

1 以色列子流便、西面、利未、猶大、以薩迦、西布倫、

2 但、約瑟、便雅憫、納大利、伽得、亞設。

3 猶大子、咡、阿楠、示拉、皆迦南人書亞之女所出。猶大長子咡、作惡於耶和華前、耶和華殺之。

4 猶大因媳大馬生法勒士、撒拉、故猶大之子、共有五人云。

5 法勒士之子以士崙、哈母勒。

6 西拉生五子、心哩、以探、希慢、甲各、達大。

7 迦米子亞干、亞干昔竊所獻之物、貽禍以色列族。

8 以探子亞蕯哩亞。

9 希斯崙子耶喇滅、亞蘭、迦勒。

10 亞蘭生亞米拿達、亞米拿達生拿順爲猶大族之伯。

11 拿順生撒們、撒們生波士、

12 波士生阿伯、阿伯生耶西、

13 耶西生七子、長以利押、二亞庇拿撻、三示每、

14 四拿但業、五喇太、

15 六阿鮮、七大闢、

16 大闢之妹西魯雅、亞庇該。西魯雅生三子亞庇篩、約押、亞撒黑。

17 亞庇該生亞馬撒、亞馬撒父以實瑪利人益帖。

18 希斯崙之後迦勒、有妻亞蘇巴、生耶畧、耶設、說巴、押墩、

19 亞蘇巴沒、迦勒娶以法大、復生戶耳、

20 戶耳生烏利、烏利生庇撒列。

21 嗣後希斯崙年屆六十、娶馬吉女、生西割、馬吉、基列之父也。

22 西割生睚耳、睚耳在基列地、有二十三邑。

23 復有基述、亞蘭、哈物睚耳、基納、及鄕里、共六十邑、俱爲基列之父馬吉衆子所得。

24 希斯崙沒於以法大迦勒、其妻亞比亞遺孤亞述、亞述生提哥亞。

25 希斯崙長子耶喇滅生亞蘭、布拿、阿連、阿鮮、亞希雅。

26 耶喇滅又娶亞他喇、生阿南。

27 耶喇滅長子亞蘭、生馬士、雅民、以結、

28 阿南子沙買、雅他。沙買子拿答、亞庇述。

29 亞庇述妻亞庇孩、生亞辨、摩立。

30 拿答子西勒、亞遍。西勒無子而死。

31 亞遍子以示。以示子示山。示山生女亞來。

32 沙買弟雅他生益帖。約拿單。益帖無子而死。

33 約拿單子比勒、撒薩、皆耶喇滅後裔。

34 示山無子有女、埃及人耶拉爲其僕。

35 示山以女妻之、生亞太、

36 亞太生拿單、拿單生撒八、

37 撒八生以弗臘、以弗臘生阿伯、

38 阿伯生耶戶、耶戶生亞蕯哩亞、

39 亞蕯哩亞生希力、希力生以利亞薩、

40 以利亞薩生西沙買、西沙買生沙龍、

41 沙龍生耶加米、耶加米生以利沙馬。

42 耶喇滅之弟迦勒生米沙、米沙建西弗城。迦勒又生馬哩沙、馬哩沙生希伯崙、

43 希伯崙生可喇、大布亞、哩金、示馬。

44 示馬生喇含、喇含生約灌、哩金生沙買、

45 沙買子馬雲、馬雲建伯夙、

46 迦勒之妾、以法生哈蘭、摩薩、伽泄。哈蘭生伽泄。

47 雅太子哩劍、約担、基山、比力、以法、沙鴨、

48 迦勒又有妾名馬迦、生示別、得哈拿、

49 沙鴨、示法。沙鴨生麥馬拿。示法生抹比拿、基庇亞。迦勒生女押撒。

50 迦勒之妻、以法大生長子戶耳、又生說八、建基列耶林。

51 薩馬建伯利恒。哈勒建伯伽得。

52 建基列耶林者說八、說八生哈羅以(或曰利亞雅)、居馬拿黑之半者、亦其後裔。

53 基列耶林之居民、乃以得、布、舒馬、密來諸族、其所出者撒立益力二族。

54 建伯利恒者薩馬、其衆子居尼陀法、亞大錄、伯約押、所哩、馬拿黑之半、

55 居雅必者爲士之家、及得喇、示米押、蘇押諸族、皆爲哈抹所出之基尼人、哈抹卽哩甲族之祖。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 2

1 These428 are the sons1121 of Israel;3478 Reuben,7205 Simeon,8095 Levi,3878 and Judah,3063 Issachar,3485 and Zebulun,2074

2 Dan,1835 Joseph,3130 and Benjamin,1144 Naphtali,5321 Gad,1410 and Asher.836

3 The sons1121 of Judah;3063 Er,6147 and Onan,209 and Shelah:7956 which three7969 were born3205 to him of the daughter1323 of Shua7770 the Canaanitess.3669 And Er,6147 the firstborn1060 of Judah,3063 was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD;3068 and he slew4191 him.

4 And Tamar8559 his daughter3618 in law3618 bore3205 him Pharez6557 and Zerah.2226 All3605 the sons1121 of Judah3063 were five.2568

5 The sons1121 of Pharez;6557 Hezron,2696 and Hamul.2538

6 And the sons1121 of Zerah;2226 Zimri,2174 and Ethan,387 and Heman,1968 and Calcol,3633 and Dara:1873 five2568 of them in all.3605

7 And the sons1121 of Carmi;3756 Achar,5917 the troubler5916 of Israel,3478 who834 transgressed4603 in the thing accursed.2764

8 And the sons1121 of Ethan;387 Azariah.5838

9 The sons1121 also of Hezron,2696 that were born3205 to him; Jerahmeel,3396 and Ram,7410 and Chelubai.3621

10 And Ram7410 begat3205 Amminadab;5992 and Amminadab5992 begat3205 Nahshon,5177 prince5387 of the children1121 of Judah;3063

11 And Nahshon5177 begat3205 Salma,8007 and Salma8007 begat3205 Boaz,1162

12 And Boaz1162 begat3205 Obed,5744 and Obed5744 begat3205 Jesse,3448

13 And Jesse3448 begat3205 his firstborn1060 Eliab,446 and Abinadab41 the second,8145 and Shimma8092 the third,7992

14 Nethaneel5417 the fourth,7243 Raddai7288 the fifth,2549

15 Ozem684 the sixth,8345 David1732 the seventh:7637

16 Whose sisters269 were Zeruiah,6870 and Abigail.26 And the sons1121 of Zeruiah;6870 Abishai,52 and Joab,3097 and Asahel,6214 three.7969

17 And Abigail26 bore3205 Amasa:6021 and the father1 of Amasa6021 was Jether3500 the Ishmeelite.3459

18 And Caleb3612 the son1121 of Hezron2696 begat3205 children of Azubah5806 his wife,802 and of Jerioth:3408 her sons1121 are these;428 Jesher,3475 and Shobab,7727 and Ardon.715

19 And when Azubah5806 was dead,4191 Caleb3612 took3947 to him Ephrath,672 which bore3205 him Hur.2354

20 And Hur2354 begat3205 Uri,221 and Uri221 begat3205 Bezaleel.1212

21 And afterward310 Hezron2696 went935 in to the daughter1323 of Machir4353 the father1 of Gilead,1568 whom he married3947 when he was three score8346 years8141 old;1121 and she bore3205 him Segub.7687

22 And Segub7687 begat3205 Jair,2971 who had1961 three7969 and twenty6242 cities5892 in the land776 of Gilead.1568

23 And he took3947 Geshur,1650 and Aram,758 with the towns2333 of Jair,2971 from them, with Kenath,7079 and the towns2333 thereof, even three score8346 cities.5892 All3605 these428 belonged to the sons1121 of Machir 4353the father1 of Gilead.1568

24 And after310 that Hezron2696 was dead4194 in Calebephratah,3613 then Abiah29 Hezron's2696 wife802 bore3205 him Ashur804 the father1 of Tekoa.8620

25 And the sons1121 of Jerahmeel3396 the firstborn1060 of Hezron2696 were, Ram7410 the firstborn,1060 and Bunah,946 and Oren,767 and Ozem,684 and Ahijah.281

26 Jerahmeel3396 had also another312 wife,802 whose name8034 was Atarah;5851 she was the mother517 of Onam.208

27 And the sons1121 of Ram7410 the firstborn1060 of Jerahmeel3396 were, Maaz,4619 and Jamin,3226 and Eker.6134

28 And the sons1121 of Onam208 were, Shammai,8060 and Jada.3047 And the sons1121 of Shammai;8048 Nadab 5070and Abishur.51

29 And the name8034 of the wife802 of Abishur51 was Abihail,32 and she bore3205 him Ahban,257 and Molid.4140

30 And the sons1121 of Nadab;5070 Seled,5540 and Appaim:649 but Seled5540 died4191 without3808 children.1121

31 And the sons1121 of Appaim;649 Ishi.3469 And the sons1121 of Ishi;3469 Sheshan.8348 And the children1121 of Sheshan;8348 Ahlai.304

32 And the sons1121 of Jada3047 the brother251 of Shammai;8048 Jether,3500 and Jonathan:3129 and Jether3500 died4191 without3808 children.1121

33 And the sons1121 of Jonathan;3129 Peleth,6431 and Zaza.2117 These428 were the sons1121 of Jerahmeel.3396

34 Now Sheshan8348 had1961 no3808 sons,1121 but daughters.1323 And Sheshan8348 had a servant,5650 an Egyptian,4713 whose name8034 was Jarha.3398

35 And Sheshan8348 gave5414 his daughter1323 to Jarha3398 his servant5650 to wife;802 and she bore3205 him Attai.6262

36 And Attai6262 begat3205 Nathan,5416 and Nathan5416 begat3205 Zabad,2066

37 And Zabad2066 begat3205 Ephlal,654 and Ephlal654 begat3205 Obed,5744

38 And Obed5744 begat3205 Jehu,3058 and Jehu3058 begat3205 Azariah,5838

39 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Helez,2503 and Helez2503 begat3205 Eleasah,501

40 And Eleasah501 begat3205 Sisamai,5581 and Sisamai5581 begat3205 Shallum,7967

41 And Shallum7967 begat3205 Jekamiah,3359 and Jekamiah3359 begat3205 Elishama.476

42 Now the sons1121 of Caleb3612 the brother251 of Jerahmeel3396 were, Mesha4338 his firstborn,1060 which1931 was the father1 of Ziph;2128 and the sons1121 of Mareshah4762 the father1 of Hebron.2275

43 And the sons1121 of Hebron;2275 Korah,7141 and Tappuah,8599 and Rekem,7552 and Shema.8087

44 And Shema8087 begat3205 Raham,7357 the father1 of Jorkoam:3421 and Rekem7552 begat3205 Shammai.8048

45 And the son1121 of Shammai8048 was Maon:4584 and Maon4584 was the father1 of Bethzur.1049

46 And Ephah,5891 Caleb's3612 concubine,6370 bore3205 Haran,2771 and Moza,4162 and Gazez:1495 and Haran2771 begat3205 Gazez.1495

47 And the sons1121 of Jahdai;3056 Regem,7276 and Jotham,3147 and Gesham,1529 and Pelet,6404 and Ephah,5891 and Shaaph.8174

48 Maachah,4601 Caleb's3612 concubine,6370 bore3205 Sheber,7669 and Tirhanah.8647

49 She bore3205 also Shaaph8174 the father1 of Madmannah,4089 Sheva7724 the father1 of Machbenah,4343 and the father1 of Gibea:1388 and the daughter1323 of Caleb3612 was Achsa.5915

50 These428 were the sons1121 of Caleb3612 the son1121 of Hur,2354 the firstborn1060 of Ephratah;672 Shobal7732 the father1 of Kirjathjearim.7157

51 Salma8007 the father1 of Bethlehem,1035 Hareph2780 the father1 of Bethgader.1013

52 And Shobal7732 the father1 of Kirjathjearim7157 had sons;1121 Haroeh,7204 and half2677 of the Manahethites.2679

53 And the families4940 of Kirjathjearim;7157 the Ithrites,3505 and the Puhites,6336 and the Shumathites,8126 and the Mishraites;4954 of them came3318 the Zareathites,6882 and the Eshtaulites,848

54 The sons1121 of Salma;8007 Bethlehem,1035 and the Netophathites,5200 Ataroth,5852 the house5854 of Joab,5854 and half2677 of the Manahethites,2680 the Zorites.6882

55 And the families4940 of the scribes5608 which dwelled3427 at Jabez;3258 the Tirathites,8654 the Shimeathites,8101 and Suchathites.7756 These1992 are the Kenites7017 that came935 of Hemath,2574 the father1 of the house1004 of Rechab.7394



1 Chronicles

Chapter 2

1 以色列子流便、西面、利未、猶大、以薩迦、西布倫、

1 These428 are the sons1121 of Israel;3478 Reuben,7205 Simeon,8095 Levi,3878 and Judah,3063 Issachar,3485 and Zebulun,2074

2 但、約瑟、便雅憫、納大利、伽得、亞設。

2 Dan,1835 Joseph,3130 and Benjamin,1144 Naphtali,5321 Gad,1410 and Asher.836

3 猶大子、咡、阿楠、示拉、皆迦南人書亞之女所出。猶大長子咡、作惡於耶和華前、耶和華殺之。

3 The sons1121 of Judah;3063 Er,6147 and Onan,209 and Shelah:7956 which three7969 were born3205 to him of the daughter1323 of Shua7770 the Canaanitess.3669 And Er,6147 the firstborn1060 of Judah,3063 was evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD;3068 and he slew4191 him.

4 猶大因媳大馬生法勒士、撒拉、故猶大之子、共有五人云。

4 And Tamar8559 his daughter3618 in law3618 bore3205 him Pharez6557 and Zerah.2226 All3605 the sons1121 of Judah3063 were five.2568

5 法勒士之子以士崙、哈母勒。

5 The sons1121 of Pharez;6557 Hezron,2696 and Hamul.2538

6 西拉生五子、心哩、以探、希慢、甲各、達大。

6 And the sons1121 of Zerah;2226 Zimri,2174 and Ethan,387 and Heman,1968 and Calcol,3633 and Dara:1873 five2568 of them in all.3605

7 迦米子亞干、亞干昔竊所獻之物、貽禍以色列族。

7 And the sons1121 of Carmi;3756 Achar,5917 the troubler5916 of Israel,3478 who834 transgressed4603 in the thing accursed.2764

8 以探子亞蕯哩亞。

8 And the sons1121 of Ethan;387 Azariah.5838

9 希斯崙子耶喇滅、亞蘭、迦勒。

9 The sons1121 also of Hezron,2696 that were born3205 to him; Jerahmeel,3396 and Ram,7410 and Chelubai.3621

10 亞蘭生亞米拿達、亞米拿達生拿順爲猶大族之伯。

10 And Ram7410 begat3205 Amminadab;5992 and Amminadab5992 begat3205 Nahshon,5177 prince5387 of the children1121 of Judah;3063

11 拿順生撒們、撒們生波士、

11 And Nahshon5177 begat3205 Salma,8007 and Salma8007 begat3205 Boaz,1162

12 波士生阿伯、阿伯生耶西、

12 And Boaz1162 begat3205 Obed,5744 and Obed5744 begat3205 Jesse,3448

13 耶西生七子、長以利押、二亞庇拿撻、三示每、

13 And Jesse3448 begat3205 his firstborn1060 Eliab,446 and Abinadab41 the second,8145 and Shimma8092 the third,7992

14 四拿但業、五喇太、

14 Nethaneel5417 the fourth,7243 Raddai7288 the fifth,2549

15 六阿鮮、七大闢、

15 Ozem684 the sixth,8345 David1732 the seventh:7637

16 大闢之妹西魯雅、亞庇該。西魯雅生三子亞庇篩、約押、亞撒黑。

16 Whose sisters269 were Zeruiah,6870 and Abigail.26 And the sons1121 of Zeruiah;6870 Abishai,52 and Joab,3097 and Asahel,6214 three.7969

17 亞庇該生亞馬撒、亞馬撒父以實瑪利人益帖。

17 And Abigail26 bore3205 Amasa:6021 and the father1 of Amasa6021 was Jether3500 the Ishmeelite.3459

18 希斯崙之後迦勒、有妻亞蘇巴、生耶畧、耶設、說巴、押墩、

18 And Caleb3612 the son1121 of Hezron2696 begat3205 children of Azubah5806 his wife,802 and of Jerioth:3408 her sons1121 are these;428 Jesher,3475 and Shobab,7727 and Ardon.715

19 亞蘇巴沒、迦勒娶以法大、復生戶耳、

19 And when Azubah5806 was dead,4191 Caleb3612 took3947 to him Ephrath,672 which bore3205 him Hur.2354

20 戶耳生烏利、烏利生庇撒列。

20 And Hur2354 begat3205 Uri,221 and Uri221 begat3205 Bezaleel.1212

21 嗣後希斯崙年屆六十、娶馬吉女、生西割、馬吉、基列之父也。

21 And afterward310 Hezron2696 went935 in to the daughter1323 of Machir4353 the father1 of Gilead,1568 whom he married3947 when he was three score8346 years8141 old;1121 and she bore3205 him Segub.7687

22 西割生睚耳、睚耳在基列地、有二十三邑。

22 And Segub7687 begat3205 Jair,2971 who had1961 three7969 and twenty6242 cities5892 in the land776 of Gilead.1568

23 復有基述、亞蘭、哈物睚耳、基納、及鄕里、共六十邑、俱爲基列之父馬吉衆子所得。

23 And he took3947 Geshur,1650 and Aram,758 with the towns2333 of Jair,2971 from them, with Kenath,7079 and the towns2333 thereof, even three score8346 cities.5892 All3605 these428 belonged to the sons1121 of Machir 4353the father1 of Gilead.1568

24 希斯崙沒於以法大迦勒、其妻亞比亞遺孤亞述、亞述生提哥亞。

24 And after310 that Hezron2696 was dead4194 in Calebephratah,3613 then Abiah29 Hezron's2696 wife802 bore3205 him Ashur804 the father1 of Tekoa.8620

25 希斯崙長子耶喇滅生亞蘭、布拿、阿連、阿鮮、亞希雅。

25 And the sons1121 of Jerahmeel3396 the firstborn1060 of Hezron2696 were, Ram7410 the firstborn,1060 and Bunah,946 and Oren,767 and Ozem,684 and Ahijah.281

26 耶喇滅又娶亞他喇、生阿南。

26 Jerahmeel3396 had also another312 wife,802 whose name8034 was Atarah;5851 she was the mother517 of Onam.208

27 耶喇滅長子亞蘭、生馬士、雅民、以結、

27 And the sons1121 of Ram7410 the firstborn1060 of Jerahmeel3396 were, Maaz,4619 and Jamin,3226 and Eker.6134

28 阿南子沙買、雅他。沙買子拿答、亞庇述。

28 And the sons1121 of Onam208 were, Shammai,8060 and Jada.3047 And the sons1121 of Shammai;8048 Nadab 5070and Abishur.51

29 亞庇述妻亞庇孩、生亞辨、摩立。

29 And the name8034 of the wife802 of Abishur51 was Abihail,32 and she bore3205 him Ahban,257 and Molid.4140

30 拿答子西勒、亞遍。西勒無子而死。

30 And the sons1121 of Nadab;5070 Seled,5540 and Appaim:649 but Seled5540 died4191 without3808 children.1121

31 亞遍子以示。以示子示山。示山生女亞來。

31 And the sons1121 of Appaim;649 Ishi.3469 And the sons1121 of Ishi;3469 Sheshan.8348 And the children1121 of Sheshan;8348 Ahlai.304

32 沙買弟雅他生益帖。約拿單。益帖無子而死。

32 And the sons1121 of Jada3047 the brother251 of Shammai;8048 Jether,3500 and Jonathan:3129 and Jether3500 died4191 without3808 children.1121

33 約拿單子比勒、撒薩、皆耶喇滅後裔。

33 And the sons1121 of Jonathan;3129 Peleth,6431 and Zaza.2117 These428 were the sons1121 of Jerahmeel.3396

34 示山無子有女、埃及人耶拉爲其僕。

34 Now Sheshan8348 had1961 no3808 sons,1121 but daughters.1323 And Sheshan8348 had a servant,5650 an Egyptian,4713 whose name8034 was Jarha.3398

35 示山以女妻之、生亞太、

35 And Sheshan8348 gave5414 his daughter1323 to Jarha3398 his servant5650 to wife;802 and she bore3205 him Attai.6262

36 亞太生拿單、拿單生撒八、

36 And Attai6262 begat3205 Nathan,5416 and Nathan5416 begat3205 Zabad,2066

37 撒八生以弗臘、以弗臘生阿伯、

37 And Zabad2066 begat3205 Ephlal,654 and Ephlal654 begat3205 Obed,5744

38 阿伯生耶戶、耶戶生亞蕯哩亞、

38 And Obed5744 begat3205 Jehu,3058 and Jehu3058 begat3205 Azariah,5838

39 亞蕯哩亞生希力、希力生以利亞薩、

39 And Azariah5838 begat3205 Helez,2503 and Helez2503 begat3205 Eleasah,501

40 以利亞薩生西沙買、西沙買生沙龍、

40 And Eleasah501 begat3205 Sisamai,5581 and Sisamai5581 begat3205 Shallum,7967

41 沙龍生耶加米、耶加米生以利沙馬。

41 And Shallum7967 begat3205 Jekamiah,3359 and Jekamiah3359 begat3205 Elishama.476

42 耶喇滅之弟迦勒生米沙、米沙建西弗城。迦勒又生馬哩沙、馬哩沙生希伯崙、

42 Now the sons1121 of Caleb3612 the brother251 of Jerahmeel3396 were, Mesha4338 his firstborn,1060 which1931 was the father1 of Ziph;2128 and the sons1121 of Mareshah4762 the father1 of Hebron.2275

43 希伯崙生可喇、大布亞、哩金、示馬。

43 And the sons1121 of Hebron;2275 Korah,7141 and Tappuah,8599 and Rekem,7552 and Shema.8087

44 示馬生喇含、喇含生約灌、哩金生沙買、

44 And Shema8087 begat3205 Raham,7357 the father1 of Jorkoam:3421 and Rekem7552 begat3205 Shammai.8048

45 沙買子馬雲、馬雲建伯夙、

45 And the son1121 of Shammai8048 was Maon:4584 and Maon4584 was the father1 of Bethzur.1049

46 迦勒之妾、以法生哈蘭、摩薩、伽泄。哈蘭生伽泄。

46 And Ephah,5891 Caleb's3612 concubine,6370 bore3205 Haran,2771 and Moza,4162 and Gazez:1495 and Haran2771 begat3205 Gazez.1495

47 雅太子哩劍、約担、基山、比力、以法、沙鴨、

47 And the sons1121 of Jahdai;3056 Regem,7276 and Jotham,3147 and Gesham,1529 and Pelet,6404 and Ephah,5891 and Shaaph.8174

48 迦勒又有妾名馬迦、生示別、得哈拿、

48 Maachah,4601 Caleb's3612 concubine,6370 bore3205 Sheber,7669 and Tirhanah.8647

49 沙鴨、示法。沙鴨生麥馬拿。示法生抹比拿、基庇亞。迦勒生女押撒。

49 She bore3205 also Shaaph8174 the father1 of Madmannah,4089 Sheva7724 the father1 of Machbenah,4343 and the father1 of Gibea:1388 and the daughter1323 of Caleb3612 was Achsa.5915

50 迦勒之妻、以法大生長子戶耳、又生說八、建基列耶林。

50 These428 were the sons1121 of Caleb3612 the son1121 of Hur,2354 the firstborn1060 of Ephratah;672 Shobal7732 the father1 of Kirjathjearim.7157

51 薩馬建伯利恒。哈勒建伯伽得。

51 Salma8007 the father1 of Bethlehem,1035 Hareph2780 the father1 of Bethgader.1013

52 建基列耶林者說八、說八生哈羅以(或曰利亞雅)、居馬拿黑之半者、亦其後裔。

52 And Shobal7732 the father1 of Kirjathjearim7157 had sons;1121 Haroeh,7204 and half2677 of the Manahethites.2679

53 基列耶林之居民、乃以得、布、舒馬、密來諸族、其所出者撒立益力二族。

53 And the families4940 of Kirjathjearim;7157 the Ithrites,3505 and the Puhites,6336 and the Shumathites,8126 and the Mishraites;4954 of them came3318 the Zareathites,6882 and the Eshtaulites,848

54 建伯利恒者薩馬、其衆子居尼陀法、亞大錄、伯約押、所哩、馬拿黑之半、

54 The sons1121 of Salma;8007 Bethlehem,1035 and the Netophathites,5200 Ataroth,5852 the house5854 of Joab,5854 and half2677 of the Manahethites,2680 the Zorites.6882

55 居雅必者爲士之家、及得喇、示米押、蘇押諸族、皆爲哈抹所出之基尼人、哈抹卽哩甲族之祖。

55 And the families4940 of the scribes5608 which dwelled3427 at Jabez;3258 the Tirathites,8654 the Shimeathites,8101 and Suchathites.7756 These1992 are the Kenites7017 that came935 of Hemath,2574 the father1 of the house1004 of Rechab.7394