

1 圖謀事理、則在乎人、聽其祈求、則在耶和華。

2 人之所爲、自視爲善、惟耶和華鑒察其心。

3 凡事託耶和華、則因應咸宜。

4 耶和華所爲、悉隨其旨、惡者屆期、刑譴必加。

5 驕泰之人、耶和華所疾、罰及子孫、

6 上帝施恩、蓋人愆尤、以踐前言、凡畏耶和華者、當滌除其惡。

7 有人焉、耶和華悅其所爲、必使仇敵皆與之和。

8 非義之利、得之雖多、不若當得之物、雖寡亦善。

9 謀事在乎人、成事在乎耶和華。

10 民視王言若天言、聽訟之時、不可差謬。

11 耶和華制權量法度、無不至公。

12 國位以義而立、故王不可行非義。

13 行正直、言誠慤、王所當悅。

14 王一怒必加殺戮、故智者宜求息怒焉。

15 見王色霽、則知生命之可望、猶春雲油然、時雨將降。

16 獲智慧、愈於得金銀。

17 行義之人、遠乎諸惡、守道之士、保其生命。

18 心驕志肆、終必隕越。

19 與驕者分其所得、不如與識者卑以自牧。

20 慎其所行、必獲亨通、惟耶和華是恃、必納福祉。

21 明心所以言慧、巽言可以輔人。

22 智者所得、生命之泉、愚者所聽、暗昧之詞。

23 心具智慧、則所言足以訓人。

24 良言若蜜、旣甘且益。

25 有自以其道爲是者、不知其終歸於敗亡。

26 人之勤勞、爲口腹計而已。

27 惡人謀不軌、口若燃火。

28 頑嚚者啟人爭競之端、讒間者離人心腹之交。

29 惡人誘鄰里爲不善、

30 彼將作惡、皺眉以運謀、切齒而決計。

31 皓然白首、尚行仁義、猶顯榮之冠冕。

32 怒不遽發者、愈於武夫、能服其心者、愈於取城。

33 掣籤在人、定事在耶和華。


Chapter 16

1 THE reasoning of the mind is from man; but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.

2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD directs his way.

3 Commit your works to the LORD, and he will establish your thoughts.

4 All the works of the LORD are for those who will hearken to him; but the wicked are reserved for the day of calamity.

5 Every one who is proud in his heart is an abomination to the LORD; and he who stretches out his hand against his neighbor shall not be pardoned because of this evil.

6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged; and reverence of the LORD causes men to depart from evil.

7 When a man's ways are according to the will of the LORD, even to his enemies he shall recompense.

8 Better is a little with righteousness than great ingathering acquired unjustly.

9 A man's heart devises his ways; but the LORD directs his steps.

10 Oracles are on the lips of the king; his mouth does not err in judgment.

11 The weight of a just balance is the LORD'S judgment; all his works are just weights.

12 Kings who commit wickedness are an abomination; for a throne is established by righteousness.

13 The lips of a righteous man are the delight of a king; and he loves the word of the upright.

14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death; but a wise man will pacify it.

15 In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favor is like a cloud of the early rain.

16 To get wisdom is much better than gold; and to get understanding is better than silver.

17 The path of the upright causes one to turn away from evil; he who is careful of his soul safeguards his way.

18 Disgrace goes before destruction, and pride before misfortune.

19 It is better to be humble and lowly in pride than he who divides spoil with the mighty.

20 He who understands a command shall find good; who trusts in the LORD, happy is he!

21 The wise in heart is a man of discernment; and he whose speech is sweet increases learning.

22 Understanding is a spring of life to those who have it; but the instruction of the fools is folly.

23 The heart of the wise understands the speech of his mouth and adds learning to his lips.

24 The speech of a wise man is like honeycomb, sweet to his soul, and health to his bones.

25 There is a way that seems right in the eyes of men, but the paths thereof are the paths of death.

26 A sorrowful person grieves himself; from his own mouth comes his destruction.

27 An ungodly man devises evil; out of his mouth issues a burning fire.

28 A wicked man threatens justice and persecutes his neighbor without cause.

29 A wicked man entices his neighbor and leads him into the way that is not good.

30 He winks his eyes and devises corrupt things; he purposes with his lips and accomplishes mischief.

31 The hoary head is a crown of glory and is exalted in the way of righteousness.

32 He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he who conquers himself than he who takes a city.

33 The evil of the vicious falls into his own bosom; and his judgment proceeds from before the LORD.




Chapter 16

1 圖謀事理、則在乎人、聽其祈求、則在耶和華。

1 THE reasoning of the mind is from man; but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.

2 人之所爲、自視爲善、惟耶和華鑒察其心。

2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD directs his way.

3 凡事託耶和華、則因應咸宜。

3 Commit your works to the LORD, and he will establish your thoughts.

4 耶和華所爲、悉隨其旨、惡者屆期、刑譴必加。

4 All the works of the LORD are for those who will hearken to him; but the wicked are reserved for the day of calamity.

5 驕泰之人、耶和華所疾、罰及子孫、

5 Every one who is proud in his heart is an abomination to the LORD; and he who stretches out his hand against his neighbor shall not be pardoned because of this evil.

6 上帝施恩、蓋人愆尤、以踐前言、凡畏耶和華者、當滌除其惡。

6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged; and reverence of the LORD causes men to depart from evil.

7 有人焉、耶和華悅其所爲、必使仇敵皆與之和。

7 When a man's ways are according to the will of the LORD, even to his enemies he shall recompense.

8 非義之利、得之雖多、不若當得之物、雖寡亦善。

8 Better is a little with righteousness than great ingathering acquired unjustly.

9 謀事在乎人、成事在乎耶和華。

9 A man's heart devises his ways; but the LORD directs his steps.

10 民視王言若天言、聽訟之時、不可差謬。

10 Oracles are on the lips of the king; his mouth does not err in judgment.

11 耶和華制權量法度、無不至公。

11 The weight of a just balance is the LORD'S judgment; all his works are just weights.

12 國位以義而立、故王不可行非義。

12 Kings who commit wickedness are an abomination; for a throne is established by righteousness.

13 行正直、言誠慤、王所當悅。

13 The lips of a righteous man are the delight of a king; and he loves the word of the upright.

14 王一怒必加殺戮、故智者宜求息怒焉。

14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death; but a wise man will pacify it.

15 見王色霽、則知生命之可望、猶春雲油然、時雨將降。

15 In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favor is like a cloud of the early rain.

16 獲智慧、愈於得金銀。

16 To get wisdom is much better than gold; and to get understanding is better than silver.

17 行義之人、遠乎諸惡、守道之士、保其生命。

17 The path of the upright causes one to turn away from evil; he who is careful of his soul safeguards his way.

18 心驕志肆、終必隕越。

18 Disgrace goes before destruction, and pride before misfortune.

19 與驕者分其所得、不如與識者卑以自牧。

19 It is better to be humble and lowly in pride than he who divides spoil with the mighty.

20 慎其所行、必獲亨通、惟耶和華是恃、必納福祉。

20 He who understands a command shall find good; who trusts in the LORD, happy is he!

21 明心所以言慧、巽言可以輔人。

21 The wise in heart is a man of discernment; and he whose speech is sweet increases learning.

22 智者所得、生命之泉、愚者所聽、暗昧之詞。

22 Understanding is a spring of life to those who have it; but the instruction of the fools is folly.

23 心具智慧、則所言足以訓人。

23 The heart of the wise understands the speech of his mouth and adds learning to his lips.

24 良言若蜜、旣甘且益。

24 The speech of a wise man is like honeycomb, sweet to his soul, and health to his bones.

25 有自以其道爲是者、不知其終歸於敗亡。

25 There is a way that seems right in the eyes of men, but the paths thereof are the paths of death.

26 人之勤勞、爲口腹計而已。

26 A sorrowful person grieves himself; from his own mouth comes his destruction.

27 惡人謀不軌、口若燃火。

27 An ungodly man devises evil; out of his mouth issues a burning fire.

28 頑嚚者啟人爭競之端、讒間者離人心腹之交。

28 A wicked man threatens justice and persecutes his neighbor without cause.

29 惡人誘鄰里爲不善、

29 A wicked man entices his neighbor and leads him into the way that is not good.

30 彼將作惡、皺眉以運謀、切齒而決計。

30 He winks his eyes and devises corrupt things; he purposes with his lips and accomplishes mischief.

31 皓然白首、尚行仁義、猶顯榮之冠冕。

31 The hoary head is a crown of glory and is exalted in the way of righteousness.

32 怒不遽發者、愈於武夫、能服其心者、愈於取城。

32 He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he who conquers himself than he who takes a city.

33 掣籤在人、定事在耶和華。

33 The evil of the vicious falls into his own bosom; and his judgment proceeds from before the LORD.
