

1 約百曰、

2 我有一言、請爾聽之、則我慰甚。

3 容我竟其詞、後加姍笑可也。

4 我不尤人、第中心自憤懣、有何不可。

5 爾惟是見我而愕然、以手掩口。

6 我追憶曩事、不禁觳觫戰慄。

7 爲惡之人、得保生命、而享遐齡、席豐履厚、

8 子孫享福猶及見之、

9 其家平康、無所畏懼、上帝不降以災、

10 其牛方字、而胎不殰、產犢而保其生。

11 嬰孩成羣、子女舞蹈、

12 播鼗鼓琴、蕭管悅耳。

13 其在世也、爲樂靡涯、其逝世也、患疾不久、

14 其平日對上帝曰、我不悅爾道、勿親我、

15 孰爲全能之主、事之何爲、求之何益。

16 爾曰、其福不長、我亦不爲惡人辨。

17 第惡人之燈見滅、其禍猝來、主赫怒加以困苦、果何時哉。

18 彼若飛蓬、轉於空際、彼若糠粃、散於颶風、又在何時、我未之見也。

19 爾曰、上帝降殃、罰及其嗣、我以爲何不使其身受之、

20 俾目擊禍患之至、親膺全能者之震怒。

21 若生命旣絕、家庭之事、已不及知矣。

22 矜高之人、爲上帝所鞫、其間孰能贊一詞乎。

23 斯世之人、或至死、豐盛平康、得享綏安。

24 胸膈脂充、百骸髓滿。

25 或至死、困苦盈懷、終不享福。

26 要皆長眠黃土、蚯蚓盤其上。

27 我知爾狡、欲以口給禦人。

28 爾曰、霸者之殿安在、惡人之宅烏存。

29 何不詢諸行路之人、以其言爲據、

30 其言曰、爲惡之人、亦蒙矜憫、死之日友朋送喪。

31 彼之所行、孰敢斥之、誰能報之。

32 羣送之墓、謹守其陵。

33 封植甚美、前呵後衛者、不可勝計。

34 爾之慰藉無益、爾之言語差謬。


Chapter 21

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 Listen diligently to my speech, and let this be your consolation.

3 Suffer me that I may speak; and after I have spoken, then mock on.

4 I will utter my complaint to men, why my spirit is distressed.

5 Return to me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth.

6 Even when I think of it, I tremble, and terror takes hold of my flesh.

7 Why do the ungodly live, and why are the mighty in power full of years?

8 Their descendants are established in their sight with them, and their children before their eyes.

9 Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them.

10 Their bull breeds, and fails not; their cow calves, and does not cast her calf.

11 Their children stand firm like a flock, and their boys dance.

12 They take the timbrels and harps, and rejoice at the sound of singing.

13 They spend their days in prosperity, and then suddenly go down to Sheol.

14 They say to God, Depart from us; for we do not desire to know thy ways.

15 Moreover, they say, Who is God, that we should serve him? And what would we gain, that we should pray to him?

16 Lo, they have no power over their prosperity; the counsel of the ungodly is far from me.

17 How often is it that the wicked are left without an heir! how often their destruction comes upon them! God distributes sorrows in his anger.

18 They are like straw before the wind, and like chaff that the storm carries away.

19 God reserves man's iniquity for his children; he pays it back to him, and he shall know it.

20 His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

21 For what pleasure has he in his house after him, when a portion of his years shall be reserved for his posterity?

22 Shall any teach God knowledge, seeing it is he who judges the proud?

23 One dies in his full strength, sound of body, being wholly confident, and at ease.

24 His body is full of fat, and his bones are filled with marrow.

25 And another dies in the bitterness of his soul, never having tasted prosperity.

26 They shall lie down in the dust, and the worms shall cover them.

27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which you wrongfully imagine against me.

28 For you say. Where is the house of the righteous? And where is the place in which the wicked has pitched his tent?

29 Have you not asked those who pass by the way? And do you not recognize their tokens?

30 For the evil man is reserved for the day of destruction, he shall be remembered in the day of wrath.

31 Who can show him the way? And who shall repay him for what he has done?

32 Yet he shall be brought to the grave, he is reserved for misfortune.

33 The depths of the valley shall swallow him, and many shall be drawn in after him, even as there are innumerable ahead of him.

34 How then can you comfort me in vain, seeing that your abominable answers are multiplied before me?




Chapter 21

1 約百曰、

1 THEN Job answered and said,

2 我有一言、請爾聽之、則我慰甚。

2 Listen diligently to my speech, and let this be your consolation.

3 容我竟其詞、後加姍笑可也。

3 Suffer me that I may speak; and after I have spoken, then mock on.

4 我不尤人、第中心自憤懣、有何不可。

4 I will utter my complaint to men, why my spirit is distressed.

5 爾惟是見我而愕然、以手掩口。

5 Return to me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth.

6 我追憶曩事、不禁觳觫戰慄。

6 Even when I think of it, I tremble, and terror takes hold of my flesh.

7 爲惡之人、得保生命、而享遐齡、席豐履厚、

7 Why do the ungodly live, and why are the mighty in power full of years?

8 子孫享福猶及見之、

8 Their descendants are established in their sight with them, and their children before their eyes.

9 其家平康、無所畏懼、上帝不降以災、

9 Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them.

10 其牛方字、而胎不殰、產犢而保其生。

10 Their bull breeds, and fails not; their cow calves, and does not cast her calf.

11 嬰孩成羣、子女舞蹈、

11 Their children stand firm like a flock, and their boys dance.

12 播鼗鼓琴、蕭管悅耳。

12 They take the timbrels and harps, and rejoice at the sound of singing.

13 其在世也、爲樂靡涯、其逝世也、患疾不久、

13 They spend their days in prosperity, and then suddenly go down to Sheol.

14 其平日對上帝曰、我不悅爾道、勿親我、

14 They say to God, Depart from us; for we do not desire to know thy ways.

15 孰爲全能之主、事之何爲、求之何益。

15 Moreover, they say, Who is God, that we should serve him? And what would we gain, that we should pray to him?

16 爾曰、其福不長、我亦不爲惡人辨。

16 Lo, they have no power over their prosperity; the counsel of the ungodly is far from me.

17 第惡人之燈見滅、其禍猝來、主赫怒加以困苦、果何時哉。

17 How often is it that the wicked are left without an heir! how often their destruction comes upon them! God distributes sorrows in his anger.

18 彼若飛蓬、轉於空際、彼若糠粃、散於颶風、又在何時、我未之見也。

18 They are like straw before the wind, and like chaff that the storm carries away.

19 爾曰、上帝降殃、罰及其嗣、我以爲何不使其身受之、

19 God reserves man's iniquity for his children; he pays it back to him, and he shall know it.

20 俾目擊禍患之至、親膺全能者之震怒。

20 His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

21 若生命旣絕、家庭之事、已不及知矣。

21 For what pleasure has he in his house after him, when a portion of his years shall be reserved for his posterity?

22 矜高之人、爲上帝所鞫、其間孰能贊一詞乎。

22 Shall any teach God knowledge, seeing it is he who judges the proud?

23 斯世之人、或至死、豐盛平康、得享綏安。

23 One dies in his full strength, sound of body, being wholly confident, and at ease.

24 胸膈脂充、百骸髓滿。

24 His body is full of fat, and his bones are filled with marrow.

25 或至死、困苦盈懷、終不享福。

25 And another dies in the bitterness of his soul, never having tasted prosperity.

26 要皆長眠黃土、蚯蚓盤其上。

26 They shall lie down in the dust, and the worms shall cover them.

27 我知爾狡、欲以口給禦人。

27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which you wrongfully imagine against me.

28 爾曰、霸者之殿安在、惡人之宅烏存。

28 For you say. Where is the house of the righteous? And where is the place in which the wicked has pitched his tent?

29 何不詢諸行路之人、以其言爲據、

29 Have you not asked those who pass by the way? And do you not recognize their tokens?

30 其言曰、爲惡之人、亦蒙矜憫、死之日友朋送喪。

30 For the evil man is reserved for the day of destruction, he shall be remembered in the day of wrath.

31 彼之所行、孰敢斥之、誰能報之。

31 Who can show him the way? And who shall repay him for what he has done?

32 羣送之墓、謹守其陵。

32 Yet he shall be brought to the grave, he is reserved for misfortune.

33 封植甚美、前呵後衛者、不可勝計。

33 The depths of the valley shall swallow him, and many shall be drawn in after him, even as there are innumerable ahead of him.

34 爾之慰藉無益、爾之言語差謬。

34 How then can you comfort me in vain, seeing that your abominable answers are multiplied before me?
