Bist1488 du4771 ein Meister1320 in Israel2474 und2532 weißt1097 das5023 nicht3756?

11 Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671, wir reden2980, was3739 wir wissen, und2532 zeugen3140, was3739 wir gesehen1492 haben3708, und2532 ihr nehmet2983 unser2257 Zeugnis3141 nicht3756 an.

12 Glaubt ihr4100 nicht2532, wenn1487 ich euch5213 von irdischen Dingen1919 sage2036, wie4459 würdet ihr glauben4100, wenn1437 ich euch5213 von himmlischen Dingen2032 sagen2036 würde?

13 Und2532 niemand3762 fähret gen1519 Himmel3772, denn1508 der vom1537 Himmel3772 herniederkommen ist305, nämlich des3588 Menschen444 Sohn, der im1722 Himmel3772 ist2597.

14 Und2532 wie2531 Mose3475 in1722 der Wüste2048 eine Schlange3789 erhöhet hat5312, also3779 muß1163 des Menschen444 Sohn erhöhet werden5312,

15 auf1519 daß3363 alle3956, die an ihn846 glauben4100, nicht verloren622 werden622, sondern235 das3363 ewige166 Leben2222 haben2192.

16 Also3779 hat25 GOtt2316 die Welt2889 geliebet, daß5620 er846 seinen eingeborenen Sohn3439 gab1325, auf1519 daß2443 alle3956, die an ihn glauben4100, nicht3361 verloren622 werden622, sondern235 das1063 ewige166 Leben2222 haben2192.

17 Denn1063 GOtt2316 hat649 seinen Sohn nicht3756 gesandt in1519 die Welt2889, daß2443 er846 die Welt2889 richte2919, sondern235 daß2443 die Welt2889 durch1223 ihn selig4982 werde.

18 Wer4100 an1519 ihn glaubet4100, der wird2919 nicht3756 gerichtet2919; wer aber1161 nicht3361 glaubet4100, der ist schon2235 gerichtet2919; denn3754 er846 glaubet4100 nicht3361 an1519 den Namen3686 des eingebornen Sohnes3439 Gottes2316.

19 Das3778 ist2076 aber1161 das Gericht2920, daß3754 das Licht5457 in1519 die Welt2889 kommen2064 ist, und2532 die Menschen444 liebeten die Finsternis4655 mehr3123 denn2228 das Licht5457; denn1063 ihre846 Werke2041 waren2258 böse4190.

20 Wer Arges5337 tut4238, der hasset3404 das3956 Licht5457 und1063 kommt2064 nicht3756 an4314 das Licht5457, auf daß3363 seine846 Werke2041 nicht gestraft werden1651.

21 Wer aber1161 die Wahrheit225 tut4160, der kommt2064 an4314 das Licht5457, daß2443 seine846 Werke2041 offenbar werden5319; denn3754 sie sind2076 in1722 GOtt2316 getan2038.

22 Danach kam2064 JEsus2424 und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 in1519 das5023 jüdische Land1093 und2532 hatte daselbst1563 sein Wesen1304 mit3326 ihnen846 und3326 taufete.

23 Johannes2491 aber1161 taufete auch2532 noch zu1722 Enon137, nahe bei1451 Salim4530; denn3754 es war2258 viel4183 Wassers5204 daselbst1563. Und2532 sie kamen3854 dahin und2532 ließen sich2258 taufen907.

24 Denn1063 Johannes2491 war2258 noch nicht3768 ins1519 Gefängnis5438 gelegt906.

25 Da3767 erhub sich1096 eine Frage2214 unter1537 den Jüngern3101 des Johannes2491 samt3326 den Juden2453 über4012 die Reinigung2512.

26 Und2532 kamen2064 zu4314 Johannes2491 und2532 sprachen2036 zu4314 ihm846: Meister4461, der3739 bei3326 dir4675 war2258 jenseit4008 des846 Jordans2446, von dem3739 du4771 zeugtest3140, siehe2396, der3778 taufet907, und2532 jedermann3956 kommt2064 zu ihm.

27 Johannes2491 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036: Ein Mensch444 kann1410 nichts3756 nehmen2983, es werde5600 ihm846 denn3362 gegeben1325 vom1537 Himmel3772.

28 Ihr5210 selbst seid3140 meine Zeugen3140, daß3754 ich3427 gesagt2036 habe, ich1473 sei1510 nicht3756 Christus5547, sondern235 vor1715 ihm846 her gesandt649.

29 Wer die3588 Braut3565 hat2192, der3778 ist2476 der Bräutigam3566; der Freund5384 aber1161 des846 Bräutigams3566 stehet2076 und2532 höret191 ihm zu und freuet sich5463 hoch5479 über1223 des Bräutigams3566 Stimme5456. Dieselbige meine1699 Freude5479 ist4137 nun3767 erfüllet.

30 Er1565 muß1163 wachsen837, ich1691 aber1161 muß abnehmen1642.

31 Der von1537 oben1883 her kommt2064, ist2076 über1883 alle3956. Wer von1537 der Erde1093 ist5607, der ist2076 von1537 der Erde1093 und2532 redet2980 von der Erde1093; der vom Himmel3772 kommt2064, der ist2076 über alle3956

32 und2532 zeuget3140, was3739 er846 gesehen3708 und2532 gehöret hat191; und2532 sein Zeugnis3141 nimmt2983 niemand3762 an.

33 Wer es846 aber annimmt2983, der versiegelt4972 es, daß3754 GOtt2316 wahrhaftig227 sei2076.

34 Denn1063 welchen GOtt2316 gesandt hat649, der1537 redet2980 Gottes Wort4487; denn1063 GOtt gibt1325 den Geist4151 nicht3756 nach dem3739 Maß3358.

35 Der Vater3962 hat25 den Sohn lieb und2532 hat ihm alles3956 in1722 seine846 Hand5495 gegeben1325.

36 Wer an1519 den Sohn glaubet4100, der hat2192 das ewige166 Leben2222; wer dem Sohn nicht3756 glaubet, der wird3700 das Leben2222 nicht sehen3700, sondern1161 der Zorn3709 Gottes2316 bleibt3306 über1909 ihm846.


Chapter 3

1 THERE was there a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews;

2 He came at night to Jesus and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher sent from God; for no man can do these miracles that you are doing, except God is with him.

3 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, If a man is not born again,* he cannot see the kingdom of God.

4 Nicodemus said to him, How can an old man be born again? can he enter again a second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

5 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, If a man is not born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

6 What is born of flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Do not be surprised because I have told you that you all must be born again.

8 The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound; but you do not know whence it comes and whither it goes; such is every man who is born of the Spirit.

9 Nicodemus answered and said to him, How can these things be?

10 Jesus answered and said to, You are a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?

11 Truly, truly, I say to you, We speak only what we know, and we testify only to what we have seen; and yet you do not accept our testimony.

12 If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how then will you believe me, if I tell you about heavenly things?

13 No man has ascended to heaven, except he who came down from heaven, even the Son of man who is in heaven.

14 Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of man is ready to be lifted up;

15 So that every man who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

16 For God so loved the world, that he even gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

17 For God did not send his Son into the world, to condemn the world; but that the world should be saved by him.

18 He who believes in him will not be condemned; and he who does not believe has already been condemned, for not believing in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19 And this is the judgment, that light has come into the world, and yet men have loved darkness more than light, because their works were evil.

20 For every one who does detested things hates the light, and he does not come to the light, because his works cannot be covered.

21 But he who does truthful things comes to the light, so that his works may be known, that they are done through God.

22 After these things, Jesus and his disciples came to the land of Judaea, and he remained there with them, and baptized.

23 John also was baptizing at the spring of Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there; and they came, and were baptized.

24 For John was not yet cast into prison.

25 Now it happened that a dispute arose between one of John's disciples and a Jew about the ceremony of purifying.

26 So they came to John and told him, Teacher, he who was with you at the Jordan crossing, concerning whom you testified, behold, he also is baptizing and a great many are coming to him.

27 John answered and said to them, No man can receive anything of his own will, except it is given to him from heaven.

28 You yourselves bear me witness that I said, I am not the Christ, but only a messenger to go before him.

29 He who has a bride is the bridegroom; and the best man of the bridegroom is he who stands up and listens to him, and rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice; this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

30 He must become greater and I lesser.

31 For he who has come from above is above all; and he who is of the earth is of the earth, and he speaks of earthly things; but he who has come from heaven is above all.

32 And he testifies of what he has seen and heard, and yet no man accepts his testimony.

33 He who accepts his testimony, has set his seal that God is true.

34 For he whom God has sent, speaks the words of God; for God did not give the Spirit by measure.

35 The Father loves the Son, and has placed everything under his hand.

36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life; and he who does not obey the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God shall remain on him.

Das Evangelium nach Johannes

Kapitel 3


Chapter 3

1 Es war2258 aber1161 ein Mensch444 unter1537 den Pharisäern5330 mit Namen3686 Nikodemus3530, ein Oberster758 unter den Juden2453.

1 THERE was there a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews;

2 Der3778 kam2064 zu4314 JEsu2424 bei der Nacht3571 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Meister4461, wir wissen, daß3754 du1492 bist ein Lehrer1320, von575 GOtt2316 kommen2064; denn1063 niemand3762 kann1410 die5023 Zeichen4592 tun4160, die3739 du4771 tust, es sei4160 denn3362 GOtt2316 mit3326 ihm846.

2 He came at night to Jesus and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher sent from God; for no man can do these miracles that you are doing, except God is with him.

3 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm: Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671: Es sei denn3362, daß jemand5100 von neuem509 geboren1080 werde, kann1410 er846 das932 Reich Gottes2316 nicht3756 sehen1492.

3 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, If a man is not born again,* he cannot see the kingdom of God.

4 Nikodemus3530 spricht3004 zu4314 ihm: Wie4459 kann1410 ein1525 Mensch444 geboren1080 werden, wenn er846 alt1088 ist1080? Kann1410 er auch wiederum1208 in1519 seiner Mutter3384 Leib2836 gehen und2532 geboren werden?

4 Nicodemus said to him, How can an old man be born again? can he enter again a second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

5 JEsus2424 antwortete611: Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671: Es sei denn3362, daß jemand5100 geboren1080 werde aus1537 dem Wasser5204 und2532 Geist4151, so kann1410 er nicht in1519 das932 Reich Gottes2316 kommen1525.

5 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, If a man is not born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

6 Was vom1537 Fleisch4561 geboren wird, das ist1080 Fleisch4561, und2532 was vom1537 Geist4151 geboren wird, das ist2076 Geist4151.

6 What is born of flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Laß2296 dich4671‘s nicht3361 wundern, daß3754 ich dir gesagt2036 habe: Ihr5209 müsset1163 von neuem509 geboren1080 werden.

7 Do not be surprised because I have told you that you all must be born again.

8 Der Wind4151 bläset, wo3699 er846 will2309, und2532 du191 hörest sein Sausen5456 wohl; aber du1492 weißt1492 nicht3756, von1537 wannen er kommt2064 und235 wohin4226 er fähret. Also3779 ist2532 ein jeglicher3956, der aus dem Geist4151 geboren1080 ist2076.

8 The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound; but you do not know whence it comes and whither it goes; such is every man who is born of the Spirit.

9 Nikodemus3530 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu1410 ihm846: Wie4459 mag solches5023 zugehen1096?

9 Nicodemus answered and said to him, How can these things be?

10 JEsus2424 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036 zu ihm846: Bist1488 du4771 ein Meister1320 in Israel2474 und2532 weißt1097 das5023 nicht3756?

10 Jesus answered and said to, You are a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand these things?

11 Wahrlich281, wahrlich281, ich sage3004 dir4671, wir reden2980, was3739 wir wissen, und2532 zeugen3140, was3739 wir gesehen1492 haben3708, und2532 ihr nehmet2983 unser2257 Zeugnis3141 nicht3756 an.

11 Truly, truly, I say to you, We speak only what we know, and we testify only to what we have seen; and yet you do not accept our testimony.

12 Glaubt ihr4100 nicht2532, wenn1487 ich euch5213 von irdischen Dingen1919 sage2036, wie4459 würdet ihr glauben4100, wenn1437 ich euch5213 von himmlischen Dingen2032 sagen2036 würde?

12 If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how then will you believe me, if I tell you about heavenly things?

13 Und2532 niemand3762 fähret gen1519 Himmel3772, denn1508 der vom1537 Himmel3772 herniederkommen ist305, nämlich des3588 Menschen444 Sohn, der im1722 Himmel3772 ist2597.

13 No man has ascended to heaven, except he who came down from heaven, even the Son of man who is in heaven.

14 Und2532 wie2531 Mose3475 in1722 der Wüste2048 eine Schlange3789 erhöhet hat5312, also3779 muß1163 des Menschen444 Sohn erhöhet werden5312,

14 Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of man is ready to be lifted up;

15 auf1519 daß3363 alle3956, die an ihn846 glauben4100, nicht verloren622 werden622, sondern235 das3363 ewige166 Leben2222 haben2192.

15 So that every man who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

16 Also3779 hat25 GOtt2316 die Welt2889 geliebet, daß5620 er846 seinen eingeborenen Sohn3439 gab1325, auf1519 daß2443 alle3956, die an ihn glauben4100, nicht3361 verloren622 werden622, sondern235 das1063 ewige166 Leben2222 haben2192.

16 For God so loved the world, that he even gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

17 Denn1063 GOtt2316 hat649 seinen Sohn nicht3756 gesandt in1519 die Welt2889, daß2443 er846 die Welt2889 richte2919, sondern235 daß2443 die Welt2889 durch1223 ihn selig4982 werde.

17 For God did not send his Son into the world, to condemn the world; but that the world should be saved by him.

18 Wer4100 an1519 ihn glaubet4100, der wird2919 nicht3756 gerichtet2919; wer aber1161 nicht3361 glaubet4100, der ist schon2235 gerichtet2919; denn3754 er846 glaubet4100 nicht3361 an1519 den Namen3686 des eingebornen Sohnes3439 Gottes2316.

18 He who believes in him will not be condemned; and he who does not believe has already been condemned, for not believing in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19 Das3778 ist2076 aber1161 das Gericht2920, daß3754 das Licht5457 in1519 die Welt2889 kommen2064 ist, und2532 die Menschen444 liebeten die Finsternis4655 mehr3123 denn2228 das Licht5457; denn1063 ihre846 Werke2041 waren2258 böse4190.

19 And this is the judgment, that light has come into the world, and yet men have loved darkness more than light, because their works were evil.

20 Wer Arges5337 tut4238, der hasset3404 das3956 Licht5457 und1063 kommt2064 nicht3756 an4314 das Licht5457, auf daß3363 seine846 Werke2041 nicht gestraft werden1651.

20 For every one who does detested things hates the light, and he does not come to the light, because his works cannot be covered.

21 Wer aber1161 die Wahrheit225 tut4160, der kommt2064 an4314 das Licht5457, daß2443 seine846 Werke2041 offenbar werden5319; denn3754 sie sind2076 in1722 GOtt2316 getan2038.

21 But he who does truthful things comes to the light, so that his works may be known, that they are done through God.

22 Danach kam2064 JEsus2424 und2532 seine846 Jünger3101 in1519 das5023 jüdische Land1093 und2532 hatte daselbst1563 sein Wesen1304 mit3326 ihnen846 und3326 taufete.

22 After these things, Jesus and his disciples came to the land of Judaea, and he remained there with them, and baptized.

23 Johannes2491 aber1161 taufete auch2532 noch zu1722 Enon137, nahe bei1451 Salim4530; denn3754 es war2258 viel4183 Wassers5204 daselbst1563. Und2532 sie kamen3854 dahin und2532 ließen sich2258 taufen907.

23 John also was baptizing at the spring of Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there; and they came, and were baptized.

24 Denn1063 Johannes2491 war2258 noch nicht3768 ins1519 Gefängnis5438 gelegt906.

24 For John was not yet cast into prison.

25 Da3767 erhub sich1096 eine Frage2214 unter1537 den Jüngern3101 des Johannes2491 samt3326 den Juden2453 über4012 die Reinigung2512.

25 Now it happened that a dispute arose between one of John's disciples and a Jew about the ceremony of purifying.

26 Und2532 kamen2064 zu4314 Johannes2491 und2532 sprachen2036 zu4314 ihm846: Meister4461, der3739 bei3326 dir4675 war2258 jenseit4008 des846 Jordans2446, von dem3739 du4771 zeugtest3140, siehe2396, der3778 taufet907, und2532 jedermann3956 kommt2064 zu ihm.

26 So they came to John and told him, Teacher, he who was with you at the Jordan crossing, concerning whom you testified, behold, he also is baptizing and a great many are coming to him.

27 Johannes2491 antwortete611 und2532 sprach2036: Ein Mensch444 kann1410 nichts3756 nehmen2983, es werde5600 ihm846 denn3362 gegeben1325 vom1537 Himmel3772.

27 John answered and said to them, No man can receive anything of his own will, except it is given to him from heaven.

28 Ihr5210 selbst seid3140 meine Zeugen3140, daß3754 ich3427 gesagt2036 habe, ich1473 sei1510 nicht3756 Christus5547, sondern235 vor1715 ihm846 her gesandt649.

28 You yourselves bear me witness that I said, I am not the Christ, but only a messenger to go before him.

29 Wer die3588 Braut3565 hat2192, der3778 ist2476 der Bräutigam3566; der Freund5384 aber1161 des846 Bräutigams3566 stehet2076 und2532 höret191 ihm zu und freuet sich5463 hoch5479 über1223 des Bräutigams3566 Stimme5456. Dieselbige meine1699 Freude5479 ist4137 nun3767 erfüllet.

29 He who has a bride is the bridegroom; and the best man of the bridegroom is he who stands up and listens to him, and rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice; this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

30 Er1565 muß1163 wachsen837, ich1691 aber1161 muß abnehmen1642.

30 He must become greater and I lesser.

31 Der von1537 oben1883 her kommt2064, ist2076 über1883 alle3956. Wer von1537 der Erde1093 ist5607, der ist2076 von1537 der Erde1093 und2532 redet2980 von der Erde1093; der vom Himmel3772 kommt2064, der ist2076 über alle3956

31 For he who has come from above is above all; and he who is of the earth is of the earth, and he speaks of earthly things; but he who has come from heaven is above all.

32 und2532 zeuget3140, was3739 er846 gesehen3708 und2532 gehöret hat191; und2532 sein Zeugnis3141 nimmt2983 niemand3762 an.

32 And he testifies of what he has seen and heard, and yet no man accepts his testimony.

33 Wer es846 aber annimmt2983, der versiegelt4972 es, daß3754 GOtt2316 wahrhaftig227 sei2076.

33 He who accepts his testimony, has set his seal that God is true.

34 Denn1063 welchen GOtt2316 gesandt hat649, der1537 redet2980 Gottes Wort4487; denn1063 GOtt gibt1325 den Geist4151 nicht3756 nach dem3739 Maß3358.

34 For he whom God has sent, speaks the words of God; for God did not give the Spirit by measure.

35 Der Vater3962 hat25 den Sohn lieb und2532 hat ihm alles3956 in1722 seine846 Hand5495 gegeben1325.

35 The Father loves the Son, and has placed everything under his hand.

36 Wer an1519 den Sohn glaubet4100, der hat2192 das ewige166 Leben2222; wer dem Sohn nicht3756 glaubet, der wird3700 das Leben2222 nicht sehen3700, sondern1161 der Zorn3709 Gottes2316 bleibt3306 über1909 ihm846.

36 He who believes in the Son has eternal life; and he who does not obey the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God shall remain on him.