

1 赴長者席、必敬必戒。

2 有如飲劍、毋饕餮。

3 毋貪佳肴、勿戀甘餌。

4 毋圖富有、靡恃己長。

5 毋注目浮榮、蓋貨財之去、速如鷹飛、鼓翼而沖天。

6 宴友而睚眦、勿與共食、貪其珍錯。

7 外導飲而內慳吝、口則是而心則非。

8 爾雖食少必復哇、爾雖言謝亦何裨。

9 維彼愚人、毋語以微妙、恐其藐視爾道。

10 鄰里界址前人所定、毋行遷徙、孤子田畝、毋行侵奪。

11 蓋全能之主必報厥仇、必伸厥寃。

12 專心學道、傾耳以聽。

13 髫齡必受督責、杖之則身不歸死地、魂不墮陰府。

14 併於上節

15 爾小子、如爾心睿智、我心悅懌。

16 爾口言善、我衷歡樂。

17 惡人雖居顯要、勿懷不平、惟終日畏耶和華。

18 迨其終也、必不爽其報施、必不絕爾所望。

19 爾小子、聽我言而得智、守本心而遵道。

20 蕩檢者勿交、沉湎者勿友、

21 蓋饕餮甘酒必致貧、思寢之人必衣敝。

22 父母生爾、雖至老邁、宜聽勿棄。

23 宜求智慧、服膺眞理。

24 生子善且智、父必欣喜、母亦歡樂。

25 併於上節

26 爾小子、心歸乎我、目注乎道。

27 妓女猶深坑、淫婦若陷阱、

28 隨在匿迹以誘人、使蹈罪愆。

29 誰遭禍患、誰起爭競、誰搆怨尤、誰目赤身傷、出於無因、

30 惟耽麯蘖、嘗旨酒、調劑甚厚者、則若是。

31 勿以觀酒爲樂、其色貴朱、入爵則沸、依法而流。

32 不知其終、酒傷若蛇、其毒若蝮、

33 旣沈湎於酒、則目注淫婦、心思邪僻。

34 其危也、若揠息海中、高枕桅上。

35 勿自謂受擊而不傷、醉爲無害、醒而再飲。


Chapter 23

1 WHEN you sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is set before you,

2 That you may not put poison in your mouth. And if you are a man given to excessive appetite,

3 Be not desirous of his food; for his bread is bread of deceit.

4 Do not quarrel with a rich man; but keep away from him wisely.

5 For if you should fix your eye on him, you cannot see him; for he makes for himself wings like an eagle and flies away toward the sky.

6 Do not eat with a hypocrite, neither desire his food;

7 For he is like him that swallows pitch; in like manner you will eat and drink with him, but his heart is not with you.

8 The morsel which you have eaten you will vomit up, and you will lose your sweet words.

9 Do not speak in the presence of a fool; for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

10 Do not remove the old landmark; nor enter into the field of the fatherless;

11 For their saviour is mighty; he will plead their cause with you.

12 Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge.

13 Do not withhold chastisement from a child; for if you beat him, he will not die.

14 For when you beat him with the rod, you will deliver his soul from Sheol.

15 My son, if your heart be wise, my heart also will rejoice.

16 Yea, my heart shall rejoice, when your lips speak right things.

17 Let not your heart envy sinners; but revere the LORD all the day long.

18 For surely you will have a future; and your hope shall not be cut off.

19 Hear, my son, and be wise, and fasten my counsel in your heart.

20 Be not drunk with wine; and be not a gluttonous eater of meat:

21 For the drunkard and the gluttonous shall come to poverty; and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

22 Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

23 Buy the truth, and do not sell wisdom; also buy understanding and instruction.

24 The father of a righteous man shall greatly rejoice; and he who begets a wise child shall be glad.

25 Your father and your mother shall rejoice in you; and the one who bore you shall be happy.

26 My son. give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.

27 For a harlot is a deep pit; and a strange woman is a narrow well.

28 She destroys men suddenly, and increases iniquity among men.

29 Who has woe? Who has trouble? Who has contentions? Who has hardships? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes?

30 Those who tarry long over the wine; and who search for a place of drinking. Be not drunken with wine, but converse with righteous men; walk and talk with them.

31 Do not look on the wine when it is red in the cup, but meditate on righteousness.

32 For at the last it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder.

33 When your eyes behold a strange woman, then your heart shall utter perverse things.

34 Yea, you shall be as he who lies down in the midst of the sea, or as a sailor in a tempest.

35 They have beaten me, you shall say, but I did not suffer, they have mocked me, but I did not know it; when I shall awake sober, I will go and seek it yet again.




Chapter 23

1 赴長者席、必敬必戒。

1 WHEN you sit to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is set before you,

2 有如飲劍、毋饕餮。

2 That you may not put poison in your mouth. And if you are a man given to excessive appetite,

3 毋貪佳肴、勿戀甘餌。

3 Be not desirous of his food; for his bread is bread of deceit.

4 毋圖富有、靡恃己長。

4 Do not quarrel with a rich man; but keep away from him wisely.

5 毋注目浮榮、蓋貨財之去、速如鷹飛、鼓翼而沖天。

5 For if you should fix your eye on him, you cannot see him; for he makes for himself wings like an eagle and flies away toward the sky.

6 宴友而睚眦、勿與共食、貪其珍錯。

6 Do not eat with a hypocrite, neither desire his food;

7 外導飲而內慳吝、口則是而心則非。

7 For he is like him that swallows pitch; in like manner you will eat and drink with him, but his heart is not with you.

8 爾雖食少必復哇、爾雖言謝亦何裨。

8 The morsel which you have eaten you will vomit up, and you will lose your sweet words.

9 維彼愚人、毋語以微妙、恐其藐視爾道。

9 Do not speak in the presence of a fool; for he will despise the wisdom of your words.

10 鄰里界址前人所定、毋行遷徙、孤子田畝、毋行侵奪。

10 Do not remove the old landmark; nor enter into the field of the fatherless;

11 蓋全能之主必報厥仇、必伸厥寃。

11 For their saviour is mighty; he will plead their cause with you.

12 專心學道、傾耳以聽。

12 Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge.

13 髫齡必受督責、杖之則身不歸死地、魂不墮陰府。

13 Do not withhold chastisement from a child; for if you beat him, he will not die.

14 併於上節

14 For when you beat him with the rod, you will deliver his soul from Sheol.

15 爾小子、如爾心睿智、我心悅懌。

15 My son, if your heart be wise, my heart also will rejoice.

16 爾口言善、我衷歡樂。

16 Yea, my heart shall rejoice, when your lips speak right things.

17 惡人雖居顯要、勿懷不平、惟終日畏耶和華。

17 Let not your heart envy sinners; but revere the LORD all the day long.

18 迨其終也、必不爽其報施、必不絕爾所望。

18 For surely you will have a future; and your hope shall not be cut off.

19 爾小子、聽我言而得智、守本心而遵道。

19 Hear, my son, and be wise, and fasten my counsel in your heart.

20 蕩檢者勿交、沉湎者勿友、

20 Be not drunk with wine; and be not a gluttonous eater of meat:

21 蓋饕餮甘酒必致貧、思寢之人必衣敝。

21 For the drunkard and the gluttonous shall come to poverty; and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

22 父母生爾、雖至老邁、宜聽勿棄。

22 Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

23 宜求智慧、服膺眞理。

23 Buy the truth, and do not sell wisdom; also buy understanding and instruction.

24 生子善且智、父必欣喜、母亦歡樂。

24 The father of a righteous man shall greatly rejoice; and he who begets a wise child shall be glad.

25 併於上節

25 Your father and your mother shall rejoice in you; and the one who bore you shall be happy.

26 爾小子、心歸乎我、目注乎道。

26 My son. give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.

27 妓女猶深坑、淫婦若陷阱、

27 For a harlot is a deep pit; and a strange woman is a narrow well.

28 隨在匿迹以誘人、使蹈罪愆。

28 She destroys men suddenly, and increases iniquity among men.

29 誰遭禍患、誰起爭競、誰搆怨尤、誰目赤身傷、出於無因、

29 Who has woe? Who has trouble? Who has contentions? Who has hardships? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes?

30 惟耽麯蘖、嘗旨酒、調劑甚厚者、則若是。

30 Those who tarry long over the wine; and who search for a place of drinking. Be not drunken with wine, but converse with righteous men; walk and talk with them.

31 勿以觀酒爲樂、其色貴朱、入爵則沸、依法而流。

31 Do not look on the wine when it is red in the cup, but meditate on righteousness.

32 不知其終、酒傷若蛇、其毒若蝮、

32 For at the last it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder.

33 旣沈湎於酒、則目注淫婦、心思邪僻。

33 When your eyes behold a strange woman, then your heart shall utter perverse things.

34 其危也、若揠息海中、高枕桅上。

34 Yea, you shall be as he who lies down in the midst of the sea, or as a sailor in a tempest.

35 勿自謂受擊而不傷、醉爲無害、醒而再飲。

35 They have beaten me, you shall say, but I did not suffer, they have mocked me, but I did not know it; when I shall awake sober, I will go and seek it yet again.
