
Chapter 4

1 Then went5927 Boaz1162 up to the gate,8179 and sat3427 him down there:8033 and, behold,2009 the kinsman1350 of whom834 Boaz1162 spoke1696 came5674 by; to whom he said,559 Ho, such6423 a one!492 turn5493 aside, sit3427 down here.6311 And he turned5493 aside, and sat3427 down.

2 And he took3947 ten6235 men582 of the elders2205 of the city,5892 and said,559 Sit3427 you down here.6311 And they sat3427 down.

3 And he said559 to the kinsman,1350 Naomi,5281 that is come7725 again7725 out of the country7704 of Moab,4124 sells4376 a parcel2513 of land,7704 which834 was our brother251 Elimelech's:458

4 And I thought559 to advertise1540 241 you, saying,559 Buy7069 it before5048 the inhabitants,3427 and before5048 the elders2205 of my people.5971 If518 you will redeem1350 it, redeem1350 it: but if518 you will not redeem1350 it, then tell5046 me, that I may know:3045 for there is none369 to redeem1350 it beside2108 you; and I am after310 you. And he said,559 I will redeem1350 it.

5 Then said559 Boaz,1162 What day3117 you buy7069 the field7704 of the hand3027 of Naomi,5281 you must buy7069 it also of Ruth7327 the Moabitess,4125 the wife802 of the dead,4191 to raise6965 up the name8034 of the dead4191 on his inheritance.5159

6 And the kinsman1350 said,559 I cannot3808 3201 redeem1350 it for myself, lest6435 I mar7843 my own inheritance:5159 redeem1350 you my right1353 to yourself; for I cannot3808 3201 redeem1350 it.

7 Now this2063 was the manner in former6440 time6440 in Israel3478 concerning5921 redeeming1353 and concerning5921 changing,8545 for to confirm6965 all3605 things;1697 a man376 plucked8025 off his shoe,5275 and gave5414 it to his neighbor:7453 and this2063 was a testimony8584 in Israel.3478

8 Therefore the kinsman1350 said559 to Boaz,1162 Buy7069 it for you. So he drew8025 off his shoe.5275

9 And Boaz1162 said559 to the elders,2205 and to all3605 the people,5971 You are witnesses5707 this day,3117 that I have bought7069 all3605 that was Elimelech's,458 and all3605 that was Chilion's3630 and Mahlon's,4248 of the hand3027 of Naomi.5281

10 Moreover1571 Ruth7327 the Moabitess,4125 the wife802 of Mahlon,4248 have I purchased7069 to be my wife,802 to raise6965 up the name8034 of the dead4191 on his inheritance,5159 that the name8034 of the dead4191 be not cut3772 off from among5973 his brothers,251 and from the gate8179 of his place:4725 you are witnesses5707 this day.3117

11 And all3605 the people5971 that were in the gate,8179 and the elders,2205 said,559 We are witnesses.5707 The LORD3068 make5414 the woman802 that is come935 into413 your house1004 like Rachel7354 and like Leah,3812 which834 two8147 did build1129 the house1004 of Israel:3478 and do6213 you worthily2428 in Ephratah,672 and be famous7121 8034 in Bethlehem:1035

12 And let your house1004 be like the house1004 of Pharez,6557 whom834 Tamar8559 bore3205 to Judah,3063 of the seed2233 which834 the LORD3068 shall give5414 you of this2063 young5291 woman.5291

13 So Boaz1162 took3947 Ruth,7327 and she was his wife:802 and when he went935 in to her, the LORD3068 gave5414 her conception,2032 and she bore3205 a son.1121

14 And the women802 said559 to Naomi,5281 Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 which834 has not left7673 you this day3117 without a kinsman, that his name8034 may be famous7121 in Israel.3478

15 And he shall be to you a restorer7725 of your life,5315 and a nourisher3557 of your old7872 age:7872 for your daughter3618 in law,3618 which834 loves157 you, which834 1931 is better2896 to you than seven7651 sons,1121 has born3205 him.

16 And Naomi5281 took3947 the child,3206 and laid7896 it in her bosom,2436 and became1961 nurse539 to it.

17 And the women her neighbors7934 gave7121 it a name,8034 saying,559 There is a son1121 born3205 to Naomi;5281 and they called7121 his name8034 Obed:5744 he is the father1 of Jesse,3448 the father1 of David.1732

18 Now these428 are the generations8435 of Pharez:6557 Pharez6557 begat3205 Hezron,2696

19 And Hezron2696 begat3205 Ram,7410 and Ram7410 begat3205 Amminadab,5992

20 And Amminadab5992 begat3205 Nahshon,5177 and Nahshon5177 begat3205 Salmon,8009

21 And Salmon8012 begat3205 Boaz,1162 and Boaz1162 begat3205 Obed,5744

22 And Obed5744 begat3205 Jesse,3448 and Jesse3448 begat3205 David.1732



1 波士赴邑門而坐、見所言之戚屬過焉、呼其名曰、來、請坐於此、旣坐。

2 乃簡邑之長老十人、請之偕坐。

3 語戚屬曰、由摩押而歸之拿阿米、欲鬻我同儕以利米力田。

4 我意當告爾、使爾於邑人長老前購之、所當贖者、惟爾一人、爾外惟我、如爾欲贖之則贖、不然明以相告、其人曰、我將贖焉。

5 波士曰、爾欲購田、必購於拿阿米、亦必娶死者之遺婦、摩押女路得、育嗣而承業、以繼死者之名。

6 戚屬曰、我不能贖、恐我之業反有所害、爾贖可也。

7 昔在以色列族有常例、凡欲贖物易物者、必解其履、以予同儔、則在族中爲據。

8 故戚屬謂波士曰、汝其購之、則解其履。

9 波士告長老與衆曰、以利米力及基連馬倫之業、我今日購於拿阿米、汝衆爲證。

10 更得馬倫妻、摩押女路得爲妻、育嗣承業。繼死者之名、使其名不絕於同儕故土中、汝衆爲證。

11  邑門長老與衆俱曰、我儕爲證、昔拉結利亞、傳嗣於以色列族、願耶和華使適爾家之婦亦若是、亦願爾於以法大得其財貨、於伯利恒播其聲名。

12 昔大馬從猶大生法勒士、以立其家、願耶和華使此婦生子、成立爾家亦若是。

13 波士娶路得、遂成伉儷、耶和華賜之懷妊生子。

14 衆婦謂拿阿米曰、當頌美耶和華、今日不遺爾、使爾後裔得名於以色列族。

15 爾媳愛爾、較七子尤善、今已生子、爾皓然白首、爲其供養、使爾精神强健。

16 拿阿米取子、懷之猶母。

17 鄰婦命名曰、拿阿米得子矣、故稱其名阿伯、嗣後阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。

18 法勒士之裔冑、臚列如左、法勒士生以士崙、

19 以士崙生亞蘭、亞藺生亞米拿達、亞米拿達生拿順、拿順生撒門、撒門生波士、波士生阿伯、阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。

20 亞米拿達生拿順、拿順生撒門、

21 撒門生波士、波士生阿伯、

22 阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。


Chapter 4



1 Then went5927 Boaz1162 up to the gate,8179 and sat3427 him down there:8033 and, behold,2009 the kinsman1350 of whom834 Boaz1162 spoke1696 came5674 by; to whom he said,559 Ho, such6423 a one!492 turn5493 aside, sit3427 down here.6311 And he turned5493 aside, and sat3427 down.

1 波士赴邑門而坐、見所言之戚屬過焉、呼其名曰、來、請坐於此、旣坐。

2 And he took3947 ten6235 men582 of the elders2205 of the city,5892 and said,559 Sit3427 you down here.6311 And they sat3427 down.

2 乃簡邑之長老十人、請之偕坐。

3 And he said559 to the kinsman,1350 Naomi,5281 that is come7725 again7725 out of the country7704 of Moab,4124 sells4376 a parcel2513 of land,7704 which834 was our brother251 Elimelech's:458

3 語戚屬曰、由摩押而歸之拿阿米、欲鬻我同儕以利米力田。

4 And I thought559 to advertise1540 241 you, saying,559 Buy7069 it before5048 the inhabitants,3427 and before5048 the elders2205 of my people.5971 If518 you will redeem1350 it, redeem1350 it: but if518 you will not redeem1350 it, then tell5046 me, that I may know:3045 for there is none369 to redeem1350 it beside2108 you; and I am after310 you. And he said,559 I will redeem1350 it.

4 我意當告爾、使爾於邑人長老前購之、所當贖者、惟爾一人、爾外惟我、如爾欲贖之則贖、不然明以相告、其人曰、我將贖焉。

5 Then said559 Boaz,1162 What day3117 you buy7069 the field7704 of the hand3027 of Naomi,5281 you must buy7069 it also of Ruth7327 the Moabitess,4125 the wife802 of the dead,4191 to raise6965 up the name8034 of the dead4191 on his inheritance.5159

5 波士曰、爾欲購田、必購於拿阿米、亦必娶死者之遺婦、摩押女路得、育嗣而承業、以繼死者之名。

6 And the kinsman1350 said,559 I cannot3808 3201 redeem1350 it for myself, lest6435 I mar7843 my own inheritance:5159 redeem1350 you my right1353 to yourself; for I cannot3808 3201 redeem1350 it.

6 戚屬曰、我不能贖、恐我之業反有所害、爾贖可也。

7 Now this2063 was the manner in former6440 time6440 in Israel3478 concerning5921 redeeming1353 and concerning5921 changing,8545 for to confirm6965 all3605 things;1697 a man376 plucked8025 off his shoe,5275 and gave5414 it to his neighbor:7453 and this2063 was a testimony8584 in Israel.3478

7 昔在以色列族有常例、凡欲贖物易物者、必解其履、以予同儔、則在族中爲據。

8 Therefore the kinsman1350 said559 to Boaz,1162 Buy7069 it for you. So he drew8025 off his shoe.5275

8 故戚屬謂波士曰、汝其購之、則解其履。

9 And Boaz1162 said559 to the elders,2205 and to all3605 the people,5971 You are witnesses5707 this day,3117 that I have bought7069 all3605 that was Elimelech's,458 and all3605 that was Chilion's3630 and Mahlon's,4248 of the hand3027 of Naomi.5281

9 波士告長老與衆曰、以利米力及基連馬倫之業、我今日購於拿阿米、汝衆爲證。

10 Moreover1571 Ruth7327 the Moabitess,4125 the wife802 of Mahlon,4248 have I purchased7069 to be my wife,802 to raise6965 up the name8034 of the dead4191 on his inheritance,5159 that the name8034 of the dead4191 be not cut3772 off from among5973 his brothers,251 and from the gate8179 of his place:4725 you are witnesses5707 this day.3117

10 更得馬倫妻、摩押女路得爲妻、育嗣承業。繼死者之名、使其名不絕於同儕故土中、汝衆爲證。

11 And all3605 the people5971 that were in the gate,8179 and the elders,2205 said,559 We are witnesses.5707 The LORD3068 make5414 the woman802 that is come935 into413 your house1004 like Rachel7354 and like Leah,3812 which834 two8147 did build1129 the house1004 of Israel:3478 and do6213 you worthily2428 in Ephratah,672 and be famous7121 8034 in Bethlehem:1035

11  邑門長老與衆俱曰、我儕爲證、昔拉結利亞、傳嗣於以色列族、願耶和華使適爾家之婦亦若是、亦願爾於以法大得其財貨、於伯利恒播其聲名。

12 And let your house1004 be like the house1004 of Pharez,6557 whom834 Tamar8559 bore3205 to Judah,3063 of the seed2233 which834 the LORD3068 shall give5414 you of this2063 young5291 woman.5291

12 昔大馬從猶大生法勒士、以立其家、願耶和華使此婦生子、成立爾家亦若是。

13 So Boaz1162 took3947 Ruth,7327 and she was his wife:802 and when he went935 in to her, the LORD3068 gave5414 her conception,2032 and she bore3205 a son.1121

13 波士娶路得、遂成伉儷、耶和華賜之懷妊生子。

14 And the women802 said559 to Naomi,5281 Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 which834 has not left7673 you this day3117 without a kinsman, that his name8034 may be famous7121 in Israel.3478

14 衆婦謂拿阿米曰、當頌美耶和華、今日不遺爾、使爾後裔得名於以色列族。

15 And he shall be to you a restorer7725 of your life,5315 and a nourisher3557 of your old7872 age:7872 for your daughter3618 in law,3618 which834 loves157 you, which834 1931 is better2896 to you than seven7651 sons,1121 has born3205 him.

15 爾媳愛爾、較七子尤善、今已生子、爾皓然白首、爲其供養、使爾精神强健。

16 And Naomi5281 took3947 the child,3206 and laid7896 it in her bosom,2436 and became1961 nurse539 to it.

16 拿阿米取子、懷之猶母。

17 And the women her neighbors7934 gave7121 it a name,8034 saying,559 There is a son1121 born3205 to Naomi;5281 and they called7121 his name8034 Obed:5744 he is the father1 of Jesse,3448 the father1 of David.1732

17 鄰婦命名曰、拿阿米得子矣、故稱其名阿伯、嗣後阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。

18 Now these428 are the generations8435 of Pharez:6557 Pharez6557 begat3205 Hezron,2696

18 法勒士之裔冑、臚列如左、法勒士生以士崙、

19 And Hezron2696 begat3205 Ram,7410 and Ram7410 begat3205 Amminadab,5992

19 以士崙生亞蘭、亞藺生亞米拿達、亞米拿達生拿順、拿順生撒門、撒門生波士、波士生阿伯、阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。

20 And Amminadab5992 begat3205 Nahshon,5177 and Nahshon5177 begat3205 Salmon,8009

20 亞米拿達生拿順、拿順生撒門、

21 And Salmon8012 begat3205 Boaz,1162 and Boaz1162 begat3205 Obed,5744

21 撒門生波士、波士生阿伯、

22 And Obed5744 begat3205 Jesse,3448 and Jesse3448 begat3205 David.1732

22 阿伯生耶西、耶西生大闢。