

1 全能之主、知無不周、旣定期罰惡、何不使善者見之。

2 惡者侵人畛域爲己有、攘人牲畜以爲食、

3 驅孤子之驢、以嫠婦之牛爲質、

4 遇貧乏者辟之於途、令無地可容、

5 惡者若驢、往彼曠野、以務操作、亟於求食、得諸平原、己及子女、藉以餬口。

6 在他人之田中、穫其五穀、在強者之園、摘其葡萄、

7 裸無衣而露宿、寒無衾以蔽體、

8 登山遇雨、棲身巖穴。

9 奪孤子於母懷、取窶人之衣以爲質、

10 使彼裸體從其後、枵腹負其禾、

11 歸至室渴甚、又使之醡油製酒。

12 俾困苦者歎息、傷心者呼籲、惡人橫逆如此、上帝不加以罪。

13 更有甚焉不喜光明之路、舍而弗由、

14 昧爽戮貧乏、夤夜劫貨財、

15 暮則行淫、自蔽其容、意謂人不得見。

16 穿窬於昏夜、匿迹於旦晝、不以昭昭爲樂、

17 視日之明、同於陰翳、暗昧之地、人之所慮、彼之所習。

18 彼若萍蹤、飄流靡定、有田不耕、有園不植。

19 亢陽酷暑、雪水漸消、惡者之入墓亦若是。

20 其逝世之易、如摧枯木、旣歸槁壤、蚯蚓嘬之、卽心腹之人、亦不之念、

21 當惡人存日、無子者遭其虐遇、無夫者受其摧折。

22 有能之人、不能與爭、其動人也、人之軀命難保、

23 上帝雖鑒察之、彼乃綏康、安於厥居。

24 勃然而興、不久逝世、與衆無異、譬諸田禾、旣稔而刈。

25 如曰不然、試與我辨、指我言之刺謬。


Chapter 24

1 WHY are the wicked not hidden from the presence of God, and why do those who know him never enjoy their days?

2 The wicked remove the landmarks; they violently take away a flock.

3 They seize the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge.

4 The wicked hide themselves beside the road, and the meek of the earth hide together.

5 Behold, like wild asses in the desert, they go forth early seeking food for their young ones.

6 They cut hay in a field which is not theirs; and they gather grapes from the vineyard of the wicked.

7 They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, and they have no covering in the cold.

8 They are wet with the showers of the mountains, and embrace the rock for want of shelter.

9 They take by force plunder of the fatherless, and they devour the poor.

10 They cause them to go naked without clothing, and they take away bread from the hungry,

11 Who are bent down under burdens during the reapers' banquets, and are hungry when they carry the large basket and the measure. At times they are hungry at the reapers' banquets; they tread the wine press, but they suffer thirst.

12 From the midst of the city the oppressed groan, and the souls of the wounded cry out; yet God does not accept their prayer.

13 They were in God's world; but they knew not his ways; nor did they walk in his paths.

14 The murderer arises at daylight, and kills the poor and needy, and in the night he is a thief.

15 The eyes also of the adulterer wait for the darkness, saying, No eye shall see me; and he disguises his face in the dark.

16 In darkness he breaks into houses which he has marked in the daytime. The wicked know not the light.

17 Therefore they sought for themselves the shadow of death, and have found it: yea, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.

18 They are swiftly carried away upon the face of the waters; their portion is cursed in the earth; they behold not the familiar way of the vineyards.

19 Drought and heat consume the snow waters; for they have sinned in Sheol.

20 They have gone astray from the womb; the worm shall suck them; after death they shall be remembered no more; and the wicked shall be broken like a piece of wood.

21 An evil barren woman shall never bear; they do not good to the widow.

22 The wealth of a man of power is sustained by his own strength; he does not depend on divine guidance.

23 Though he be granted safety, wherein he has confidence, yet his eyes are upon his own evil ways.

24 Such men are exalted for a little while, but soon are no more; yea, all the provokers shall be brought low and destroyed; they wither and are shaken out like the heads of grain.

25 And if it is not because of his anger, then who will make me a liar, and make my speech worth nothing before God?




Chapter 24

1 全能之主、知無不周、旣定期罰惡、何不使善者見之。

1 WHY are the wicked not hidden from the presence of God, and why do those who know him never enjoy their days?

2 惡者侵人畛域爲己有、攘人牲畜以爲食、

2 The wicked remove the landmarks; they violently take away a flock.

3 驅孤子之驢、以嫠婦之牛爲質、

3 They seize the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge.

4 遇貧乏者辟之於途、令無地可容、

4 The wicked hide themselves beside the road, and the meek of the earth hide together.

5 惡者若驢、往彼曠野、以務操作、亟於求食、得諸平原、己及子女、藉以餬口。

5 Behold, like wild asses in the desert, they go forth early seeking food for their young ones.

6 在他人之田中、穫其五穀、在強者之園、摘其葡萄、

6 They cut hay in a field which is not theirs; and they gather grapes from the vineyard of the wicked.

7 裸無衣而露宿、寒無衾以蔽體、

7 They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, and they have no covering in the cold.

8 登山遇雨、棲身巖穴。

8 They are wet with the showers of the mountains, and embrace the rock for want of shelter.

9 奪孤子於母懷、取窶人之衣以爲質、

9 They take by force plunder of the fatherless, and they devour the poor.

10 使彼裸體從其後、枵腹負其禾、

10 They cause them to go naked without clothing, and they take away bread from the hungry,

11 歸至室渴甚、又使之醡油製酒。

11 Who are bent down under burdens during the reapers' banquets, and are hungry when they carry the large basket and the measure. At times they are hungry at the reapers' banquets; they tread the wine press, but they suffer thirst.

12 俾困苦者歎息、傷心者呼籲、惡人橫逆如此、上帝不加以罪。

12 From the midst of the city the oppressed groan, and the souls of the wounded cry out; yet God does not accept their prayer.

13 更有甚焉不喜光明之路、舍而弗由、

13 They were in God's world; but they knew not his ways; nor did they walk in his paths.

14 昧爽戮貧乏、夤夜劫貨財、

14 The murderer arises at daylight, and kills the poor and needy, and in the night he is a thief.

15 暮則行淫、自蔽其容、意謂人不得見。

15 The eyes also of the adulterer wait for the darkness, saying, No eye shall see me; and he disguises his face in the dark.

16 穿窬於昏夜、匿迹於旦晝、不以昭昭爲樂、

16 In darkness he breaks into houses which he has marked in the daytime. The wicked know not the light.

17 視日之明、同於陰翳、暗昧之地、人之所慮、彼之所習。

17 Therefore they sought for themselves the shadow of death, and have found it: yea, they are in the terrors of the shadow of death.

18 彼若萍蹤、飄流靡定、有田不耕、有園不植。

18 They are swiftly carried away upon the face of the waters; their portion is cursed in the earth; they behold not the familiar way of the vineyards.

19 亢陽酷暑、雪水漸消、惡者之入墓亦若是。

19 Drought and heat consume the snow waters; for they have sinned in Sheol.

20 其逝世之易、如摧枯木、旣歸槁壤、蚯蚓嘬之、卽心腹之人、亦不之念、

20 They have gone astray from the womb; the worm shall suck them; after death they shall be remembered no more; and the wicked shall be broken like a piece of wood.

21 當惡人存日、無子者遭其虐遇、無夫者受其摧折。

21 An evil barren woman shall never bear; they do not good to the widow.

22 有能之人、不能與爭、其動人也、人之軀命難保、

22 The wealth of a man of power is sustained by his own strength; he does not depend on divine guidance.

23 上帝雖鑒察之、彼乃綏康、安於厥居。

23 Though he be granted safety, wherein he has confidence, yet his eyes are upon his own evil ways.

24 勃然而興、不久逝世、與衆無異、譬諸田禾、旣稔而刈。

24 Such men are exalted for a little while, but soon are no more; yea, all the provokers shall be brought low and destroyed; they wither and are shaken out like the heads of grain.

25 如曰不然、試與我辨、指我言之刺謬。

25 And if it is not because of his anger, then who will make me a liar, and make my speech worth nothing before God?
