

1 伊昔民間有僞先知、如爾中將有僞師、私傳異端以害人、主贖之、而彼拒之、自速其辜、

2 衆見有人聽從其妄、因而訕謗眞道、

3 彼取人財、以巧言鬻爾、上帝預定、不久必鞫之、使彼速沉淪、

4 維習天使陷罪、上帝不赦、拘攣於暗府、幽囚於狴犴、以待審判、

5 先古之世、其俗澆漓、爲上帝所責、災以洪水、惟傳道義之挪亞、曁其眷聚八人得救、

6 所多馬蛾摩拉二邑、上帝擬定其罪而滅之、變爲瓦礫、以警後世之惡者、

7 惟義士羅得以黨惡邪僻爲深憂、故上帝就之、

8 蓋義者與彼同處、見其敗亂矩矱、無日不憂、

9 惟主救敬虔之人、免於患難、而留不義者、待鞫日受刑、

10 至於縱情欲、逞邪行、藐視執政、驕泰偏執、讟尊者而不畏、必重遭譴責、

11 明道之天使、較陷罪之使者、能力殊大、然尚不敢於主前加以詬誶、

12 禽獸無知、爲人獲而屠、偽師如之、訕謗其所不知、必受惡報而沉淪、

13 彼於白晝、樂宴樂、詭道謀食、在爾筵中、爲瑕爲垢、

14 所視無非惡色、獲罪不已、厥必常貪、信道不篤者、爲其所惑、如此之人、可以咒詛、

15 離正道而迷罔、從破朔子巴蘭之行、巴蘭貪不義之利、

16 爲惡見責、有驢作人言、禁先知巴蘭之狂妄、

17 偽師猶枯井、若浮雲、爲狂風所飄、必遭幽暗、永世無盡、

18 素有不爲乖謬所囿者、今爲僞師矜誇、虛誕縱欲、邪侈所惑、

19 勝我者、吾爲之奴、僞師從惡、則亦爲惡之奴、反以自由許弟子、

20 如有人知就主耶穌基督道、不爲污世所囿、復因憧擾而受陷、則其人之後患、較先時尤劇、

21 卽識道矣、尤棄所受之聖命、孰若不識道義之爲美、

22 然論此人、正如諺云、犬轉食其所吐、豕卽潔、復淖於污泥之中、

2 Peter

Chapter 2

1 BUT there were false prophets also among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the LORD who has redeemed them, and thus bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

2 Many will follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness, they will exploit you with feigned words: whose judgment from the very beginning has not ceased and their damnation is always active.

4 God did not spare the angels, who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for tormenting judgment;

5 And did not spare the old world, but saved Noah the preacher of righteousness, with his family, eight in all, when he brought the flood upon the wicked people;

6 And set afire the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and condemned them with an upheaval, making them an example to those who hereafter should live ungodly;

7 And delivered righteous Lot, mortified by the filthy conduct of the lawless:

8 For while that pious man dwelt among them, in seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds, his righteous soul was vexed from day to day.

9 The LORD knows how to deliver from distress those who revere him, and he will reserve the wicked to be punished at the judgment day.

10 And especially will he punish those who follow after filthy lusts of the flesh, and have no respect for authority. Arrogant and selfwilled are they who do not tremble when they blaspheme against the glory;

11 Whereas angels who are greater in power and might do not bring upon themselves the condemnation of blasphemy.

12 But these men, as natural brute beasts, made for slaughter and destruction, speak evil of the things which they do not understand; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

13 And shall receive the reward of iniquity as they consider it a delightful thing to revel in the daytime. Spots and blemishes have they who sport themselves with their own deceivings as they feast in idleness;

14 And have eyes full of adultery, and of sin that does not cease: beguiling, unstable souls are they whose hearts are well versed in covetousness: accursed sons are they.

15 Who have forsaken the right way and are gone astray, following the way of Ba'laam, the son of Be-or, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

16 But who was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb ass, speaking with man's voice, halted the folly of the prophet.

17 These men are springs without water, as clouds that are carried with a tempest; the mist of darkness is reserved to them forever.

18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the sensual lusts of the flesh; but there are those who flee at a word of warning from those who live in error.

19 They, while they promise liberty, themselves are the slaves of corruption: for a man is overcome by whatever it is that enslaves him.

20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through knowledge of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled by these very things, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

21 Verily it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment that was delivered to them.

22 It will come to pass with them according to the true proverb, The dog returns to his own vomit, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.



2 Peter

Chapter 2

1 伊昔民間有僞先知、如爾中將有僞師、私傳異端以害人、主贖之、而彼拒之、自速其辜、

1 BUT there were false prophets also among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the LORD who has redeemed them, and thus bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

2 衆見有人聽從其妄、因而訕謗眞道、

2 Many will follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

3 彼取人財、以巧言鬻爾、上帝預定、不久必鞫之、使彼速沉淪、

3 And through covetousness, they will exploit you with feigned words: whose judgment from the very beginning has not ceased and their damnation is always active.

4 維習天使陷罪、上帝不赦、拘攣於暗府、幽囚於狴犴、以待審判、

4 God did not spare the angels, who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for tormenting judgment;

5 先古之世、其俗澆漓、爲上帝所責、災以洪水、惟傳道義之挪亞、曁其眷聚八人得救、

5 And did not spare the old world, but saved Noah the preacher of righteousness, with his family, eight in all, when he brought the flood upon the wicked people;

6 所多馬蛾摩拉二邑、上帝擬定其罪而滅之、變爲瓦礫、以警後世之惡者、

6 And set afire the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and condemned them with an upheaval, making them an example to those who hereafter should live ungodly;

7 惟義士羅得以黨惡邪僻爲深憂、故上帝就之、

7 And delivered righteous Lot, mortified by the filthy conduct of the lawless:

8 蓋義者與彼同處、見其敗亂矩矱、無日不憂、

8 For while that pious man dwelt among them, in seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds, his righteous soul was vexed from day to day.

9 惟主救敬虔之人、免於患難、而留不義者、待鞫日受刑、

9 The LORD knows how to deliver from distress those who revere him, and he will reserve the wicked to be punished at the judgment day.

10 至於縱情欲、逞邪行、藐視執政、驕泰偏執、讟尊者而不畏、必重遭譴責、

10 And especially will he punish those who follow after filthy lusts of the flesh, and have no respect for authority. Arrogant and selfwilled are they who do not tremble when they blaspheme against the glory;

11 明道之天使、較陷罪之使者、能力殊大、然尚不敢於主前加以詬誶、

11 Whereas angels who are greater in power and might do not bring upon themselves the condemnation of blasphemy.

12 禽獸無知、爲人獲而屠、偽師如之、訕謗其所不知、必受惡報而沉淪、

12 But these men, as natural brute beasts, made for slaughter and destruction, speak evil of the things which they do not understand; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

13 彼於白晝、樂宴樂、詭道謀食、在爾筵中、爲瑕爲垢、

13 And shall receive the reward of iniquity as they consider it a delightful thing to revel in the daytime. Spots and blemishes have they who sport themselves with their own deceivings as they feast in idleness;

14 所視無非惡色、獲罪不已、厥必常貪、信道不篤者、爲其所惑、如此之人、可以咒詛、

14 And have eyes full of adultery, and of sin that does not cease: beguiling, unstable souls are they whose hearts are well versed in covetousness: accursed sons are they.

15 離正道而迷罔、從破朔子巴蘭之行、巴蘭貪不義之利、

15 Who have forsaken the right way and are gone astray, following the way of Ba'laam, the son of Be-or, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;

16 爲惡見責、有驢作人言、禁先知巴蘭之狂妄、

16 But who was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb ass, speaking with man's voice, halted the folly of the prophet.

17 偽師猶枯井、若浮雲、爲狂風所飄、必遭幽暗、永世無盡、

17 These men are springs without water, as clouds that are carried with a tempest; the mist of darkness is reserved to them forever.

18 素有不爲乖謬所囿者、今爲僞師矜誇、虛誕縱欲、邪侈所惑、

18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the sensual lusts of the flesh; but there are those who flee at a word of warning from those who live in error.

19 勝我者、吾爲之奴、僞師從惡、則亦爲惡之奴、反以自由許弟子、

19 They, while they promise liberty, themselves are the slaves of corruption: for a man is overcome by whatever it is that enslaves him.

20 如有人知就主耶穌基督道、不爲污世所囿、復因憧擾而受陷、則其人之後患、較先時尤劇、

20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through knowledge of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled by these very things, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

21 卽識道矣、尤棄所受之聖命、孰若不識道義之爲美、

21 Verily it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment that was delivered to them.

22 然論此人、正如諺云、犬轉食其所吐、豕卽潔、復淖於污泥之中、

22 It will come to pass with them according to the true proverb, The dog returns to his own vomit, and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
