

1 所羅門集以色列長老族長、族中最著者、至耶路撒冷、欲舁耶和華法匱、自邭城入殿、邭城卽昔所稱大闢之邑。

2 時値以大念月、卽七月之節禮、以色列衆咸至、集於所羅門王前。

3 以色列長老旣至、祭司乃舁法匱、

4 祭司及利未族人、舁耶和華法匱、與會幕、及聖物。

5 所羅門王與以色列族衆至、集於法匱前、獻牛羊爲祭、不可勝數。

6 祭司舁耶和華法匱、入於其所、卽後殿至聖之室、基路伯翮下。

7 基路伯於法匱之所、展其雙翮、覆蓋法匱、並及其杠、

8 其杠甚長、在前殿猶得見其末、惟殿外不得見之、迄今亦若是。

9 法匱中惟有二碑、昔以色列族出埃及、至何烈山、耶和華與之立約、摩西置碑於匱。

10 祭司自聖所出、雲盈耶和華殿。

11 耶和華之榮光、充盈殿宇、祭司不得在彼、供其役事。

12 所羅門曰、耶和華曾云、必居於幽深玄遠之處、

13 我爲之建殿、永爲駐蹕之所。

14 以色列族衆侍立、王回顧焉、爲之祝嘏、

15 曰、昔以色列族之上帝耶和華、許我父大闢、今踐其前言、當頌美之。

16 所許之言曰、自耶和華導以色列民、出埃及以來、迄於今日、未嘗於以色列支派中、遴選一邑、使人建殿、爲龥名之所、惟簡大闢、治理我民。

17 我父大闢意欲建殿、奉事以色列族之上帝耶和華、以龥其名。

18 耶和華諭之曰、爾意欲建殿、爲龥我名之所、此舉甚善。

19 然爾不得建殿、惟爾一脈之裔、必建殿、以龥我名。

20 今我繼父大闢卽位、已建此殿、奉事以色列族上帝耶和華、以龥其名、而耶和華前之所言應矣。

21 昔耶和華導我列祖出埃及、與之約碑、藏於法匱、我今建室以庋置。

22 以色列族衆咸覩、所羅門立於耶和華壇前、向天舉手、

23 曰、以色列之上帝耶和華歟、天上地下、無可比儗、爾僕專心、行於爾前、爾與之守約、施其仁慈。

24 昔所許爾僕我父大闢者、爾踐其前言、以今日之事爲證。

25 以色列族之上帝耶和華、又許我父大闢、曰、如爾子孫所爲謹恪、行於我前、克肖乎爾、則必不絶爾嗣、繼以色列國位。

26 今求以色列族之上帝耶和華、所許爾僕我父大闢之言、俾有效驗。

27 然上帝豈居於地乎、穹蒼不足以居爾、天上明宮亦不足以居爾、况我所建之殿乎。

28 我之上帝耶和華、垂念爾僕之禱、聽我今日所求、

29 望爾晝夕垂顧此殿、卽爾曾許必爲龥名之所、爾僕於此祈禱、爾其俯聞。

30 凡爾僕及以色列民、祈禱於此、望爾在天上、居處之所、俯聽其祈、得蒙赦宥、

31 如人與同儕有所干犯、使至此殿、發誓於壇前、

32 則爾在天、俯聞其聲、在爾僕中判其是非、以惡者爲惡、罰其罪戾、以義者爲義、賞其善行。

33 如爾民以色列族、犯罪於爾、爲敵所敗、厥後心歸乎爾、虔向此殿、以祈禱呼龥爾名、

34 則爾在天、俯聞其祈、赦宥爾民、導之至所錫列祖之地。

35 如人獲罪於爾、使天閉塞、雨澤不降、至殿祈禱、呼龥爾名、緣遘患難、去厥罪愆、

36 則爾在天、俯聞其聲、赦宥爾僕、卽以色列族之民、指示以善、所錫之地、降以膏澤。

37 如於斯土有饑饉、瘟疫、風暴特甚、五穀細弱、如有蝗蟲、食其物產、如有仇敵、困其邑鄉、勿論何災、勿論何害。

38 如以色列族人、自知其心之非、不論何事、展舒其手、向斯殿以祈求、

39 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯念厥祈、赦宥其罪、天下人心、惟爾灼知、視其作爲、而加報施。

40 使其畢生畏懼於爾、在爾所錫列祖之地。

41 如有賓旅、不屬於以色列族、聞爾名譽、知爾大能巨力、自遠方來、

42 至於斯殿、祈求於爾、〔見上節〕

43 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯聞厥祈、應其所求、使天下億兆、悉知爾名、畏懼於爾、與爾民以色列族無異、亦知我所建之殿、爲龥爾名之所。

44 如爾國民、奉爾所遣、無論何適、與敵戰鬬時、向爾所簡之邑、及我所建之殿、爲龥爾名之所、祈禱耶和華、

45 則爾在天、俯聞厥祈、使其獲勝。

46 天下億兆、誰能無過、若爾民蹈於愆尤、干爾震怒、爾付之於敵、見虜於異邦、無論遠近、

47 如在被虜之地、翻然易念、悔改前非、祈求於爾、自陳其過、以負咎戾、

48 一心一意、歸向乎爾、望爾所錫列祖之故土、及爾所簡之邑垣、與我所建之殿、爲龥名之所、祈求於爾、

49 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯聞厥祈、俾其得救。

50 爾民犯罪於爾、爾其赦宥、使虜之者施其矜憫。

51 蓋斯民原屬於爾、昔爾導之出埃及、脫於鐵爐、

52 望爾眷顧爾僕、俯念以色列族所禱、無論所求、爾其允從。

53 上帝耶和華歟、爾導我列祖出於埃及、命爾僕摩西、在億兆中、區別斯民、爲爾所得。

54 所羅門跪耶和華壇前、向天舉手、祈禱旣畢、則起、

55 遂立於前、爲以色列族會衆、大聞祝嘏、

56 曰、耶和華踐其前言、錫安於以色列族之民、當頌美焉。昔託厥僕摩西、許民福祉、迄今不廢其一言。

57 願我上帝耶和華眷祐乎我、毋遺棄我、與祐列祖無異、

58 使我心歸上帝、行從其道、守其所命列祖之禁令、禮儀法度。

59 願我上帝耶和華無問晝夜、垂念我祈禱之言、俾得恒救厥僕、及以色列族之民、無論何事、悉蒙其佑、

60 使天下億兆皆知耶和華乃上帝、其外無他。

61 今爾有衆當誠心從我上帝耶和華、守其禮儀禁令、與今日無異。

62 王與以色列族衆、獻祭於耶和華前。

63 耶和華之殿告成、王與以色列衆、獻酬恩之祭、奉事耶和華、牛二萬二千、羊十二萬、

64 燔祭禮物、焚膏以酬恩、其數繁多、耶和華前銅壇甚小、不能臚陳、故以殿前中院爲聖院而獻之。

65 是時以色列族大衆、自哈末至埃及河、集於我上帝耶和華前、所羅門與民、同守節禮、歷至七日、又至七日、共十四日、

66 厥後遣民旋歸、去時感謝王恩、緣耶和華善待其僕大闢、及以色列族之民、故心歡意悅各歸其土。

1 Kings

Chapter 8

1 Then227 Solomon8010 assembled6950 the elders2205 of Israel,3478 and all3605 the heads7218 of the tribes,4294 the chief5387 of the fathers1 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 to king4428 Solomon8010 in Jerusalem,3389 that they might bring5927 up the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD3068 out of the city5892 of David,1732 which1958 is Zion.6726

2 And all3605 the men376 of Israel3478 assembled6950 themselves to king4428 Solomon8010 at the feast2282 in the month3391 Ethanim,388 which1931 is the seventh7637 month.2320

3 And all3605 the elders2205 of Israel3478 came,935 and the priests3548 took5375 up the ark.727

4 And they brought5927 up the ark727 of the LORD,3068 and the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and all3605 the holy6944 vessels3627 that were in the tabernacle,168 even those did the priests3548 and the Levites3881 bring5927 up.

5 And king4428 Solomon,8010 and all3605 the congregation5712 of Israel,3478 that were assembled3259 to him, were with him before6440 the ark,727 sacrificing2076 sheep6629 and oxen,1241 that could not be told5608 nor3808 numbered4487 for multitude.7230

6 And the priests3548 brought935 in the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD3068 to his place,4725 into413 the oracle1687 of the house,1004 to the most6944 holy6944 place, even under413 478 the wings3671 of the cherubim.3742

7 For the cherubim3742 spread6566 forth their two8147 wings3671 over413 the place4725 of the ark,727 and the cherubim3742 covered5526 the ark727 and the staves905 thereof above.4605

8 And they drew748 out the staves,905 that the ends7218 of the staves905 were seen7200 out in the holy6944 place before5921 6440 the oracle,1687 and they were not seen7200 without:2351 and there8033 they are to this2088 day.3117

9 There was nothing369 in the ark727 save7535 the two8147 tables3871 of stone,68 which834 Moses4872 put3240 there8033 at Horeb,2722 when834 the LORD3068 made3772 a covenant with the children1121 of Israel,3478 when they came3318 out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

10 And it came1961 to pass, when the priests3548 were come3318 out of the holy6944 place, that the cloud6051 filled4390 the house1004 of the LORD,3068

11 So that the priests3548 could3201 not stand5975 to minister8334 because6440 of the cloud:6051 for the glory3519 of the LORD3068 had filled4390 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

12 Then227 spoke559 Solomon,8010 The LORD3068 said559 that he would dwell7931 in the thick darkness.6205

13 I have surely403 built1129 you an house1004 to dwell2073 in, a settled4349 place for you to abide3427 in for ever.5769

14 And the king4428 turned5437 his face6440 about, and blessed1288 all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel:3478 (and all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel3478 stood;5975)

15 And he said,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 which834 spoke1696 with his mouth6310 to David1732 my father,1 and has with his hand3027 fulfilled4390 it, saying,559

16 Since4480 the day3117 that I brought3318 forth3318 my people5971 Israel3478 out of Egypt,4714 I chose977 no3808 city5892 out of all3605 the tribes7626 of Israel3478 to build1129 an house,1004 that my name8034 might be therein;8033 but I chose977 David1732 to be over5921 my people5971 Israel.3478

17 And it was in the heart3824 of David1732 my father1 to build1129 an house1004 for the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

18 And the LORD3068 said559 to David1732 my father,1 Whereas3282 834 it was in your heart3824 to build1129 an house1004 to my name,8034 you did well3190 that it was in your heart.3824

19 Nevertheless7535 you shall not build1129 the house;1004 but your son1121 that shall come3318 forth3318 out of your loins,2504 he shall build1129 the house1004 to my name.8034

20 And the LORD3068 has performed6965 his word1697 that he spoke,1696 and I am risen6965 up in the room8478 of David1732 my father,1 and sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel,3478 as the LORD3068 promised,1696 and have built1129 an house1004 for the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

21 And I have set7760 there8033 a place4725 for the ark,727 wherein834 8033 is the covenant1285 of the LORD,3068 which834 he made3772 with our fathers,1 when he brought3318 them out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

22 And Solomon8010 stood5975 before6440 the altar4196 of the LORD3068 in the presence5048 of all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel,3478 and spread6566 forth his hands3027 toward heaven:8064

23 And he said,559 LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 there is no369 God430 like3644 you, in heaven8064 above,4605 or on5921 earth776 beneath,8478 who keep8104 covenant1285 and mercy2617 with your servants5650 that walk1980 before6440 you with all3605 their heart:3824

24 Who834 have kept8104 with your servant5650 David1732 my father1 that you promised1696 him: you spoke1696 also1571 with your mouth,6310 and have fulfilled4390 it with your hand,3027 as it is this2088 day.3117

25 Therefore now,6258 LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 keep8104 with your servant5650 David1732 my father1 that you promised1696 him, saying,559 There shall not fail3772 you a man376 in my sight6440 to sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel;3478 so7535 that your children1121 take heed8104 to their way,1870 that they walk3212 before6440 me as you have walked1980 before6440 me.

26 And now,6258 O God430 of Israel,3478 let your word,1697 I pray4994 you, be verified,539 which834 you spoke1696 to your servant5650 David1732 my father.1

27 But will God430 indeed552 dwell3427 on5921 the earth?776 behold,2009 the heaven8064 and heaven8064 of heavens8064 cannot3808 contain3557 you; how637 much637 less this2088 house1004 that I have built?1129

28 Yet have you respect6437 to the prayer8605 of your servant,5650 and to his supplication,8467 O LORD3068 my God,430 to listen8085 to the cry7440 and to the prayer,8605 which834 your servant5650 prays6419 before6440 you to day:3117

29 That your eyes5869 may be open6605 toward413 this2088 house1004 night3915 and day,3117 even toward413 the place4725 of which834 you have said,559 My name8034 shall be there:8033 that you may listen8085 to the prayer8605 which834 your servant5650 shall make toward413 this2088 place.4725

30 And listen8085 you to the supplication8467 of your servant,5650 and of your people5971 Israel,3478 when834 they shall pray6419 toward413 this2088 place:4725 and hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place:4725 and when you hear,8085 forgive.5545

31 If any man376 trespass2398 against his neighbor,7453 and an oath423 be laid5375 on him to cause him to swear,422 and the oath423 come935 before6440 your altar4196 in this2088 house:1004

32 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and do,6213 and judge8199 your servants,5650 condemning7561 the wicked,7563 to bring5414 his way1870 on his head;7218 and justifying6663 the righteous,6662 to give5414 him according to his righteousness.6666

33 When your people5971 Israel3478 be smitten5062 down before6440 the enemy,341 because834 they have sinned2398 against you, and shall turn7725 again7725 to you, and confess3034 your name,8034 and pray,6419 and make supplication2603 to you in this2088 house:1004

34 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and forgive5545 the sin2403 of your people5971 Israel,3478 and bring7725 them again7725 to the land127 which834 you gave5414 to their fathers.1

35 When heaven8064 is shut6113 up, and there is no3808 rain,4306 because3588 they have sinned2398 against you; if they pray6419 toward413 this2088 place,4725 and confess3034 your name,8034 and turn7725 from their sin,2403 when3588 you afflict6031 them:

36 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and forgive5545 the sin2403 of your servants,5650 and of your people5971 Israel,3478 that you teach3384 them the good2896 way1870 wherein834 they should walk,3212 and give5414 rain4306 on your land,776 which834 you have given5414 to your people5971 for an inheritance.5159

37 If3588 there be in the land776 famine,7458 if3588 there be pestilence,1698 blasting,7711 mildew,3420 locust,697 or if3588 there be caterpillar;2625 if3588 their enemy341 besiege6887 them in the land776 of their cities;8179 whatever3605 plague,5061 whatever3605 sickness4245 there be;

38 What3605 prayer8605 and supplication8467 soever834 be made by any3605 man,120 or by all3605 your people5971 Israel,3478 which834 shall know3045 every man376 the plague5061 of his own heart,3824 and spread6566 forth his hands3027 toward413 this2088 house:1004

39 Then hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and forgive,5545 and do,6213 and give5414 to every man376 according3605 to his ways,1870 whose834 heart3824 you know;3045 (for you, even you only,905 know3045 the hearts3824 of all3605 the children1121 of men;120)

40 That they may fear3372 you all3605 the days3117 that they live2416 in the land127 which834 you gave5414 to our fathers.1

41 Moreover1571 concerning413 a stranger,5237 that is not of your people5971 Israel,3478 but comes935 out of a far7350 country776 for your name's8034 sake;4616

42 (For they shall hear8085 of your great1419 name,8034 and of your strong2389 hand,3027 and of your stretched5186 out arm;2220) when he shall come935 and pray6419 toward413 this2088 house;1004

43 Hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and do6213 according to all3605 that the stranger5237 calls7121 to you for: that all3605 people5971 of the earth776 may know3045 your name,8034 to fear3372 you, as do your people5971 Israel;3478 and that they may know3045 that this2088 house,1004 which834 I have built,1129 is called7121 by your name.8034

44 If3588 your people5971 go3318 out to battle4421 against5921 their enemy,341 wherever1870 834 you shall send7971 them, and shall pray6419 to the LORD3068 toward1870 the city5892 which834 you have chosen,977 and toward the house1004 that I have built1129 for your name:8034

45 Then hear8085 you in heaven8064 their prayer8605 and their supplication,8467 and maintain6213 their cause.4941

46 If3588 they sin2398 against you, (for there is no369 man120 that sins2398 not,) and you be angry599 with them, and deliver5414 them to the enemy,341 so that they carry7617 them away7617 captives7617 to the land776 of the enemy,341 far7350 or176 near;7138

47 Yet if they shall bethink7725 themselves in the land776 where834 8033 they were carried7617 captives,7617 and repent,7725 and make supplication2603 to you in the land776 of them that carried7617 them captives,7617 saying,559 We have sinned,2398 and have done perversely,5753 we have committed7561 wickedness;7561

48 And so return7725 to you with all3605 their heart,3824 and with all3605 their soul,5315 in the land776 of their enemies,341 which834 led them away7617 captive,7617 and pray6419 to you toward1870 their land,776 which834 you gave5414 to their fathers,1 the city5892 which834 you have chosen,977 and the house1004 which834 I have built1129 for your name:8034

49 Then hear8085 you their prayer8605 and their supplication8467 in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and maintain6213 their cause,4941

50 And forgive5545 your people5971 that have sinned2398 against you, and all3605 their transgressions6588 wherein834 they have transgressed6586 against you, and give5414 them compassion7356 before6440 them who carried7617 them captive,7617 that they may have compassion7355 on them:

51 For they be your people,5971 and your inheritance,5159 which834 you brought3318 forth3318 out of Egypt,4714 from the middle8432 of the furnace3564 of iron:1270

52 That your eyes5869 may be open6605 to the supplication8467 of your servant,5650 and to the supplication8467 of your people5971 Israel,3478 to listen8085 to them in all3605 that they call7121 for to you.

53 For you did separate914 them from among all3605 the people5971 of the earth,776 to be your inheritance,5159 as you spoke1696 by the hand3027 of Moses4872 your servant,5650 when you brought3318 our fathers1 out of Egypt,4714 O LORD136 God.3069

54 And it was so, that when Solomon8010 had made an end3615 of praying6419 all3605 this2063 prayer8605 and supplication8467 to the LORD,3068 he arose6965 from before6440 the altar4196 of the LORD,3068 from kneeling3766 on5921 his knees1290 with his hands3027 spread6566 up to heaven.8064

55 And he stood,5975 and blessed1288 all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel3478 with a loud1419 voice,6963 saying,559

56 Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 that has given5414 rest4496 to his people5971 Israel,3478 according to all3605 that he promised:1696 there has not failed5307 one259 word1697 of all3605 his good2896 promise,1697 which834 he promised1696 by the hand3027 of Moses4872 his servant.5650

57 The LORD3068 our God430 be with us, as he was with our fathers:1 let him not leave5800 us, nor408 forsake5203 us:

58 That he may incline5186 our hearts3824 to him, to walk3212 in all3605 his ways,1870 and to keep8104 his commandments,4687 and his statutes,2706 and his judgments,4941 which834 he commanded6680 our fathers.1

59 And let these428 my words,1697 with which834 I have made supplication2603 before6440 the LORD,3068 be near7126 to the LORD3068 our God430 day3119 and night,3915 that he maintain6213 the cause4941 of his servant,5650 and the cause4941 of his people5971 Israel3478 at all times,3117 as the matter1697 shall require:3117

60 That all3605 the people5971 of the earth776 may know3045 that the LORD3068 is God,430 and that there is none369 else.5750

61 Let your heart3824 therefore be perfect8003 with the LORD3068 our God,430 to walk3212 in his statutes,2706 and to keep8104 his commandments,4687 as at this2088 day.3117

62 And the king,4428 and all3605 Israel3478 with him, offered2076 sacrifice2077 before6440 the LORD.3068

63 And Solomon8010 offered2076 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings, which834 he offered2076 to the LORD,3068 two8147 and twenty6242 thousand505 oxen,1241 and an hundred3967 and twenty6242 thousand505 sheep.6629 So the king4428 and all3605 the children1121 of Israel3478 dedicated2596 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

64 The same1931 day3117 did the king4428 hallow6942 the middle8432 of the court2691 that was before6440 the house1004 of the LORD3068: for there8033 he offered6213 burnt5930 offerings,4503 and meat offerings, and the fat2459 of the peace8002 offerings: because3588 the brazen5178 altar4196 that was before6440 the LORD3068 was too little6996 to receive3557 the burnt5930 offerings,4503 and meat offerings, and the fat2459 of the peace8002 offerings.

65 And at that time6256 Solomon8010 held6213 a feast,2282 and all3605 Israel3478 with him, a great1419 congregation,6951 from the entering935 in of Hamath2574 to the river5158 of Egypt,4714 before6440 the LORD3068 our God,430 seven7651 days3117 and seven7651 days,3117 even fourteen702 6246 days.3117

66 On the eighth8066 day3117 he sent7971 the people5971 away: and they blessed1288 the king,4428 and went3212 to their tents168 joyful8056 and glad2896 of heart3824 for all3605 the goodness2896 that the LORD3068 had done6213 for David1732 his servant,5650 and for Israel3478 his people.5971



1 Kings

Chapter 8

1 所羅門集以色列長老族長、族中最著者、至耶路撒冷、欲舁耶和華法匱、自邭城入殿、邭城卽昔所稱大闢之邑。

1 Then227 Solomon8010 assembled6950 the elders2205 of Israel,3478 and all3605 the heads7218 of the tribes,4294 the chief5387 of the fathers1 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 to king4428 Solomon8010 in Jerusalem,3389 that they might bring5927 up the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD3068 out of the city5892 of David,1732 which1958 is Zion.6726

2 時値以大念月、卽七月之節禮、以色列衆咸至、集於所羅門王前。

2 And all3605 the men376 of Israel3478 assembled6950 themselves to king4428 Solomon8010 at the feast2282 in the month3391 Ethanim,388 which1931 is the seventh7637 month.2320

3 以色列長老旣至、祭司乃舁法匱、

3 And all3605 the elders2205 of Israel3478 came,935 and the priests3548 took5375 up the ark.727

4 祭司及利未族人、舁耶和華法匱、與會幕、及聖物。

4 And they brought5927 up the ark727 of the LORD,3068 and the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and all3605 the holy6944 vessels3627 that were in the tabernacle,168 even those did the priests3548 and the Levites3881 bring5927 up.

5 所羅門王與以色列族衆至、集於法匱前、獻牛羊爲祭、不可勝數。

5 And king4428 Solomon,8010 and all3605 the congregation5712 of Israel,3478 that were assembled3259 to him, were with him before6440 the ark,727 sacrificing2076 sheep6629 and oxen,1241 that could not be told5608 nor3808 numbered4487 for multitude.7230

6 祭司舁耶和華法匱、入於其所、卽後殿至聖之室、基路伯翮下。

6 And the priests3548 brought935 in the ark727 of the covenant1285 of the LORD3068 to his place,4725 into413 the oracle1687 of the house,1004 to the most6944 holy6944 place, even under413 478 the wings3671 of the cherubim.3742

7 基路伯於法匱之所、展其雙翮、覆蓋法匱、並及其杠、

7 For the cherubim3742 spread6566 forth their two8147 wings3671 over413 the place4725 of the ark,727 and the cherubim3742 covered5526 the ark727 and the staves905 thereof above.4605

8 其杠甚長、在前殿猶得見其末、惟殿外不得見之、迄今亦若是。

8 And they drew748 out the staves,905 that the ends7218 of the staves905 were seen7200 out in the holy6944 place before5921 6440 the oracle,1687 and they were not seen7200 without:2351 and there8033 they are to this2088 day.3117

9 法匱中惟有二碑、昔以色列族出埃及、至何烈山、耶和華與之立約、摩西置碑於匱。

9 There was nothing369 in the ark727 save7535 the two8147 tables3871 of stone,68 which834 Moses4872 put3240 there8033 at Horeb,2722 when834 the LORD3068 made3772 a covenant with the children1121 of Israel,3478 when they came3318 out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

10 祭司自聖所出、雲盈耶和華殿。

10 And it came1961 to pass, when the priests3548 were come3318 out of the holy6944 place, that the cloud6051 filled4390 the house1004 of the LORD,3068

11 耶和華之榮光、充盈殿宇、祭司不得在彼、供其役事。

11 So that the priests3548 could3201 not stand5975 to minister8334 because6440 of the cloud:6051 for the glory3519 of the LORD3068 had filled4390 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

12 所羅門曰、耶和華曾云、必居於幽深玄遠之處、

12 Then227 spoke559 Solomon,8010 The LORD3068 said559 that he would dwell7931 in the thick darkness.6205

13 我爲之建殿、永爲駐蹕之所。

13 I have surely403 built1129 you an house1004 to dwell2073 in, a settled4349 place for you to abide3427 in for ever.5769

14 以色列族衆侍立、王回顧焉、爲之祝嘏、

14 And the king4428 turned5437 his face6440 about, and blessed1288 all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel:3478 (and all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel3478 stood;5975)

15 曰、昔以色列族之上帝耶和華、許我父大闢、今踐其前言、當頌美之。

15 And he said,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 which834 spoke1696 with his mouth6310 to David1732 my father,1 and has with his hand3027 fulfilled4390 it, saying,559

16 所許之言曰、自耶和華導以色列民、出埃及以來、迄於今日、未嘗於以色列支派中、遴選一邑、使人建殿、爲龥名之所、惟簡大闢、治理我民。

16 Since4480 the day3117 that I brought3318 forth3318 my people5971 Israel3478 out of Egypt,4714 I chose977 no3808 city5892 out of all3605 the tribes7626 of Israel3478 to build1129 an house,1004 that my name8034 might be therein;8033 but I chose977 David1732 to be over5921 my people5971 Israel.3478

17 我父大闢意欲建殿、奉事以色列族之上帝耶和華、以龥其名。

17 And it was in the heart3824 of David1732 my father1 to build1129 an house1004 for the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

18 耶和華諭之曰、爾意欲建殿、爲龥我名之所、此舉甚善。

18 And the LORD3068 said559 to David1732 my father,1 Whereas3282 834 it was in your heart3824 to build1129 an house1004 to my name,8034 you did well3190 that it was in your heart.3824

19 然爾不得建殿、惟爾一脈之裔、必建殿、以龥我名。

19 Nevertheless7535 you shall not build1129 the house;1004 but your son1121 that shall come3318 forth3318 out of your loins,2504 he shall build1129 the house1004 to my name.8034

20 今我繼父大闢卽位、已建此殿、奉事以色列族上帝耶和華、以龥其名、而耶和華前之所言應矣。

20 And the LORD3068 has performed6965 his word1697 that he spoke,1696 and I am risen6965 up in the room8478 of David1732 my father,1 and sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel,3478 as the LORD3068 promised,1696 and have built1129 an house1004 for the name8034 of the LORD3068 God430 of Israel.3478

21 昔耶和華導我列祖出埃及、與之約碑、藏於法匱、我今建室以庋置。

21 And I have set7760 there8033 a place4725 for the ark,727 wherein834 8033 is the covenant1285 of the LORD,3068 which834 he made3772 with our fathers,1 when he brought3318 them out of the land776 of Egypt.4714

22 以色列族衆咸覩、所羅門立於耶和華壇前、向天舉手、

22 And Solomon8010 stood5975 before6440 the altar4196 of the LORD3068 in the presence5048 of all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel,3478 and spread6566 forth his hands3027 toward heaven:8064

23 曰、以色列之上帝耶和華歟、天上地下、無可比儗、爾僕專心、行於爾前、爾與之守約、施其仁慈。

23 And he said,559 LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 there is no369 God430 like3644 you, in heaven8064 above,4605 or on5921 earth776 beneath,8478 who keep8104 covenant1285 and mercy2617 with your servants5650 that walk1980 before6440 you with all3605 their heart:3824

24 昔所許爾僕我父大闢者、爾踐其前言、以今日之事爲證。

24 Who834 have kept8104 with your servant5650 David1732 my father1 that you promised1696 him: you spoke1696 also1571 with your mouth,6310 and have fulfilled4390 it with your hand,3027 as it is this2088 day.3117

25 以色列族之上帝耶和華、又許我父大闢、曰、如爾子孫所爲謹恪、行於我前、克肖乎爾、則必不絶爾嗣、繼以色列國位。

25 Therefore now,6258 LORD3068 God430 of Israel,3478 keep8104 with your servant5650 David1732 my father1 that you promised1696 him, saying,559 There shall not fail3772 you a man376 in my sight6440 to sit3427 on5921 the throne3678 of Israel;3478 so7535 that your children1121 take heed8104 to their way,1870 that they walk3212 before6440 me as you have walked1980 before6440 me.

26 今求以色列族之上帝耶和華、所許爾僕我父大闢之言、俾有效驗。

26 And now,6258 O God430 of Israel,3478 let your word,1697 I pray4994 you, be verified,539 which834 you spoke1696 to your servant5650 David1732 my father.1

27 然上帝豈居於地乎、穹蒼不足以居爾、天上明宮亦不足以居爾、况我所建之殿乎。

27 But will God430 indeed552 dwell3427 on5921 the earth?776 behold,2009 the heaven8064 and heaven8064 of heavens8064 cannot3808 contain3557 you; how637 much637 less this2088 house1004 that I have built?1129

28 我之上帝耶和華、垂念爾僕之禱、聽我今日所求、

28 Yet have you respect6437 to the prayer8605 of your servant,5650 and to his supplication,8467 O LORD3068 my God,430 to listen8085 to the cry7440 and to the prayer,8605 which834 your servant5650 prays6419 before6440 you to day:3117

29 望爾晝夕垂顧此殿、卽爾曾許必爲龥名之所、爾僕於此祈禱、爾其俯聞。

29 That your eyes5869 may be open6605 toward413 this2088 house1004 night3915 and day,3117 even toward413 the place4725 of which834 you have said,559 My name8034 shall be there:8033 that you may listen8085 to the prayer8605 which834 your servant5650 shall make toward413 this2088 place.4725

30 凡爾僕及以色列民、祈禱於此、望爾在天上、居處之所、俯聽其祈、得蒙赦宥、

30 And listen8085 you to the supplication8467 of your servant,5650 and of your people5971 Israel,3478 when834 they shall pray6419 toward413 this2088 place:4725 and hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place:4725 and when you hear,8085 forgive.5545

31 如人與同儕有所干犯、使至此殿、發誓於壇前、

31 If any man376 trespass2398 against his neighbor,7453 and an oath423 be laid5375 on him to cause him to swear,422 and the oath423 come935 before6440 your altar4196 in this2088 house:1004

32 則爾在天、俯聞其聲、在爾僕中判其是非、以惡者爲惡、罰其罪戾、以義者爲義、賞其善行。

32 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and do,6213 and judge8199 your servants,5650 condemning7561 the wicked,7563 to bring5414 his way1870 on his head;7218 and justifying6663 the righteous,6662 to give5414 him according to his righteousness.6666

33 如爾民以色列族、犯罪於爾、爲敵所敗、厥後心歸乎爾、虔向此殿、以祈禱呼龥爾名、

33 When your people5971 Israel3478 be smitten5062 down before6440 the enemy,341 because834 they have sinned2398 against you, and shall turn7725 again7725 to you, and confess3034 your name,8034 and pray,6419 and make supplication2603 to you in this2088 house:1004

34 則爾在天、俯聞其祈、赦宥爾民、導之至所錫列祖之地。

34 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and forgive5545 the sin2403 of your people5971 Israel,3478 and bring7725 them again7725 to the land127 which834 you gave5414 to their fathers.1

35 如人獲罪於爾、使天閉塞、雨澤不降、至殿祈禱、呼龥爾名、緣遘患難、去厥罪愆、

35 When heaven8064 is shut6113 up, and there is no3808 rain,4306 because3588 they have sinned2398 against you; if they pray6419 toward413 this2088 place,4725 and confess3034 your name,8034 and turn7725 from their sin,2403 when3588 you afflict6031 them:

36 則爾在天、俯聞其聲、赦宥爾僕、卽以色列族之民、指示以善、所錫之地、降以膏澤。

36 Then hear8085 you in heaven,8064 and forgive5545 the sin2403 of your servants,5650 and of your people5971 Israel,3478 that you teach3384 them the good2896 way1870 wherein834 they should walk,3212 and give5414 rain4306 on your land,776 which834 you have given5414 to your people5971 for an inheritance.5159

37 如於斯土有饑饉、瘟疫、風暴特甚、五穀細弱、如有蝗蟲、食其物產、如有仇敵、困其邑鄉、勿論何災、勿論何害。

37 If3588 there be in the land776 famine,7458 if3588 there be pestilence,1698 blasting,7711 mildew,3420 locust,697 or if3588 there be caterpillar;2625 if3588 their enemy341 besiege6887 them in the land776 of their cities;8179 whatever3605 plague,5061 whatever3605 sickness4245 there be;

38 如以色列族人、自知其心之非、不論何事、展舒其手、向斯殿以祈求、

38 What3605 prayer8605 and supplication8467 soever834 be made by any3605 man,120 or by all3605 your people5971 Israel,3478 which834 shall know3045 every man376 the plague5061 of his own heart,3824 and spread6566 forth his hands3027 toward413 this2088 house:1004

39 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯念厥祈、赦宥其罪、天下人心、惟爾灼知、視其作爲、而加報施。

39 Then hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and forgive,5545 and do,6213 and give5414 to every man376 according3605 to his ways,1870 whose834 heart3824 you know;3045 (for you, even you only,905 know3045 the hearts3824 of all3605 the children1121 of men;120)

40 使其畢生畏懼於爾、在爾所錫列祖之地。

40 That they may fear3372 you all3605 the days3117 that they live2416 in the land127 which834 you gave5414 to our fathers.1

41 如有賓旅、不屬於以色列族、聞爾名譽、知爾大能巨力、自遠方來、

41 Moreover1571 concerning413 a stranger,5237 that is not of your people5971 Israel,3478 but comes935 out of a far7350 country776 for your name's8034 sake;4616

42 至於斯殿、祈求於爾、〔見上節〕

42 (For they shall hear8085 of your great1419 name,8034 and of your strong2389 hand,3027 and of your stretched5186 out arm;2220) when he shall come935 and pray6419 toward413 this2088 house;1004

43 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯聞厥祈、應其所求、使天下億兆、悉知爾名、畏懼於爾、與爾民以色列族無異、亦知我所建之殿、爲龥爾名之所。

43 Hear8085 you in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and do6213 according to all3605 that the stranger5237 calls7121 to you for: that all3605 people5971 of the earth776 may know3045 your name,8034 to fear3372 you, as do your people5971 Israel;3478 and that they may know3045 that this2088 house,1004 which834 I have built,1129 is called7121 by your name.8034

44 如爾國民、奉爾所遣、無論何適、與敵戰鬬時、向爾所簡之邑、及我所建之殿、爲龥爾名之所、祈禱耶和華、

44 If3588 your people5971 go3318 out to battle4421 against5921 their enemy,341 wherever1870 834 you shall send7971 them, and shall pray6419 to the LORD3068 toward1870 the city5892 which834 you have chosen,977 and toward the house1004 that I have built1129 for your name:8034

45 則爾在天、俯聞厥祈、使其獲勝。

45 Then hear8085 you in heaven8064 their prayer8605 and their supplication,8467 and maintain6213 their cause.4941

46 天下億兆、誰能無過、若爾民蹈於愆尤、干爾震怒、爾付之於敵、見虜於異邦、無論遠近、

46 If3588 they sin2398 against you, (for there is no369 man120 that sins2398 not,) and you be angry599 with them, and deliver5414 them to the enemy,341 so that they carry7617 them away7617 captives7617 to the land776 of the enemy,341 far7350 or176 near;7138

47 如在被虜之地、翻然易念、悔改前非、祈求於爾、自陳其過、以負咎戾、

47 Yet if they shall bethink7725 themselves in the land776 where834 8033 they were carried7617 captives,7617 and repent,7725 and make supplication2603 to you in the land776 of them that carried7617 them captives,7617 saying,559 We have sinned,2398 and have done perversely,5753 we have committed7561 wickedness;7561

48 一心一意、歸向乎爾、望爾所錫列祖之故土、及爾所簡之邑垣、與我所建之殿、爲龥名之所、祈求於爾、

48 And so return7725 to you with all3605 their heart,3824 and with all3605 their soul,5315 in the land776 of their enemies,341 which834 led them away7617 captive,7617 and pray6419 to you toward1870 their land,776 which834 you gave5414 to their fathers,1 the city5892 which834 you have chosen,977 and the house1004 which834 I have built1129 for your name:8034

49 則爾在天、居於明宮、俯聞厥祈、俾其得救。

49 Then hear8085 you their prayer8605 and their supplication8467 in heaven8064 your dwelling3427 place,4349 and maintain6213 their cause,4941

50 爾民犯罪於爾、爾其赦宥、使虜之者施其矜憫。

50 And forgive5545 your people5971 that have sinned2398 against you, and all3605 their transgressions6588 wherein834 they have transgressed6586 against you, and give5414 them compassion7356 before6440 them who carried7617 them captive,7617 that they may have compassion7355 on them:

51 蓋斯民原屬於爾、昔爾導之出埃及、脫於鐵爐、

51 For they be your people,5971 and your inheritance,5159 which834 you brought3318 forth3318 out of Egypt,4714 from the middle8432 of the furnace3564 of iron:1270

52 望爾眷顧爾僕、俯念以色列族所禱、無論所求、爾其允從。

52 That your eyes5869 may be open6605 to the supplication8467 of your servant,5650 and to the supplication8467 of your people5971 Israel,3478 to listen8085 to them in all3605 that they call7121 for to you.

53 上帝耶和華歟、爾導我列祖出於埃及、命爾僕摩西、在億兆中、區別斯民、爲爾所得。

53 For you did separate914 them from among all3605 the people5971 of the earth,776 to be your inheritance,5159 as you spoke1696 by the hand3027 of Moses4872 your servant,5650 when you brought3318 our fathers1 out of Egypt,4714 O LORD136 God.3069

54 所羅門跪耶和華壇前、向天舉手、祈禱旣畢、則起、

54 And it was so, that when Solomon8010 had made an end3615 of praying6419 all3605 this2063 prayer8605 and supplication8467 to the LORD,3068 he arose6965 from before6440 the altar4196 of the LORD,3068 from kneeling3766 on5921 his knees1290 with his hands3027 spread6566 up to heaven.8064

55 遂立於前、爲以色列族會衆、大聞祝嘏、

55 And he stood,5975 and blessed1288 all3605 the congregation6951 of Israel3478 with a loud1419 voice,6963 saying,559

56 曰、耶和華踐其前言、錫安於以色列族之民、當頌美焉。昔託厥僕摩西、許民福祉、迄今不廢其一言。

56 Blessed1288 be the LORD,3068 that has given5414 rest4496 to his people5971 Israel,3478 according to all3605 that he promised:1696 there has not failed5307 one259 word1697 of all3605 his good2896 promise,1697 which834 he promised1696 by the hand3027 of Moses4872 his servant.5650

57 願我上帝耶和華眷祐乎我、毋遺棄我、與祐列祖無異、

57 The LORD3068 our God430 be with us, as he was with our fathers:1 let him not leave5800 us, nor408 forsake5203 us:

58 使我心歸上帝、行從其道、守其所命列祖之禁令、禮儀法度。

58 That he may incline5186 our hearts3824 to him, to walk3212 in all3605 his ways,1870 and to keep8104 his commandments,4687 and his statutes,2706 and his judgments,4941 which834 he commanded6680 our fathers.1

59 願我上帝耶和華無問晝夜、垂念我祈禱之言、俾得恒救厥僕、及以色列族之民、無論何事、悉蒙其佑、

59 And let these428 my words,1697 with which834 I have made supplication2603 before6440 the LORD,3068 be near7126 to the LORD3068 our God430 day3119 and night,3915 that he maintain6213 the cause4941 of his servant,5650 and the cause4941 of his people5971 Israel3478 at all times,3117 as the matter1697 shall require:3117

60 使天下億兆皆知耶和華乃上帝、其外無他。

60 That all3605 the people5971 of the earth776 may know3045 that the LORD3068 is God,430 and that there is none369 else.5750

61 今爾有衆當誠心從我上帝耶和華、守其禮儀禁令、與今日無異。

61 Let your heart3824 therefore be perfect8003 with the LORD3068 our God,430 to walk3212 in his statutes,2706 and to keep8104 his commandments,4687 as at this2088 day.3117

62 王與以色列族衆、獻祭於耶和華前。

62 And the king,4428 and all3605 Israel3478 with him, offered2076 sacrifice2077 before6440 the LORD.3068

63 耶和華之殿告成、王與以色列衆、獻酬恩之祭、奉事耶和華、牛二萬二千、羊十二萬、

63 And Solomon8010 offered2076 a sacrifice2077 of peace8002 offerings, which834 he offered2076 to the LORD,3068 two8147 and twenty6242 thousand505 oxen,1241 and an hundred3967 and twenty6242 thousand505 sheep.6629 So the king4428 and all3605 the children1121 of Israel3478 dedicated2596 the house1004 of the LORD.3068

64 燔祭禮物、焚膏以酬恩、其數繁多、耶和華前銅壇甚小、不能臚陳、故以殿前中院爲聖院而獻之。

64 The same1931 day3117 did the king4428 hallow6942 the middle8432 of the court2691 that was before6440 the house1004 of the LORD3068: for there8033 he offered6213 burnt5930 offerings,4503 and meat offerings, and the fat2459 of the peace8002 offerings: because3588 the brazen5178 altar4196 that was before6440 the LORD3068 was too little6996 to receive3557 the burnt5930 offerings,4503 and meat offerings, and the fat2459 of the peace8002 offerings.

65 是時以色列族大衆、自哈末至埃及河、集於我上帝耶和華前、所羅門與民、同守節禮、歷至七日、又至七日、共十四日、

65 And at that time6256 Solomon8010 held6213 a feast,2282 and all3605 Israel3478 with him, a great1419 congregation,6951 from the entering935 in of Hamath2574 to the river5158 of Egypt,4714 before6440 the LORD3068 our God,430 seven7651 days3117 and seven7651 days,3117 even fourteen702 6246 days.3117

66 厥後遣民旋歸、去時感謝王恩、緣耶和華善待其僕大闢、及以色列族之民、故心歡意悅各歸其土。

66 On the eighth8066 day3117 he sent7971 the people5971 away: and they blessed1288 the king,4428 and went3212 to their tents168 joyful8056 and glad2896 of heart3824 for all3605 the goodness2896 that the LORD3068 had done6213 for David1732 his servant,5650 and for Israel3478 his people.5971
